gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
K A Y A :
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          “Or they’re just really upset and really about to break up – and will never talk to each other again,” she suggested. She couldn’t imagine anyone would willingly fight like that in public, but it wasn’t entirely impossible. Maybe if she fought with her ex in public, she wouldn’t have ended up bruised every single time. “Break up sex? I wasn’t aware that’s really a thing. I never had it.” The last time, she was just happy to flee his grasp. A small grin on her lips, she glanced over at him with a shrug of her shoulders. “Isn’t the best thing when the girl doesn’t yell at all? Just normal, good old sex?”
“It’s possible but don’t most people tend to keep that shit quiet?” He’d never really been one for relationships, happier with a string of one night stands than anything serious but even he couldn’t wrap his head around not only arguing with someone but airing their dirty laundry so publicly. But his musing is quickly replaced by his usual cockiness as he can’t help but remember fondly all of the times he’d had. “Oh yeah, it’s amazing what people do when they think it’s their last time with you.” Taking a sip of his drink, Gabe shoots the brunette another grin. “Depends on what kind of yelling it is.”
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
E L I S A :
“Poor guy? He makes a dumbass remark that I call him out on and somehow he winds up being the victim? You’re supposed to take my side. I’ll be sure to remember this next time a report with your name comes across my desk.”
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“Come on Ramos, you know you’d miss this face too much if you put it behind bars.” Grinning unashamedly, the man linked his hands behind his head. “But nah, he’s not the victim. I pity him and his lack of game but the real victim is all us guys who get a bad rep because one guy doesn’t know how to close.”
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
L U C I A N A :
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          “Kardashian wannabes,” Luciana echoed slowly, staring over at the couple as if trying to judge whether they really were just trying to become famous by doing close to nothing. “I think they have to go more out if that’s the case. Maybe have sex right there on the table, then their chances might be better,” she pointed out, a grin still gracing her features. “I can’t say that really gets me going either. And a lot of things get me going. I could have sex anywhere and because of anything, but screaming at each other doesn’t really do the trick for me.”
With a click of his fingers he nodded with her assertion. “You know, you’re right. They started with a sex tape anyone else has got to follow their lead.” What she said next caught his interest, brow raising at how brazenly she declared it and he couldn’t help be respect it. He’d never seen a problem with people owning the way they were and even if he wouldn’t say it, it gave her points in her mind. Grinning, Gabe went with his tried and try method of never taking things seriously. “Anywhere and because of anything, huh? You’re lucky I’m such an upstanding guy because someone with less pure motives would try to take advantage of that.” 
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
R E B E K A H :
“For the record, ‘oh ok’ actually means ‘my heart just got ripped into a million pieces but I won’t tell you because you wouldn’t care how I feel anyway’. So whoever texted you that, good luck.” Leaning her elbows on the counter, Rebekah took in a pitiful breath as she sipping on her beer. 
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“Huh.” Slipping his phone back into his pocket Gabe tried to summon up some sort of remorseful look but knew that he hadn’t quite managed it. “That explains a lot then.” Leaning a little closer, he figured he had nothing to lose by questioning further. “Okay, so seeing as you seem like someone who gets this stuff, how come is it when you say it’s nothing serious they still end up broken-hearted?”
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
 J A V I :
“I guess it’s better then that pretty boy face of yours inked on them – just for the hell of it, I might mess it up. Accidentally of course.”
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“My pretty face would be a great addition to anyone’s body. Besides, bigger means more expensive right? I’ll even come in and be a live model for you.”
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
K A Y A :
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         Kaya was completely enamored by the couple fighting, their voices growing louder by the second. If there was one thing she didn’t miss about being in a relationship, it was the fighting. Not that she’d ever fought so openly – but maybe if she did, it would have spared her some pain. She perked up slightly in her seat when a voice caught her attention, and when she looked over at the man, a smile appeared on her lips. “I always ask myself that when I see couples fight out in public. I mean, isn’t it bad enough to fight in general? Why do you have to do it where everyone can see? Entertaining for me, but I don’t know. It would be kind of weird if they do get off on it.”
Studying the couple again, his eyes darted over to the brunette as she spoke. “There must be some kinda kick involved though or they just crave being centre of attention.” He shrugged slightly, himself failing to see why you’d want that much of your personal life out in the public eye. While he’d never been shy and retiring there was a limit to what he laid out for people and the person he portrayed didn’t always match up with his past which was exactly what he preferred. “I gotta say, it’d be a bit of a turn off for me if some girl started yelling at me in public but break up sex? That’s the one.” Grinning, Gabe couldn’t help but lower the tone when what she was saying was far too close to something that could turn into a genuine conversation.
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
L U C I A N A :
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        Luciana had been watching the scene in front of her unfold with great amusement. Fingers playing with her cup, she shook her head, before turning her head slightly when someone starting talking to her. “Are you seriously asking me that? Obviously they do. I can’t think of another reason to fight in such a public place. They’ll probably be off to the bathroom to fuck in two minutes.” Then again, Lu herself was always a fan of making a scene, so she couldn’t really blame them. “But to each their own, right?”
As the brunette spoke Gabe raised a brow and saw some kind of challenge in her words even if one didn’t really exist. Unable to stop himself being facetious, Gabe plucked another reason for the yelling. “Could be some kind of Kardashian wannabes hoping that they’ll go viral. But it’s all a bit tame for that at the moment.” Eyes shifted back to the couple not quite grasping their logic but still enjoying the spectacle. “Guess that’s one way to get your kicks but screaming matches just don’t really do it for me. Sure is entertaining though.” 
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
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   ━   TEXTS FROM LAST NIGHT:                                                   jeremy & @gabrielgcrcia
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
mornings with eddie and christopher.
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
It was hard to keep Gabriel’s attention but incredibly easy to catch it. There was a fickleness about him which meant that somehow his gaze always got drawn to what he considered the most exciting or entertaining thing in a room. The only person exempt from this treatment was his son when he always considered the young boy the best focus for his attention. Currently his attention was fixed on a couple having a blazing domestic in the middle of the street. There was an undeniable look of amusement on his face as he watched the scene unfold, unable to keep himself from snickering slightly as the insults grew louder. Shifting in his seat slightly, he leaned closer to no one in particular before speaking. “You think they get off on the attention? They gotta know that everyone’s zoning in on them.”
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
D O M I N I C :
“Mom, I told you I can’t come right now. — No-stop, just get into a cold shower or something, I’ll be there by the time you’re done.” Raising his hand up, Dominic pushed some of his hair back and off his forehead before dropping it back down, the hair falling back down onto his skin. “Just calm down okay? I gotta go-” Pulling the phone away from his ear, Dominic hung up the phone, shaking his head at the phone call with his mother before shoving the cellphone into his pocket and turning around to see Gabriel. “Fuck, dude!” Dominic couldn’t help but jump slightly, not expecting his friend. “You almost gave me a heart attack.” The male joked, grabbing his jacket off his bike and sliding the leather jacket over his arms. “Want a smoke?” Dominic asked, pulling out the box of cigarettes from his jacket pocket.  
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With his work finished up for the day and Eddie still taken care of for a few hours, it seemed obvious to the mechanic where he should spend his down time. Dominic was always a good time but he hadn’t quite expected to laugh from the moment he arrived, especially not at the other man’s expense. “Probably the fastest your pulse has been going for a while.” Without his son by his side Gabe switched back to the rough man he’d never truly grown out of from model father he’d managed to mould himself into. A grin spread across his features with no trace of remorse, shoulders shrugging as well to emphasise that he’d do it again without hesitation. “Besides, I’m just reminding you to stay aware of your surroundings. I coulda been some Angels fucker.” There’s a brief moment of hesitation, knowing he should really quit if he wants to set anything close to a decent example for Eddie but inevitably he caves, taking a cigarette and pulling out his own lighter to hand to the other man. “You know I struggle with the word no.”
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
J A V I :
“Word of advice–never ever get someone else’s name tatted on you. Third customer in two days that wants a cover up. Shit though , maybe that’s job security so actually I take it back.”
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“Somehow I doubt there’s any danger of that for me.” He chuckled slightly. “Don’t worry, wey, I’ll be sure to keep that business coming in - just it’ll be from everyone wanting their name tattooed on them.”
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
E L I S A :
“You would think by this point people would have more clever pick-ups lines than ‘Oh, you’re a detective? You must love handcuffs.’ Fucking idiots.”
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“Give the poor guys a break, El, it’s not like all of them can be as naturally witty and charismatic as I am. One of these days you’re just gonna have to settle for less than me, hard as that is.”
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
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Full Name: Gabriel Miguel García Nickname(s): Gabe but will also answer to Garcíá Age: 31 Date of Birth: March 22nd 1987 Zodiac Sign: Aries Place of Birth: Odessa, TX Ethnicity: White & Mexican Nationality: American Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic Religion: loosely Catholic (used to go to church sometimes with his mother) Occupation: Mechanic Language(s) Spoken: English and Spanish fluently Accent: American
Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Brown Height: 6′1 Weight: 140lbs Build: fit/muscular
Positive Traits: charming, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, passionate   Negative Traits:  impatient, impulsive, fickle, self centred, thoughtless, stubborn Goals/Desires: raising his son right is pretty much the biggest thing in his life. He wants to make sure that Eddie grows up better than him but most importantly grows up happy and healthy. Fears: his biggest fear either turning out like his father or something happening to Eddie, both things he’d do anything to avoid . When it comes to phobias, he’d jokingly say that he’s a gamophobe or commitmentphobe. But really he hates mice. Hobbies: most of his time is spent working or with his son and if asked about his hobbies Gabriel would ask if picking up girls counted. The only other thing that takes up a decent chunk of his time is the gym, usually doing at least an hour or so a day at varying times. Quirks: taps foot, drums fingers, very good at braiding hair, sits on desk or back of sofa rather than chair, glances at watch, always carries gum, can quote all of Fight Club, very fast walker, always takes stupid bets, right handed but writes with left. Likes: tequila, motorcycles, dancing, thunderstorms, online shopping, oranges, mint ice cream, dogs, take out food, football, pickles, debating, summer, coffee, late night drives, take out dates. Dislikes: whisky , fizzy drinks, snow, cigarettes, waiting in line, camouflage clothing or anything, soccer, autumn, driving a car, traffic, porcelain dolls, people missing deadlines, angry drunks.
Myers-Briggs:  ESTP Enneagram: Type 8 - The Challenger Temperament: Choleric Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
coffee or tea? coffee showering in the day or night? Mornings taking baths or taking showers? showers writing or reading? neither platonic or romantic love? platonic iced tea or lemonade? Lemonade ice cream or smoothies? Ice cream cupcakes or cake? Cupcakes beach or mountains? Beach book smarts or street smarts? street smarts introverted or extroverted? Definitely extroverted sensible or imaginative? Imaginative brave or foolhardy? Foolhardy family or friends? family sunrise or sunset? Sunrise indoors or outdoors? Outdoors night owl or early bird? early bird left handed or right handed? right handed chocolate or vanilla? chocolate sunlight or moonlight? Sunlight group work or individual? group fruit or vegetables? Fruit winter break or summer vacation? Summer song or dance? Dance orchestra or band? Band instrumental or lyrical? Lyrical guitar or drums? Guitar closed space or open space? Open alone or with company? With company water or land? Land past or future? Future fight or flight? Fight noise or silence? Noise truth or lies? lies now or forever? Now power or peace? power creativity or talent? talent rest or play? Play strength or intelligence? Intelligence wealth or ambition? Ambition freedom or safety? Freedom faith or fearlessness? Fearlessness hurt or be hurt? Hurt
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gabrielgcrcia · 6 years
#BTS Ryan Guzman for BELLO mag
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