fyimarie · 9 years
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fyimarie · 9 years
hey guys! so basically i’ve been in bed alllll day today bc i have this really nasty flu atm so i’m not feeling too good. BUT i’m gonna go and take a quick nap now and hopefully i’ll be able to respond to some starters, messages and allll that good stuff when i wake up! i just wanted to let you all know just in case!
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fyimarie · 9 years
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*・☪˙ ˖✶ { task; 011 } YOUR IMAGE.
how you are on the inside; (+) smart, determined, dignified. (-) two-faced, self-centered, unconcerned.
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fyimarie · 9 years
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*・☪˙ ˖✶ { task; 011 } YOUR IMAGE.
the image that you give off; (+) trustworthy, witty, undaunted. (-) impatient, materialistic, daring.
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fyimarie · 9 years
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“Ooooh, just met me and already take me for the crazy type, huh?” Marie uncorked the bottle of wine and leaned over to half-fill his glass. “In all seriousness, ‘though, I might have to steal that watch.” she said - jokingly, of course. Leaning back against the kitchen counter, Marie took a sip from her wine, but raised an eyebrow when he spoke. “Really? How did that happen?” The girl nearly chuckled, but didn’t. “I mean, there must be a lot of temptation, right? Hell, I haven’t even been here for three hours and I’m drinking already.”
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“ nice to meet you marie. ” he extended his hand, meeting the other halway for a handshake, feeling slightly awkward about the action. he only ever shook hands with older gentlemen in suits. “ damn, just met me and already trying to get me to drink ?! you’re not gonna take advantage of me if i drink too much, right ? ” avery asked jokingly as he grabbed two glasses for them. “ totally kidding, but sure i haven’t actually ever had any wine since i’ve been here. and that’s been over a year. ”
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fyimarie · 9 years
♫ mariesantiago is listening to -> { s h e s a i d , i s a i d } by NLT.  
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fyimarie · 9 years
@acardi: buy it or don't. idc. just listen to it !!! and tell ur friends 'bout it.
@marisanti: @acardi that's dope.
@marisanti: @acardi totally bumping to ur song in my room right now.
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fyimarie · 9 years
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Marie looked up at the girl, smirked and let out a humorless chuckle. “Ha, thank you very much. It has its pros and cons, I guess.” Marie threw the last pieces of glass into the bin and then turned back towards the other girl. “The dishwasher, huh? Thanks, I’ll definitely remember that.” Marie shook her head and giggled. “So, what brings you here at 2 AM?” she asked, nodding towards the clock hanging above her head. “You part of the night animals’ club, too?”
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sienna giggled a little as she watched the new girl struggled with reaching a cup. the blonde could definitely relate, being five four didn’t really have too many advantages. “ hello, welcome to the short people’s club ! not the best place to be if we’re being honest. here, let me help. ” sienna offered as she collected the last couple pieces of glass from the broken cup. “ a little hint for next time, just open the dishwasher and get a cup from there. much easier. ”
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fyimarie · 9 years
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“Good, good.” Marie got back on her feet and flashed the boy a sarcastic smile when he asked for her name. Mystery lady. Ha, he really didn’t remember her at all. “Yes, this mystery lady’s got a name,” she said teasingly, slightly mocking his voice, “I’m Marie.” The girl stretched out her arm and briefly shook his hand. She wondered if maybe her name would ring a bell, but the boy didn’t respond. Turning away from him, Marie opened up the fridge and got on hold of a bottle of wine. “You want some wine too?” looking over her shoulder, she held up the bottle of red wine. “I’ve heard this one’s pretty good.”
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avery glanced down at the shards of glass as he took them from the girl. “ ah, don’t worry about it. i never drink from it anyway. kind of more for looks it seems. ” avery laughed a little as his eyebrow raised at the fact that she had already known his name. he didn’t want to make assumptions and believe she was fan so he brushed off the thoughts and grinned as he tossed the glass in the trash. “ yeah, that’s right. ” he confirmed, a soft smile at the other. “ does the mystery lady who broke my mug happen to have a name ? ”
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fyimarie · 9 years
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octavia came rushing down the stairs as soon as she heard the cringe-worthy sound of shattering glass. granted, she was already on her way down, but the sound definitely made her feet travel faster, worries of an injured housemate occupying her current thoughts. she stood by the doorway, staring at the unfamiliar blonde before her eyes glanced down at the last pieces of glass on the ground. “ o-oh, um… hi… ” she carefully stepped forward, trying to get a better look at the girl behind the corner. “ are you okay ? you’re not hurt, right ? i can get the first-aid kit just in case… ”
“Oh hi,” Marie looked up and a small smile curved her lips when the tall brunette appeared in the doorway. “Oh no, don’t worry about me,” she assured the other girl, “I’m just annoyed because I can’t reach the alcohol, really.” Marie pointed at the bottle of red wine standing on the back of the shelf and chuckled. She picked up the last pieces of glass from the ground and got back to her feet. Noticing that Octavia was still standing on the doorstep, Marie raised a hand, hinting at her to come in. “I’m Marie.”
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fyimarie · 9 years
carrying his bags along, bash walked into the room that for some reasonhe couldn’t quite pinpoint he thought was his room, finding another person in that room. “you’re either part of a very committed welcome committee or this isn’t my room, huh?” he said with a grin as his bag touched the ground gently.
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Marie was standing in front of her closet, her back turned towards her bedroom door, and she had just taken off her dress to change into an oversized t-shirt and sweats when someone suddenly came in the door. “Jesus Christ,” the small girl jumped when a man’s voice filled up the room and quickly grabbed a sweater to cover up her chest. She turned around, ready to cuss out whoever decided to come into her room without knocking first, but stopped when she saw who that person was. “... Bash Burke?!” 
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fyimarie · 9 years
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mariesantiago uploaded a new photo
don’t forget to  hydrate. ;)
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fyimarie · 9 years
♫ mariesantiago is listening to -> { p i l l o w t a l k } by travis garland.
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fyimarie · 9 years
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“Oh, I’m fine. I was just trying to reach the back of the shelf when I dropped this stupid mug,” she explained, pointing at the bar stool she had used in an attempt to reach the top shelf. Bringing her hand back down, Marie suddenly noticed a small cut on the palm of her hand. “,and apparently I cut myself, that’s just great.” The small blonde frowned as she got back up and turned towards the kitchen counter to wash off the blood. Realizing she hadn’t even introduced herself to the other girl, let alone thank her, Marie quickly turned back towards the other. “I’m sorry, I tend to get a bit... Annoyed, about things. I’m Marie. Thanks.”
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          “ helloooo ! ” the blonde replied in a singing tone before she could even know who it was, skipping her way into the kitchen, a small gasp escaping her lips as shesaw the little mess on the floor. “ are you alright ? ” she wondered titling her head, going to help the strange girl.
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fyimarie · 9 years
avery had spent the last twenty minutes walking from room to room in attempts to locate his missing pet; him and bean seemed to always be playing a game of hide and seek. as he rounded the hallway his ears caught wind of shattering glass and his curiosity led him to the kitchen in hopes of figuring out what had happened.  “ um, hey ? ” he spoke to the new girl, her voice and face leaving him with the feeling that he may have seen her before, but in a world this big, there was possibly no way. shaking that though from his mind, he looked at the other, “ everything alright in here ?  ” he questioned.
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Marie pinched her eyes together when a tall boy came peeking around the corner. His tall, lean posture, the blonde hair, the neck tattoo.. Ugh, of course Avery Mensa ha to be the first person she ran into. For a brief moment the girl stared at him, contemplating whether she should just be polite and pretend nothing happened or... Cuss him the fuck out. Deciding that it would probably be best not to scare him off right away, Marie decided to go with the first option and bent down again. “I’m fine. I was just trying to grab a mug when...” Marie studied the shattered piece of glass in the palm of her hand and pointed at two tiny letters engraved in the sharp material. A. M. Avery’s initials. “... I dropped yours.” Handing him the piece of glass, which once belonged to his mug, she looked up at the boy’s face. “Avery, right? Sorry about that.”
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fyimarie · 9 years
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*・☪˙ ˖✶ { task; 001 } GETTING TO KNOW YOU.
“My childhood was great. Growing up, my dad used to be a professional athlete so I didn’t get to see him a lot, but I always had my mom around so I don’t feel like I missed out on anything. I grew up in Chicago, Illinois, and I feel like growing up there has really taught me a lot about life. Spend one week in a big city and you’ll realize that people are less compassionate to your issues and more concerned with their own. It’s not always cozy and safe out there, and I think that growing up in Chicago really helped me to realize that. It helped me grow up.” TWO — DID YOU ALWAYS KNOW THAT BEING IN THE INDUSTRY WAS SOMETHING YOU WANTED TO DO?
“Not really. I always knew that I wanted to do something out of the ordinary, ‘though.  I couldn’t imagine myself having a nine to five office job. I’ve got better things to do than strut around in a pencil skirt and heels trying to impress my womanizer boss for a raise, right?” THREE —- WAS YOUR FAMILY SUPPORTIVE OF YOUR DECISION TO JOIN THE PROVE MANAGEMENT AND COME TO THE HOUSE?
“100%. My mom was the one who signed me up. My dad’s a bit more concerned about the whole thing, ‘though. I think he might be scared I’ll go completely berserk in here. That hasn’t happened ‘though… Yet.” FOUR — HOW ARE YOU FEELING ABOUT HAVING TO SHARE A HOUSE? DO YOU GET ALONG WITH THE OTHER RESIDENTS?
“I don’t think sharing a house will be a problem, there should be enough room for all of us in here, haha. I ran into Bash earlier today. I met him a few years back in a nightclub in Chicago. He’s a good guy, we’re friends.. As for the rest, I don’t really know them yet, but none of them seem completely horrible. ” FIVE — WHO WERE YOUR INSPIRATIONS AS A KID? WHO ARE YOUR INSPIRATIONS NOW?
“I’ve always looked up to my mom, because she got married to an athlete, and being married to an athlete is hard, you know? Wait, let me explain. When you get married to an athlete, you’re expected to represent your husband. So every time you go out in public, whether it’s at a family gathering or on a red carpet, you’re representing your husband and you’re expected to act and behave that way. You see, your image is his image. If you fuck up and do something stupid, it’ll affect his career. So if you’re too busy partying, drinking or working on your own career instead of focusing on his, that’ll affect the both of you. I’ve seen my mom give up a lot of things, including her own career, to be able to be the best wife she can be, and I really, truly admire her for that. I want to be as good of a wife as she is one day. - I don’t really look up to any celebrities. I look up to anyone who knows what they want and go for it, I guess. If you want something, so get it. You know what I mean?” That’s how Marie is with male singers and athletes tbh lmao. SIX — WHAT IS ONE THING THAT NO ONE IN THE HOUSE KNOWS ABOUT YOU? THAT WOULD PROBABLY NEVER WANT THEM TO KNOW?
“I probably wouldn’t want them to know that I have a son... yet. I don’t think I’ll keep it a secret forever, but I do feel like it’ll be best not to talk about it right away. It could affect my career, and possibly someone else’s too, so.” SEVEN — IF YOU WEREN’T PURSUING THE FAME PATH, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’D BE DOING RIGHT NOW? 
“I’d probably be in Chicago working at my uncle’s restaurant to save up some money, which is what I’ve been doing for the past year and a half. I’m still living with my parents right now, but I really want to move out to Los Angeles soon.”
“I think I’ll just go back to Chicago and, like I said, move out to Los Angeles. I have a few friends there who live in the city, so I’ll be able to move in with them.”
“I think I would rather be rich, because you can always buy your way into fame. My mom used to be friends with Nicole Sherzinger’s agent, and one of his clients literally paid him to make his wife famous. I believe he paid around $10,000 dollars, and the agent got his wife a lunch date with Kim Kardashian, some paparazzi pictures and a TMZ headline in return. So yeah, money over fame for sure.” TEN — LAST BUT NOT LEAST, DO YOU SEE ANY OF THE PEOPLE THAT ALSO HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE SAME CHANCE AS YOU AS COMPITETION?
“Nope. I’m gonna do my thing, and I’ll let them do their thing. There’s no need to step on people’s toes. Unless they step on mine, obviously. ”
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fyimarie · 9 years
“Fuck,” Marie snarled. She was standing on top of one of the bar stools and on her tippy-toes, but still hadn’t managed to get on hold of one of the coffee mugs without knocking another one noisily to the floor. Groaning, the girl jumped off the chair and bent down to pick up the larger pieces of shattered glass. She must’ve looked like a complete idiot. Her blonde curls were pulled up into a messy bun, not to mention the black, baggy sweat suit that made her appear much smaller than she already was. Plus, she literally got off the plane twenty minutes ago and was already breaking the house down. Not exactly a good first impression, huh...? Marie picked up a few pieces of glass and tossed them into the bin when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs and towards the kitchen. Tucking a loose lock behind her ear, Marie stood on her tippy-toes, again, to try and peak around the corner. “Hello?”
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