gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
I don’t think I posted this here,  but I have moved my multi over to @gaerlhoss,  updated my muses list,  and archived this blog!
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
change of plan!!  I am rebooting this multi over here. 
currently in the process of consolidating down to three blogs:  this multi,  cam,  and una.  I’ve stretched myself horribly thin blog hopping while trying to find a place I’d feel comfortable,  as if maybe making a new blog would somehow make all my problems go away and give me a place to feel excited and wanted.  instead,  I’ve left myself with no energy to actually create such a place.  I’m updating my muse list here  ( pulling several muses from solo blogs here,  moving some of my kids to inactive status,  and sorting my most active muses out to highlight them )   so you’ll see some tag drops,  etc.  shortly!
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
TAG DROP  –  jeffrey sinclair.
⤷  file  /  jeffrey sinclair.
⤷  sinclair  /  character study.
⤷  sinclair  /  characterization.
⤷  sinclair  /  visage.
⤷  sinclair  /  interactions.
⤷  sinclair  /  rel.  delenn.
⤷  sinclair  /  rel.  michael garibaldi.
⤷  sinclair  /  rel.  john sheridan.
⤷  sinclair  /  rel.  susan ivanova.
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
TAG DROP  –  nicole noone.
⤷  file  /  nicole noone.
⤷  nicole  /  character study.
⤷  nicole  /  characterization.
⤷  nicole  /  visage.
⤷  nicole  /  interactions.
⤷  nicole  /  rel.  flynn carsen.
⤷  nicole  /  rel.  eve baird.
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
currently in the process of consolidating down to three blogs:  this multi,  cam,  and una.  I’ve stretched myself horribly thin blog hopping while trying to find a place I’d feel comfortable,  as if maybe making a new blog would somehow make all my problems go away and give me a place to feel excited and wanted.  instead,  I’ve left myself with no energy to actually create such a place.  I’m updating my muse list here  ( pulling several muses from solo blogs here,  moving some of my kids to inactive status,  and sorting my most active muses out to highlight them )   so you’ll see some tag drops,  etc.  shortly!
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
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George Knightley bravely, yet unsuccessfully tries to reason with Emma.
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
Moon cat moon cat
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
I’m not here but this url is officially ‘girlboss’ now,  odette has decreed it.
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
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My alphabet be like...
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
#also he almost always talks to the workers about joining a union.#i love him#Eliot Spencer is just always 0.03 seconds away from activating House Husband Mode
Everyone else when they’re undercover during a con: *just standing around* *miming the actions of the job they’re supposed to be doing* “What supervisor, there’s a very valid reason I’m not doing my job, I, uh……”
Eliot freaking Spencer: Guys stop the crime for a minute I have to go deliver these pizzas. I have to plate 300 hors-d'œuvres by 7:00. Get out of my way I have to go build a house with my bare hands.
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
Nate under cover: does the cover job well, but is mainly focused on the mission. has some fun with silly personas and accents.
Sofie undercover: gaslight gatekeep girlboss
Hardison: 1 act awkward, 2 pretend to have PTSD, 3 accuse the suspicious of racism.
Eliot: do the cover job really well. really really well. actually cater the wedding, actually build the shed, actually groom the dog, and do a dang good job of it. you're the best <profession here> in the world!
Parker undercover:
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
look,  if I did quotes for my muse tags on this blog,  eliot’s would 100% be ‘ain’t done fixing things.’
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
“One day, we will be able to acknowledge how much we loved one another in the absurd and tragic power of our shared hatred, in the cutting passion of our mutual rage.”
— Catherine Mavrikakis, A Cannibal and Melancholy Mourning.  (via bluebeardsbride)
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
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TAG DROP  –  ronald lewis,  i.e. my goodest boy.
⤷  file  /  ronald lewis.
⤷  ronald  /  character study.
⤷  ronald  /  characterization.
⤷  ronald  /  visage.
⤷  ronald  /  interactions.
⤷  ronald  /  rel.  breanna casey.
⤷  ronald  /  rel.  sophie devereaux.
⤷  ronald  /  rel.  alec hardison.
⤷  ronald  /  rel.  parker.
⤷  ronald  /  rel.  eliot spencer.
⤷  ronald  /  rel.  harry wilson.
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
at this point,  I feel like I have to accept the fact that if you give me a character who is good of heart and dumb of ass,  I will adopt them with no questions asked.  especially if they’re musically inclined. 
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
what type of symphony are you?
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THE ELEGY: THE BLOOMING OF THE ROSE  ::  you are the crescendo,  a never-ending strength which arouses great power and love within.  you feel immensely,  intensely,  and every surface you touch is laden with love — but beware,  one must not cross you.  your ardor knows no bounds and your symphony echoes on.  you bring tears to one's eyes when they look at you too long, and you inflict hope within tragedy.  you are the end-all-be-all,  but you are not to be mistaken in fear — people cannot help feeling everything at once when they meet you,  for you are the cosmos which blinds the oblivious and gifts the shadows light.  your song: elegies of thule no. 3 by tonu korvits
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gaerlhoss-a · 2 years
At even the slightest hint of permission, she was making a b-line for the center console. Skilled fingers tapped a screen, one, twice, three times, trying to see if it would respond. Nothing. With a serious expression on her face, normally absent from the seemingly babbling and nervous cadet. Right now, she was focused with laser precision. Everything was down. A small huff through her nose as she read the flashing warning ‘clearance denied’ on the screen. Sure, Tilly was just a cadet but she had a high enough security code for this. Something was wrong. They were dead in the water, no warp, no spore drive, minimal systems online and a crew missing. Tilly could only come to one conclusion.
“We’ve been left dead in the water, haven’t we?” This was not an accident. That conclusion gave her the confidence to suggest something radical. “All systems are locked out but…” a moment of hesitation, her eyes locked on the Captain, trying to read him and wondering if this would be the straw that got her flung off Discovery, after all, she had a sneaking suspicion that Captain Lorca hated her, or thought she was useless. They were as bad as each other really. “I can get through them.” It was spoken with conviction. Tilly might be socially awkward, but she knew what she could and couldn’t do. Instead of waiting for permission, she took an unusually brave step, she got to work. How funny., that social situations were so disastrous for her, but under pressure, she was a little diamond.
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“You know, Federation and Starfleet security isn’t all it thinks it is.” Said the person who at sixteen had hacked Federation Security and escaped one of the most high security education establishments in the Federation. While it was a complex winding road, getting through the security lock out was not impossible. Then, with a hit of a key, screens jumped into life. Instead of assessing systems, the first thing she did was run a ship wide scan, “there’s only four people on board sir, us…and two non-crew members on the bridge….and we’ve sustained structural damage on three decks…” another quick flurry of taps, “approximately twenty minutes ago, something or someone beamed the entire crew out at once…” a lightbulb went off in her head. “Oh my god…the lab with the spore drive is shielded, they must have not picked us up when they locked on.”  Oh damn, pure chance that they had not been taken too. That was uncomfortable.
          had she waited for permission,  gabriel might have stopped her.  not on principle,  nor even because he doubted her.  but there was one important step she had opted to overleap:  a  captain’s override codes.  which,  given the information she later relays to him might likely have failed no less thoroughly than her initial attempt.  he returns from across the room as she speaks,  however,  eyes skimming the data upon the screens even as she narrates.  his lips purse.    ❛ small mercies. ❜    though,  in truth,  he’d have taken almost any member of the crew over the cadet and her predisposition toward inane rambling.
          the life signs are unrecognized,  species unknown.  gabriel suppresses a sigh.    ❛ let’s go take back our ship,  then. ❜    perhaps it would be feasible to regain control from here,  but the majority of the ship’s command functions resided in the bridge consoles.  and,  besides,  he’s driven by an overwhelming need to act,  not to sit and punch buttons in the hopes that they might accomplish something,  losing time with each passing moment.  despite his words,  however,  he hesitates,  considering her with intent gaze.    ❛ you’ll have had basic phaser training,  I assume.  how much of a danger are you to yourself,  and to me,  with one? ❜
          he’s loath to leave her behind to fend for herself,  even if she might be able to accomplish something from engineering.  he’s equally reluctant to bring her along.
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