Angelic Headcanon
I have this headcanon that the true form of angels are not all the same. Like humans, they have different height, shapes, colors. When they possess humans, they try to choose a vessel that most resembles them. But there are those who like to take advantage of the “make over” using their vessels. The smallest of the angels (but still a lot bigger than what humans can comprehend) was Gadreel. Imagine his wonder when he possessed Sam Winchester and suddenly he’s the tallest in the room.
And then there’s Gabriel.
“Cassie, lil bro, why are your eyes up there? Wait a minute…why is everyone - shit.”
He used to be the tallest.
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Hello friends I have an art blog now
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Sometimes I remember Gadreel's dead and I get really emotional.
Remember Abner? Weren’t they a thing? I got all kinds of shippy feelings about them.
I like to think Abner found Gadreel wherever angels go when they die. They’re in the angel afterlife together and happy and talking about old times before things got ugly. And Abner pulls him aside and tells him that he forgives him for killing him. Then, along with the other dead angels, they take bets on when and how Dean and Cas will get together. Because they all know it’s the greatest love story ever told.
I just want Gadreel to be happy in the angel afterlife. He chose the right side in the end.
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it’s so good to see you again
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Sometimes I focus too much on taking the picture and I forget to smile 
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Hey I just want you to know that you and everyone else here probably got me through high school. I will never not be eternally grateful that I made this blog, and kept manically posting about Gadreel for 2 years, because I got to see how lovely and caring people can be even to strangers over the internet. Thank you so so much.
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Title: The Prisoner Author: @angrysouffle 
Artist: @castielsstarr
 Pairing: Castiel/Gadreel, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Balthazar, Castiel/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester 
Rating: Explicit
 Wordcount: 30,400 Warnings: Serial killer AU, Minor Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Non-Con 
Summary: For 10 years, Sam and Dean Winchester have worked tirelessly to free their friend Gadreel from death row. The man who picks up Gadreel from the prison gates is a stranger. Castiel is enigmatic, engaged and unaccountably interested in Gadreel. When Castiel’s fiance Balthazar gets cold feet, it is Gadreel who steps up to fulfill Castiel’s unique needs. So why does everyone seem to think that Castiel and Dean belong together?
 Fic Link: 
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Gadreel is utterly and irrevocably sick of your bullshit.
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you and i, we’re soldiers of light
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When they say my name, perhaps I won’t just be the one who let the Serpent in, perhaps I will be known as one of the many that gave Heaven a second chance.
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Sadreel commission done for the lovely @ackleholics! <3 
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can u say something about gadreel please. like anything.
Gadreel connects with the earth. He feels the flesh and bone of his vessel just the same as he feels the soil beneath his feet, knows the warmth of every rock, every mountainside bathed in sunlight. He can tap into the energy of everything that grows or roams the creation, because he was created to guard it, to understand it, to be one with it. Standing under the high noon sun, face turned towards the gentle late fall sun, makes him feel like he’s a tree growing directly from roots firmly tucked underneath the blanket of earth below his feet, and all of that energy, that grace, that power still ringing with the voice of God flows in and out of him like the world is breathing through him.
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What had it all been for? No happy choices and no happy endings.
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its about time that motherfucker stopped avoiding you
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So now I’ll have to recap the rest of my convention experience, including the autographs and my panel questions, before I forget. Um.
SO. Unlike the majority of congoers, my registration at Vox on Friday went perfectly. It took me fifteenish minutes to get myself signed in, and unlike I’d feared, I didn’t need to wait for the missing e-tickets desk to open but could pay the 2.50 pounds lost in translation at the registration desk. Which, really… wow, Rogue. Something worked out for once. Thanks.
(I switched group number from C 229 to C 228, which also happened last year and deeply confused me because I was worried I’d been given some other poor bastard’s envelope.)
What did not work was the preorder part - they didn’t put the preorders inside your envelope this time, and you had to queue to get them. I considered just walking out instead of queueing for an hour, but that wasn’t going to happen given that I had both my Jared photo and autograph waiting at the end of that line, so I. Queued. Again. I had to pay another 1.50 lost in translation to redeem my preorders, but that was fine, and I got on my way to the, uh, four hours long ticket office queue.
Keep reading
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Does anyone want to be Snapchat friends with me? I need a Supernatural excitement outlet
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You know, now that we've seen more of Heaven and the ridiculously high electric bill they must have, I have no problem believing that Gadreel's cell was really Heaven's Darkest Dungeon
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