fychen · 3 years
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fychen · 3 years
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© oneday in autumn ↳ do not edit or remove the logo.
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fychen · 3 years
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© oneday in autumn ↳ do not edit or remove the logo.
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fychen · 3 years
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© oneday in autumn ↳ do not edit or remove the logo.
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fychen · 3 years
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fychen · 3 years
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fychen · 3 years
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fychen · 3 years
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210205 weareoneEXO 2021 SM ARTIST SEASON'S GREETINGS PHOTO PACK #EXO 2월 5일(금)부터 다양한 온라인 판매처를 통해 예약하실 수 있습니다.
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fychen · 3 years
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EXO-L Japan Fanclub Magazine: The Language of Flowers photo from oldricecooker Q: "flower", the solo song that you wrote the lyrics for. What gave you the idea to do so, and what message was inside the song? were there any episodes in particular? A: It took me about a week to finish the lyrics for this song, at first when didn't have know how to write this song, I dreamt about acacia during my sleep. I wondered, "why did I dream about this" and suddenly the scene just pops up in my mind. I want to deliver something related to how flowers bloom. So i thought, "Yes! I should try writing this!" and I was able to finish the lyrics. As I write my lyrics, I felt like my life was overlapped with the flowers' life. Although people often say stars should shine bright forever, I am also a human being where there will be happy times, and times that I am not (happy).It is kind of like a mountain of wave where I felt is the same as how flowers bloom and wilt according to different seasons. Q: Did you use acacia as an image when you wrote the song? A: Nope, I didn't really think of acacia when I wrote it (laughs) Though it was my inspiration as I dreamt about it, there wasn't a particular flower I had in mind when I wrote it, I used the word "hope" as the synonym to flower in my lyrics. If you ask me what flowers suit the song most I would say "a fluffy white flower". trans: @chenniepii
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fychen · 3 years
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EXO-L Japan Fanclub Magazine: The Language of Flowers photo from oldricecooker Q: Favourite flower? A: I love all flower but in particular I am most attracted to dandelions and roses. Dandelions has an image where no matter how many times it has been stepped on, it will still stay strong. In regards to roses, I like red roses the most because I am attracted to its passion. The reason why I am attracted to how strong both dandelions and red roses portray might be because they can boost my motivation. I sometimes purchase flowers in private too. I like to decorate my house with flowers so that it will be more energetic. I even tried flower arrangements awhile ago. (laughs) It was fun trans: @chenniepii
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fychen · 3 years
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EXO-L Japan Fanclub Magazine: The Language of Flowers photo from oldricecooker Trust Q: When do you feel trusted and relied on by your members? A: It is so natural to trust my members that I have never thought about this. I felt that we trusted one another daily. But there are times when we think stronger about members. When there is dance solo on stage, though it's Kai and Sehun dancing mainly, me and the other members will smile along as we watched them dancing. "oh! (we will) depend on you", we will look at them like that(laughs) During those times I feel like the trust shows off the most. Recollection Q: Which is the earliest memory you have for your childhood? A: Around when I was five maybe... When I visited my grandmother(his mum's side) 's farm around her neighborhood. My grandpa had a farm for watermelons, and he will pick a watermelon for me to eat, such that I can enjoy some watermelon on spot. This is one of my earliest memory of my childhood. There were photos left of this memory, and I keep the photos and this memory altogether. trans: @chenniepii
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fychen · 3 years
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EXO-L Japan Fanclub Magazine: The Language of Flowers photo from oldricecooker Attractiveness Q: What is EXO's attractiveness? A: How every member has different personalities. It's the same as if different colours were gathered together to form a rainbow, I think it's attractiveness is at where there is different characteristics (of members) that gathered to perform on stage. Since everyone has very different personalities, it is kind of chaotic when we meet up together and speak. (laughs) Q: What is EXO-L-JAPAN's attractiveness? A: When their eyes shine as they see us on stage. This attractiveness is only EXO-L-JAPAN's. Their eyes really glow and I can see it clearly on stage. I have never seen anyone that (has their eyes) shines like that, so when I look at everyone from EXO-L-JAPAN it feels fresh and I can receive power from them. I can perform well without feeling tired no matter how hard the performance is. If Korean fans' attractiveness is their warm cheers, EXO-L-JAPAN's their shining eyes! trans: @chenniepii
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fychen · 3 years
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EXO-L Japan Fanclub Magazine: The Language of Flowers photo from oldricecooker Innocence Q: who do you think is the most innocent/ pure member? A: Chanyeol. Chanyeol still has that child-like part in him. It's not him being actually childish, but it is his pureness. He always has a different way to feel things than other members when we look at things. I think pureness since he was a kid was still left inside Chanyeol. Happiness Q: Which moment are you the happiest when you have activities as EXO? A: I feel happiest when I received handclaps after our stage finished. I am happy that what I would like to deliver was delivered to everyone. I am not sure how fans think when I am dancing and singing on stage, but when they clap their hands, I felt I delivered what I wanted to and I am the happiest during that moment. trans: @chenniepii
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fychen · 3 years
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EXO-L Japan Fanclub Magazine: The Language of Flowers photo from oldricecooker Kindness Q: other members have always said "Chen is kind", what do you think about this? A: I don't really agree to this (laughs), people always say "Chen is so kind and thoughtful" but I have never actually agreed to this myself. I actually want to ask them why. I don't even sound that gentle and kind when I speak (laughs) I don't really understand which point they saw in me to make people say that. However, I do tend to rethink about others' opinions and position before I say something. I am also a normal human being so I tend to let my emotions get away with me sometimes, but I will make sure to do some self reflection on myself when that happens. whether if my words will hurt someone.... even though I will do self-reflection, I am still inexperienced. Maybe it's this part about me that makes people think that way. (that he is kind) Beauty Q: What is the prettiest scene you have seen? A: Sunrise. Around the time of "growl"? when me and the members were shooting for a reality show, we stayed at a guest house, and we went to look at the sun rise the day after. Of course this was for work, but it was the first time I have seen an actual sunrise. I have seen a lot of beautiful sceneries but the sunrise has left a strong impression on me. I felt as if I have known more about the side of the world that I have never known. Prior to that I have simply only think of the sun as something that determines time. But after looking at the sunrise, I understood "ah, this is how everything began" trans: @chenniepii
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fychen · 3 years
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EXO-L Japan Fanclub Magazine: The Language of Flowers photo from oldricecooker Friendship Q: Which members do you talk to most about your worries? A: Suho hyung. I am the same age with Baekyun, Chaneyol and D.O. so I can't talk to them properly. (laughs) I don't really talk about my worries with Sehun and Kai. Xiumin Hyung and Suho Hyung is a big brother to me so I tend to rely on them a lot. But it's different as to how I rely on them, for Xiumin Hyung I tend act more like a kid to him (laughs). And as for Suho Hyung, I tend to talk to him about my worries rather than that. There is ways to tackle problems as I talk to Suho Hyung. Memory Q: Which memories leave the most impression to you with your members? A: When we won our first award, making our first album happily, getting happy because of fans' support, I can't count on how many there were. Though there are a lot of memories, sometimes I think of the day we make our debut. When we first did our choreography together. When EXO's debut was confirmed, we have members gradually joining the team. (I was) nervous, and kind of embarrassed... (laughs) I was kind of pure back then. Sometimes I wish I can go back to that day again. Friendship Q: Which member do you go out often together with just like a friend? A: I actually like to be alone a lot so I don't really ask people out. But Xiumin Hyung will ask if I would like to have a glass of wine with him, or I will join when other members decided to have a gathering together. trans: @chenniepii
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fychen · 3 years
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EXO-L Japan Fanclub Magazine: The Language of Flowers photo from oldricecooker Respect Q: Who is the person you most look upon to? A️: My dad and mum. As I grew older, the more I felt this way. I began to understand more about problems and worries that adults have. When I encounter problems working as a artist, I will think about how my parents must have gone through the same. I respect them on how much hardships they have went through to make sure me and my brother can live freely. Bond Q: Any memories of bonding with fans? A️: I felt (the bond between us) the most when I am on stage. My singing, dancing and my words are all made together with fans. During concerts, I think it's not just about looking handsome and cool on stage, but creating the stage together with fans. This is why I felt the bond is strongest when I am on stage. trans: @chenniepii
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fychen · 3 years
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