galaxy-starshine · 6 hours
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galaxy-starshine · 6 hours
"The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Euclid space mission has just released its first science data, alongside another stunning set of five images revealing wide, deep, and detailed views of stellar nurseries and galaxies near and far. These materials are part of Euclid’s Early Release Observations, encompassing 513 science pages and 10 images (the first five of which were released in 2023).
This cosmic treasure trove results from only 24 hours of observation, showcasing Euclid’s advantages: speed and scope. The space telescope has created these expansive cosmic portraits, in as little as an hour of observation time.
Euclid carries two instruments: the visible instrument (VIS) and the near-infrared spectrometer and photometer (NISP). VIS is a 609-megapixel visible-band imager, sensitive to low light levels and capable of imaging 0.5 square degrees at a time, equal to the area of 2.5 full Moons as seen from Earth. Similarly, NISP boasts the widest field of view of any infrared instrument ever lifted into space, with 0.57 square degrees per exposure."
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"This image of the spectacular spiral NGC 6744, 30 million light-years in the southern constellation Pavo, NGC 6744 captures an “archetype of the kind of galaxy currently forming most of the stars in the local Universe,” according to an ESA press release. The image shows the galaxy’s spiral arms as well as finer features, like the feathered lanes of dust between the arms. Euclid’s pinpoint precision even enables astronomers to “count individual stars and reveal the distribution of dust,” says researcher Francesca Annibali (INAF-OAS, Italy).
Astronomers will employ Euclid to create comprehensive maps of diverse stellar populations including newborn stars, elderly stellar clusters, and the dusty distribution of stars-to-be, relating their formation to the physics of spiral structures."
More at the link.
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galaxy-starshine · 6 hours
Milky Way Center Wide Field Mosaic 135mm
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galaxy-starshine · 6 hours
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2024 June 6
NGC 4565: Galaxy on Edge Image Credit & Copyright: Lóránd Fényes
Explanation: Magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4565 is viewed edge-on from planet Earth. Also known as the Needle Galaxy for its narrow profile, bright NGC 4565 is a stop on many telescopic tours of the northern sky, in the faint but well-groomed constellation Coma Berenices. This sharp, colorful image reveals the galaxy’s boxy, bulging central core cut by obscuring dust lanes that lace NGC 4565’s thin galactic plane. NGC 4565 itself lies about 40 million light-years distant and spans some 100,000 light-years. Easily spotted with small telescopes, sky enthusiasts consider NGC 4565 to be a prominent celestial masterpiece Messier missed.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240606.html
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galaxy-starshine · 6 hours
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galaxy-starshine · 6 hours
What do you usually like to do while waiting? (For example, at the doctor's office, airport, in a line, etc.)
Look at social media
Play a game on my phone
Play an offline game
Listen to music
Listen to audiobooks
Listen to podcasts
Stream videos
Handicrafts: embroidery, knitting, crocheting, etc.
Talk to the people around you
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
"Oh so we should just eat anything we want??"
Well actually YES but also:
Restricting food Does Stuff To Your Brain. "Restricting" doesn't mean stopping when you're full. I feel like this is what gets misunderstood a lot. It means placing rules and limits on food that supercede what your body is signalling that it wants. Let's use cookies as an example. Restricting would be:
- I can only have cookies when I deserve them.
- I can only have cookies when I'm alone.
- I can only have two cookies.
- I can only have low-calorie cookies.
- I can only have cookies on set days, or so-called cheat days.
- I can't have cookies.
- I can't have cookies in the house.
- I'm bad when I eat cookies.
- Cookies are a bad food and I must compensate for having eaten them.
Whether or not you stick to the restrictions you set, your brain is learning to be an anxious mess around cookies. It might want to avoid anywhere that has cookies. It might feel shame for wanting or eating cookies. It might get exhausted from suppressing the craving and decide to binge. It might go into binge mode every time you eat cookies because you've taught your body that This Will Not Be Available Whenever. It might feel ridiculously important to eat all the cookies while you can.
I know we're all so used to constantly talking about food, diets, weight and bodies, and it's completely normalised to look at absolutely everything you eat and assign it the level of guilt you're gonna feel for eating it, and to brag about not eating this and that, and to announce that you know it's a Naughty Indulgence when you eat anything sweet.
But oh my god, it's such a huge weight off your shoulders to just let yourself eat cookies because you wanted cookies and stop when you feel satiated and know that the cookies will be available next time you want cookies because you don't need to earn them in any way. Because a brain that knows it can have cookies whenever it wants cookies, doesn't crave cookies all the time. Nor does it feel any self-loathing when it does crave cookies.
And I just wish everyone a very chill brain and some cookies
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
every time someone talks about someone "faking disability to live on welfare" or anything to that effect i think about how my mom worked in law and directly knew of a case of a guy who had terminal brain cancer with an estimated few months to live and got rejected the first time he applied for disability income. like, he was 100% going to die and that wasn't disabled enough to not have to jump through a million hoops and get lawyers involved. non-disabled people "living off of welfare" is such a non issue because i cannot bring myself to care about the like, 3 people who maybe successfully do it compared to the thousands of people rejected who need aid
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
Wait, you're telling me there are ways to deal with my problems that don't involve dissociation???
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
it is genuinely bewildering to me that adult human beings do not know this but if you are mean to people they will not like you. like tbh they are probably also not going to like you if you are mean to other people but they are definitely not going to like you if you are mean to them. it doesn’t matter if you are funny or if you can use r/aita rules to prove that you are in the right. people simply do not enjoy being treated like shit.
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
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Pride Month
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
sorry not to complain but some of y'all really cannot stand gnc people, huh?
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
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Something about FNAF 3 and Fazbear Frights taking place in 2023 in our current social media landscape
(part 2)
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
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By @theofficialsadghostclub
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galaxy-starshine · 7 hours
The fact that we as a species haven’t dropped absolutely everything for science baffles me.
You want to go to war? When there are dinosaur bones under your feet? When there are diseases that could be cured? When trees can communicate?
I will never understand.
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galaxy-starshine · 8 hours
simularly to the recent "are you wlw and are you ok with ppl calling you that ?" : lesbians, are you sapphic ?
same options as that poll !
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