gabarielchoi · 1 month
March, the spring it self full of the dust-angel.
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In the embrace of March's tender arms, your presence fills my world with the vibrant essence of spring. Your soul, like a garden in full bloom, exudes love and warmth that captivates my heart. With each passing day, I find myself enchanted by the way you embody the spirit of this season—full of life, renewal, and boundless love. Your laughter, like a melody of birdsong, brings joy to my soul, and your eyes, like blossoming flowers, sparkle with a radiant light that illuminates my days. As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, I am reminded of the beauty of our connection, a bond that grows stronger with each season that passes. Your kindness, grace, and unwavering spirit inspire me to be a better person, to cherish every moment we share, and to nurture our love like a precious flower in the garden of our hearts. With you, I feel as if time stands still, and each moment becomes a cherished memory etched in the fabric of our love story. Your love is like a gentle breeze that whispers promises of forever, filling my life with hope, joy, and endless possibilities. As we walk hand in hand through the blooming fields of life, I am grateful for the love that blooms between us, like flowers in a meadow kissed by the sun. Your presence is a gift, a reminder that love is a journey worth every step, every moment spent in each other's embrace. With each sunrise and sunset, I am reminded of the beauty of love, a love that grows with each passing season, blossoming into something more beautiful than words can express. May our love continue to bloom and flourish like the spring flowers, filling our lives with beauty, happiness, and endless love.
As we celebrate our third monthsary, my heart is filled with gratitude for the journey we've shared, a journey that has been adorned with moments of fragility yet strengthened by our unwavering belief in the power of love. In these past three months, we have weathered storms and danced under stars, facing challenges that tested the very foundation of our bond. There were moments when doubts crept in, and uncertainties clouded our path. Yet, through it all, our love emerged victorious, resilient like a diamond forged in the fire of life's trials. We have learned that love is not just about the easy days filled with laughter and sunshine; it's also about standing together in the midst of darkness, holding onto each other with unwavering faith and trust. Our journey has taught us that love is a choice we make every day, a commitment to cherish and nurture the bond we share. It's about understanding, forgiveness, and the courage to be vulnerable with each other, knowing that our hearts are safe in each other's hands. As we reflect on the moments that shaped us, let us celebrate the strength we've discovered within ourselves and in our love. It's a testament to our resilience, our willingness to grow, and our belief that love has the power to heal, to mend, and to make us whole. On this special day, let's cherish the love that has brought us here and look forward to the adventures that await us. With every heartbeat, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to have you by my side, navigating this beautiful journey of life together.
Happy third monthsary, sayangku. Here's to many more moments of laughter, joy, and love that make our hearts sing.
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ImI wanted to share something special with you—a game that I've been working on and pouring my heart into. Here we go!
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You can fill the jar with the emotion you feel, and don’t dare to lie!
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I always curious about your music taste so, tell me what kind of music you love based on your mood.
Last but not least, i always love you. 🤍
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