ga3ul · 2 months
I hope you are well! Wanting to know a little about my FS, the age difference, the country he was born in, if he loves animals...
My initials C.M
My Asc and sun in Capricorn Thank you !
Hi, I feel like your Fs would maybe be around your age. Not much of an age gap here. Along with that, they might come from a country with a heavy religious background. That could be a lot of countries, but personally your spouse takes pride in that along with their relationships in others. I wouldn't say they hate animals but not the biggest animal person. Also, im getting Sag energy here with them being considered "sly" .
(Also Wishin On You- Jihyo played when i did this reading. I think its kinda lovely especially for a fs reading😭)
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ga3ul · 2 months
Anyone has a small tarot ask? 🙂Honestly you can ask anything. I wanna get back to picking up these cards. Maybe ill add a song to it depending on the topic
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ga3ul · 2 years
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ga3ul · 2 years
♃ Jupiter in the Houses Keywords
Jupiter in the natal chart represents the means through which we expand our knowledge and understand the Universe. It covers our religious inclinations, our personal philosophy, and how "luck" finds us.
1H: nauseatingly optimistic, THIQUE, evangelistic, at least considered podcasting
2H: walking rabbit’s foot, bigger & better, eleganza extravaganza, good judge of character
3H: “those who can’t do, teach”, big sib energy, staycations/daycations, big trucks, prefer big picture ideas  
4H: the coolest dad, religious families, supportive, may “outgrow” their family/ideals, overcompensates for childhood
5H: gamblers, “big risk, big reward”, stereotypes about Zeus/Jupiter, successful athletes, beating impossible odds
6H: successful & popular at work, dedicated to those who they “serve”, needs moderation in work & health
7H: extravagant in relationships, “sugaring” dynamics, potential difficulties with commitment, relationships are an extension of self
8H: success in topics related to death/healing/occult, recipients of inheritance, sees the bright side where others may not
9H: higher education is everything, “Foucault said…”, missionary types, dogmatic
10H: mogul-types, they want it all, difficulties in early life, the sky's the limit, unwavering
11H: everyone’s best friend, trip-sitters, will organize the kickback but won’t buy shit, great ideas
12H: success in psychological arts, can create their own realities, deeply compassionate & understanding
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ga3ul · 2 years
i honestly understand why sm people on the tarot community love fs readings i eat that shit up everytime
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