gabbykits114-blog · 7 years
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When your friends say you can do a front flip. And this happens...
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gabbykits114-blog · 7 years
At the end, don’t make her feel that the memories you left with her were a lie.
hllseclipse191 (via wnq-writers)
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gabbykits114-blog · 7 years
I dont know if anyone will read this and i dont know what to title this but i am going to speak my mind so sorry if you get hurt or if you dont like what i have to say. I had a boyfriend and lets say his name was Tom my parents didn't know that i was dating him and we were on and off i realy liked him and he realy liked me. We dated for 4 weaks i think to be honest i dont know how long we were dating and after a while i fond put that i was moving soon i didn't want to tell all my friends and my boyfriend that i was moving and i didn't know how i was going to tell them. I hated the fact that i was leaving all my friends and i had to break up with Tom i cryed for days because i had to move and because i had to break up with Tom so i moved and a month after i moved i was on snapchat and i have Tom as a friend so i sent all my friends on snapchat a question thing and it had numbers on there and Tom picked number 8 and number 8 was "Who is your crush" and i answer honestly and lets say my crushes name was Noah so i told him. And then i asked who his crush is. And lets say his crush/girlfriends name was katie and he told me and i sayed cool. Then he told me that he only liked me because i have a nice body and he said this "I realy cared about you and realy liked you" and my heart melted and then he asked me of i thought that our relationship could have lasted longer and i told him how much i liked hom and how i wish i didnt want to move and that i didn't think a long distance relationship would have worked. So after talking until 12:36 in the morning i was going to go to bed and i said goodnight and Tom said "goodnight cutie" and i said what would your girlfriend think about you calling me cutie he said "we will never have what me and my girlfriend have" and no jole i cryed for a good 15 minutes and i continued on and texted him for 1 or 2 hours and then i told him to text me on something thats not on snapchat so i gave him my number and then he said that he would text me the next day and didn't so know its been 3 days and he posted something on snapchat and it was like a ask me anything questions and i asked " Why didn't you text me yesterday you a**hole" and then sent the message and know he deleted snapchat and unfollow me and blocked me on Instagram. I am sad but i am kind of happy that the relationship between me and Tom didn't work out because i told him that i was 13 and i am only 12 but i am turning 13 in October. I kind of wish that i was with him still and i wish i was still living in my old house. Let me know is you want me to tell more stories.
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gabbykits114-blog · 7 years
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gabbykits114-blog · 7 years
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