fxiryivy · 4 years
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“alright, wise one,” he joked, happily taking the spare bottle from her. it was true, though – so many things could change in a matter of months, while others simply withstood the test of time and remained the same. with so many of coston’s residents returning all at once, it was tough to keep up. “that has to be a joke. there’s no way that’s the only thing you’re drinking tonight.” noah added with a shake of his head, opening the bottle and taking a swig from it. “once those are over, you’re taking a bottle from someone else. i don’t care if i have to pay them twice as much of what it cost them. maybe something harder?” 
She simply rolled her eyes. She wasn’t surprised that Noah was against her drinking choices and any other time, she would’ve agreed with him. But with her lack of sleep, Ivy didn’t trust herself to drink so much that she could lose herself. But he didn’t need to know, no one did. “Don’t want to get too bad, I have Sully with me.” Sully wagged his tail at his name, running back to Ivy and laying across her lap. “I can’t let him see me drunk, he’s basically my kid. I have to be good in front of him.”
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fxiryivy · 4 years
      ˣ    open starter     ››
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ARLO DOESN’T USUALLY DRINK— in fact , he usually says he doesn’t drink at all. a white lie. just a little one. he doesn’t drink drink. not like the long line of alcoholics before him. but he’ll have a beer , on occasion. particularly when kai or denny or river are around to shove a fresh-from-the-cooler bottle against his chest with a pat on his cheek ; their grins just slightly different versions of a matching set. 
so , he doesn’t usually drink… but tonight he’s having a beer and it feels like a shard of ice in his bare hand so he sets it down on the sand next to him and he leans back against the old fallen log behind him. he’d come with friends but , as was usual of them , they’d managed to drift off in separate directions. it’s an easy thing to do , in the early summer , surrounded by a crowd of faces ; some familiar , some new , most of them drunk. arlo figures they’ll come back eventually and , if not , well ; he’d probably start hearing his name in the sound of the waves crashing off in the distance and have to go get his board. 
for now, though, he’s content to sit and watch the party ; occasionally lifting his beer to take a sip before setting it back down on the sand. in fact , he’s able to fall into a comfortable rhythm , watching the fire pop and hiss while sipping his drink. it’s almost peaceful.
but arlo knows peace never lasts too long , not in coston.
when someone sits down next to him , he turns to look ; almost frowning , but not quite. ❝ that spot’s taken. ❞ 
“You’re going to tell a dog that he can’t sit next to you? Interesting.”
Sully was always so excited to see other people and loved being around them, as to why Ivy brought her golden retriever to the bonfire. And because of his energetic nature, he was also the type to jump on someone. Which resulted in the dog to take the spot next to him, tongue hanging out and eyes full of love. Ivy, on the other hand, held a blank stare as she looked down on the two sitting. “He just wants to say hi to someone, that’s all. But I can take him elsewhere so that he’s not bothering you.”
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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if  it  were  up  to  aiden  ,  the  bonfire  would  be  exclusive  to  pogues  ,  maybe  allowing  entrance  to  summer  visitors  ,  since  many  of  them  tended  to  be  attractive  &  entertaining  .  for  this  year’s  bonfire  ,  she  hadn’t  made  much  of  an  attempt  to  dress  up  ,  clad  in  an  oversized  hoodie  ,  ripped  denim  shorts  ,  &  the  scuffed  vans  (  her  only  pair  of  shoes  )  ,  hair  still  tangled  &  salted  from  her  day  spent  in  the  surf  .  she’d  already  had  a  few  beers  ,  &  was  looking  for  a  location  she  could  cop  a  squat  ,  having  long  been  distrustful  of  the  outhouse  near  the  beach  after  it  was  rumored  snakes  lived  in  the  depths  .  handing  her  half - empty  cup  to  a  friend  ,  aiden  wandered  off  ,  though  she  didn’t  get  very  far  as  a  dog  startled  her  by  barking  &  running  towards  her  .  “  nah  ,  i’m  good  ,  ”  she  said  ,  noticing  who  was  speaking  .  she  was  a  dog  person  through  &  through  ,  having  taken  in  a  few  dogs  she  knew  were  strays  herself  ,  but  the  dog  was  persistent  ,  so  aiden  naturally  crouched  to  give  the  dog  a  few  scratches  .  “  party’s  that  way  ,  y’know  ,  ”  she  told  the  other  ,  not  trying  to  invade  in  someone  else’s  business  ,  but  also  nosy  as  to  why  she  was  out  here  alone  ,  
Ivy wasn’t friends or close with all Pogues, and Aiden was someone who she was not close with at all. There was an obvious divide between the two groups, and class wasn’t the only difference. Of course, it was the biggest but not the only thing. “I’m well aware of where the party is,” Ivy replied, eyes staying on Sully who enjoyed being patted. “I do better watching from the sidelines.”
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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even if given the chance to move his family’s company elsewhere and start new, noah probably wouldn’t take it. coston was home and full of everything he enjoyed, save for a couple pogues here and there that simply didn’t make the cut. closing his car door behind him, the brunet made his way onto the sand, choosing ivy as his first victim of the night. “look who it is!” he chimed, kneeling down to be at sully’s level for some petting. “did he forget about me already? it’s only been a couple months.” as if second nature, his eyes immediately fell on the miniature bottle of wine. “please tell me that’s not the only bottle you’re having tonight. ‘cause if it is, we need to have a chat.” with that, he took a seat on her blanket, taking sully with him. “have you got others to share?” he questioned, gesturing towards the wine. 
There was no need for her to look back and see who it was, she could tell by the voice alone. While she didn’t show her excitement of seeing her friend (when was she ever excited about something), Sully was there to be excited for the two of them. “Things change in a couple of months, that goes for dogs too.” A couple of months ago, Sully was just an actual pup that she adopted while home for break. A very much needed adoption as the golden retriever has brought her so much joy in only six months. As he talked about her drink, Ivy rolled her eyes as she pulled out a similar bottle from her bag and held it out for him. “I have five, well four now, in my bag. It might be the only thing that I’ll drink tonight, alcohol wise.”
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fxiryivy · 4 years
angie was wandering around the bonfire, her various “hi”s and “hello”s to people she hadn’t seen in a year starting to blend together. it all felt a bit fake – but it was something that angie was used to. hell, she was probably the fakest one out of them all. 
it had taken her a while, but she finally was able to say hi to her friend, ivy, who she had met in student council in high school. she noticed that she was sitting down further away from the crowd with sully and strolled towards the two, now smiling sweetly at her pup and petting him gently. she stayed silent for a moment until she was finished petting him, now plopping down next to her close friend. “how’ve you been, girly?” she asked, nudging her shoulder slightly and watching the crowd in front of the two.
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Angie was one of her close friends that came about in high school, an unexpected friendship that she was grateful for. Starting from student council and the two girls only talking during meetings before it spread into eating together at lunch, leaving school together, and Ivy inviting the other to her violin recital. A friendship that she was glad to still have as she managed to keep it despite being so far from each other. She watched silently, drinking from her bottle, as the two played together. It was when Angie stopped and sat down next to her that she pulled the bottle away to reveal the smile plastered on her face. “I’ve been alright,” Ivy answered as Sully ran over to them, playing with Ivy’s hand. “Officially back, all of my stuff has been moved into my place.” It took some time but it happened and she was happy. “What about you?”
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fxiryivy · 4 years
𝙄𝙏 𝙒𝘼𝙎 𝙇𝙄𝙆𝙀 𝘼 𝘾𝙃𝙄𝙇𝘿 𝙇𝙐𝙍𝙀𝘿 𝘽𝙔 𝘾𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙔  ,   one glance of a certain four legged creature out of the corner of her eye & she was a GONER . all thoughts of finding friends not seen for MONTHS within the throng of party goers falling from her mind as she searched . & as eyes FINALLY caught the dog , feet wasted no time in crossing the sand towards the little set up of no other than ivy nam . a large grin spread across lips as the puppy BOUNDED towards her & before she knew it , knees had found their way to the sand as hands set to working busily attempting to pat the excited pup that wanted nothing more than to be ALL OVER her . laughter fell from her lips , “ this one bite ? i CANNOT even imagine it . he’s an angel ! if i had known you’d be here with this little one , i would have brought rafie . they would have had a HELL of a time . ” eyes break from the pup after a moment as she focuses upon ivy finally . “ you okay set up here all on your lonesome with your little bottle of wine ? why not come & mingle ? i’m sure people have missed you . ”
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The corners of her lips lifted ever so slightly, enjoying how Sully was having fun with Finn. Finn Bauer, one of the few people in her hometown who’s company she liked. It all started from being apart of the clubs in high school that lead the two down the road of friendship. “Sorry that I didn’t, I guess that I was just expecting for other’s to bring their own pets.” She then took a sip from the wine bottle as Sully began to lick at the other’s fingers. “I’m good over here. We both know that I do better watching from the sidelines.” That and she couldn’t handle being surrounded by so many people while running on little energy. “How have you been? It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other.”
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fxiryivy · 4 years
The bonfire was a tradition that was done every year and one that Ivy enjoyed. Even while away for school, she made sure that she was home in enough time to make it. It was only last year that she missed it and honestly, a part of her wanted to skip this one. Because she was exhausted, running on three hours of sleep before popping up, unable to sleep after that moment. She walked around her apartment, sluggish and wanting nothing more than to rest. The fact that the bonfire was later that day made her want to skip and attempt to rest. But that would only cause people to wonder where she was and why she wasn’t there. It didn’t help that others already knew that she was back home, so she couldn’t blame it on being back at school. And if there was one thing about Ivy Nam, it was that she refused to have people make assumptions about her. So, with her purse filled with her own bottles of alcohol, treats for Sully, a blanket, and other necessities for her pup, the pair left her apartment. 
By the time they arrived, Ivy found a spot away from the crowd and set down her blanket. With a miniature bottle of wine in one hand and the other petting Sully, she enjoyed the cool breeze that pushed her hair. It was so nice out that there was an urge to fall asleep, if she could. It was only when the other stood above her that it caused Sully to start barking and run towards them, wanting to be pet. “You can pet him,” Ivy told them. “He won’t bite you.”
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fxiryivy · 4 years
☎ !
name: Finn Bauer
ringtone: default ringtone
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last text sent: 
[5:02 pm] Are you going to the bonfire tonight?
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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fxiryivy · 4 years
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
Their physical weak spots
Their emotional/moral weak spots
Scars or painful spots
Best places to kiss on their body
Guilty pleasures
Their vices (physical or emotional)
Their tickle spots
Bad memories/experiences
Humiliating memories
Bad or petty habits
Grudges and vendettas
What gets them flustered
Ingrained habits/forces of habit
What it takes to make them cry
Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Things they’ll never admit
People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Turning points in their life
People who’ve influenced them greatly
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fxiryivy · 4 years
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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。· . ˙ ☀ ⌈ lee jieun + cis female + she/her/hers⌋ yo , have you meet that KOOK , ivy nam , yet ? — no ? well , to give you a little heads up before you do , they’re a TWENTY-TWO year old , COLLEGE GRADUATE , and have been living in coston for TWENTY-TWO YEARS . since i’ve known them , they’ve reminded me of BACH BEING PLAYED ON A VIOLIN , LATE NIGHTS SPENT FINISHING A COLLEGE THESIS , & COLOR COORDINATED PLANNER . usually they’re quite INDEPENDENT & A PERFECTIONIST but just make sure you keep an eye out for them around town because i heard can be quite NARCISSISTIC & CONCEITED as well so here’s hoping they aren’t the ones to undo this whole peace pact they have going on this summer . but just between you & me , i kinda hope it all falls apart . the rivalry keeps this whole boring town interesting .
hello everyone, my name is kashia and i’m so excited for this roleplay! i hope you all enjoy my bby ivy, i love her so much. 
tw: mental health
iced coffee in mason jars, practicing violin right after school, hair flowing down one’s back, polished finger nails, a golden retriever demanding for your attention, rainy days, designer clothing, succulents sitting on a windowsill, clinking of glasses, forced smiles, automatic handshakes, a broken violin, and sleepless nights
“Ivy, Ivy Nam is that you? I didn’t know you were back.” 
Hearing her name, Ivy looked up from her phone as her pup, a golden retriever, ran over to the new person. Excitement could be seen in the animal’s eyes but the same couldn’t be said for his owner. What could be seen was fake, a mask of kindness and love. “Yeah, I just got back a couple of days ago,” she said to the other, slipping her phone into her pocket. “Finally back home and for good this time.” 
“Wow, that’s great,” the person said, a smile on their face. “So you finished school?” 
She nodded her head, watching as the other went down to pet Scully. The golden retriever loved the attention, just like his owner. It was just at that very moment she didn’t want any attention on her. “Yep, graduated last week. It was a lot of fun, missing my professors and friends a lot right now. But it’s alright because I’m back in town with my favorite people.” There was venom in her words but with that smile of hers, it wasn’t paid any mind. “Everything still looks the same, which is good.” 
“Oh yeah, nothing has changed. The stores are still up, your family’s resort is still thriving, tourists still love this place, and the divide between the Pogues and Kooks is still a thing.” The other rolled their eyes. “That’s really silly, don’t you think?” 
Ivy just stood there, silent for a few seconds, mind processing what was said. Her favorite shops were still open, she already knew that her family’s resort was thriving, everyone knew that. It was the reminder of Pogues and Kooks that got her. Being away at college, the college grad didn’t have to think about her town’s rivalry. Not even the accident that happened a year ago was on her mind, as she wasn’t even home during that time. She did a study abroad program to Paris for the summer, unaware of anything happening back home. It was a shock when news got back to her. “I think it’s cute,” Ivy finally answered, twirling a strand of her long black hair. “It’s apart of our town’s history and it’s not like anything bad will happen again.” 
“I guess you’re right.” Silence took over the two, minus the sound of Sully’s barking. “Are you happy to be back home?”
Taking a deep breath in and giving the town a once over, Ivy genuinely smiled at the other. It was small yet gentle. “Honestly? I am. I missed this place while I was gone. It’s nice to be back.” Pulling out her phone, she checked the time, seeing that she had to go. “We have to go, I have a meeting with my father soon. Only came here to pick something up-- for him, of course.” Her words were rushed, tripping over each other as if she was hiding something. The other didn’t notice, thank God. “Come on, pup,” she called to her golden retriever who gave the other one less nudge before following behind his owner. 
The two split up, the other unaware of how Ivy’s heart was beating rapidly. How nervous she was to be having a conversation out of the local Pharmacy. Where she was picking up prescriptions for herself, not at all wanting someone to know. 
summary about ivy
the only child of the nam family who own’s the local resort, she is sad to take over after her father / just recently graduated from college where she studied business and had a minor in violin performance / went to yale before coming back home, she lowkey misses it / during middle and high school, she was most likely that girl who was at the top of her classes and did everything / attempted to do the same thing in college but that resulted in her not getting any sleep and fucking up her mental health / whenever she did try to sleep, she would pop up in the middle of the night. unable to sleep any longer / dealing with insomnia that she tried to deny until it got bad and she had to seek professional help / this is kept under wraps about her and she refuses to let anyone know of this “minor hiccup” in her life / now that she’s back, she’s continuing to keep this from people outside of her family and showing off as if everything is alright / was in paris when the accident happened last year, so she’s a bit out of the loop because of that
random facts
sully is her puppy and he’s only a few months old, he’s baby / google calendar is her entire life. seriously, if you need her, look at her calendar to see if she’s free / plays violin and ended up breaking one of them due to something that happened at college. aka, she blacked out and broke it due to stress / while she could live with her parents, she found an apartment of her own. she just finds it better to live alone after doing that at school / uh our bisexual queen (i don’t play straight characters) / runs on coffee
wanted connections
old high school rivals: because she’s a girl who strives to be better than everyone, i’m sure that she butt heads a lot with this person. they were constantly fighting over the top spot in their graduating class until ivy snatched it for her own. maybe they still don’t get along and still make everything a competition. 
childhood best friend: everyone needs a best friend, even this perfectionist ivy. they’re someone who she continued to text and call even while away for school. they’re someone who she can trust and fall back on when things go rough. however, they’re still unaware of ivy’s mental health and it’s something that she’s currently trying to figure out how to tell them. 
ex-childhood friend: the two had a falling out and are no longer friends. maybe it was because they just didn’t have the same interests and didn’t have anything to talk about. 
people who work at her family’s resort: maybe she’s friendly with them or maybe they don’t like each other. who knows, we can brainstorm about this more. 
family friend: someone who’s family is on the same level as the nam family and are close with her father. like, they go golfing and shit, like those type of rich people. and because of this, ivy and this person are usually put together because they’re close in age. we can decide if they’re actually friends or they don’t get along. 
i’m down for just coming up with stuff together! i’m open to any and everything. 
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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fxiryivy · 4 years
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