fy-blk · 7 years
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[180314] BLK IG: 화이트데이를 맞아서 케익을 만들었는데 어떤케익이 더 예쁜가요!? 댓글로 한팀만 투표해주세요😊😊 진팀에겐 무시무시한 벌칙이 기다리고 있어요😘 . . . 1번 왕씨네 셋째아들 (D.A 태빈 소림) 2번 사랑둥이팀 (이노 I 일경) .
trans : We made cakes for White Day, which one do you think looks better? Vote for only one team in the comments😊😊 A punishment is awaiting for the losing team😘 . . . 1st Wang family's 3rd son (D.A Taebin Sorim) 2nd Lovelies (Inno I Ilkyung) . .
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180311] BLK on Instagram : 짠!! 여기가 어디게요?! 오늘은 회사등산회 맞이 청계산에 왔습니다~~! 👏👏 D.A는 어디가고 6명일까요?? 여러분들이 맞춰보세요! 😄
[trans] : Ta-da!! Where is this?! We came to Cheonggye Mountain for our company hiking meeting~~! 👏👏 D.A went somewhere but we're still 6?? Try to guess! 😄
//Oh God, Mingming is gonna join them finally?!
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180219]BLK on Instagram: 연휴끝나고 다들 일상생활로 잘 돌아오셨나요? 연휴가 끝나서 힘들 여러분들을 위해 저희의 셀카를 투척하려고합니다 😍😍 셀카보다 더 엄청난 소식이 있습니다! 바로 내일!2월20일 오후5시에 저희가 첫 #브이라이브 를 하려고 합니다!! 와🎉🎉🎉 다들 저희와 함께할 준비 되어있죠?😘😘 trans: Did you go back to your daily life routine after the holidays? For everyone who must be having a hard time now after the holidays ended, we're throwing a few of our selfies 😍😍 But we have even better news than the selfies! Tomorrow! February 20th 5pm KST we will have our first #Vlive !! Wow🎉🎉🎉 Everyone's ready to be with us, right?😘😘 .
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180216] BLK on Instagram : 까치 까치 설날은 어저께고요 우리 우리 설날은 오늘이래요🎵🎶 민족대명절 설을 맞아 저희의 한복사진을 공개합니다!🤗다들 귀성길 귀경길에 안전운전은 필수인거 아시죠?😘가족분들 친척분들과 함께 즐거운 설연휴 보내시구요 떡국과 맛있는 음식들 먹으면서 행복하게 보내셨으면 좋겠습니다 새해 복 많이 받으세요🙏🙏 더 많은 사진은 팬카페에서 확인!! trans : Magpie, magpie, yesterday was your New Year’s but today is our New Year’s Day🎵🎶 In celebration of the national holidays here are some photos of us wearing Hanbok!🤗 You know that you should drive safely on the way back home, right?😘 Celebrate the holidays with your family and relatives. We hope you spend some nice time eating a lot rice cake soup and delicious food. Happy New Year🙏🙏 Check our fancafe for more photos!!
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fy-blk · 7 years
BLK's live
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180127] BLK on Instagram: 저희가 오늘 #블락비 선배님들 콘서트를 보고왔습니다!!😊😊 진짜 모든 무대 하나하나가 너무 멋있어서 저희도 나중에 이런 콘서트를 할 수 있을까.. 하는 생각도 했습니다! 😍 저희 BLK도 더 열심히해서 선배님들처럼 멋진 콘서트를 열 수 있는 그룹이 되고 싶어요!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [trans] We went to #BlockB Sunbaenim's concert today!! 😊😊 Every single stage was really cool and we had thoughts.. if later we'd be able to hold a concert like that! 😍 We BLK will work harder to become a group who can put on a cool concert like Sunbaenims!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180126] Inno on Instagram: 여러분 뭐하세요!!??🤗 저는 여러분만날 준비를 열심히 하고있어요!!😘😘 제가 여러분 보고싶은 만큼 여러분도 저 많이보고싶죠?😍 다음주까지 조금만 참아요 우리이쁜팬아~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ . [trans] What is everyone doing!!??🤗 I'm preparing hard to meet you!! 😘😘You miss me just as much as I miss you, right? 😍 Please be patient for a little bit more till next week our beautiful fans~ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ .
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180125] D_A on Instagram: 여러분 밖에 너무 춥죠?😢😢다들 옷 따뜻하게 입고 다녀요! 감기걸리면 고생이에요 목도리도 꼭꼭 하구 장갑도 끼고다녀요❤️❤️ 다들 감기조심!!알겠죠?😊😊 [trans] Everyone outside is very cold, right? 😢😢 Wear warm clothes when going out! You'll suffer if you catch a cold. Wear scarf and gloves too ❤️❤️ Be careful of the cold!!Okay? 😊😊 .
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180114] BLK on Instagram: Hero 활동 마지막 음악방송이 곧 시작됩니다! 마지막까지 멋있게 하고 돌아올께요!💪💪 인기가요 본방사수 해주세요!😍😍 [trans]The last music broadcast of Hero era will start! We will comeback soon!
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180115] BLK on Twitter: 여러분~사진속에 있는 곳앞으로 오셔야 해요 어두워서 잘 안보이고 비도오고 사람도 많으니까 다치지 않게 조심히 오세요ㅠㅠ [trans]Everyone~ you need to come to the place on the pic. But since it's too dark to see well, it's rainy and there are a lot of people, come here carefully so you don't get hurt ㅠㅠ
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180113] BLK on Instagram: 저희의 1집활동 마무리 되어가는게 아쉬워서 팬분들과 #음악중심이 끝난 뒤 미니팬미팅을 했어요☺️☺️ 오늘도 역시 팬분들과 가깝게 얘기하고 소통할수 있는 시간이 너무너무 행복했어요!😍 앞으로도 함께해요❤️ [trans]We are sorry that we finish our 1st activity. We did a mini fanmeeting after #MusicCore today, we are so happy that we can talk and communicate to our fans again! Please let's be together in the future ♥
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180115] BLK on Instagram: 저희 1집 HERO 활동이 끝났습니다! 시원섭섭해요😢 추운날씨에도 저희를 응원해주시러 오는 팬분들 덕분에 활동하는 동안 정말 너무너무 행복했어요☺️☺️ 음악방송에서 여러분들을 보기 힘드니까 사진이나 영상으로 자주자주 얼굴 보여드릴께요❤️ 우리팬들 싸랑해욥!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [trans] Our 1st Mini Album HERO promotions ended! Sad😢 Thanks to the fans, who came to support us even thought the weather was cold, we were very very happy☺☺ It's hard to see you at music shows so we will show you our faces through photos and videos❤ Our fans we love you!❤❤❤❤❤
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180119] [Sorim] 이번주에 아육대 녹화가 있었는데 오셨던 팬분들 다들 체력회복은 하셨나요?😍 녹화가 너무 길어서 힘들었죠?ㅠㅠ 우리팬들 너무 수고했어요❤❤️❤️❤️❤️ 여러분들이 보여달라고 하셨던 #스누퍼 멤버들과 찍은 사진도 같이 공개합니닷🎉🎉
[trans]This week was the recording for ISAC. Did the fans who came get their physical strength recovered?😍 The recording took really long so it was tiring, right?ㅠㅠ Our fans worked hard❤❤❤❤❤ Here is the photo that I took with #Snuper members and you asked me to show🎉🎉
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180112] BLK on Instagram: 여러분!!!저희 이제 곧! 여러분들을 만나러!!!!이벤트를 하러 달려갑니다!!슝슝💨💨 날씨가 너무 추워서 팬분들이 오들오들 떨고 계실까봐 걱정이에요😿😿 다들 따뜻하게 입고 왔어요? 얼른 여러분들 보러 나갈께요!!!슝~💨❤️ (trans) Everyone! we will soon! run to the event!!to meet you!!!!syung syung💨 The weather is very cold so we are worried if our fans are shivering😿 Did everybody dress warmly? We will come out to see you very soon!!!Syung~💨❤
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180112] BLK on Instagram: 이제 곧 시작되는 KBS2 뮤직뱅크에 저희가 나옵니다!📺📺 다들 본방사수 준비하고 계신가요? 5시에 티비앞에 준비하고 있어야해요! 저희 무대 멋있게 할께요 기대해주세요!!😍😍 (trans) We will appear on KBS2 Music Bank which will start soon!📺📺 Everyone are ypu getting ready to watch? You have to be ready at 5pm in front of the TV! We will do our stage coolly so please expect!!😍😍
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180112] BLK on Instagram: 오늘 뮤직뱅크에서 이번에 떠나지마요로 컴백하신 블락비 선배님들을 만났어요😍 진짜 너무너무 멋있으셔서 남자가 봐도 반할뻔했어요❤️ 저희도 선배님들같은 멋있는 그룹이 되겠습니다☺️☺️
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fy-blk · 7 years
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[180112] BLK on Instagram: 오늘 뮤직뱅크에서 이번에 tell me로 컴백하신 인피니트 선배님을 만났어요😍 무한한 매력을 갖고있는 선배님들을 보고 무한감탄했습니다❤️ 저희도 오랫동안 사랑받는 그룹이 될수있게 열심히 하겠습니다☺️☺️
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