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My husband doesn’t believe me that shaving your legs is difficult and time consuming. So long story short he is about to shave his legs for the first time.
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Pala had no concept of the time she was sleeping, tho she was starting to find it uncomfortable to sleep in the posistion she was in on the couch. She woke up to a still empty room. Had castiel left her there? sitting up thee back of her neck hurt a bit from useing the arm of the couch as a pillow. Pala got up to see if he had gone to the bathroom or something. but there was nothing, she truely thought that he had left her. pala sat herself on the floor in a semi hidden mart of the room and huggd her legs. Was she a burdden to him? @castielangelofthelord1
Closed RP
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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“Ho, brah. Think twice next time you want to drop in on someone’s wave.” ~ Kalakaua, Kono ~
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here’s a reminder that mental illness is not your fault. 
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Pala didnt grab a blanket or a pillow, she didnt really know that, that was what most humans would do. But since she didnt know any better it was easy for her to fall back asleep after the bus ride  here. @castielangelofthelord1
Closed RP
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The impala, or what she would be later be called Pala, Had just woken up in what was a drive way? That’s what it looked like to her anyways. Sitting up quickly, with a small yelp. there was something she didn’t understand, wasn’t she just a car, how could she have any conscious thought. Looking down she went wide eyed, she had legs, like Sam, Dean and what was the other person they always had around with them,Castiel? This was all so confusing now, she didn’t even know who she was or how she had suddenly become so….human. @castielangelofthelord1
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Y/N: Sherloom is here to see you, Greg
Sherlock: It’s Sherlock…
Y/N: Whatever you say, Shamrock.
Greg: Ha! Now you know how it feels!
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Happy Birthday!!
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Happy happy happy birthday to my squishy. At the same time happy birthday to my daddy because yes he can be both. Love you ❤️❤️
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I never, ever get tired of hearing his laugh
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Sex you up Saturday for the birthday boy 🔥🔥🔥
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Time for Childhood for you 90s/Early 2000s kids
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