gabriel05world 4 years
Reflection Lesson 6
Lesson 6 : Media and Information language聽
聽 聽 聽Through this lesson, I learned that in making a trailer in matters in the technical codes, symbolic codes and written codes. It will help the trailer to be be understand fully by audience. First, technical codes, the camera movement, angles, framing and lighting is much important because it can affect to the result of telling the story to the audience. Secondly, Symbolic Codes, It demonstrate and shows what lies on what the audience see such as setting and body language gives the understanding and 聽interpretation. Lastly, Written codes, use of language style and textual lay out such as headlines, captions, speech bublesand etc. It can gives us a better understanding.
STEM 12Y2 - ENG. 5
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gabriel05world 4 years
Reflection Lesson 5
Lesson 5: Media and information sources聽
聽 聽 聽 聽In lesson 5, I learned the four Media and Information sources such as Indigenous Media, Library, and Mass Media. In Indigenous media, It is also called Community Media and it is a media of the indigenous people in their places. In Library, It is the place wherein literary, musical, artistic and reference book will be be found and the books there is not for sale. In Mass Media, we will 聽information here through written, spoken and broadcast Commmunication. In all of these, in different languages there is a reason to pass an information or news. Whether we are indigenous people, we can communicate. I realize that communication is need everywhere. There is so many ways to communicate and to get information.
STEM 12Y2 - ENG. 5
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gabriel05world 4 years
Reflection lesson 4
Lesson 4: Types of Media聽
聽 聽 Through this lesson, I learned that Media is one of the important things in our lives and it have a different types such as Print Media, Broadcasting Media and New Media. First,Print Media is refer to the materials that are printed such as books, newsletters, magazines, journals, etc. that provide information. Secondly, Broadcasting Media use in broadcasting news,listening live opera and theater performance.Telephone is used to broadcast news and entertainment programs. Print Media that can easily access internet in digital device. Through these three type of media, I realize that there is different way for us to receive an information or news etc. I learned also that all of this types of media is awesome because it is use in different ways.
STEM 12Y2 - ENG. 5
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gabriel05world 4 years
Reflection Lesson 3
聽Lesson 3: Information Literacy
聽 聽 聽 In Lesson 3, I learned that the information technology is much important in 聽our daily decision in our daily living. Whether we are student, employee, researcher and etc. In can also improve our skills in critical thinking and problem solving. Information Literacy is not only about finding the right and appropriate information needed but also knowing how to use it properly and accurately. I learned as the technology is growing, Information Literacy becoming more essential. Information technology is also important because it to access a large scale of information easier for personal, academic purposes and for work related needs. I learned also that an information literate person identify the nature and related information needed, find information efficiently and effectively, evaluate the gathered information and it's resources critically, Apply effectively and to acknowledge the sources of information and the issues surrounding it.
STEM 12Y2 - ENG. 5
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gabriel05world 4 years
Reflection Lesson 2
Lesson 2 : The Evolution of Traditional Media to New Media
聽 聽 聽 聽In Lesson 2, I learned that as time goes by, the technology and Media change from Pre-Historic age to New Media age. Though traditional media 聽is old and not like new media but we can say that traditional Media is one of the most important in our lives because we cannot make a new media without traditional media. For example, According to Mcquail (2015), Traditional Media is one directional. The example of one directional is listening information from radio but as a listener we can't reply our opinion about that information. In New Media, they developed social Media wherein we can say our opinion and thoughts about the information we see or hear. For me, they will not realize that they need to make something that is interactive without using traditional Media as a preference for new Media. I also learned that the function of Communication and Media is to help us to be aware about what us happening around the around us, to helps to facilitate public discussion, to Educate us about the facts, exposure to political or government organizations and to serve as medium to convey advocacy to political view points.
STEM 12Y2 - ENG. 5
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gabriel05world 4 years
Reflection Lesson 1
聽 LESSON 1 : Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
聽 聽 聽 聽 Through this lesson, I learned that Media and Communication is really important part of our lives because it can help us to share information, not only to share information but also to express our thoughts 聽to others. 聽I learned also that i must have a media literacy, information literacy and Technology literacy to communicate with other in any media forms and formats and by also using technology. It can also helps me to improve myself as a citizen and to be educated. Now I know that Media and Information literacy signifies not only for us to be engage in Media and information systems but also to improve critical thinking and life long learning skills. It can also help me in everyday living and it promotes my right to express, to gain, to find and also to share in formation to others. It also teaches us to not to gain only information but to give also.
STEM 12Y2 - ENG. 5聽
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