galaxyofwhump · 2 years
“They don’t want you.” “It’s not safe out there.” “They don’t care about you.” Whumper had told them time and time again, but whumpee had never believed them. No. They knew that their team still wanted them; that caretaker was worried sick. They don’t fall victim to whumper’s mind games. They refused to.
That was, until, they escaped. The escape had been hard, far harder than whumpee had imagined, they’d left with more scars than they could count, broken bones and a broken mind. Their only hope was caretaker and their team.
So imagine whumpee’s face when they finally stagger in, leaning heavily against the door frame. “h-hey i-“ but the team never look their way. Their eyes seem to be glued on someone else, someone whumpee has never seen before, someone new. “G-guys..?” Once again, their hoarse voice is left unheard.
Whumper was right, weren’t they? They’ve already been replaced.
So, with that, whumpee turns around, and they go to the one place they promised themself they would never see again.
Their knock is weak, quiet, as if there’s still a part of them that knows this is a bad idea. But still, they can’t help but feel a small sense of relief when the door swings open, and whumper stands there, clad in a shirt that’s too big and sweatpants that are too loose. Whumpee can’t help but let out a sob.
“..whumpee..? what..”
“y-you were right.. they don’t w-want me anymore…” they avoid their eyes, shaking where they stand in the torn clothes they’ve worn for months.
“Oh, whumpee…”
“do whatever y-you want with me.. i don’t care anymore but- please… n-no chains..”
“Of course, little dove. I’m sorry.” Whumpee whimpers at the nickname, collapsing against whumper’s chest. Their knuckles turn white with the grip they have on their shirt, and their sobs only increase as whumper returns the hug. “I’m so sorry, Whumpee.” There’s no malice in their voice, no hint of joy or happiness, nothing but pure guilt. That night, Whumpee curls up in whumper’s clothes, they’re given their first proper meal in months; they sleep in a clean bed with bandaged wounds.
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
Hi! Thank-you for writing your post about racism in the whump community. I haven’t written whump for a while (writers block) but even when I was writing, I was really unsure of how to broach this topic or approach it with sensitivity and nuance. Our community is amazing and it’s great to have voices like yours among it. I hope we, as a community have the humility we need to take your criticisms and build upon them.
Well I hope so too.
I think writing isn't the only way to make a more inclusive space. White people have to think more critically too. When you're watching a show, avoid gravitating to the white man and shutting all the other characters out. It's important to remember the characters you relate to, project on or find attractive is influenced by your racial biases.
Try reading other perspectives, whether online or through books. And yeah, when making a new oc, consider if they have to be white, what changes if they're not, what research do I have to do to write this character accurately.
Because if you aren't being actively antiracist, you're going to end up being passively racist. Like i said in my post, the places white people use to shut their brain off and escape, end up being places where poc face racial othering and racism and can't escape.
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
Racism in the whump community
I'm a tired black woman and I wanna talk about the kind of racism i see in the whump community. This isnt a callout, but a discussion and its an invite for white people to listen not talk over me.
Whump is when characters get hurt, this can be from fandom or with original characters, so I'll go into each of these starting with fandom.
Fandom racism is well documented, white people will actively ignore or hate on people of colour, especially black women, both the characters and the actors. Black, Latino and Asian characters are consistently hated or ignored, especially in whump. As someone who runs a poc whump blog, I have to make gifs (as someone who doesnt have the talent or energy to do that) for franchises like the fucking MCU, where characters like Sam Wilson or T'Challa, who have massive fanbases outside of tumblr/whumpblr, but here theyre irrelevant. Black stories and pain are irrelevant in whump.
Been in servers where people will talk about a whumpee by showing pictures of a group of people, no one has to mention theyre talking about the white man in the group, we all know ofc whumpees are white men. The poc in the shot are the background, even if theyre the main characters, to a white person eyes, they arent relevant, arent important.
And OC content isnt free from this either. Instead of ignoring people of colour, we are simply not present. And whump is derived from fandom so its clear that these are linked. You dont like it when we're there, and make worlds where we are not. And it's not about intention, maybe youre just worried about writing poc, maybe we just dont come to your mind at all. But the effect, the consequence, is more important on poc in the community than any of that.
And when you do write us, you feminise and fetishise asian men, you make black men hypermasculine or subject them to poilce brutality. You make black women the sassy best friend type, the black mama to serve white people. We're never the centre of the story.
And whiteness is glorified. In its pale innocence, in the beauty of blue eyes or brown hair. The whumpee was made to be white and for white people to project themselves on. Not for poc. This wasn't made for us.
Something that is so innocent, so obvious to a white person can be harmful to a person of colour and the problem isnt an individual, its a structure. Fandoms are structurally white, the whump community is structurally white. Places white people go to turn their brain off, to "escape" always mean that its a space where poc cant escape. Because you let the racism that is in you not get addressed, and where no one is addressing racism, it flourishes.
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
Thinking about the moment a character realizes for the first time that they are no longer in control of their own life.
Hands being cuffed for the first time. Feeling the weight of chains, their movement restricted by shackles. An unwanted touch they can’t flinch away from. Being manhandled, grabbed and pulled and shoved. The indignity, the humiliation of their body no longer being their own.
A simple slap across the face - maybe not even a particularly hard one, but a shock to the system nonetheless, especially for a character unused to violence, one who is used to being treated with dignity and respect. The real pain may come later, this is just a signal to put them in their place, to teach them who is in control here.
Being made to kneel before someone, realizing the power that person now holds over them. Knowing there is no way to run, no way to fight, no way to escape from this. Their blood running cold, realization sinking in.
They have no choice what happens next.
Their life no longer belongs to them.
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
“Death gets everyone eventually”, they say. You disagree. You are death’s teenage daughter, and he just doesn’t get you.
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
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I mean...we gotta whump the whumper at least once, right?
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
Prompt #1989
The thief scrambled to a halt. “Wait wait wait.” They snatched a stolen ring from their loot bag, held it out. “Will you marry me?”
“I am not going to dignify that with a response. Put your hands up.”
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
Thought #142
"Then she decided to yell at me." Hero was laying on their stomach on their bed talking to their best friend.
"No she didn't." Their best friend said dramatically.
"Shut up." Hero rolled their eyes with a smile.
The sound of glass shattering brought Hero back to reality. Hero shot to their hands and knees.
"Did you hear that?" They said softly.
"Hear what?" Their best friend whispered back.
Hero got to their feet and moved to their bedroom door. "I heard some glass shatter." They whispered.
"What are you going to do?" Best friend whispered.
Hero sighed. "I have to go see what happened. I'll call you back in a little bit."
"What? No I want to stay on the phone with you in case it's a robber. Or even worse. A long lost lover trying to get your attention."
Hero laughed. "I'll be fine. I'll call you back soon."
Hero hung up the phone and crept downstairs.
"Why didn't you keep your cute friend on the phone?" Villain was leaning against their counter with their arms crossed. "Ooh they don't know your secret do they?"
"How did you find me?" Hero said taking a step back.
Villain smiled. "Some people don't know how to keep their mouths shut when they get drunk."
Hero took a step up the stairs. "What are you doing here?"
"I just want to talk to you."
"No you don't." Hero turned and ran up the stairs.
They heard Villain running after them. They frantically reached the top of the stairs and ran into their bedroom. They slammed the door shut and locked it.
Villain slammed against the other side of the door. "Come on Hero I just want to talk to you." The door handle started to rattle.
Hero backed away from the door frantically looking for a way out. Villain kept shaking the handle. Hero looked at their window. I'm only on the second story. There's a small roof I can jump to and then climb down that way.
Hero opened the window. They froze. Villain had gotten very quiet. The door swung open and Villain smiled at them. "You have to get better locks."
Hero yelped and swung their legs over the window sill. Villain grabbed their shirt and pulled them back into their house.
Hero shrieked and clawed at Villain's hand.
Villain laughed. "Fine if you're going to be difficult I'll have to find a way to get you to listen."
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
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i just…really love gags…and muzzles…and stress positions…
my vampires are not affected by specific metals and/or crosses, HOWEVER, i think that would be a spicy touch (literally) for other people’s vampires. Cyrus just puts them on to shit on Dirk’s religion lmao
Copper Cross taglist: @whumpsday @obsessedwithegos @runtgutz @estoult
general art taglist: @obsessedwithegos @whumpsday @estoult @darlingwhump
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
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Tall bf Caretaker reveal ! He's not too happy that Whumpee isn't resting like he told him too
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
Prompt #2285
Their bloodsoaked enemy crouched before them and smiled with crimson-lined teeth. “Don’t worry, darling. When you lose this battle, I’ll take you as my rightful bounty, and you’ll be plenty comfortable warming my bed. Doesn’t that sound better than dying out here with the rest of your men?”
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
Short Prompt #838
“Did you ever plan on telling me who you really are?” - the hero quietly questioned, fighting back tears as they looked towards their lover.
The villain’s voice was as empty as their expression. “Did you?”
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
Thinking about the moment a character realizes for the first time that they are no longer in control of their own life.
Hands being cuffed for the first time. Feeling the weight of chains, their movement restricted by shackles. An unwanted touch they can’t flinch away from. Being manhandled, grabbed and pulled and shoved. The indignity, the humiliation of their body no longer being their own.
A simple slap across the face - maybe not even a particularly hard one, but a shock to the system nonetheless, especially for a character unused to violence, one who is used to being treated with dignity and respect. The real pain may come later, this is just a signal to put them in their place, to teach them who is in control here.
Being made to kneel before someone, realizing the power that person now holds over them. Knowing there is no way to run, no way to fight, no way to escape from this. Their blood running cold, realization sinking in.
They have no choice what happens next.
Their life no longer belongs to them.
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
as a physically disabled transmasc i would love if the community as a whole would recognise that binding may not be possible for some people and is not something people can do the same amount as each other. instead of giving concrete numbers of when to stop binding by we need to start telling people when to recognise they should take their binder off
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galaxyofwhump · 2 years
“I don’t think that every villain in the world actually thinks they’re being a good guy, but I do think that everybody creates a value system that justifies the actions they’re taking, and and I think there’s a difference between those two things. Not everybody believes that they’re on the side of righteousness, but everybody has a way of justifying the actions they’re taking. Not every villain has to be a misunderstood hero, and in fact I think there are a lot of instances throughout history of people who were obviously doing the wrong thing and probably had an understanding of that on some level, but had some rationale or justification for it. A lot of villains in literature and media have these weird, Thanos-esque philosophies of what it is that they’re trying to do, and I think human motivation tends to come from more primal places than that. So a lot of the villains I write can be brilliant or clever (and, in fact, probably should be), but their motivation tends to be primal. They wanna be rich, they wanna have power, they wanna live forever. There’s something deep down that is, when you break it down, not too complex. Right? If you look at the real world, the people that are doing bad stuff don’t need complex motivations. They wanna rule the world! They wanna be rich! They wanna be unafraid that other people can ever screw them over, so they screw other people over. Evil is boring. Right? I kinda believe in the banality and mundanes of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It’s easy to understand why people do bad things. It’s like “yeah, ok, you’re selfish and scared and cruel, I get it”. Being good is complex and beautiful and hard.”
Brennan Lee Mulligan, when asked how to create villains for ttrpgs
(I found this quote to be really meaningful in like…life in general which is why I posted it here. When he said “evil is boring”, it felt like something clicked in me that I had known deep down but hadn’t had the words for.)  (via @earthmoonlotus)
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galaxyofwhump · 3 years
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the prompt list is out! these prompts were chosen entirely from a poll that you guys filled out! the 28 days of february are filled (in a random order) with the top 28 prompts as voted for by you guys! the 10 switch outs are the next in your favourites, with a few write-in prompts too!
i look forward to seeing everyone create with these prompts, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to check out the blog’s FAQ and ask!
full write up of prompts and rules under the cut:
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galaxyofwhump · 3 years
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Y’all chaboi (me) has reached a truly impressive number of followers on this lil ol whump blog, so I’m celebrating! Whoever wins gets a mini-doll of a character of their choosing!
Can be FANDOM or OC! 
An OC will require references or a written description, a fandom character should be chill as long as I can find a picture somewhere on google.
~Follow this blog! 
~Reblog this post!
~Likes and comments are appreciated but only reblogs will count for the raffle!
Giveaway ends on January 26th!
And once again
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