I need to read this so here ya go
Stay Asleep
This is part eight of the Good Little Angel series!
Good Little Angel
Good Little Angel part two
Good Little Angel part three
Good Little Angel part four
Good Little Angel part five
Good Little Angel part six
Good Little Angel part seven
Word count: 1,386
Warning: angst, fluff, mentions of smut
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
Summary/Request: Thank you @curlyxtomato for your request! This is a part eight.
An unexpected visitor means that Y/N and Lucifer have to really consider what is going to happen to them in the future.
A/N: This part doesn’t really have any smut because I am developing the story, hope you still enjoy it!
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Neither of you spoke, too shocked to even muster an answer.
The voice again came from behind the door, “I’ll take that as a yes.” And he entered. Lucifer clicked his fingers quickly before the door swung open, cleaning you two up and putting his shirt onto you to cover you up a bit.
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Sorry, but I need this in my life
Undeniable Heat Masterpost
Jensen Ackles x Reader
Story Summary:  You’ve just gotten a job as one of the makeup artists on the set of Supernatural. Nervous on the first day, you become completely awkward, winning the affection of the divorced Jensen Ackles. You try to fight your desire for him, but he thwarts you at every turn. Will you be able you separate work and play, or will you let Jensen win?
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Omggggggg!! Can I please be tagged in this??
[I'm On Fire] - Part 1
Jeffrey x Reader
[Shoutout to @theartofimagining13 for inspiring this prompt: Jeffrey picking you up from school, and the scandal when everyone who thought he was your father, finds out he’s actually your boyfriend]
A/N: okay I’m definitely scared to post LOL but I saw a lot of people wanted this prompt written so I thought I’d give it a go! This is a AU!Jeffrey, and I hope I do this prompt justice especially since so many people got pumped for it. ENJOY 💕also just a shoutout to my awesome betas for giving me the confidence to post this piece! Xoxo if you have ideas how want this to go send me some.
Tags: 18+, daddy kink, lots of smut next chapter ;)
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gif by @mypapawinchester
“…Now I can tell by your faces that you’re all ready to get the hell out of here. I know, I know…it’s a Friday…and being indoors is the last thing you guys want. But before you leave, I just want to discuss your recent papers. I must say I was fairly disappointed in most of them…”
Professor Lincoln paced back and forth in front of the lecture hall, his piercing blue eyes staring down his students. “When discussing historic analysis, I don’t expect you to just give me the facts. I want more depth in these essays…make connections to our world today, and to previous things that have already happened. I know from our in-class discussions you are smarter than what you sound like on paper. With that in mind, I will now formally dismiss the class. Please, think about what I’ve said, and enjoy your weekend!”
He went behind his desk, each student trudged their way forward picking up their essays with a dismal look on their face. Many of them underestimated how tough he was by his cool personality. Standing in the back of the line, you nervously held your history book close to your chest with one hand, while fidgeting at the hem of your skirt with the other. You approached his desk, the sound of your black heeled ankle boots echoing in the now empty room.
“Ahhh…(Y/N)? Correct?” He leaned back against his chair, your essay secured between his fingers.
“Yes” You responded, feeling your heart flutter in your chest. You saw how the girls swooned in class over him, but that isn’t what is making you feel nervous at this moment. He was the head of the History department, and you knew he was a hard man to impress. All you were praying for was at least an average grade.
You saw a small smile spread across his face, as he handed you your essay. Other than a few red marks here and there, there was a massive ‘A’ written on the top right corner. “You know, for my quietest student, you definitely know how to impress with your words” He said, his accent melodic in your ear. He crossed his leg over the other, proud to see the accomplishment on your face. “I’d like to hear you speak up more in class, and I look forward to reading your work in the future”
“Thanks Professor!”, you responded. You slid the paper between your hardcover textbook, and said your goodbye before making your way out of the classroom. You were greeted by your two closest friends, Phoebe and Regina. “And how did our nerd do on her history paper?” Phoebe asked, the three of you making your way through the hallways of the building.
“Oh please, can’t you see that look on her face? Little Miss Smartass killed it, just like I knew she would” Regina wrapped her arm around your shoulder giving it a squeeze.
The three of you made it to the outdoor courtyard. The pale grey stone laced with ivy green vines surrounded you. The gargoyles protectively scanned the skies above watching the sun hide behind the marshmallow clouds, as a gust of an early autumn breeze blew past. You snuggled in your favorite knitted white sweater, inhaling the sweet scent of fall. After ordering your drinks at the coffee kiosk, the three of you found your usual spot on the wooden benches.
You spent your last four years of high school invisible. The good girl whose head was buried in her books; that was your reputation. When you first came to university last year, you were hoping for things to be different. Despite your efforts, adjusting turned out to be harder than expected. You were trying to find your place among an eclectic group of people. It wasn’t until your second semester where things finally seemed to settle into place…in more perfect ways than you could even imagine.
“Are we still going out tomorrow night?” Regina asked, taking a sip from her latte.
“As long as we don’t go to that stuffy club on Green…” You scrunched up your face in disgust, “Oh! There’s a new tapas place that just opened, how does that sound? Some delicious food, good music?” You raised your brows suggestively in their direction.
“Yes! That sounds like fun” Phoebe added on, she glanced behind you, her eyes widening as someone caught her attention. “Julian!”
Every time Julian was around, it was a constant reminder of how vulnerable you were when you first came. You fell for his pretty boy eyes, and captivating personality. He was popular, with over half the student body fawning over him…and he liked you. The combination was hard to resist at the time. He was the reason people knew your name, your brief relationship turning into a romanticized story with a number of supporters who followed it. Somewhere along the way, you realized how wrong you were for him. Even more importantly…how wrong he was for you. You earned the reputation of being the first girl to break his heart, and he never fully recovered.
“And how are my three beautiful girls today?“ He asked, sliding next to you. The charisma in his tone prompting you to roll your eyes.
“Discussing plans for tomorrow…you should definitely join if you’re free”
You noticed him quickly glance in your direction, “Sorry, I’ve got to finish up a paper. Let me tell you, whoever said final year would be a breeze, definitely lied…” He ran his fingers through his black hair, breathing out a heavy sigh. “…I’m getting old”
HA! You nearly choked on the dark roast you swallowed. You two may have agreed to remain friends, but you could see right through him. “Age is but a number” You stated with a sage tone, bringing the cup back to your lips.
His eyes lingered on your mouth, longer than you were comfortable with before changing the subject. “Whats your next class?”.
“Art History” you answered, pressing the button on your iPhone to check the time. “…which we are going to be late to if we don’t get going”. You unlocked the phone screen, swiping right to look at the message you just received.
JD: >> Mind if we cancel dinner and stay in?
>> You make staying in sound like that’s a bad thing.
JD: >> Trust me, it works out fucking perfectly on my end.
You felt your cheeks burn reading your last message. “(Y/N)? Art History, remember?” Phoebe snapped you out of your thoughts. “Right, I’m coming”, you looped your arm under the strap of your handbag, quickly swallowing the last drop of your coffee and headed towards your group.
JD: >> What’s the name of the Roman wall that bordered Britain?
>> Hadrian’s Wall?
JD: >> It doesn’t fit, there’s a goddamn ‘P’ in there that’s throwing me off.
>> Ohhh yeah they made it a bit difficult. It’s also called Picts Wall…and are you finishing the crossword puzzle without me?!
JD: >> Relax, baby. It’s not the one you and I have been working on. How much longer do you think you’ll be?
>> 20 minutes xx
“Do you think I should invite him tomorrow night?” Regina bit her bottom lip, her deep set eyes focusing on her bright phone screen.
“Go for it!” Julian egged her on, “I know Jacob, he’s a pretty great guy”
“The more the merrier” You chimed, following your group out to the parking lot. “Let’s try and shoot for 8:00 though”
“Please tell me you’re not going to be occupying your weekend time studying” Phoebe groaned.
“On the contrary, I actually have plans, so I’ll meet up with you guys right after”
“Do you need a lift home?” Julian asked, a little eager than anticipated.
You tucked a strand of hair shyly away from your face, “Uhh…no. I actually have someone picking me up”. You haven’t exactly explained to your friends that you were in a new relationship with a guy you’ve only ever fantasized about. You didn’t mean to keep it a secret, but the subject never actually came up. You weren’t exactly going to bring it up either, as you were desperately trying to avoid the aftermath. From being invisible, to becoming the student capturing the attention of almost the entire university, you still tried to keep your life personal. You knew that most people were hoping that you and Julian would get back together and rekindle your seemingly perfect relationship. This revelation was only going to start unnecessary drama.
“Oh, we can just wait then…” He continued, hoping to spend just a few seconds longer in your presence.
“Don’t worry about” Your eyes catching onto the green truck parked in the corner of the lot under a tri-colored tree. A group of girls walking past took a double take of the driver before giggling amongst themselves. “My ride is over there”
Phoebe and Regina’s eyes followed your gaze, with Regina’s jaw almost dropping on sight. “Oh my gosh! I didn’t know your dad was picking you up!” She blurted without thinking. “I must say, he’s quite the silver fox…”
“Oh wow!Yeah, he is handsome!…I thought your parents weren’t coming until next weekend? Can we say hello?”
“Hold up, that’s your dad? He isn’t anything what I expected him to be…” Julian looked at you with curiosity, the three of them staring at the older man sitting in the driver’s seat.
Your face turned fifty shades of red. This definitely is going to be a lot harder to explain. If your friends just assumed he was your dad, most likely every other person that saw him did too. “You think he’s my father?” was all could muster up in response. You watched at how simultaneously the expression on their faces changed. “Well…who else could it be?” Phoebe asked.
You bit your bottom lip to stop yourself from smiling. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow” You innocently brushed aside her question as you waved your fingers goodbye, strutting towards the vehicle.
He had his windows rolled down, his eyes fixated on the newspaper, tapping his pencil against the steering wheel. You rested your elbow on the window, a few students who walked past eyed you as you stood by this strange gentlemen’s car. You cleared your throat, hoping to get a reaction out of him, but instead you were received with one of his slender fingers gesturing you to wait.
“Four letters, starts with ‘R’ and it means ‘excessively abundant’” His deep voice ran straight through you as he asked his question.
“Rife…” you pursed your lips, not pleased by his response.
That killer smile spread across his face, he wrote out the word before shoving his newspaper by his side. He removed his glasses, tucking them perfectly into the pocket of his leather jacket. When he finally turned face to you, he made the blood stop flowing through your veins. “You gettin’ in or what?”
“Well, it’s nice to see you finally notice me”, you teased. You made your way around the truck, stepping into the front seat. The car smelled of fresh tobacco, a sign that he tried to sneak in a quick smoke, a nervous habit he couldn’t kick. “I’m surprised you didn’t bring the bike”
“It’s at the shop right now, I’ll have to pick it up tomorrow” His eyes scanned down your body, his tongue licking his bottom lip taking notice of your dangerously short skirt. “You look good in plaid. I must say, it is giving me a few ideas…” He winked in your direction, you could see the naughty twinkle in those hazel eyes.
“Behave, Jeffrey…” You cut him off, but it didn’t stop the goosebumps from spreading all over your body. You were tempted to tease back, but noticing the crowd of people blatantly staring at the both of you, including your group of friends, was enough to stop you from doing anything. “Want to hear something funny?”
“Does it have anything to do with why the entire goddamn campus is staring at us right now?”
You responded with a cheeky giggle, feeling silly for even mentioning it to him. “My friends all thought you were my dad”
Jeff arched his brow in your direction. “Jesus…your fuckin’ kidding me, right?”. He shook his head with slight irritation, it was cute how sensitive he felt about the age gap between you two. “Does that include your idiot ex?”
“Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your tone?” You playfully taunted.
He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, “Jealous? You and I both know that he can’t do any of the things that I do to you…”
“Apparently you weren’t what he was expecting…daddy” You purred, completely unaware of how erotic that sounded in Jeff’s head.
“Well fuck, sweetheart. Hearing it come from you sounds a whole lot better”. A sly grin curved his mouth upward. You felt him brush his fingers on your bare thigh, his hand moving to cup the back of your neck. Without warning, he brought your carnation pink lips onto his own. He wasn’t holding back the intensity of his kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth as his fingers tugged around the locks of your hair. A quiet moan escaped your lips when you felt his beard tickle your soft skin. You immediately forgot your surroundings, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck bringing him closer to your body. You could feel the heat between your legs when he brushed his other hand up teasing you by resting his hand right under the hem of your skirt. He nibbled at your bottom lip, grunting in a low, husky tone as he broke the kiss.
“You’re going to stir up quite the scandal, Dr. Morgan” you spoke breathlessly, recovering from your heightened moment.
He stroked your cheek with his thumb, “Darlin’….you knew exactly what you signed up for when you decided to get involved with a man like me”. You felt his hand graze the fabric of underwear with a light touch, maintaining eye contact with you. “Let’s get the hell out of here…” he whispered, “Daddy’s got a few things he wants to take care of”
Your body pulsed with anticipation. You could sense the glares outside penetrate through the protective barrier of the car, feeling as though everyone could hear his taboo words. The excitement of what to come ran rampant through your mind. You pressed your chest up against his arm, brushing your lips past his ear. “Does that include me?” you spoke softly, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek.
He chuckled to himself, closing his eyes for the brief second your lips touched his skin. He reversed the car out of the parking lot, driving away from the plenty of jaw dropping students who surely would have a lot to say about this by Monday.
@jml509 @ashzombie13 @prettyepiic @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @artemisxeros @kimberlyshae @jackythemoo @thebrunettegobbyone @kellyn1604 @japanmikey2k16 @pocketfullofbullshxt @hawtdiggitynegan @itsjustafeelingthatihave @majorleaguenegan @beautifulfound @tothe-moontothe-stars @jasoncrouse @illysamorgan @labryinthofheartograms @kazosa @lanteagamer @eileenlikesyou-maybe I’m sorry I don’t know why it didn’t tag everyone!
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Here's this, because I can't read them all at once.... Yet....
SPN Hiatus Writing Challenge 2017 - Week 1 Masterlist
First of all thanks to all you played this week. I hope to see you all next week! Secondly I am happy to annouce prompts with now also be posted on Wednesdays about an hour after the due date giving y’all a full week to write your amazing fics :D 
PROMPT 1:  “It’s 8:30, I have a hangover and you’re annoying me.”
Reader Fics
Sam x Reader:
A Rude Awakening by @supernaturallymarvellous
Rule #1 by @winchesterprincessbride​
Cure for the Ache by @iwantthedean
Dean x Reader: 
 One Wrong Move  by @katymacsupernatural
Hangover by @notnaturalanahi 
Wake Up, Dean! by @docharleythegeekqueen
Getting to Know You by  @melonshino​
Regarding Dean by @supernaturalismalife
Chocolate Cake Shot by @sassy-losechester​
Morning Headaches  by @allfandomxreader
Lily in White by @femmewinchester
Gabriel x Reader
Hangover by @summer-binging-spn
Jensen x Reader
The Morning After by @the-awkward-writer
OC fics
Multiple Characters
When You Say It Like That… by @atc74 
Mick x OCs
Anniversary by @caterpillar-sam
Dean x OCs
Habits by @nonexistentquotes
Ship Fics
RP Ships
Wake Up Call by @just-another-busy-fangirl (Jared x Jensen)
Character Ships
PROMPT 2: Chained to the Rhythm by Katy Perry
Reader Fics
Dean x Reader
Chained By Sweet Hungover Rhythms by @legion18993
General fics
Roller Coasters by @revwinchester
 Read them all (or which ever floats your boats) and remember to leave the authors some love. All the masterlists can be found on the hiatus challenge page on my blog. I will add them as we go :D 
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Here's this for anyone who wishes to be blessed. Or, for an innocent person passing through. May your innocence be ruined 😇😇😇😇
Masterlist ~ My Babies
Damon x Reader:
I Can Hear You – (smut) You catch Damon Masturbating in the bathroom
I’ll Get You – (fluff) Damon wins you over by being sweet
A Reason – (fluff) You come back to Mystic Falls to see everyone gone but Damon.
Revenge Served Hot – (fluff, smut) Damon and you had an argument resulting you to wearing lingerie around the house to mess with him
Tortured – (fluff, angst) Julian tortures you and turns you before Damon can save you
Too Long – (smut) Damon finds you moaning his name after he’s been gone
Happy Valentine’s Day – (fluff, implied smut) Spending Valentine’s Day with Damon
Red Riding Hood – (smut) Your are the grown up red riding hood.
Be With Me – (smut) Damon cannot bear the thought of you with Lucien (Lucien x Reader as well)
Extracurricular Activities – Your sexual rendezvous with your boyfriend, Damon, in school premises or what not
Class Work – (smut)
Homework – (smut)
Keep Quiet, Please – (smut)
Cheer Practice – (smut)
Little Damon – (fluff) Damon and your baby together
Little Damon.. Number Two? – (fluff)
Foggy – (smut) steamy shower with Damon 
All Is Forgiven – (smut, angst, fluff) You and Damon fought and you walked out.
Sex You – (smut) strip teasing for Damon
Through the Phone – (smut) phone sex with Damon
The Art of Persuasion – (fluff) you’re playing hard to get when you met him
Prom – (smut) Damon convinces you to go to Prom and you two get a bit flustered
Happy New Year! – (smut) Damon and you have sex on new year’s eve night (this has Steroline)
Distracted – (smut) hunter!reader x Damon where she distracts Damon
Behave (Distracted Part Two) – (smut) Damon meets reader’s family, this is a crossover ;)
Need Any Help – (fluff, smut) plus sized!reader x Damon where reader is caught pleasing herself by Damon himself.
Taste of Immortality – (fluff, light smut) You grew up with the Salvatores and falling for Damon
Our Forever – (fluff) Spending forever with Damon
I’ll Make Love To You – (smut) You have a nightmare and you have your first with him
I’ll Make Love To You (Part Two) – (smut) hide and seek and car sex
I’ll Make Love To You (Part Three) – (smut) first time face sitting
I’ll Make Love To You (Part Four) – (smut) Damon massages you
Frisky – (smut) Human!Damon 1864!Damon I mean what else can I say?
Baby It’s Cold Outside – (smut) sex in front of the fireplace
This Isn’t About Me – (smut) Birthday smut ;)
Caught – (smut) You caught him pleasing himself
Caught (Part Two) – (smut) angry sex
Caught (Part Three) – (smut) drunk sex
Please, Professor – (smut) Au!Damon and you break the sexual tension with professor
Let’s… Party? – (smut) Sexual tension during a party so you do it in an empty room
Stop It – (smut) Damon touching you in public so you gotta home and yeah
Passing Time – (smut) Damon distracting you as you studied
Finders Keepers – (smut) Damon being your first
Intertwined – (smut) Au!-ish Damon being tall and reader being small and might get lost in big crowds
Me, You Dick – (smut) It’s a long as story where reader is a necromancer and the last part’s pretty much the smut lol
Moving On – (smut) when Elena died, things just changed for the ‘mystic gang’ and the reader
It Has Always Been You – (smut) Damon just wanted to take his mind of off the doppelgängers [first smut posted]
Dean x Reader:
Come Back Home – (angst, fluff) When you two realize home is with each other.
House Fights – (angst, fluff) Couples always fight and but things can get better.
It’s Okay – (fluff) A hunt made you emotionally drained and Dean cheered you up.
Couch Memories – (smut) When you and Dean has the whole place to yourselves.
You Can Do Better – (angst, fluff, smut) Fic based on Drake’s song Marvin’s Room
Saving the Ball – (smut) You’re a volleyball player and Dean gets turned on you wearing short spandex
To The Batmobile – (fluff, implied smut) You’re a huge Batman fan and Dean surprises you on your birthday
Adore you – (fluff, implied smut) You were adopted by John but you grew feelings for Dean
Happy Valentine’s Day – (fluff, implied smut) Spending Valentine’s Day with Dean
New Meetings – (smut) You’re Claire’s friend and you meet the Winchesters
My Sweetheart – (fluff, smut) you’re pregnant with bad hormones and Dean helps you
The Only Omega – (fluff, smut) Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Loud Noises – (fluff, smut) You’re afraid of the thunder and Dean calms you down
Sleep Tight – (fluff, smut) You didn’t want to sleep with Dean because you were afraid that he’d find out you snore
Birthday Treat –(smut) Happy Birthday Dean!
Personal Bodyguard (Part One) – after recent events your father gets you a personal body guard
Part Two – (fluff)
Part Three – (fluff, light smut)
Part Four – (fluff, smut, angst)
Part Five – (angst, fluff)
End – (fluff, smut)
Epilogue – (fluff)
Relax – (smut) Dean fucks you everywhere in the house
I Got You – (smut) phone sex with Dean then the real thing
The Lines – (smut and fluff) Dean see’s reader’s cutting and her scars
I’m Home, Sweetheart – (smut and fluff) Dean gets back from purgatory
Tenerife Sea – (smut and fluff) fic based on Ed Sheeran’s song
The Real Thing – (smut) you get pregnant but you and Dean are only FWB
Touch Me And My Dirty Mind – (smut) based on songs by 3OH!3
Roadhouse Lovers – (smut) reader and Dean are introduced by Jo
Coming Down – (smut, angst) song based on the song by Halsey
Holiday and Mistletoe – (smut, fluff) plus size!reader and Dean celebrating Christmas
I Miss the Misery – (smut, angst) fic based on the song by Halestorm
Highway To Hell – (smut, fluff) second installment, based on the song by ACDC
Love the Way You Lie – (smut, angst) fic based on the song by Eminem
Belts and Ties – (smut) Dean using belts and ties on you
Do You Remember Me? – (fluff) this is also a Sebastian Stan fic (crossover)
Do You Remember Me? (Part Two) – (smut) second installment
Keep Me Warm – (fluff) Chubby Dean! :3
New In Town – (series) AU!Dean where you are new in town and you meet Dean in one of your part time jobs.
Feeling At Home (Part 2) – (fluff) Second installment
That’s Why (Part 3) – (fluff and making out) Third Installment
Something To Celebrate (Part 4) – (fluff and smut) Fourth Installment
I’ve Had Enough – (smut) jealous Dean being dominant
Bookshelf – (smut) You’re a nerd and Dean loves that
The Demon In Me – (smut with demon!Dean) You are a tag along hunter turned demon and you accompany demon Dean
Kitten Turned Tiger – (fluff) Reader is emotionally stable.
Study Habits – (smut) teen!dean and you studying
Beg – (smut) Dean and you were doing a begging ‘game-ish’
Come On – (smut) Reader is studying too much according to Dean
Stay Here – (smut) sick Dean, what more?
Watch With Me – (smut) Au!Dean in college where you two watch TV in the dorm’s TV room together
It’s Not Everyday  – (fluff) Reader is Bobby’s daughter who graduated college and wants to hunt with the brothers now
Starting Today  – (smut) Second Installment to It’s Not Everyday
Her Other Side  – (smut) Reader blushes all the time at the slightest things and Dean was proved she has another side, if you know what I mean
Oh, Really Now?  – (smut) possessive Dean but there’s kind of a plot twist
The Demon Angel  – (fluff) This is the first installment. Idk I loved my idea go read it
His Demon Angel  – (smut) This is the second installment
Your Demon Angel – (smut) Third installment
My Demon Angel – (fluff) Fourth installment. This is also Lucifer!Cas x Reader
And You Knew  – (demon!dean smut) Dean needs to be cured and the reader was the reason why
Wanna Christen the Bed? – (smut) title says it all
Sic'em Boy – (smut) reader being able to control hellhounds… and Dean
Getting Back – (au!smut) reader and Dean after a breakup
Damon x Reader x Dean:
Figment – (fluff) AU! where they’re characters in your book that came to life
Wishes – (smut) AU! You got your birthday wish from your best friends
Dean x Reader x Sam (No Wincest):
Two Sides – (smut) Demon!Dean x Reader x Soulless!Sam need I say more?
Temptation – (smut) brothers x child of Aphrodite!Reader
Hi Shy – (smut) The brothers help virgin!reader through her first
Sandwich – (smut) The brothers show plus sized!reader just how beautiful she is
Laid There – (smut) The boys see you practically naked in bed
Our Little Arrangement – (smut) reader dies, yet again, and the boys made a little arrangements towards their feelings for reader
Sam x Reader:
Let Me Take Care Of You – (fluff, smut) You get hurt and Sam takes care of you
Intentions – (smut) Sam gets jealous and gets dominant
Nightmare Are Dreams Too – (fluff) You are hit with a nightmare spell and Sam breaks it
Baby – (smut) Sammy wants to have a child with reader
Glares – (smut) Sam and reader hate each other and Dean does his best
We Met and We Went – (fluff) Meeting Sam as FBI but then you met again in a hunt
I Wanted – (fluff, smut) reader and Sam smut and reader gets pregnant
More Than That – (fluff, smut) plus sized!reader with Sam
Trying – (fluff) You and Sam are training. No smut, sorry
What was that about? – (smut) no plot lol
Taken Care Of – (smut) Sam and Dean get angry at you and Sam punishes you
Just Like That – (smut) Sam pranked you and you got mad at him
Stefan x Reader:
Only You – (fluff, light smut) Elena is mad that you’re with Stefan
A Thousand Years – (smut) A sappy night with Stefan
Cas x Reader:
My Demon Angel – (fluff) Fourth installment to The Demon Angel series. This is also Lucifer!Cas x Reader
Devil In Disguise – (implied smut) Fic based on Elvis Presley’s song
Fly With Me – (smut and fluff) Cas shows you his wings
Shut It, Angel  – (I wasn’t quite sure I should put this under Cas x Reader because they break up and the brothers cheer you up…) but eh
Towards the End – (smut) endverse!Cas
Gabriel x Reader:
Here For You – (fluff) This is the second part to Shut It, Angel
Chuck x Reader:
A Day In The Life – (fluff, smut) You are living the apple pie life with Chuck
Damon x Reader x Klaus:
In Between Beasts – (smut) You are trapped in a house with these two and fun ensues
Klaus Mikaleson x Reader:
Wanted You – (smut) Dom Klaus, what more?
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader:
Risks – (smut) you have an argument with Elijah when you were reckless
Another Original – (fluff, implied smut) reconnecting with Elijah after centuries of being daggered.
Enzo x Reader:
Rage – (smut) jealous and angry Enzo
Tyler Lockwood x Reader:
Cliché – (smut) You and Tyler admit feelings for each other
Poe Dameron x Reader:
What I See – (fluff, smut) AU!Poe. You’re shy and insecure and he shows what he sees
Safe – (smut) Poe thought that the First Order killed you then you reunite
You’re Mine – (smut) Poe gets all jealous and he becomes possessive of you
Co-Pilot – (smut) You and Poe missed each other after he had to leave for the fight
Negan x Reader:
Hi, I’m Negan – After being alone in the apocalypse you get to meet Negan
Ian Somerhalder x Reader:
Living a Normal Life – (fluff) series part one
Part Two – (smut, angst, fluff)
End – (smut, fluff)
You Got It – (fluff, smut) Being with Ian
Jensen Ackles x Reader:
Summer Confessions – (fluff, smut) Young!Jensen where he confessions his feelings for you after your sister’s wedding
We Don’t Talk Anymore – (angst, fluff) Fic based on the song of Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez
Die A Happy Man – (fluff, smut) Fic based on the song of Thomas Rhett
Little Whispers – (fluff, smut) You get Jensen all bothered during a Con
The Only One I Want – (fluff) series part one
Gladly – (fluff) part two
Just Stay Here – (fluff, smut) part three
I’m Ready – (fluff) part four
You’re Too Close – (smut) part five
I Missed You – (fluff and smut) You weren’t able to go to con and Jensen missed you
My Angel – (fluff) Jensen professes his feelings for you
Sebastian Stan x Reader:
Do You Remember Me? – (fluff and light smut) Where he is a demon that’s obsessed with you (Supernatural crossover)
Do You Remember Me? (Part Two) – (smut) second installment
No Pairings:
 Double Trouble – (fluff) Being Dean’s twin and messing with Sam.
Once Upon A Dragon – (fluff) Dad!Dean to the rescue to his daughter.
Scars To Remember – (fluff) The Winchester boys find out that you cut.
Giant Teddy Bear – (fluff) Child!Reader being under the care of the Winchesters
Moose and Squirrel (Part Two) – (fluff) second installment
That Damn Girl – (fluff) Dean, your best friend, unable to handle your sass and comebacks
Can I Have This Dance (Damon x Reader) & Start Of Something New (Dean x Reader)
The Birds and The Bees (Damon x Reader)
Teddy (Dean x Reader)
Under the Blanket (Dean x Reader)
Where’s Uncle Cas? (Sam x Reader)
Surprise (Jensen x Reader)
Mixing It Up (Damon x Reader)
With Palm Trees And Such (Dean x Reader)
Say My Name (Cas x Reader)
Power’s Out (Damon x Reader)
Sweet Spot (Dean x Reader)
Deepest Darkest Desire (Dean x Reader)
Bundles of Joy (Dean x Reader)
Sure Thing (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
Meet My Boyfriend (Damon x Reader, Supernatural/TVD Crossover)
That’s My Girl (Dean x Reader)
Shorty (Sam x Reader)
Cute Stuff (Kai Parker x Reader)
Confusion (Cas x Reader)
Right Away (Damon x Reader)
A Little Dance (Poe x Reader)
Hades’ Daughter (Supernatural)
Revealed (Damon x Reader)
Anger Management (Damon x Reader)
Award Show (Ian x Reader x Jensen)
Pet Names (Damon x Reader)
Howdy (AU!Dean x Reader)
Your Aid (AU!Damon x Reader)
Eye Trick (Damon x Reader)
Morning and Nights (Damon x Reader) and (Dean x Reader) not related at all.
Why Hello There (Supernatural)
Not Too Bad (Dean x Reader)
Unlikely (Damon x Reader)
It’s On (Damon x Reader)
Pain (Dean x Reader
Emma and Devin – (smut) a personal request
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This was never here
Weekly Reading List #5
Alright y'all… here’s my weekly reading list, hope you like it. I’ve added a ‘Keep Reading’ this time, bc freaking Smut Appreciation Day made this list pretty long. Enjoy it, and please feel free to leave a feedback, my askbox is always open!
Hookup by @jpadjackles Prompt: Sam meets up with the reader at a bar, and neither of them want to go home alone. Both their jobs require them to move around a lot, and sometimes, they get a little antsy and crave the affection of another person. That leads them to Sam’s motel room for one night of pure fun. Warnings: smut, oral (female receiving) fingering, this is PWP this was incredibly hot and sweet. sam’s character was on point. i can imagine that they exchanged phone numbers to met again someday. at least that’s what i wished for.
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Slow Ride by @rizlowwritessortof Yeah, you all should have known this was coming… They don’t call me Cowgirl for nothing… Warning: Smutty Smut Good god, after that scene, i hoped that someone would write a fic about it, and this is absolutely perfect!!!
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The One With The Poking Device by @eyes-of-a-disney-princess​ Summary - An awkward moment while sharing a bed leads to an interesting morning. Warnings - Swearing (duh), injury (very slight),smut, oral sex/face riding (female), fingering, unsafe sex (remember irl to wrap it before you tap it) This Fic is hilarious, seriously, it cracked me up. Awesome work, and hot af. Love it!
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Supernatural episodes 1-200. So many feels, so many memories. It change my life and I’m still not quite sure if it’s good or bad.
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It won't let me read it for some reason! AHHHH
I Found You
Request: Enzo Amore imagine, writer’s surprise special! For @wwe–lockscreens.
Summary: Lost. On a team-building exercise. With your coworkers. Bright side? Any situation is instantly made 100% better with Enzo Amore in tow… Especially when he’s got a confession to make. To you. About feelings.
Warnings: Fluffiness! And uh… Actually no that’s it. Maybe a feels warning?
FYI: @wwe–lockscreens has made some really amazing lock screens that you simply must check out! Go, now!
Word count: Just under 8,000.
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Lets get deep for a sec
Ok, in case you don't know, I'm Jaz. With a z- plz. I suffer from anorexia and bullemia. I'm fully aware of the consequences but that doesn't really stop me. I try to eat at least once a day, but I usually just throw it up anyway. Oh 🐳. But today I was asked why, "if you don't eat, why aren't you skinny" and the person who asked it was not trying to be insulting, he's just very 'honest'(?). But it still hit me really hard. I laughed it off. I get called fat a lot, behind my back, by popular kids and sometimes people just being honest. I realize I'm at a healthy weight but that doesn't really matter. I don't want to be just 'the fat girl' or 'the ugly one'. I don't understand why people don't realize that fat is not a synonym for ugly. I obviously don't think very highly of myself, but insults hurt. So take my advice people, don't hurt others. I threw up everything I ate today. Not even sorry. When I'm happy, I'll stop, but for now? I'll just keep doing what I'm doing until people can realize what words do. Please don't try to hurt others. Please think about what you say. Think about how what you say affects people. Thank you.
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posted from my other account @carls-negan
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Wow girl, you're creepy
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~Hello? Trickster❤️
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Now that Supernatural is on Tuesday I have a feeling Tumblr will never be the same… and these gifs will get overused even more! 
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Studying: Pretend that you're Eliza reading her first letter from Hamilton
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You’re welcome.
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Preach! You go Speight, you tell the world! ❤️ This is one of the many reasons that I love him
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It’s not right to hate things. 
It’s not okay to hate people, its not okay. - RSJ (x) (edit: part 2)
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Me if I met Richard and Rob:
Me: *walks up to them*
Rob and Rich: *smile politely*
Me: *jumps into Richard's arms*
Richard: *acts very confused*
Rob: *smiles awkwardly at Rich*
Me: *lets go*
Rich: ...
Me: *jumps into Rob's arms* (hugging him)
Rob and Rich: ...
Me: *let's go*
Rob and Rich: ...
Rob and Rich: *Smile, but are confused*
Me: BECAUSE YOU BASICALLY SAVED MINE. AND NOW? I need you to save it again... *passes out*
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The Speight❤️ "Oh, don't you worry you'll find yourself, follow your heart, and nothing else. You can do this, oh baby, if you try"- Lynyrd Skynyrd
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Dr. Sexy MD❤️ “I wish I could be that lollipop in the least creepy way possible”-me
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