gabby-msr · 8 months
This is for people of Israel/anyone who supports Israel/anyone who wants to stay "neutral" about this genocide, remember that this is how your fav "defenders/heroes/government servants are supposed to be responsible" are talking about innocent Palestinians civilians:
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If you choose not to speak on this matter, if you choose to not speak up for Palestinians, then be well assured, 100% guaranteed that what's happening in Palestine can (and will if you let Israel get away with MASS MURDER) also just as easily happen to you, and then there will be other people who would stay "neutral" and silent on this matter.
If you think that the reason you're not taking sides is because you don't really know the situation that well, then EDUCATE yourself. It is your responsibility, as a fucking human, to do your research to stop and prevent such atrocities from being committed.
(I know, I FUCKING KNOW I have at least a few dozen followers from Israel/support Israel/ZIONISTS who are reading this and I know that your eyes may be blind, but your hearts aren't. Don't be a hypocrite, and don't be ignorant)
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gabby-msr · 8 months
Dana Scully being assigned to the X-Files certainly took her down a path with a lot of pain. Not only pain, she has also known happiness, love, and some excitement, but she has lost so much.
Dana Scully being assigned to the X-Files was probably one of the best things to have happened to Fox Mulder. He found a partner in every sense of the term. After years by himself, surrounded by neglecful parents, mocking classmates, shitty exes, and nasty coworkers, he met her at last.
I think about that a lot.
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gabby-msr · 8 months
I love the x files and the idea of bookclub but I'm personally struggling with reading longer fanfics these days. Need to pick it up again. Every two weeks I get the notification that it's happening and tell myself to read the story and then I never manage :/.
Such a shame too because there are some amazing fics out there and I love chatting about them.
Maybe participation in the book club is low because everyone has moved on from the x files?!?!
hey look ma, i made it
(love is dead anon sent me an ask)
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gabby-msr · 8 months
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let's hear it for the queerest m/f couple on tv
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gabby-msr · 8 months
i’m not even exaggerating when i say that this was my favorite part of the movie
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gabby-msr · 8 months
Vote MSR! We'll lose anyway but what an honor to have made it here against this fandom giant!
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket - FINALS
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gabby-msr · 8 months
Okay, so, hear me out.
I've found this in kind of a better quality but I believe it's been previously taken from an Instagram acc, because 1) It looks the same but the ending seems to have been cut out -Check the Insta post and you'll see what I mean- and 2) I see a blurred line where the watermark in the post on Insta is. Coincidence? I don't think so. Anyways, I'll leave the link here. I hope you guys enjoy it regardless.
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gabby-msr · 8 months
Someone can quote the article, but this David Duchovny quote made the rounds on twitter a few months ago and IT'S EVERYTHING.
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I feel like I want to explain to young tumblr users who weren't born yet that MulderxScully was a revolutionary ship. No, it was not queer but that is not the only way to be revolutionary.
In the 90s when The X Files was airing, media was like misogyny soup. Yes, there were exceptions. But casual sexism was so ubiquitous it was like we were all frogs simmering in it and if you dared to say, hey, uh, isn't this joke a little shitty to the wife? Or maybe this female character could do something other than pose and ask questions so the male lead can answer them? Then you were a hairy feminist outcast loser.
Scully was a lot of things but she was not that. All the "You're not going to believe this, Scully!" memes are based on the fact that Mulder, an attractive white dude, wanted nothing more in his entire life than to share his passions with this tiny redhead. Was he nuts? Yes. But on many other shows, he would have talked down to her, would've ignored her, would've mocked her. He didn't.
When you go back and watch The X Files, there's these moments where Mulder and Scully look at each other like, "wait did Jack Black really just say that" and the significance to fan history isn't just the sexual tension. It's that, yeah, and the origin of the word ship, and the 'will-they-won't-they'. But the most important thing about those looks is how they told the audience that Mulder was looking to Scully for something. A man was looking at a woman and asking with his eyes "what do you think about this?" Was he also saying "and do you want to bone about it?" Yeah, yeah he was. But the first thing was sexy as hell.
Respecting a woman's expertise and folding information she provided into his worldview was a revolutionary thing for a man to do on television at the time. Thank you for coming to my MSR ted talk.
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gabby-msr · 8 months
People complaining about how how apparently msr isn’t relevant but keeps getting all these votes are just so funny to me because the X files fandom is very alive for a 30 year old show. Maybe it doesn’t have as many fics in ao3 compared to others but that’s because it predates ao3.
Every day gifs are being posted, fics are coming out, art and fancams/edits are being posted on every social media site. Hell I’ve even been involved in drama on Twitter so I feel like that’s a signifier than the fandom is still relevant and alive
The x files fandom is very alive, you just have to know where to look.
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gabby-msr · 8 months
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AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Semifinals
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gabby-msr · 8 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Semifinals
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gabby-msr · 8 months
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018) | S01E21 'Tooms'
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gabby-msr · 8 months
It's never too late! Enjoy the ride!
I'm just watching X Files... just 30 years later... never thought it would be so intense and awesome 😍
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gabby-msr · 8 months
I'm just watching X Files... just 30 years later... never thought it would be so intense and awesome 😍
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gabby-msr · 8 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Quarterfinals
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gabby-msr · 8 months
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mulder and scully in moments so close together that i stopped breathing
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gabby-msr · 9 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 4
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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