fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#18. Character I want to return: Franky, no question! #WentworthChallenge
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#17. Favourite Prison Officer: Mr. Jackson, obviously! #WentworthChallenge
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#16. Fav Top Dog: I can't choose between Jacs and Bea. Both brilliant. Both unpredictable! #WentworthChallenge
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#15. Two people I want to see hook up: These two, of course💕 #WentworthChallenge
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#14. Scene(s) I could watch 100 times: I couldn't pick just one... I just couldn't... #WentworthChallenge
Basically any Bea/Will scene.
Franky scenes, I could just keep watching her scenes over and over especially if they involve Jacs.
Liz drunk! As long as they aren’t her being hurtful to others... but scenes like the ones captured above I could just have on replay all day. Celia Ireland does a fantastic portrayal!
Ferguson mocking Fletch! hahaha!! need I say more? Everyone loves this scene!
And this particular scene between Will and Harry! I hate Harry, of course I hate him! But this scene between him and Will, I can just watch and watch seeing as this is the most straight up thing we’ve had to Bea and Mr. Jackson’s attraction being acknowledge. Nice choice of words, Harry!
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#13. Least favourite scene: Debbie💔 (I couldn't bring myself to gif the whole scene)... #WentworthChallenge
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#12. Favourite couple: Ok, so I will go with Franky and Kim on this one, seeing as nothing has happened between Bea and Mr. Jackson... #WentworthChallenge
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#11. Most memorable scene: Any scene with a drunken Liz Birdsworth #WentworthChallenge
She can be really nasty, but the scenes like the ones above are just pure gold!
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#10. Character I want to know more about: Linda Miles #WentworthChallenge
Without a doubt, Linda! She’s always just kind of been... there... but I would really love for her to get more involved in storylines and for them to step up the game when it comes to her corruption and gambling addiction.
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
I neultimate-papillon:
And this is why Frerica fundamentalists are sore losers . Example is in the included (re)blog above.
Please, do you want a challenge? Then do come with arguments. The “I don’t like it” - is not an argument. Oh, you don’t have any? Then sit down.
And you know what, Frerica fundamentalists? Even Franky doesn’t agree with you.
How’s that?
Not that I even have to justify myself, but I feel this reply to my post was totally uncalled for! 
I'm not (and I stress NOT) even a fan of Erica and Franky, I was only ever neutral towards them. Bridget was only brought into the show for Franky and that’s no secret... watching these two was just like watching Erica and Franky, and pretty much every fan I have come across has pointed this out at one stage or another. 
We knew next to nothing about Bridget and I personally feel there was no character development for her (which is my main reason for feeling no “connection” towards Bridget). It was very rare to have a Bridget scene that didn’t feature Franky or didn’t connect back to Franky somehow. 
If you don’t like what I post then keep scrolling instead of trying to make arguments, ta.
The Wentworth Challenge is all in good fun, and if I choose Bridget as my least favourite female then I should be able too without having to justify my reasons.
Feel free to reply, ignore, do whatever... but i’m saying this now, don’t expect another reply for me. I have better things to do than to have a pointless argument with someone I don’t even know. 
It’s a fictional show, get over yourself.
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#9. Favourite Quote: Couldn't pick just one... #WentworthChallenge
It was quite simply impossible for me to pick out my ultimate favourite quote... So I would say these are my top 4 quotes of season 3 :)
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#8. Fav Actor/Actress: I LOVE THEM ALL! ... but seeing as i'm Kiwi, i'll knock it down to these 3... #WentworthChallenge
Alrighty, I love every single actor and actress on this show! And I mean everyone! no matter how big or small their role is. They have made Wentworth the show it is today, and I couldn’t possibly pick out any actor or actress that I love more than the others... in saying that, I wasn’t going to go back right to the start of S1 and pick out all the actors/actresses right through to the end of S3... which is why I was biased and put my fellow 3 Kiwi’s in my answer. ;)
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
#7. Scene that made me cry: Franky leaving Wentworth Prison #WentworthChallenge
Such a sad scene! I hope Franky will be back! :’(
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
#6. Least Favourite Male: Harry Smith  #WentworthChallenge
A no-brainer really... i’m sure I don’t need to explain my reasons...
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
#5. Favourite Male: Mr. Jackson, of course! #WentworthChallenge
Mr. Jackson has always been one of my favourites, and i’ve adored Robbie Magasiva ever since he played Maxwell on Shortland Street. So when I heard he was going to be on Wentworth I was ecstatic! And rightly so, his character is brilliant, and his interaction with the prisoners is fantastic!
If I had to pick who I would mostly likely be like when I was around Mr. Jackson, it would more than likely be Boomer, haha!
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
#4. Favourite Friendship: Multiple💕 #WentworthChallenge
tbh, this was a very challenging question for me. Thinking about the friendships between the characters, they all have distinguishing qualities, and in the end I couldn't bring myself to make a decision to who was my favourite pairing... so end result, a video of my favourite friendships, with a few sentences (down below) outlining why I love them♥ (...and I only realized halfway through the video that all friendships (bar one) contains Bea :) )
Bea and Will (Mr. Jackson): The connection between these two has been evident right from the first episode, when Mr. J told Bea not to lag on the other women, betraying his wife in the process. They grew on me even more once Debbie died and Mr. J comforted Bea and went to see Debbie for her. As well as liking their friendship I also VERY much ship them as a couple :') HOPEFULLY we finally see something happen in S4♥ *fingers crossed*
Bea and Maxine: I love Maxine's loyalty and protectiveness towards Bea, and of course their teamwork running the prison. In all honestly, I didn't pay attention to these two until S3, in that first episode when they manage to mastermind that riot in order to show Ferguson the power Bea has. Maxine has really stood out by Bea's side, and I hope their friendship in S4 is the same as it was in S3.
Bea/Red and Franky: Definitely not a friendship that has been consistent, but when it really matters they have each others backs. And tbh, I wouldn't have it any other way, it just makes those times a lot more special... I don't think they would suit being bezzy mates all the time.
Bea and Liz: These two! Aw, they are the sweetest (when Liz isn't pissed, of course!) They have such a gorgeous bond and their friendship has always been one of the ones i've loved from the start. Very mother/daughter like, it's so lovely to see.
Franky and Boomer: Quite similar to Maxine and Bea's friendship. Booms is so loyal to Franky and is willing to do anything to keep her safe, and when Franky shows her concern for Boomer it's the most adorable thing. Not to mention when Franky told Boomer she loved her, aww!♥ My heart shattered when Boomer broke off their friendship :'(
{I posted this video a few days ago, but i’ll post it again for the sake of the challenge. :) }
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fyeahhwentworth · 9 years
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#3. Least Favourite Female: Bridget Westfall (sorry not sorry) #WentworthChallenge
Never saw the point in Bridget... it’s like the producers/directors didn’t realize how popular Franky and Erica were going to be until it was too late... so they brought in Bridget to take her place... well that, and for Franky’s exit... smh.
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