After the storm
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I love the movie, "The Wizard of Oz." I always have. When I was very little, I used to sit in front of the TV and watch it for hours on end (at least, that’s what my mom told me). So, it doesn’t surprise me that I’ve spent the greater part of the morning reflecting on how, today, I feel a lot like Dorothy Gale.
First, a little back story: On June 1, 2015, I lost my job with a company I thought I would be with for a very long time, and I’ve spent the past two years trying to just keep my head above water. Today, I feel like Dorothy after the tornado. As she stepped from her house into Munchkin Land, she had NO idea what just happened, what she was walking into, or what would happen next. In the movie, we watch her worldview shift dramatically from black and white tornadic destruction to a vibrant, Technicolor land where she is greeted by bright, cheery, encouraging munchkins who pointed her to the yellow brick road.
I do not think it’s a coincidence that success came with the dawn today, June 1, 2017, and my world is now bright with possibility, clear focus and 134 backers behind me. Today, you are my munchkins. You have welcomed me, placed me on the yellow brick road, and sent me off with a dance and a song.
On one hand, I know how this story will end.  As Dorothy bravely set off for the Emerald City, she met some new friends along the way. The Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion were all looking for something. Something each thought they were missing. So, Dorothy invited them to come along. Surely, the Wizard would grant their request. Little did they know that what each one was lacking, they would ultimately find in each other. Similarly, as a strengths coach I will be better equipped to help others find what they are looking for by helping them see the strengths inside of themselves and others.
On the other hand, I have no idea where the yellow brick road will take me, or what haunted forests, poppy fields and wicked witches I may encounter along the way.
Either way, I'm ready. Emerald City, here I come!
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WOW! I can hardly believe this day is here.
When I decided to crowd fund for this dream, I knew it would be hard. I did a lot of research, and couldn't find anyone else who had successfully crowd funded anywhere close to this much money for something that wasn't a physical product. Lots had tried, every one failed. (Well, except for one guy, but he lucked out and had a single donor fund the whole thing, so I don't think that counts. Ha!)
I knew it would be hard, but I KNEW we could do it.
When I began to pitch the idea, many people tried to talk me out of it, help me prepare for the worst, etc...but I knew we could do it.
Until we didn't. On April 29 (my birthday), we had one day left and were still SO far from the goal. But several new backers came on, and you all gave me the strength to keep going.
Fast forward to a few days ago... Those pesky thoughts of self-doubt began to creep in again, and I was close to accepting defeat.
BUT WE DID IT!!!  Thousands of people watched this campaign (last week's videos alone had over 5,000 views), but YOU did it. You decided to #goforbrea. What we have accomplished is pretty incredible. And we did it together.
Thank you.
On June 1, 2015, I lost my job with a company I thought I would be with for a very long time, and I've spent the past two years trying to keep my head above water. I do not think it's a coincidence that on June 1, 2017 - this campaign was successful, and my world is now bright with possibility, clear focus, and 133 friends behind me.
I am SO excited to prepare all of your perks and schedule your coaching sessions. Here's my anticipated timeline:
      Next week: Rest. I need it. ​      June & July: ​​          - prepare & deliver non-coaching #goforbrea perks          - schedule #goforbrea coaching sessions for August          - begin to design and build a brand, website, social media presence, etc.          - begin testing some different markets by putting out some content
      July 17-21: Certification training in Omaha, NE
      August: share my newly acquired coaching knowledge and skills with those                         who chose coaching packages
After that...we'll see. I have LOTS of ideas, but want to get through training and let the Holy Spirit make connections I may not be able to see yet.
You are in my prayers every day, by name. Please pray for me.
Best, Brea
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THANK YOU SO MUCH to all who pledged your support of the #goforbrea campaign! I am SO excited to begin this new journey as a Gallup certified Strengths Coach to help people know and grow the incredible talent that already lies within.
I couldn't have done it without your help. I am incredibly humbled and grateful. Thank you.
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Update #13
WHEW! What a night!!! If you haven't seen yet, we are just about $900 from making our total campaign goal. YES!!!
I'm about ready to post another update video for one last push. If you would, please COMMENT, share and like the heck out of it. Let's get maximum exposure on this thing.
What I don't want to see is the bystander effect...where everyone sees we're so close and says to themselves, "Omigosh. She's TOTALLY going to make it! She's so close!", assuming others will pledge to fill they gap. Please follow up with anyone you personally invited to pledge.
Friends, I have SO much peace about this campaign. No matter the outcome, I know the Lord is in control. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for all of your support. We're almost there! Let's do this!
Gratefully, Brea
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Update #12
Hello, friends!
Can you believe it? Only 2 DAYS LEFT!!!
Big news: the matching pledge has been extended through Tuesday at midnight. Yay! THANK YOU for your incredible generosity thus far, especially to the backers who have given more than once. You guys are amazing!!! Your support and encouragement is what keeps me going. Thank you!
Please keep praying that the right donor(s) will step forward to push us over the edge. We've come SO far! Let's make this happen!
With a humble, grateful and hopeful heart, Brea
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Update #11
Hi, friends! I have SUPER EXCITING NEWS!!!
To help us take full advantage of the generous matching pledge, I've decided to do something  a little different. I have added a NEW PERK to the campaign page. Yay!
For only $15, new backers can choose to receive a copy of Matthew Kelly's book, “Resisting Happiness”.
Matthew Kelly has been a favorite author of mine since I discovered his gem, “The Rhythm of Life”, over 10 years ago. His latest offering, “Resisting Happiness”, is another must read. This is the book that was the catalyst for me to finally pursue my dream of becoming a Strengths coach. I hope it can help unlock a deeper happiness for you, too.
In thanksgiving for your incredible support of this campaign, I have made this perk available to all current backers (that's you!) for just $10. If this is something you're interested in, use this link to get the special "backer only" price.
Please know, there is NO pressure to increase your pledge. I am SO extremely grateful for each and every dollar already given. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
You are in my prayers daily. If you have any special prayer requests, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Much love, Brea 816-718-7448 [email protected]
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Update #10
BIG update!!! I have receiving a matching pledge for $1k!!! 
An anonymous donor will match every pledge, dollar for dollar, that comes in between now and Sunday night, up to $1k. WHAT?! Please keep liking, sharing and COMMENTING on social media. (Comments trigger more engagement and keep the post fresh in people's feeds. ) Thank you, thank you!!!
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Update #9
Hello, friends! I hope y'all had a great weekend!
Quick update: We are sitting around $7200, with just under $2800 to go. WOW! So close! THANK YOU!!!
Over the past 7 weeks, I have made about 700 individual contacts with about 300 people (including most of you!)...through texts, phone calls, emails and FB msgs.
While analytics is not in my Top 5 strengths (ha!), here's what I've learned:          - My conversion rate is about 33.3%, or 1 in 3 people.          - the average pledge is about $70
What this means: I need to make an additional 111 individual asks of $75 to reach the goal.
What this also means: If every single current backer (that means you!) can find one friend to pledge $30, we will meet the goal!
Obviously, there is strength in numbers, and many hands makes light the work. The key is to make INDIVIDUAL invitations. So, I'm asking you:
Who will you invite to #goforbrea?
         - Someone who loves StrengthsFinder          - Someone who just graduated          - A friend in career transition          - A newly married couple learning to communicate with each other          - A business colleague striving to meet a goal          - Anyone working to become a better version of themselves
Strengths Coaching is for everyone...and everyone deserves a coach. Unfortunately, many people don't invest in themselves until it's too late (guilty!).
Will you take five minutes to reach out to whoever has come to your mind and personally invite them to #goforbrea?
Finding their strengths with StrengthsFinder will remind them of the GOOD in them, and coaching will help them use their strengths to their advantage, and the advantage of others. Who doesn't want that?
Okay, enough talk. Let's do this! Let's find one friend to #goforbrea! Let's reach this goal!!!
#togetherwecan #iknowwewill #buildacultureofauthenticity
Gratefully, Brea
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Update #8
Hello, friends! We are officially in the home stretch. Two more weeks left, and only $2,847 to go!
To help build some momentum, I've posted a new giving challenge on FB:
If we can get to $7,500 by midnight, EVERYONE who has pledged so far (that's YOU!) will be put in a drawing for an extra "Unleash Your Strengths" coaching package!!! YAY!!! (If you win, and you've already backed at that level, you may choose to keep the coaching session, or give it away.)
So, please consider sharing the campaign with a friend. Increase your chances to win, and help get the word out there. Let's get to $7500 by midnight!
Also, BIG THANKS to my most recent backers: Mark, Matt, Dee and Anonymous (you know who you are). You rock!!!
And, I'll leave you with the most recent #goforbrea video testimonial, courtesy of my new friend, Sapp. Let's do this!!!
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Mark Sappington shares the importance of having a coach to help you become the best version of yourself. #goforbrea
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Update #7
Dearest friends,
Your generosity, encouragement and support during these past 30 days has been a tremendous gift to me. More than words could even begin to convey. Thank you.
Unfortunately, I did not make my goal of $10k. We did, however, get 63% of the way there! And that, my friends, is a real victory! Before I began this campaign, I did a LOT of research on crowdfunding, and I was only able to find 3 other examples of successful campaigns focused on selling a professional service, instead of a product. Two of the three raised about $3k each, and the other campaign was funded in a single day by a single donor. What we've accomplished so far is incredible, and I am truly humbled.
In the many emotions of this weekend, I debated whether or not to extend the campaign. I quickly wrote down MANY reasons not to...but all of them had to do with me, my plan, my doubts, my failures, my pride. But this is not about me. It never was.
This is about helping others uncover the incredible gifts God has given them, and encouraging and equipping them to build their natural talents into strengths that can be used to bring Him glory.
Through your financial support, you are doing exactly this for me. What a hypocrite I would be to throw that away. And so, I will forge on. I am confident the Lord has put this desire on my heart and, although the timing and task that lies before me seems overwhelming, I am energized by your support.
And now, if it's not too much to ask, I invite you to continue with me on this journey for just a little longer. I have extended the campaign another 30 days. The next two weeks will be VERY tough for me (I am preparing to leave my current job on May 15), so I'm going to take a break from social media and really focus on reaching out to companies, churches, schools who may be interested in using StrengthsFinder for their leadership/professional development. (Referrals are welcome! Ha!)
I realize this arrangement is different than you signed up for. If you would like,  you may request a full refund from Indiegogo at any time until the campaign closes. (Please let me know if I can help you with this.)
THANK YOU for your support! I'm exhausted thinking about another 30 days of this, but I am filled with such peace and hopefulness thinking of the incredible potential that lies ahead. In the words of St. Joan of Arc, "I am not afraid! I was born for this."
Please keep me in your prayers. You are in mine.
Brea Your strengths champion
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Update #6
Hello, backers! We are coming to a close, and I am faced with a very tough decision...
As you know, if the campaign is not fully funded by midnight tonight, all your current pledges will be refunded.
I do have an option to extend the campaign for up to 30 more days. Of course, this will allow me more time to seek backing from schools, churches, companies and organizations.
However, I am hesitant to do this because I feel a great responsibility for your pledges, and don't want to take advantage of your generosity.
There is another training I could attend in mid-July. Would you mind waiting until August for your coaching sessions?
If the campaign is successful by May 30, access codes and other perks can, and will, be distributed by June 30.
Is this okay with you? Do you think I should extend? All comments are welcome!
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Sarah Swafford, speaker and author on Emotional Virtue, shares her support, and encourages others to #goforbrea.
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Jen shares how Benedictine College has used StrengthsFinder for the personal and professional development of students and staff. #goforbrea
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Performance painter, Mike Debus, didn't find happiness or success climbing the corporate ladder, because his talents lied elsewhere. #goforbrea
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Update #5
Good morning, everyone! Happy Saturday!
Just a quick update today...we have passed $3k!!! THANK YOU to the most recent backers for your generous pledges. :)
Also, we have another challenge!!! An anonymous donor has offered to pledge $1,000 if we can get to $5k before Sunday at midnight. WOW!!! This is SUCH an amazing offer. Would you please consider sharing my FB post today to help spread the news far and wide? If we can get 20 people to "Unleash Their Strengths" for $100 each, we will turn $5k into $6k, double our current total and be 60% funded for the final week. YES!!!
Your support means everything to me. Thank you.
Let's #goforbrea!
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Get to know your strengths with Brea Roper! #goforbrea
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