gabriellcs · 7 years
i’m moving into college in t minus practically 1 day now ??? all weekend i’ll be doing orientation stuff n going to seminars and all that jazz so i may not have the opportunity to get on daily !
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gabriellcs · 7 years
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* rvtherfcrds.
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                           sure, part of him knows that it isn’t his fault but it’s EASIER to believe that it is than anything else. he’s gotten used to be blaming himself for things because half of the things that happen in his life are his own fault. he knows how much gabi’s career means to her, mostly because his means just as much as him & thought of EVER losing it seems too surreal. luckily, he doesn’t need to think about that. but that doesn’t mean he can’t feel guilty. ❛ yeah, i know, but it’s just not fair, y’know ? like, what the fuck did we ever do to anyone ? what did you ever do to anyone to deserve this ? it’s all just fucked up. you shouldn’t HAVE to deal with it. if people would mind their own business then this wouldn’t have happened. ❜ he sighs & runs his hands over his face. the last thing he’ll do is let some stupid social media account get the better of him. ❛ yeah, that’s a good idea. if we stop talking then they’ll PROBABLY make up some shitty story about how we were dating & conveniently broke up. ❜ he snorts a laugh. knowing them, it wouldn’t be a far stretch. ❛ of course. so, do you think it’s wise for us to walk in together, or will they get too crazy ? ❜ beau flashes her a grin.
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she nods her head as she listens to the words that leave beau's mouth, her teeth lightly biting onto her lower lip to prevent herself from crying. the words that he spoke resonated with her. they were everything that gabrielle had been thinking, but couldn't get to leave her mouth. it wasn't fair and they didn't do anything to anyone. it wasn't like their arrangement was hurting anyone. so why did it happen ? she would never know. " it isn't fair, " she stated. " i don't know why this happened or why it was US they chose to target. i just wouldn't wish this on anyone. " beau's laugh caused gabrielle to giggle. it was the first time she had genuinely laughed and smiled in days. " i don't think it could get any crazier than what happened when we got here. right now, i say fuck the paparazzi. i need a drink. "
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* wtfdevon.
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devon: ok, order 20 devon: and we both get 10 devon: what a deal
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GABRIELLE: give me the money 4 ur half GABRIELLE: and then we'll talk
🎶incoming snap from devon
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* prepaids.
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“ they aren’t, but i would rather be here than sitting at home doing nothing. “ it was highly unlikely that she would’ve been doing nothing; she might’ve found another event to go to, if anything at all. still, she would’ve preferred to be here. “ everything alright ? “
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" i suppose that's true. " a sigh left her lips and she crossed her arms over her chest, her mind reliving what had happened when she arrived at the gala. she nodded her head in response to juno's question even though everything didn't seem to be alright. " yeah it's just the paparazzi. they're so fucking annoying. how do they get away with everything they do ? "
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* wtfdevon.
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devon: go to this website devon: adoreme .com devon: order 10, for me
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GABRIELLE: if i'm ordering 10 GABRIELLE: they're all for me GABRIELLE: sry not sry
🎶incoming snap from devon
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* laceydvis.
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a word document filled with a collection of sentences and a photoshop draft of an OUTLINE for her next page ; this is what was currently covering the blonde’s computer screen at the time. she was bouncing back and forth. whenever she was at a loss for words ?! she would bounce to the photoshop draft and craft her next page outline. her blue eyes lifted up from the screen when she heard gabi. “ yeah ? ” she said as her hands continued to slide across the mouse pad. upon hearing her question, however, all movements ceased. “ w — what ?! ” she stammers. a small laugh left her lips. she didn’t know WHY she felt nervous. gabi was one of her best friends, she would trust her with anything ( okay, maybe not just anything ), but still. “ i might … why are you asking ? ”
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' i might. ' at that, the brunette immediately sat up from her position on the couch. she had expected lacey to deny having any sort of crush just because that's who the blonde was. now that things were headed in a more interesting direction, she decided to proceed further. " i'm asking just because i'm curious. can't a girl want to know a little more about her friend ? " she briefly covered lacey's question and put the attention back on the blonde. " now who is it ? do i know them ? "
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gabriellcs · 7 years
elliot: boy did i have a WILD dream last night..
elliot: it was like.. half dream half nightmare??
elliot: you were in it..
gabrielle: oh geez
gabrielle: do i even wanna know what it was about
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gabriellcs · 7 years
i’ve got my pre move in day today so i’ll be gone for most of the evening !! i’ll occasionally be mobile but then i’ll prob disappear to set some stuff up and all.
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* rvtherfcrds.
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                           originally, he was planning on at least trying to enjoy the night, but now that seems to be an impossible task. he could be stupid — not consider things like this which often leaves him in similar situations. & he doesn’t know what to say. yes, he has words but he doesn’t think ANY of them will be enough. there’s a frown on his lips, his head shaking. ❛ but … you have your whole career ahead of you. i don’t even want to think about what this has done to it, but it’s different for me. people don’t care what i do as long as i’m healthy & out of JAIL. ❜ it’s supposed to be a joke, but it doesn’t sound like one. & in a way it isn’t, either. beau sighs & looks around, double checking that nobody is listening. sure, it’s probably the wrong time to talk about this but it’s bound to happen sooner or later. he LOWERS his voice. ❛ look, what happened is fucked up, alright ? & i’m not sure what you want to do with our … arrangement, especially now that you’re dating someone. but i just want you to know that despite all of it, i still consider you a friend. not even some shitty paparazzi can change that. ❜
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her eyes became focused on her golden shoes, UNABLE to look beau in the eye. he was right. as much as she wanted to say ' it's okay, ' it wasn't and they both knew that. her career had taken a HIT from the scandal and the model knew things would never be the same for her again. despite all that happened, she didn't blame beau. it wasn't his fault and she needed him to know that. her eyes focused on his again. " yeah, but it's not like you can do anything. it's not like WE can do anything. i-i'll deal it. i don't know how or what's going to happen next, but i'll deal with it. but you can't take the blame for this, okay ? it's not your fault. " a small sigh escaped from her lips. a big reason why her manager suggested dating percy harrison was so the media would view her as a wholesome and pure individual again. " the last thing i want is to lose our friendship. maybe we should put things on pause for now and just be friends. " it wasn't what she wanted, but she knew she had to do it in order for things to hopefully get better. " and maybe pick things back up once the media gets off our backs unless, y'know, we find ourselves involved with other people. "
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* spuricus.
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he had to admit he was pleasantly surprised with her reaction, she seemed some sort of happy to see him, who knew maybe she forgot he existed with everything that had went down over the summer, but it didn’t seem like it.❛gabrielle mercier.❜he replied in a dramatic tone, grin still on his lips though. upon her words he shrugged looking around like he really didn’t wanna be there if he’d had a say in it.❛officially i thought i would come back and kiss some serious ass as i do so well, can’t have people think i’m dead or forget about me you know.❜he jokes as he leans against the wall right next to them.❛unoficially i figured you probably missed me, can’t have that now, can we ?❜he’s teasing, even twisting his own words, there was no way he was about to come off as someone who missed anyone in this town.
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" oh i think it would be hard for people to forget you, " she joked. " however, considering i didn't even get a simple TEXT over the summer, i guess it's reasonable to assume i would've forgotten. " a subtle smirk remained on her face as she spoke, her words hinting more of the truth compared to her expression. it did hurt a little that she had gotten cut off with no warning --- and not even a goodbye. but gabrielle mercier was never one to let it show. " it appears the size of your ego has only gotten larger since you left. don't think TOO highly of yourself. i didn't miss you, " she paused momentarily. " that much. "
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* wtfdevon.
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devon: it’s so pretty devon: def feeling myself devon: gotta order in every color
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GABRIELLE: where did u get that GABRIELLE: bc i need 10
🎶incoming snap from devon
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gabriellcs · 7 years
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❝ why aren’t you d e a d yet? ❞
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* persephoneprxfti.
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she stood outside the coffee shop, swirling her tongue over a bubblegum pink lolly and then biting it with uncharacteristic, and uninherently pearly whites. she gazed over her shoulder, spying her for a second before dropping the white, unraveled at the top lollipop stick onto the floor. ’ you know, gabi. ’ seph paused for a dramatic intake of breath. ’ you would be GREAT for a show. tell me you’re interested. i’ve always wondered what your lips tasted like. ’
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it took all gabrielle had not to choke on her coffee upon hearing the other girl SPEAK. she never turned down an opportunity to be complimented, but this time was a little DIFFERENT. still, it didn't change the fact that she was flattered at persephone's words. while the model had always found her friend's career intriguing, she had never given it a thought to do it herself. that is until her modeling career came to a slow crawl after her photo scandal.  " um, " she paused, trying to find her words. " i-i don't know. isn't it a little RISKY given my already failing career ? "
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* spuricus.
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during the summer marco hadn’t really been in contact with anyone back in la, he just couldn’t be bothered as he lounged around in the hamptons, ( as if he did so much stuff that called for him having to take a complete break ). sure he hadn’t talked to anyone but he couldn’t stay off social media for more than a day and so he still knew exactly what had been going down. he weren’t really sure what to say, one part of him found it hilarious and the other well, he was more bothered than he’d ever care to admit or show. if she wanted to talk about it he wouldn’t mind but he wasn’t gonna bring it up. after looking around for her, for a bit he finally found her. making his way over, he smiled brightly. he figured he probably wasn’t too popular with her after not replying to her texts or anything but in his defense he’d ignored everyone.❛i know, you probably can’t believe your own eyes.❜he jokes trying to ease it out before he leans in a bit, tugging a strand of loose hair behind her ear,❛you look beautiful.❜
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galas were typically a time for reuniting with people that you hadn't seen in a while. while you promised that after tonight you would get brunch or go shopping, it NEVER actually happened. after making many false promises that evening ( with people who were only being polite to her face after the scandal ) gabrielle decided to step away for a while. she sipped off a drink that she stole from lacey, her mind reeling with what would happen when she left. surely the paparazzi would be ready to attack her like they did upon entering. while she expected to see many familiar faces, the one she hadn't expected to see was marco danton. after all she hadn't heard from him all summer. " marco danton, " she said as she turned around, a slight smirk pulling at her mouth. " well color me SURPRISED. what are you doing back here ? "
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* rvtherfcrds.
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                           sometimes he hates the fact that he grew up in the limelight — for reasons like THIS. he hasn’t spoken to his parents about the whole thing, although he knows what they probably think. but that’s another story entirely & he’s not really keen on thinking the thought over. but the thing is, the whole fiasco wouldn’t ruin his career — sure, people would look at him DIFFERENTLY, but it’s different for gabi. he feels a wave of relief wash through him when the security arrive & they’re free. he watches them keep the paparazzi a safe distance away before he turns his attention to gabi once she speak to him. ❛ like i said, i wasn’t just gonna let you suffer. you deserve better than that. ❜ he pauses, shuffling from foot to foot. ❛ i’m so SORRY, gab. ❜
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her night had already started off on a bad note and even with the paparazzi gone she just wanted to go home. she couldn't imagine what the tabloids would be saying about beau coming to her rescue --- knowing them, they'd spin it so it somehow involved the two of them suddenly dating. a small smile spread across her face after hearing beau's words. while most people said she deserved what had happened to her, it was nice to hear otherwise. however her expression quickly became more serious at his next set of words. " you have NOTHING to be sorry for beau. the only people that have something to be sorry for are those low-life paparazzi with no time on their hands. it's not your fault, okay ? i don't want you to think that. "
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gabriellcs · 7 years
&.* laceydvis.
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a small pout formed on lacey’s red lips as she looked up towards the taller girl. “ fineeeeeee ! but it’s not as easy as you say it is ! ” she says before looking back towards the wandering gazes. ever since the scandal broke out, lacey promised gabi she would be there with her during the night. after all, the paparazzi practically had NO FILTER and were bound to ask questions about it. “ how was it when you first came in here ? i mean, with the paparazzi and all … ”
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" next time we'll have to get you a SHORTER dress so you can get used to it, " she joked, expecting a full blown overreaction from the blonde. at her next question, she downed her drink, not wanting to be reminded of what had happened before she entered. " it was AWFUL, as expected i guess. but your neighbor was thankfully there. "
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