Week 3 (8th - 11th Oct)
This week we had to pick things up so we added a good six songs on to the list all at once and 3 of them being ones that i was put on which are “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic, which Im doing backing vocals in, “Girls Like” by Tinie Tempah, Zara Larsson, which I am leading with James and “Proud Mary” by Tina Turner, which I am singing lead in. 
We only had time to roughly go through these 3 songs this week due people working on other songs in other groups, but we just continued working on the song in the mean time. 
Counting Stars
Me and Aiden are doing backing vocals for “Counting Stars”. we had some troubles with finding the harmonies for the bridge, but after listening to the song over and over again and playing the chords in a constant loop and keep singing different harmonies to see if it works, we eventually managed to work them out. 
Girls Like
For girls like we mainly got down the instruments, which include drums, bass, and drums for now. We definitely need to add more to the song as it it sounds very plain at the moment, maybe another key board to play a synth or a drum pad as it is an electronic based song.
When we show it to the company next week, we will then see what our pears say is missing and what needs to be added. Marc can then help us add people in to it so we can then make it sound fuller. He has already helped Tiah with her synth part as she is doing the main melody so she need to make she that she perfects it.
Proud Mary
With “Proud Mary” We are fairly confident with the first bit at the beginning of the song before the fast bit comes in. Max and Niki are doing the backing vocals and we are planing on adding in some choreography to spice up the song and the final performance. An issue at the moment with the song is that once the fast bit kicks in it sounds quite empty, we are still in need of a bass player so we are hoping Manny will be able to join the band for next week. 
The keys are currently playing an organ setting but we are thinking of adding another key board to support the organ and also to boost up the fast bits intro. We are planning to do this by next week, to find someone who will play the other organ part. We will ask for help from Marc to see if he can see what is missing.
The Less I Know The Better - I have improved my finger placement on the guitar fully, I now play with ease and no tension due to working my hand every day for a small amount of time, it really made a difference. I still am sort of having trouble with my right hands control with the picking still though, I just need to still practice and to be more confident. 
The tone of my guitar is also very important. I have realised with a little bit of help that my guitar needs to have quite a lot of reverb. It gives the sound a more tripy and delayed effect which is perfect for this song as it has quite a psychedelic vibe to it.
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Week 2 (1st - 4th Oct)
This week we added some new songs to the list, The song that I was put into work on was “The Less I Know The Better” by Tame Impala. 
The song its self is an indie rock song so it is quite electronic. I offered to play the guitar as Liam was already playing the keys and there was no need for anymore backing vocalists. 
I play a simple riff on the guitar that plays during the chorus. guitar is not really an instrument i am fully confident with but I have took on the challenge to grow as a musician 
Currently, the main problem with my part is my finger placement and my picking, im not really used to positioning my fingers to play the guitar so it will take some practice to become comfortable playing the riff and picking at a constant rhythm is a bit of a struggle for me at the moment. 
What I need to do is to find time, 10 minutes every night, to take my guitar and just play the riff and to keep repeating it until I eventually get the habit of the finger placements. I will use the pic whilst practising so I get familiar with holding the pic and playing the riff along side. I will also practice with the song playing so I can follow along with the tempo.
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Week 1 (24th - 27th Sep)
This week we picked out the first 5 song to work on for our gig, those songs being: 
Crazy - Cee Lo Green
American Boy - Estelle, Kanye West
Happy - Pharrell Williams
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor - Arctic Monkeys 
Out of these songs I was playing the keyboard part and doing the backing vocals belong sides Hannah for Mr. Brightside. We performed it in front of everyone in the venue and in terms of performing the song, the band was great at connecting with the crowed and the energy levels were high, we even got them to clap along with us in the bridge section which really built the song up to the final chorus.
There was some problem areas with the song though. When it came to the levels of the instrument and the vocals, at times the instrument were louder than the lead so you couldn't even hear Tiah. Another problem was that there was a specific synth sound that keyboard need to have to fit perfectly with the song and I haven't found it yet. 
What we need to do next when we rehears, which we will do next week Tuesday, is to all turn it down because even in rehearsal we are way to loud to hear anything, we then really need to hear if everyone is confident with their parts or to see if we need to go through a certain section a couple of times or even change the tone on one of the guitars to fit more with the sound and a tone that will compliment the vocals and not over power them.
Note to self: I need to sit down, really listen to the song and play around with finding a synth on the keyboard that sound similar to the one on the track. I will do this in my free time next when I am in a rehearsal room by myself.
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I wanted to pick this song as dream audition song because I always show the powerful side of my voice, I wanted to try something completely out of my comfort zone, so I thought why not pick a soft, sweet, breathy head voice song to really through me off. It did take some time to develop the skill of controlling and grounding my voice and where to sing from when performing this song, but I have learnt through reoccurring practice, you can be able to eventually master anything.
It is such a beautiful song, I really had to master Billie’s iconic breathy tone whilst not sounding like I am whispering, and even though it seems really high, I realised that this particular song is sung in mixed voice so I am not only trying to sing it high, I am also trying to sing from my chest but placing it in a certain way that zips in with my head voice aswell. It was great fun learning to sing like Billie Eilish and I would recommend learning her songs as it is great for begginers trying to sing an higher key.
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Vocal warm ups
This was the first day of the vocal warm ups and as you can hear, i found it quite challenging to reach certain notes and to sing some of the high parts in head voice but after repeating this warm up daily, I managed to achieve hitting those pitches and even being able to develop that breathy whispery tone that Billie is well know for.
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‘idontwannabeyouanymore’ cover
This is the final out come of my performance of my cover of ‘idontwannabeyouanymore’ by Billie Eilish, i have noticed that after practicing the song everyday for the last week, including the warm ups, I have been able to master control when going into a whispery head voice which was the main struggle of mine and also singing with power whilst in head voice which was also an issue as u could hardly hear me and I had no control, but I am very happy with the out come and I hope you enjoy
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How to harmonise
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Enlightenment can be also used in spiritual term, such as an cleansing of the body, mind and soul. The English term enlightenment is the western translation of the abstract noun bodhi, the knowledge or wisdom, or awakened intellect, of a Buddha.[1] The verbal root budh- means "to awaken," and its literal meaning is closer to "awakening." Although its most common usage is in the context of Buddhism, the term buddhi is also used in other Indian philosophies and traditions. The term "enlightenment" was popularised in the Western world through the 19th century translations of Max Müller. It has the western connotation of a sudden insight into a transcendental truth or reality.
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“The Enlightenment”
The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was a philosophical movement that took place primarily in Europe and, later, in North America, during the late 17thand early 18thcentury. Its participants thought they were illuminating human intellect and culture after the "dark" Middle Ages.
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The enlightenment 
1. How your idea connects with the show name ‘The Enlightenment’ 
The Titanic 
For the show i want the theme to be about the Titanic and specifically about the story line of how jack and rose changed each others lives and enlightened each other. i think this is one of the greatest love stories of all time, but i don’t believe its all about the love in this film, its also about the fact if that if these 2 young people from 2 completely different lives and 2 different classes (which was a big concept at the time), changed each others lives just by knowing each other.
we will have 2 sides, in this case, higher class (representing rose side) and lower class(representing Jacks side. The people who will be representing higher class are to wear suits elegant dresses, diamonds etc... and the people who will be in the lower class will wear not as extravagant clothing as the other side. 
2. A tagline (a short sentence or slogan that sums up the concept or creates interest in it) and description of the whole idea
“i will never let go” 
i took the tagline from an actual line in the movie and it in the scene where Rose and Jack are in the water and he is saying to Rose to follow her dreams, to go on and have a family and to grow old and she promises that she will do exactly that as he is the one that she loves and she wants to make him happy. and when jack has died, she kisses his hand and says “i will never let go” and even she did let him go, he will forever be in her heart.
3. Examples of the kind of music/visuals put together that would work for this idea
we could use the actual song dedicated to the movie which is ‘My heart will go on’ by Celine Dion 
but in other terms we could use any music that will fit the scenes that we chose to use in the show. different people will get to play Rose and Jack throughout the show, we can even add some humour and even make Jack a girl or Rose a guy.
the room will be laid out like the dining room in the ship for the higher class as that’s one of the most iconic layouts form the titanic and everyone will know instantly when they walk in. it will be all fancy with white table cloths and we should have some typical classical music when the audience walk in and out so they can embrace the atmosphere. we can also have a sign on the doors saying “The Titanic” so everyone will know what the show will be about when walking in.
4. The effects that this idea could have on the audience
Everybody love the story of the titanic, especial the characters who play the 2 love birds, Rose and Jack. Its such a beautiful but tragic romance and is guaranteed to leave you in tears. but we are not going to be focusing on the love of it all but more on the way how these 2 young people changed each others lives, and that is why i want to do this as a concept for the FMP, to subtly twist the perspective of the story to the audience to show how they didn't just love each other , they also enlightened each other, broke boundaries, changed each others lives. i believe it will have a big impact as its a story line that everyone knows, or even if you have never watched the film, you have definitely would of heard of it and the characters are already known of so we could use that to our advantage of how the audience views us.
5. Technical Needs
we will need lights, smoke and other varies stage props and even studio sound to set the scenes. i believe we will need some sort of pointed rail for when we recreate the iconic scene when Jack and Rose are at the front of the ship
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6. The benefits to the company of doing this concept     (Sell it!)
its such an amazing story that i am pretty sure we all know, if you think about it, there is so many ways that we can play this out, its a concept that we can really twist and add to for our advantage and it will be so fun doing so as everyone already knows the story so we can add our own little twist to make it suit the show.       
it will be so easy but fun to perform this, as everyone knows the character and the story line. Not only that, if we have some actors in here that would like to express their talent for the idea would be great but don’t forget, its all about the music and what we bring to the table. 
Your FMP Pitch
This needs to be an idea that will inspire and challenge the group. There will need to be opportunities for everyone to be creative whilst incorporating the use the screen (footage/cameras)
Please make sure that you include the following:
1. How your idea connects with the show name ‘The Enlightenment’ 
2. A tagline (a short sentence or slogan that sums up the concept or creates interest in it) and description of the whole idea
3. Examples of the kind of music/visuals put together that would work for this idea
4. The effects that this idea could have on the audience
5. Technical Needs
6. The benefits to the company of doing this concept     (Sell it!)
DEADLINE: You will pitch your idea to me on Monday (25th) and then to everyone else on Tuesday 26th
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I thought that the best and most obvious way to start my research is by firstly typing up in google the meaning of the word “Enlightenment” its self and above is a screen shot of what came up. 
So, the description uses two very different key words, them being ‘action’ and ‘state’, these word show me that there is 2 different ways too enlightenment. in the description, one of the meanings is referred to as an ‘action’, almost like a physical transformation when most would think of it as being mentally. The other description is being in a ‘state’ of enlightenment witch is a metal thing, so by reading the meaning, it shows me that enlightenment can be either a physical or mental experience.
Also, the example sentence used to help define ‘enlightenment’ reads as this, “Robbie looked to me for enlightenment”, this also shows that enlightenment is something that can be shared and inspired by others to guide someone in need of help. Its like but it doesn't clarify if you have needed too of been enlightened to have the option to enlighten others or can anyone give enlightenment to other? cane we enlighten our selves?
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I have completed the personal practice routine that i have set out to do everyday until next Tuesday. i intend on singing my chosen song daily so i will be doing my vocal warm ups right before i sing the song so i can train my voice to getting used to performing that song suitable for an audition. 
I intend on recording my tutorial over the weekend because it gives me time to to plan and do some initial research on what i should include in the video to make it beneficial. starting from tomorrow i will concentrate on doing little bits of research daily to help me develop my a show proposal pitch. 
It’s action plan time
Today you will need to write the weekly action plan leading up to next Tuesday in the Venue where you will be showing the tutorial videos that you will have made as well as pitching individual ideas for your next show. 
A research task that you will need to complete by Friday to help you come up with your pitch will be posted tomorrow.
So be sure to include in your action plan:
By today, a personal practice routine posted as a manual on your Tumblr site
An explanation of how and when you intend to go about recording your tutorial video, leaving plenty of time to complete a research task towards developing a show proposal pitch (watch this space tomorrow)
and the Pitch itself of course.
One aspect of your research into the pitch proposal could be the second year showcase today (will take place at 3 o’clock in the Venue)
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idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish vocal warm ups
1. High, clear, zipped-up riff 
We are going to sing a very high and clear riff. even tho we are in the head voice range for this exercise, you should not be using a breathy tone just yet, we have to keep the chords nice and connected and zipped up. starting on Em going up the scale. 
2. Dynamic “Mind” 
This exercise is actually taken out of the song Belly Ache by Billie Eilish. its the pre-chorus where she sings “wheres my mind”. You have to sing that riff starting on a C and going up the scale to widen your range.
What you need to focus on in this exercise is creating a very nice musical shape with my dynamics, concentrating on creating that crescendo and then diminuendo.
3. Sliding between intervals 
The Technic used in this exercise is sliding into pitches which is something that Billie does quite a lot so beautifully whilst she is performing, so in this exercise what your going to do is start on a B note and slide up to the C and from there you go up the scale in the same pattern C-D, D-E,etc... Then after sliding to the top of the scale, you then slide back to the bottom.
4.  eh-eh-eh
This exercise is focusing on our vocal control which Blillie is really skilled at as a singer. so for this exercise we are going to be going up on a chromatic scale on short “eh” sounds.
5. breathy riff on “Hi”
Now this is where we touch on that breathy voice that Billie is known for. for this warm up we are going to do a little chromatic riff on “Hi”, going up the scale starting on c, using the H to really bring out the breathy effect from our voices.
6. Fry into low blues riff
We are now concentrating on the deeper, lower range of our voices but in a blues fashion that Billie sometime creates within her music. so were going to star this exercise with vocal fry and then we are going to go into a chesty, bluesy tone, doing this whilst going up the scale.
7. Ornaments 
In this exercise we are going to do some ornaments, starting on an Am scale and gradually going up the scale. In music, ornaments or embellishments are musical flourishes, typically, added notes, that are not essential to carry the overall line of the melody.
-The video bellow demonstrates and explains the warm ups more fully and is especially based on how to sing like Billie Eilish. 
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My goal is to be able to sing ‘Stone cold’ by Demi Lavato. It is a song that is definatley out of my comfort zone and that I struggle with personally as a vocalist due to the difficult runs, notes and the key the song is performed originally in. I find it hard with breathe control and controlling my voice when singing in the higher key in my chest voice, that’s why I’ve always stayed away from powerful songs performed in the higher range, but it’s always been a want of mine to sing such a beautiful powerful, meaningful song whilst still being able to reach all the notes 
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