gabeplaton ¡ 5 years
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gabeplaton ¡ 5 years
Leadership, leader is the hard thing to do because not all will follow or belive in you. Now a days, no one wants to hear the Gospel but God put a leader: in the house our parents, in the school our teacher, in the church our pastor that is the important leader we recieve on Christ. We must give importance to them and give respect. We first start our education at home thats why we must thank our parents. Second is the school where we learn more knowledge and solve our problem. Lastly, the most important is the church because it just nut help you grow physically but spiritually your relationship to God will be firm. In the church we ganno learn about the importance why live. We must have faith in God because His the one who put the pastor or the man of God to lead the church and to have a better relationship with God. Thats why we need to help all the leaders to have abetter community and strong relationship to others.
Like Peter, he is one of the leader of the church God chosen. He was chosen by God that He trust him to be a faithful and good leader. Peter is the man of God who help and teach the Gospel. To continue serving the Lord and helping the sinners. To win souls to God to be save.
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gabeplaton ¡ 5 years
By having a mission you can have a better community in near future. Why do we need mission or vision? We can accomplish many works or the will of God’s by helping the poor and sharing the the Word of God. We must see ourselves that nothing is free in this world but the Gospel of God is free for everyone that many can go to Heaven. We must have a mission to help and share to the unbeliever wo doesn’t believe in God. As followers of Christ, we need to continue to spread and the teachings. Evangalizing the unbeliever to Jesus Christ. In the book of Matthew 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” we must preach the Gospel to every people who doesn’t know about God how diead on the cross to save us from our sin.
In our church my pastor was a great leader, he was the one who build the church of God because he has a mission to the unbeliever. Our pastor has a mission to reach all lost souls to God. By sharing the Gospel of God and having service every Sunday morning until evening. God put the mission to our pastor’s heart that he will lead the church with all his might.
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gabeplaton ¡ 5 years
Good Faithful Servant
As a Christian, we must have faith in God to be a great servant. We must have patience because God’s know the best for us. We must be a kind servant because God will help you in every situation. We must not grow physically but specially in spiritually. We must heal others by teaching the Gospel of the Lord and to bring them closer to Christ. I will commit myself to God, but first i need to be saved and Baptist. It is the first step to follow Jesus Christ in His works. In Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” that we are all sinners and we need to suffer in hell but the love of God saved us in the place of Fire. I can be one of the apostles by serving the living God and doing God’s will. At my current age, I can be a help by continue sharing and spreading the Gospel of God that He alone is the only way and save as from Hell. “For we preach not ourselves your servants for Jesus sake,” 2 Corinthians 4:5. I can be a great help in the church by sharing and be a good folllowers of Christ.
Be a followers of Christ because He knows what best for His child. God will lead us to be a great person or a servant. In the Bible, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” because we Christian should trust God and spread His Word. Like Peter, James, John, and all the disciples who follow Christ even in His death they continue to serve and didn’t forget what God taught them to go and teach the Gospel to the sinners like us.
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gabeplaton ¡ 5 years
Faith in God
We must trust God alone. We must be like De La Salle that he learn to trust and depends on God because God gives us a second chance and He gave us mercy. De La Salle believe and trust Mary to have blessings. We must ask and God will take care of the rest. When he accept Christ to be his personal Saviour. By praying and asking help to God. In the Bible, “Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and ye shall find.” We must talk to God through prayer and read His Bible. As a Child of God, we must surrender our life and help His works to spread the Gospel because He surrender his life for us and died for us to shed our sins away. De La Salle only trust God alone by believing and God help him to be a successful that God help him to grow not just in faith but spiritual growth. We must share God’s Word to others and that is the Gospel. That soon ill be rewarded in Heaven. In Psalms 37:5 “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
The disciple of Jesus follow Him because they believe that God alone can save there lives from sin. If you read your Bible you will see that there are many people who have faith in God. Like the woman who is bleeding for years, but she didn’t give up. When she heard the name of the Lord she rejoice and rush toward God. She said that “If I only can touch the clothes of Jesus I will be healed. She has faith even though she didn’t know God at all and all she knows that God save people because God didn’t go to earth to save the righteous but to save the sinners like us.
Today, some people will just reject the Gospel of God because they don’t have faith in God. They don’t believe in God because they want proof. Instead people make a god who doesn’t move or save people like Jesus who died on the cross to save our souls and go to Heaven.
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