galaxynest · 14 days
Zombie Apocalypse AU.
Something, something.
I was bored(? Itś nothing fancy, and is all over the place, so, yeh, sorry.
You'll know later on more... • •┈┈┈┈ ๑ ⋅ ⋯ ୨ ୧ ⋯ ⋅ ๑ ┈┈┈┈ • •
The cold air of Quesadilla Island in the mornings could wake anyone up, and yet, they didn't seem to mind.
The roads that were once full of life were now graveyards of cars.
The world can change in just a few years, can't it?
• •┈┈┈┈ ๑ ⋅ ⋯ ୨ ୧ ⋯ ⋅ ๑ ┈┈┈┈ • •
It had been about a week since Phil's small group had arrived at Nihachu Farm, and the first night they had spent there, Missa had left during those hours.
Leaving only a note.
And although the crow would have wanted to go out and look for him as soon as he saw the note, he knew he had responsibilities to the two children who were now in his care.
Offering his help on the farm of the girl who gave them shelter, the days seemed to pass slowly, leaving a feeling of "normality".
• •┈┈┈┈ ๑ ⋅ ⋯ ୨ ୧ ⋯ ⋅ ๑ ┈┈┈┈ • •
"Thanks for the help, Phil."
The blond looked up from the small backpack he was preparing, smiling at the girl who was at the door.
"It's the least I can do for the one who welcomed us with two children."
Niki Nihachu smiled back, handing over the paper she had in her hands.
"Everything is written down there, all the medicines we need, basic supplies, and there should be a first aid kit in that place…"
"If there isn't, I'll bring whatever I find for one."
"Thanks… I'll take care of your kids while you're in town, I think they like farm life."
"It's a paradise compared to how we were before… thanks, again."
"Go on, go, before it gets dark… Will you take the opportunity to see if he's in town..?"
Phil tightened his backpack a little, before hanging it on his shoulder and approaching the door.
"I don't lose anything by looking for him there… I hope he didn't go far."
• •┈┈┈┈ ๑ ⋅ ⋯ ୨ ୧ ⋯ ⋅ ๑ ┈┈┈┈ • •
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galaxynest · 18 days
📌ESP Como algo mas pequeño, que olvidamos agregar en el análisis original con "@flourishedbae" y ya había ella agregado en su primera platica de este personaje. El personaje de Foragissa, al ser un personaje de Missa, no deja de ser un wet cat, en el mismo capitulo perdido "El dia de Oday", se nos muestra al personaje en un punto en un burdel, donde su hijo Billy parece mas emocionado de estar ahí que el propio Foragissa, que parece incomodo ante los comentarios que estaban haciendo en ese momento y por el lugar donde estaban, pues se dejo en claro en ese mismo capitulo que son lugares que no le gustan a Foragissa. También en ese mismo capitulo, se muestra que a Foragissa no le gustaba que le tocaran mucho cuando se encontraban en aquel lugar, unicamente respondiendo con risas incomodas o que se encontraba bien cuando las chicas del mismo burdel hacían ciertos comentarios. 📌ENG As a smaller thing, which we forgot to add in the original analysis with "@flourishedbae" and she had already added in her first talk about this character. The character of Foragissa, being a character of Missa, is still a wet cat, in the same lost chapter "El dia de Oday (Oday's Day)", we are shown the character at one point in a brothel, where her son Billy seems more excited to be there than Foragissa himself, who seems uncomfortable with the comments they were making at that moment and the place where they were, since it was made clear in that same chapter that those are places that Foragissa does not like.
Also in that same chapter, it is shown that Foragissa did not like to be touched much when they were in that place, only responding with uncomfortable laughter or that he was fine when the girls from the same brothel made certain comments.
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Foragissa Análisis / Foragissa Analysis
@pepper-mintzyy here is the post we promised <3 thanks to @galaxynest for the translation and support in the analysis
Foragissa. “Solo debes lastimar a quienes lo merecen, no a los inocentes”
Foragissa es un personaje creado por MissaSinfonia para la serie de Minecraft “El Dios de Todo”, protagonizada por JuanSGuarnizo. Foragissa hace su aparición en el capítulo 20 de la serie, como un vaquero extraterrestre con el que Juan (el personaje principal) se encuentra durante uno de sus viajes.
El episodio se desarrolla en Coyotia, un planeta desértico donde existe un pueblo con el mismo nombre y donde se realizan carreras de naves. En este lugar, más específicamente en el bar local, es donde el espectador y el personaje principal conocen por primera vez a Foragissa. Él es presentado como un vaquero temido por todos en el pueblo, conocido por su mal carácter, su vocabulario grosero, su temperamento explosivo y su tendencia a burlarse de los demás.
Al principio, la personalidad de Foragissa parece ser la de alguien conflictivo, a quien le gusta causar problemas y disfruta del silencio incómodo que genera su presencia en el bar. A medida que avanza el capítulo, se da a entender que Foragissa disfruta haciendo sentir mal a las personas, ya que suele insultarlas con frecuencia. Sin embargo, hacia el final del episodio, se revela que en realidad proviene de otro lugar donde insultar a alguien es una muestra de buena fe y aprecio. Además, sus insultos no son tan fuertes como parecen.
Después de este capítulo, Foragissa no vuelve a aparecer hasta el episodio especial titulado "El día de Oday". Lamentablemente, hay poca información disponible sobre este episodio, ya que no se encuentra en YouTube y los clips que circulan son escasos. En este capítulo, se revela que Foragissa tiene un hijo llamado Billy, con quien mantiene una relación cercana, ya que el chico parece admirar mucho a su padre. Billy tiene 18 años, y el episodio gira en torno al Día del Progenitor en Coyotia.
A través de los pocos clips disponibles en Twitter (@BauldeMissa), se muestra que Foragissa tiene un lado cómico. También se menciona que, debido a su especie, no puede envejecer de forma normal. Su skin está inspirada en el logo de su canal y en un personaje de Star Wars (Kad Vein). Además, se insinúa que Foragissa tiene 15 esposas, aunque esta información no fue confirmada ni desmentida por el propio personaje.
Durante el episodio especial, en una escena donde Oday, Foragissa y Billy están en un puesto de feria, aparece una paloma negra. La comunidad de Missa (los "Missaurios") interpretó que esta paloma negra era en realidad un cuervo, lo cual consideraron un cameo de Philza. Esto dio lugar a la idea de que Crowfather (un personaje interpretado por Philza) y Foragissa podrían tener algún tipo de relación. Además, cuando los personajes se preguntan quién es la madre de Billy, muchos fans especulan que podría ser Maffy (la pareja en la vida real de Missa). El capítulo también juega con la idea de la bisexualidad de Foragissa, ya que en el mismo episodio se menciona que el personaje también tiene novios.
A pesar de su carácter, Foragissa es querido en Coyotia, aunque no es particularmente reconocido. El sheriff local lo conoce y, en el capítulo especial "El día de Oday", prefiere defender a Foragissa antes que a unos bandidos que afirmaban que él les debía dinero. Sus secuaces le tienen mucho respeto y lo llaman "jefecito", lo que refuerza la idea de que son como una familia.
Si bien Foragissa inicialmente presenta una fachada de rudo y mal hablado, un análisis más profundo revela una personalidad mucho más compleja. Su comportamiento puede interpretarse como una forma de defensa, una máscara que oculta sus verdaderas emociones. La cultura de su planeta natal, donde los insultos son una muestra de afecto, influye significativamente en su forma de comunicarse. A pesar de que insultar es parte de su cultura, comprende que en Coyotia estos son considerados una falta de respeto, por lo que siempre evita decirlos y regaña a su hijo para que no hable de esa forma con gente a su alrededor, aquí también se puede vislumbrar un lado más vulnerable y protector, especialmente en su relación con su hijo Billy.
Cómo paréntesis: En la cultura Hispanohablante, tenemos grados de insultos, desde los más suaves hasta los más fuertes, por más suaves pueden ser palabras como tonto, bobo, etc. hasta los más fuertes que pueden ser hijo de puta, pendejo, puto, etc. Por eso, cuando el personaje de Foragissa fue introducido, nos dimos cuenta de que sus insultos eran los más suaves, sin quitarles el peso de que son insultos.
Un aspecto importante para destacar es que las personalidades de los personajes de Missa suelen desarrollarse de manera natural. Aunque muchos de estos personajes pueden parecer fuertes o tener personalidades extremas, en el fondo, siempre se revela que tienen un buen corazón. ¡No dudes en añadir más información en los comentarios si sientes que nos hace falta!
Foragissa. “You only affect those who deserve it, not the innocent.”
Foragissa is a character created by MissaSinfonia for the Minecraft series “El Dios de Todo”, starring JuanSGuarnizo. Foragissa makes his appearance in chapter 20 of the series, as an alien cowboy that Juan (the main character) meets during one of his trips.
The episode takes place in Coyotia, a desert planet where there is a town with the same name and where ship races take place. In this place, more specifically in the local bar, is where the viewer and the main character first meet Foragissa. He is introduced as a cowboy feared by everyone in the town, known for his bad temper, his rude vocabulary, his explosive temper and his tendency to make fun of others.
At first, Foragissa's personality seems to be that of someone conflictive, who likes to cause trouble and enjoys the awkward silence that his presence in the bar generates. As the chapter progresses, it is implied that Foragissa enjoys making people feel bad, as he tends to insult them frequently. However, towards the end of the episode, it is revealed that he actually comes from another place where insulting someone is a sign of good faith and appreciation. Also, his insults are not as strong as they seem.
After this chapter, Foragissa does not appear again until the special episode titled "El dia de Oday (Oday's Day)". Unfortunately, there is little information available about this episode, as it is not found on YouTube and the clips that circulate are scarce. In this chapter, it is revealed that Foragissa has a son named Billy, with whom he maintains a close relationship, as the boy seems to greatly admire his father. Billy is 18 years old, and the episode revolves around Progenitor's Day in Coyotia.
Through the few clips available on Twitter (@BauldeMissa), it is shown that Foragissa has a silly side. It is also mentioned that, due to his species, he cannot age normally. His minecraft skin is inspired by his channel logo and a Star Wars character (Kad Vein). Additionally, it is hinted that Foragissa has 15 wives, although this information was neither confirmed nor denied by the character himself.
During the special episode, in a scene where Oday, Foragissa, and Billy are at a fair booth, a black dove appears. The Missa community (the "Missaurios") interpreted this black dove to actually be a crow, which they considered a cameo by Philza. This gave rise to the idea that Crowfather (a character played by Philza) and Foragissa might have some sort of relationship. Also, when the characters wonder who Billy's mother is, many fans speculate that it could be Maffy (Missa's real-life partner). The episode also plays with the idea of ​​Foragissa's bisexuality, as in the same episode it is mentioned that the character also has boyfriends.
Despite his character, Foragissa is well-liked in Coyotia, although he’s not particularly recognized. The local sheriff knows him, and in the special episode, he prefers to defend Foragissa rather than bandits who claimed he owed them money. His Henchman are very respectful of him, and they call him "Jefecito" reinforcing the idea that they are like family.
While Foragissa initially presents a rough, foul-mouthed facade, a deeper analysis reveals a much more complex personality. His behavior can be interpreted as a form of defense, a mask that hides his true emotions. The culture of his home planet, where insults are a sign of affection, significantly influences his way of communicating. Even though insults are part of his culture, he understands that in Coyotia they are considered disrespectful, so he always avoids saying them and scolds his son not to speak that way to people around him. Here, too, we can glimpse a more vulnerable and protective side, especially in his relationship with his son Billy.
As a parenthesis: In the Spanish-speaking culture, we have degrees of insults, from the mildest to the strongest, as mild as words like stupid, bobo, etc. can be, to the strongest, which can be son of a bitch, pendejo, etc. That is why, when the character of Foragissa was introduced, we realized that her insults were the mildest, without taking away the weight of the fact that they are insults.
An important aspect to highlight is that the personalities of Missa's characters usually develop naturally. Although many of these characters may seem strong or have extreme personalities, deep down, it is always revealed that they have a good heart.
Feel free to add more information in the comments if you feel we are missing something!
Links to Foragissa “Silly” side:
Links to some sources from the lost media “El dia de Oday”: Some Clips:
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galaxynest · 22 days
"So...this is your home?"
The crow asked, curious at the scene of that arid planet, receiving a small laugh in response.
As soon as Foragissa parked the ship, he moved from the driver's side to the back of it, opening the door and getting out first to offer his hand to crowfather, his guest from Origin Valley.
"Let's go, your highness"
That mocking tone but full of emotion made the crow's heart begin to beat strongly, taking the cowboy's hand to receive his help to get down in order to get down the ship.
Looking around a little excited to finally be able to see the place that the cowboy talked a lot about during his stay in Origin Valley.
"Welcome to Coyotia, Philza."
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galaxynest · 23 days
Foragissa Análisis / Foragissa Analysis
@pepper-mintzyy here is the post we promised <3 thanks to @galaxynest for the translation and support in the analysis
Foragissa. “Solo debes lastimar a quienes lo merecen, no a los inocentes”
Foragissa es un personaje creado por MissaSinfonia para la serie de Minecraft “El Dios de Todo”, protagonizada por JuanSGuarnizo. Foragissa hace su aparición en el capítulo 20 de la serie, como un vaquero extraterrestre con el que Juan (el personaje principal) se encuentra durante uno de sus viajes.
El episodio se desarrolla en Coyotia, un planeta desértico donde existe un pueblo con el mismo nombre y donde se realizan carreras de naves. En este lugar, más específicamente en el bar local, es donde el espectador y el personaje principal conocen por primera vez a Foragissa. Él es presentado como un vaquero temido por todos en el pueblo, conocido por su mal carácter, su vocabulario grosero, su temperamento explosivo y su tendencia a burlarse de los demás.
Al principio, la personalidad de Foragissa parece ser la de alguien conflictivo, a quien le gusta causar problemas y disfruta del silencio incómodo que genera su presencia en el bar. A medida que avanza el capítulo, se da a entender que Foragissa disfruta haciendo sentir mal a las personas, ya que suele insultarlas con frecuencia. Sin embargo, hacia el final del episodio, se revela que en realidad proviene de otro lugar donde insultar a alguien es una muestra de buena fe y aprecio. Además, sus insultos no son tan fuertes como parecen.
Después de este capítulo, Foragissa no vuelve a aparecer hasta el episodio especial titulado "El día de Oday". Lamentablemente, hay poca información disponible sobre este episodio, ya que no se encuentra en YouTube y los clips que circulan son escasos. En este capítulo, se revela que Foragissa tiene un hijo llamado Billy, con quien mantiene una relación cercana, ya que el chico parece admirar mucho a su padre. Billy tiene 18 años, y el episodio gira en torno al Día del Progenitor en Coyotia.
A través de los pocos clips disponibles en Twitter (@BauldeMissa), se muestra que Foragissa tiene un lado cómico. También se menciona que, debido a su especie, no puede envejecer de forma normal. Su skin está inspirada en el logo de su canal y en un personaje de Star Wars (Kad Vein). Además, se insinúa que Foragissa tiene 15 esposas, aunque esta información no fue confirmada ni desmentida por el propio personaje.
Durante el episodio especial, en una escena donde Oday, Foragissa y Billy están en un puesto de feria, aparece una paloma negra. La comunidad de Missa (los "Missaurios") interpretó que esta paloma negra era en realidad un cuervo, lo cual consideraron un cameo de Philza. Esto dio lugar a la idea de que Crowfather (un personaje interpretado por Philza) y Foragissa podrían tener algún tipo de relación. Además, cuando los personajes se preguntan quién es la madre de Billy, muchos fans especulan que podría ser Maffy (la pareja en la vida real de Missa). El capítulo también juega con la idea de la bisexualidad de Foragissa, ya que en el mismo episodio se menciona que el personaje también tiene novios.
A pesar de su carácter, Foragissa es querido en Coyotia, aunque no es particularmente reconocido. El sheriff local lo conoce y, en el capítulo especial "El día de Oday", prefiere defender a Foragissa antes que a unos bandidos que afirmaban que él les debía dinero. Sus secuaces le tienen mucho respeto y lo llaman "jefecito", lo que refuerza la idea de que son como una familia.
Si bien Foragissa inicialmente presenta una fachada de rudo y mal hablado, un análisis más profundo revela una personalidad mucho más compleja. Su comportamiento puede interpretarse como una forma de defensa, una máscara que oculta sus verdaderas emociones. La cultura de su planeta natal, donde los insultos son una muestra de afecto, influye significativamente en su forma de comunicarse. A pesar de que insultar es parte de su cultura, comprende que en Coyotia estos son considerados una falta de respeto, por lo que siempre evita decirlos y regaña a su hijo para que no hable de esa forma con gente a su alrededor, aquí también se puede vislumbrar un lado más vulnerable y protector, especialmente en su relación con su hijo Billy.
Cómo paréntesis: En la cultura Hispanohablante, tenemos grados de insultos, desde los más suaves hasta los más fuertes, por más suaves pueden ser palabras como tonto, bobo, etc. hasta los más fuertes que pueden ser hijo de puta, pendejo, puto, etc. Por eso, cuando el personaje de Foragissa fue introducido, nos dimos cuenta de que sus insultos eran los más suaves, sin quitarles el peso de que son insultos.
Un aspecto importante para destacar es que las personalidades de los personajes de Missa suelen desarrollarse de manera natural. Aunque muchos de estos personajes pueden parecer fuertes o tener personalidades extremas, en el fondo, siempre se revela que tienen un buen corazón. ¡No dudes en añadir más información en los comentarios si sientes que nos hace falta!
Foragissa. “You only affect those who deserve it, not the innocent.”
Foragissa is a character created by MissaSinfonia for the Minecraft series “El Dios de Todo”, starring JuanSGuarnizo. Foragissa makes his appearance in chapter 20 of the series, as an alien cowboy that Juan (the main character) meets during one of his trips.
The episode takes place in Coyotia, a desert planet where there is a town with the same name and where ship races take place. In this place, more specifically in the local bar, is where the viewer and the main character first meet Foragissa. He is introduced as a cowboy feared by everyone in the town, known for his bad temper, his rude vocabulary, his explosive temper and his tendency to make fun of others.
At first, Foragissa's personality seems to be that of someone conflictive, who likes to cause trouble and enjoys the awkward silence that his presence in the bar generates. As the chapter progresses, it is implied that Foragissa enjoys making people feel bad, as he tends to insult them frequently. However, towards the end of the episode, it is revealed that he actually comes from another place where insulting someone is a sign of good faith and appreciation. Also, his insults are not as strong as they seem.
After this chapter, Foragissa does not appear again until the special episode titled "El dia de Oday (Oday's Day)". Unfortunately, there is little information available about this episode, as it is not found on YouTube and the clips that circulate are scarce. In this chapter, it is revealed that Foragissa has a son named Billy, with whom he maintains a close relationship, as the boy seems to greatly admire his father. Billy is 18 years old, and the episode revolves around Progenitor's Day in Coyotia.
Through the few clips available on Twitter (@BauldeMissa), it is shown that Foragissa has a silly side. It is also mentioned that, due to his species, he cannot age normally. His minecraft skin is inspired by his channel logo and a Star Wars character (Kad Vein). Additionally, it is hinted that Foragissa has 15 wives, although this information was neither confirmed nor denied by the character himself.
During the special episode, in a scene where Oday, Foragissa, and Billy are at a fair booth, a black dove appears. The Missa community (the "Missaurios") interpreted this black dove to actually be a crow, which they considered a cameo by Philza. This gave rise to the idea that Crowfather (a character played by Philza) and Foragissa might have some sort of relationship. Also, when the characters wonder who Billy's mother is, many fans speculate that it could be Maffy (Missa's real-life partner). The episode also plays with the idea of ​​Foragissa's bisexuality, as in the same episode it is mentioned that the character also has boyfriends.
Despite his character, Foragissa is well-liked in Coyotia, although he’s not particularly recognized. The local sheriff knows him, and in the special episode, he prefers to defend Foragissa rather than bandits who claimed he owed them money. His Henchman are very respectful of him, and they call him "Jefecito" reinforcing the idea that they are like family.
While Foragissa initially presents a rough, foul-mouthed facade, a deeper analysis reveals a much more complex personality. His behavior can be interpreted as a form of defense, a mask that hides his true emotions. The culture of his home planet, where insults are a sign of affection, significantly influences his way of communicating. Even though insults are part of his culture, he understands that in Coyotia they are considered disrespectful, so he always avoids saying them and scolds his son not to speak that way to people around him. Here, too, we can glimpse a more vulnerable and protective side, especially in his relationship with his son Billy.
As a parenthesis: In the Spanish-speaking culture, we have degrees of insults, from the mildest to the strongest, as mild as words like stupid, bobo, etc. can be, to the strongest, which can be son of a bitch, pendejo, etc. That is why, when the character of Foragissa was introduced, we realized that her insults were the mildest, without taking away the weight of the fact that they are insults.
An important aspect to highlight is that the personalities of Missa's characters usually develop naturally. Although many of these characters may seem strong or have extreme personalities, deep down, it is always revealed that they have a good heart.
Feel free to add more information in the comments if you feel we are missing something!
Links to Foragissa “Silly” side:
Links to some sources from the lost media “El dia de Oday”: Some Clips:
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96 notes · View notes
galaxynest · 1 month
Solo quería mencionarlo ya que veía como lo llevaban y no me gustaba que fuera TAN alejado a su personalidad / I just wanted to mention it because I saw how they write it and I didn't like that he was SO far from his personality.
Algo que he visto mucho de la parte inglesa de Pissa es que no llevan del todo bien al personaje de Foragissa y eso me pone triste, lo ponen como alguien insultante y de carácter fuerte, cuando eso es solo lo que busca aparentar
Llegamos a ver clips con sus secuaces donde los trataba muy dulce y se reía con ellos por sus tonterías, además de que le cuesta mucho usar palabrotas/insultos fuertes.
Cuando fueron al burdel con su hijo, Billy, ESTABA MUY INCÓMODO, ya que no le gustan esos lugares y que fueran tan atrevidas las chicas lo hacía sentir nervioso.
En resumen, Foragissa sigue siendo un wet cat, no es alguien tosco o pesado, solo lo aparenta cuando es bastante blando para su rol, puede ser bruto incluso porque no sabe aparentarlo del todo, so silly.
📌ENG (google traductor bc Im lazy)
Something I've seen a lot of from the English side of Pissa is that they don't quite handle the character of Foragissa and that makes me sad, they make him out to be insulting and strong-willed, when that's just what he's trying to appear to be.
We even saw clips with his henchmen where he treated them very sweetly and laughed with them about their nonsense, and it's hard for him to use swear words/strong insults.
When they went to the brothel with his son, Billy, HE WAS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, since he doesn't like those places and the fact that the girls were so daring made him feel nervous.
In short, Foragissa is still a wet cat, he's not someone rough or heavy, he only appears that way when he's quite soft for his role, he can even be rough because he doesn't know how to appear that way at all, so silly.
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galaxynest · 1 month
Hi, I'm alive, well, sort of, it's been a sad few months.
But, I want to get back to writing and blogging, I will try to be more consistent.
I miss my space cowboy and my Origin Valley sorcerer.
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galaxynest · 1 month
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Flirting with a gun
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galaxynest · 4 months
University sucks, anyway, hello, I'm already on vacation :D I hope I can be a little more constant, enjoy this little one
"He looks very cute covered in vines and roses, don't you think? Foragissa :)"
The goddess spoke, surprising the cowboy that the moment he heard that voice, he pulled out a gun, pointing it everywhere without being able to see who was speaking.
"Interesting, you're not afraid to point your gun at a goddess."
"I don't believe in those things, now, what did you do to him?"
"I? I did nothing. He's just asleep."
"Then wake him up. Why is he covered in roses and vines?"
"Now do you worry about him? Where were you then when he needed you most?"
The cowboy remained silent, still pointing his gun everywhere, as if at any moment the goddess was going to appear to do something to him.
"In any case, I already got what I wanted. It's all yours, Foragissa. Take good care of him, the other gods will not be so compassionate if they catch him."
And with that, the voice and presence disappeared completely, the cowboy looked at the crow for a moment, caressing the blonde's cheeks as the roses disappeared, except for the one Foragissa had given him.
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galaxynest · 4 months
There is an artist, who I follow on my main blog, who every time she likes something I write here, it makes me panic. Because I love her art so much. asdfsdf
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galaxynest · 4 months
"Huh? What's the cowboy still doing here? I thought Crowfather would have transformed him into something by now or run away."
"Apparently he made a deal with Philza."
"A deal? So the cowboy is screwed."
Snegg couldn't help but laugh at the comments of Tommy, the youngest avian in Origin Valley.
"The deal is, Philza will help him fix his ship, but as soon as they finish, the cowboy will leave and never return."
"oh…that makes sense."
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galaxynest · 4 months
❍﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏❍ Foragissa had been in Origin Valley for a few months now, and although his ship had already been repaired, he did not seem to want to leave, something that did not seem to bother the crow anymore, the hybrid even seemed to enjoy the cowboy's company more.
Everything had happened too quickly.
At one moment, the crow was in the air flying and watching that the town will be fine and at one moment another was on the ground, trying to get out of that net, trying to stay calm (something that was becoming more difficult) .
"Look who we caught."
An unknown voice, the desperation of wanting to escape was beginning to cloud his judgment.
"Isn't that Crowfather?"
A second voice, a girl.
"They are going to pay us very well if is him"
A third voice, someone younger, but he had a very strong accent that he couldn't distinguish well.
The hybrid heard the laughter too, hunters?
"If this one was nearby, there must be others, perhaps his town."
The laughter stopped and the last thing the crow felt was an electric current running through his entire body.
Before everything turned into darkness. ❍﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏❍
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galaxynest · 5 months
Tags and pinned Updated :D
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Welcome to my little blog!
You can call me Koraki or Kora // 20+ // Spa - Eng
I wanted to start this blog for a while, mostly to have a place were I can infodump about some AU's or writting stuff.
Currently in a QSMP (Specically Pissa / Deathduo) brainrot, although, I most likely write about Foragissa and O!Philza (my beloveds)
Hispanic Crow (Philza's chat) since 2019.
University student
English is not my 1st language, if I make a mistake, please let me know :D
Tags (Will be updated as more are added):
#koraki_ramble -> Mostly AU's talks + other stuff #koraki_reblogs -> Reblogs and stuff #koraki_responds -> Answering Questions #Solamente_Tu -> Foragissa and O!Philza AU.
If U have any Question, please ask :D
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galaxynest · 5 months
Foragissa and Crowfather's AU officially has a name!
The name is "Solamente Tu" (Only You)
You can find it easier with the Tag #Solamente_Tu
"Can I help you with something?"
Foragissa asked, as soon as the crow's presence was present, raising his gaze to see his host with a small box in his hand.
"Here, for you."
Noticing the box the crow extended to him, the outsider wiped the grease from his hands to take it.
Unable to ask what it was for as soon as the box left Philza's hands, the hybrid turned to walk away.
Carefully opening the gift, a small smile appeared on Foragissa's face, pulling out the small heart-shaped charm that the crow always wore on his clothes or as an accessory on his hat.
With a simple note written at the bottom.
["For your protection, thank you for the rose."]
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galaxynest · 5 months
Chat laughing at O!Phil is canon, sjsjsj
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Also this other 2 ! I wasn’t able to post it with the others cause I’m on mobile:,)
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galaxynest · 5 months
This Is so cute! I'm glad U like this Silly AU!
"A rose?"
"Why are you giving me this?"
"I saw it and thought you'd like it."
"Well…it's not shiny but…thank you"
The cowboy only moved his hat forward a little, then adjusted it and walked away to continue working on his ship.
When he was barely out of the crow's sight, the hybrid let out a sigh as his cheeks began to turn a shade of crimson, squeezing the stem of the small rose a little.
Crowfather murmured, he didn't know if to Foragissa or to himself, finishing by arranging the rose in his hair.
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galaxynest · 5 months
I realized that in the previous dialogue there is no context, sorry
But how is it explained in that little dialogue, written short?
All of this happens after an argument that O! Philza and Foragissa have, an argument that was not pretty at all, where the pride of both was their downfall, and where yes, both of their feelings were hurt.
They both hurt each other without meaning to. And why is the cowboy screaming so desperately for the crow? Well, it's because of the same magic that O!Philza possesses.
As I had explained, in this AU, Crowfather uses magic, and his magic is tied to his feelings. The guilt of the argument was eating him alive, he blamed himself for the argument. ❍﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏❍
"He looks very cute covered in vines and roses, don't you think? Foragissa :)"
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galaxynest · 5 months
Hey question is it okay if I make fanart of your Foragissa and O!Philza Au?
OMG! Yeah! Sure! Go ahead! :]
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