gamblerlies · 11 years
"It was difficult to adjust to at first. How sweet of you, I might just take you up on your offer. Do you mind if I say the night?" Celes cautiously rested her head on Kirigiris shoulder, still holding her hand.  
"Well it is my work schedule, there isn’t much I can do about it. This house has a very relaxing atmosphere, much more comforting than my own home." She sat down gently on the couch, still holding the detectives hand. " So you’re saying that when I’m around you, you would prefer that I be more calm and casual?" 
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"Well it is my work schedule, there isn't much I can do about it. This house has a very relaxing atmosphere, much more comforting than my own home." She sat down gently on the couch, still holding the detectives hand. " So you're saying that when I'm around you, you would prefer that I be more calm and casual?" 
"Yes I do see how that would effect your work. I’m used to having an unhealthy sleep schedule, staying up past dawn crushing willing opponents. It’s almost as if I don’t have time for sleep anymore. Which is why I slept as well." Celes grabbed Kirigiris hand and made her way back to the couch. " I’m sorry for almost making a dramatic entrance there. As a gambler I can not allow myself to show emotion at all times or else. So I suppose I go upset with myself."   
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"Yes I do see how that would effect your work. I'm used to having an unhealthy sleep schedule, staying up past dawn crushing willing opponents. It's almost as if I don't have time for sleep anymore. Which is why I slept as well." Celes grabbed Kirigiris hand and made her way back to the couch. " I'm sorry for almost making a dramatic entrance there. As a gambler I can not allow myself to show emotion at all times or else. So I suppose I go upset with myself."   
"How smart of you, always doubt the words of the queen of lies. Though I must put my title to the side for a moment, I meant everything I said. And you are correct I did offer but you didn’t hesitate." Celes felt calmer than she did before, she would give herself hell later for being so weak but for now she content with simple banter. 
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"That may be true but I say your stakes are way higher, one wrong prediction and your reputation is destroyed. Am I wrong?" 
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"If I were to make a mistake in my line of work I would either be broke or dead. But as you can see I’m rich and alive, there are no flaws on my record."
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gamblerlies · 11 years
Happy Thanksgiving!
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"How smart of you, always doubt the words of the queen of lies. Though I must put my title to the side for a moment, I meant everything I said. And you are correct I did offer but you didn't hesitate." Celes felt calmer than she did before, she would give herself hell later for being so weak but for now she content with simple banter. 
"Is that so? I’ll gladly listen for what reason you have." Arms gently folded into each other, she kept her mouth shut and allowed the other to speak. It wasn’t long before she raised a brow, much rather in confusion than doubt. "Might it be true that what you are saying now could be a lie of yours, though? I know you have quite the skill in doing so, even some of the best out there are no match for your ability. But if what you say is not a lie…" she thought on it for a bit, honestly flattered by the words Celes spoke. "I think you might be giving me a little too much credit for that little bit. ‘Twas you who wanted me to rest, was it not?"
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gamblerlies · 11 years
komayonnaise started following you
troubledimouto started following you
tsunderebiker started following you
gamblinglolita started following you
gvnjin started following you
mercatio started following you
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"If I were to make a mistake in my line of work I would either be broke or dead. But as you can see I'm rich and alive, there are no flaws on my record."
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"Your whole career is based on mistakes."
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"You could not be farther from the truth. You are more special than any of my many knights, more special than anything I could win in a poker match, to say you are nothing special is a lie that even I couldn't sell. And while I might not have done wrong by you I definitely have done wrong to myself. I am ashamed that I let my defenses down so easily." Celes was a tad shocked by the detectives jab at her, she certainly didn't expect it. She returned to her normal poker face and controlled her blush in a matter of seconds, " Well you were so eager to use my lap as a pillow, and your face was so calm I could almost swoon at just the memory of it. I could barely help myself." 
"Why me, though? I find nothing special about myself that isn’t the same as every other living being on this planet. To me, you haven’t done a single thing wrong this whole time, even if it seems like so to you. But… if I didn’t like it, don’t you think I would have said something?" Her eyes shone their normal gaze, a serious tone to them. "I can tell it would’ve been a strange situation… but really, I didn’t mind at all. The pink on your face seems to agree with me." The last sentence was more of a small joke.
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"No, it was I who did something wrong not you. I foolishly let my emotions get the best of me and the wall I have spent so many years building crumbled. You are the last person I would want to see with my barriers down." Celes twirled a piece of hair around her finger. " I didn't know you were awake, I'm sorry for doing something so..indecent." Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink. 
"Must I not, though? There’s still so much I have to do, even though it will take a few days…" About to move and defy her words, Kirigiri felt the gambler lean on her, and stopped her action. Looking over, you could almost hear the hidden joy in the sigh she let out. "Well, if you’re comfy… I guess I don’t mind relaxing for a bit more… one thing first, though." She leaned her head gently, placing a small kiss on her cheek. "I was awake when you did that."
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"Your whole career is based on mistakes."
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"It’s fine, such mistakes are expected of someone such as yourself." 
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"That's your problem, not mine." 
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"Hiding will not solve your problem, and our classmates are rather nosy so I don’t think they would even let you hide for a long period of time."
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"Do you attend Hopes Peak Academy?"
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" I am Celestia Ludenberg, It is a pleasure to meet you."
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gamblerlies · 11 years
Celes was stock still, her whole body stiffened. How could she have showed such deep emotion so carelessly, how could she have thrown away something she has spent years building up. The smile she has worn since she had left her house was now completely gone, though her cheeks were still a light shade of pink. 
"I think it's time for me to leave." 
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She got off the couch and made her way to the door. 
"Must I not, though? There’s still so much I have to do, even though it will take a few days…" About to move and defy her words, Kirigiri felt the gambler lean on her, and stopped her action. Looking over, you could almost hear the hidden joy in the sigh she let out. "Well, if you’re comfy… I guess I don’t mind relaxing for a bit more… one thing first, though." She leaned her head gently, placing a small kiss on her cheek. "I was awake when you did that."
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gamblerlies · 11 years
"It's fine, such mistakes are expected of someone such as yourself." 
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"I’d prefer if it if you just called me Celes thank you."
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gamblerlies · 11 years
(( hey guys im back! ; v ; I'll start repying right away!)) 
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gamblerlies · 11 years
((Im going to be in New York for a while for a wedding so i dont think i'll be online sorry ; A ; ))
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