fxshionphile · 10 years
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A supersonic princess in a million dollar car
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fxshionphile · 10 years
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By スミレ
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fxshionphile · 10 years
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By キシリ
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fxshionphile · 10 years
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Combat Totes(nsfw)
( ˘ω˘)スヤァ…
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fxshionphile · 10 years
Imagine though that the video about the cocoa is Velvet talking about her love for Cocoa cereal, and the person who pops up is Coco.
omFG PLS………………..
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fxshionphile · 10 years
im laugHING and imagining what velvet’s weapon is and what if she opens it and its just
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but surprise,
its a bunny bomb
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fxshionphile · 10 years
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"Mhm. Good, good. I didn't want you to not know what you were getting involved with. Because, that would just be unfair, wouldn't you agree?"
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♆ -”Hey, now - I definitely remember that. Probably one of the coolest things that happened all day.”
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fxshionphile · 10 years
        For once in her life, Coco had risked rambling and prattling. Things uncharacteristic of the normally kick-ass and suave leader of their team. How was she not to though? That whole moment of which she felt she'd upset her teammate, more importantly, her partner was honestly— It made her anxious. But, that all faded the moment Fox took her hand into his own.
          She cuts herself off. Get it together Coco, you're better than this. Mentally slapping herself twice, she adopts that coy look she was so fond of flashing to the world. Her fingers closing once he releases her hand; Coco instead presses forward and leans in his direction, still appearing coy as she did so.
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"Wound, 'ey? C'mon do I need to, like, make it up to you or something?" 
          She takes this moment to let out a brief giggle. Lightly moving the fingers of her hand along the sheets of the bed, unsure whether or not he could make out this notion with his form of sight.
     Fox is silent for the most part, head bowed as he took in her words. His eyes are closed, a heavy sigh leaving him as he sits upright and leans towards her. With his heart hammering against his rib cage, a laugh passes his lips.      The words that left her mouth were words he grew up hearing.        Words that made him tired.      Special. 
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     ”Stop—” Fox extends a hand, his fingers running along the sheets till he finds her hand and takes it between his. Squeezing her hand, Fox manages a laugh, “Stop talking for a second, you’re starting to freak me out with all these kind words—”      ”I—” Fox lets out a huff as his words struggled to piece themselves together, his fingers mindlessly tracing her hand. “If I’m not allowed to be sorry, neither are you, yeah? Honestly, if you ask me… I think we should go settle this outside.” He’s joking, of course.       Fox was trying to make light of the situation, as he didn’t exactly want to venture down this way with her.      Not yet.       Taking in a deep breath, Fox lets go of her hand and laughs, “Didn’t think you’d agree on my fashion sense— Or lack thereof— You wound me.”
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fxshionphile · 10 years
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I am caffeine
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fxshionphile · 10 years
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Combat Totes②
Yesterday’s continuation(^q^)
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fxshionphile · 10 years
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Someone stop them
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fxshionphile · 10 years
         ⟨⌖⟩ — Coco blinked; It wasn't as if her team had any mission at the moment, though the thought provided by the general was appreciated. She had done only what a Huntress should do— Protect. It was never about the reward, just the justice in it.
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"Thank you, sir but— I can't accept that relief order. My team and I need our classes to better ourselves as Huntsmen and Huntresses in training. What we did in the city was just us doing our roles. We were protecting."
All the general could do was give the team leader a small smile as he shook his head. "N-No. Not at all. I just wanted to appreciate you and your team with your cooperation with the battle against the Grimm in the plaza. And I speak on behalf of Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch, you will be relieved of your current mission if you have any and will be taking a week long vacation with no classes. Not to worry, you and your teammates will be excused from every class through out the week." he explained as he maintained his posture and looked at Coco. "The Kingdom of Atlas appreciates for what you have done and as have I. And I think that means something. That you, especially you, will be an excellent huntress after you graduate from this academy."
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fxshionphile · 10 years
"You know, I can dig a girl who kicks ass and dresses well."
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“Oh? Good for you, water boy. Just remember that this girl can rip a new one in a couple ‘o Nevermore in give-or-take ten seconds.”
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fxshionphile · 10 years
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"What inspired me—?"
          ⟨⌖⟩ — Coco stalled upon catching sound of Ruby's supposed final query. What had inspired her? Was it something from her past? Something involving her parents? Coco's mind wandered, till she finally had an answer for the girl.
"As a Huntress, I want to bring down all the scary things regular people can't go up against. And, to achieve that, I wanted a weapon that was just as powerful as it was terrifying. I guess that's how I settled upon what you see now."
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Ruby chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her head. She should have known that there is always a reason why weapons are named the way they are. Those are one of the things that she shouldn’t ask. 
"Sorry, I tend to blurt out things unintentionally." She apologized "I have one last question though. What inspired you to make your weapon?" 
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fxshionphile · 10 years
           ⟨⌖⟩ — Coco flashes her underclassman another faint smirk. A give-and-take kind of compliment, that's pretty much what she had given the younger blonde. Not that she'd expect him to be exactly troubled by it. Extending a gloved digit against her bottom lip, she let her mind wander for another few brief moments before again speaking:
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"You're welcome. So, how're you likin' the academy? I mean, it's quite an upgrade from the basics, 'ey?"
          Small-talk was an occasional practice of Coco's, especially for cases such as these. Maybe it wasn't a necessity of her, but Coco felt that—as an upperclassman—she should communicate with the surely timid boys and girls below her. After all, they were all going to be fighting together one day—hell, some of them already had.
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—{ ☾☾
         ”Oh?—Well, uh…Thanks, I think.”
   He could have done without the “dork” title, but he assumed that a heart of gold would be a good thing to have, seeing as gold was, well…shiny, and rare, or, something. 
   Even so, knowing that word got out to people who didn’t even attend the dance about his little “dress-up” game, was a little…embarrassing. He would shrug it off easy enough, because hell, a whole room of people saw it and he had the balls-of-steel to just, dance it off. Quite literally. 
   He just hoped he wouldn’t be graduation as “the kid that wore the dress that one time.”…though he did look pretty good if Jaune could say so himself, even if he wore some tacky converse with the outfit.
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fxshionphile · 10 years
           ⟨⌖⟩ — What was it now? Coco had been tired, still recovering from the fatigue of her team's recent activities. Grimm clean-up might've been easy, but it was by no means effortless. Turning on her heels, Coco saw that she was before none other than the good general himself. A sight that honestly got her eyes to perk up behind her shades.
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"General— Yes, yes we were. Is there something that I could help you with, sir?"
Meeting the General. (Closed RP with fxshionphile)
The general of Atlas was walking around the grounds of Beacon, taking in security and monitoring the grounds.
Soon, he then saw someone that seemed familiar with a soldier’s description. Slowly, he walked to the leader of CFVY and got her attention by poking her shoulder. “You. Weren’t you and your at the square when the Grimm attacked a few days ago?” Ironwood asked in a deep tone and raised an eyebrow towards her.
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fxshionphile · 10 years
           ⟨⌖⟩ — Coco bats her lashes, almost glaring at her teammate. Her sourpuss look is however only temporarily, as Fox's words send a jolt of pain throbbing in her chest. It was true, could she really blame Fox for the way he was? He was different. And here she was, scolding, criticizing him.
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"I— No. Fox, I'm sorry. I let my temper get the better of me again and I said some things without thinking—"
           Coco takes a breath. Her shades slide down her nose-bridge as she aims her attention towards the sheets. Shit. She's supposed to be the leader, she's suppose to keep everything together, not threaten it with her petty fits— Coco scolds herself, all while piecing together the words she wants to say. 
"I mean, it's true. You're blind, your sense 'o style is poor, but— I know you mean well. You've got heart, Fox. And, your eyes? Even if you can't see the world like most can, you can still see it. Just, the way that you do is special, y'know?"
           Not looking at Fox as she says all this, Coco relaxes upon the bed. Shifting her legs as she lightly grabs upon the span of the bed sheets. Another sigh lightly relieving itself from sitting within Coco's throat. She didn't think that Fox was seriously mad at her, but— The very idea of it still troubled her.
     ”So I guess that makes me an a—”       Before Fox has a chance to finish, a strangled yell would escape him as she took a seat upon him. Sitting upright with a pained whine, Fox clutched her coat in his grasp and moved her off.        It took him a few moments before he was talking again.
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     ”Look, why don’t you try putting yourself in my shoes? ‘course I’m bad at small talk, honestly.” Fox taps his chest with a sheepish scowl, “Look at me, what am I suppose to talk about? How nice the weather is?”       “As for class—” Fox made another motion to his entirety, “Again— Look at me, Coco. I’m blind as a bat with no sense of style and a bad habit of being an asshole—”         Fox is quiet for a moment before he’s sighing, “Sorry I pissed you off— Just don’t be slamming yourself like that on me again, it hurt.”
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