fyijade · 10 years
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Oh, thank you Pez! I dunno, it just happens sometimes, I just really miss 'em, y'know? I think I'll give them a call now! Thanks!
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Food and cuddles usually does the trick for me. Or call your mum and have a long chat. That helps too a lot of the time.
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fyijade · 10 years
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That seems rather... intense, don't you think? I mean, I'll definitely call them! It just seems to be home in general, y' know? I dunno, I'm just being silly. 
Call them? Get a cardboard cutout of them?
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fyijade · 10 years
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Oh, yeah? That sounds a real good idea, actually. Perhaps I'll go talk to the girls! It must be worse for you, I'm sure, especially seeing as I'm so close to home as it is, and you're 7000 miles away, aren't you? It must get very, very tough at times. 
Hey that doesn’t sound silly at all. I know the feeling completely. I usually talk to the boys. Other than that I watch old movies. Like 90s Rom Coms? My mom used to play them all the time and I dunno they made me feel better.
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fyijade · 10 years
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Does anybody know any cures for homesickness? I mean, I know it sounds ridiculous n' all, but I really do miss my Mummy and my Daddy. 
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fyijade · 10 years
rivers and roads // the head and the heart
been talkin' 'bout the way things change and my family lives in a different state if you don't know what to make of this then we will not relate
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fyijade · 10 years
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fyijade · 10 years
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Jade Thirlwall and Danielle Peazer leaving Mahiki Night Club
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fyijade · 10 years
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Especially when they put their own little twist on the song! I heard the most beautiful, shredded version of Salute the other day, it made me smile so big. They're a talented bunch, aren't they? Oh, sorry, I don't think I introduced myself-- I'm Jade, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you!
It is very cute, I agree.
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fyijade · 10 years
Oh, isn't it just the sweetest? I love bringing people together through our music! Seeing our little mixers becoming friends through social media and all, makes me feel all proud and motherly. It's lovely!
It really does. I also think it’s great when different fans show you other peoples covers. It’s awesome to see people bonding over your music.
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fyijade · 10 years
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Doesn't it just make you beam from ear to ear when a fan covers one of your songs? I mean, I know there are plenty, but when you get a cute little tweet saying "hey, look what I did!" It's the sweetest little thing!
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fyijade · 10 years
LittleMix: I love watching concert footage, missing you like crazy 💕 Perrie ❤️
@LittleMix: @LittleMix aw miss you too!! ;-) xxjadexx
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fyijade · 10 years
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fyijade · 10 years
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fyijade · 10 years
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Thank you very much! It does look a little tougher than I'm used to, but hey, if it convinces the girls that I'm a good enough cook to be allowed back into the kitchen, I'll definitely give it a go! And if it goes super well, I could even start my own business, right? Jade's ice cream parlour. I like the sound of it!
Oh homemade ice cream! Good luck dear, I’m sure you will do great!
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fyijade · 10 years
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Day two of Jade's food fest, and I've moved on from just baking! There's a lovely little recipe in an old cookbook I fished out of a drawer that tells you how to make-- wait for it-- ice cream! How cool would that be? (If you pardon the pun, of course). Wish me luck! 
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fyijade · 10 years
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You're in luck, darling, I've got plenty of baked food! Come over whenever you'd like, we can have a little feast. That'd be cool, right? Like old times!
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If you bake it, I’ll eat it.
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fyijade · 10 years
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Take as much as you'd like! I have a feeling I'll be preparing plenty more within the next few weeks, so really, it'd be doing me a favour. I'd love to hear how it tastes, too! Constructive criticism is always welcomed
Um, yes! Banana bread is calling my name.
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