gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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Fucking touch screens. Why does the follow/unfollow button have to be so close to where I rest my finger? Stupid positioning makes me always unfollow by accident.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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"It’s been a while since I last spoke any of you, and I see some new faces as well. How are all you doing?"
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
})ï({ Online
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I’m back my lovelies now that I have muse to Celes again after so long. I know I owe some replies. So, please like this post if I owe. And hello to my new followers. Hope to RP with you soon.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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"Kuwata-kun, you know that I’m just trying to look out for a friend, don’t you?" Celestia rhetorically asked Leon as she had her hand to her lips. The gambler could feel grey hairs starting to form from the stress of talking to the rocker. Figuratively of course.
3 home runs!
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"Hey, even if I am held back, I ain’t gonna be called a failure!” His voice is tinged with indignation. “I read that that David Karp dude dropped outta’ school when he was fourteen so he could do what he actually liked doing, an’ no one calls him a failure. How much more if I’m eighteen, huh? People are gonna be all, ‘He’s a musician even though he got held back in high-school? Whoa!’ Plus, getting held back at Hope’s Peak Academy ain’t much of a failure in my opinion.”
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
"Knowing Kuwata-kun, it would be the former. It’s hard to reason with him, I feel like get grey hairs whenever I talk to him about homework." Celestia sighed while closing her eyes.
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gamblingmaiden has entered the ring.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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"Thank you, Mioda-san. Your style certainly is unique if I may so myself."
"Celes-san, huh? That’s a super nice name you’ve got there! Actually, everything about you looks pretty nice. You remind Ibuki of a porcelain doll."
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
As they were walking, Celestia heard Gundam’s question about how long she has been gambling. “Since I was a child, though the amount of years escapes me,” the gambler told the breeder as she placed fingertips to her lips while looking upwards. She then looked at the male with a small smile. “How long have you been breeding animals, Tanaka-kun?” Celestia asked Gundam as the continued to her place of residence.
Gundam chuckled lightly, nodding his head and following the gambler. He looked around the street as they walked, still intrigued by what he wasn’t used to. He let out a happy sigh, the hamsters squeaking as well as they walked. “So, how long have you been gambling?”
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
Celestia nodded slightly at Gundam’s question about going to get the pack of cards. “Of course, and if you require the assistance of the Four Gods, I do not mind, Tanaka-kun,” the gambler told the breeder, the stood beside him. She did not mind being so close to the other and his pet hamsters. Celestia then looked at Gundam with a smile. “Shall we get going, Tanaka-kun?”
"I see…Well, shall we go and get the pack then?" He asked, clearly smiling at the joys of failure that awaited. Then again, failure was nothing new to the Dark Lord, so he took it in pride when he knew he would fail…this time. He thought for a moment, realizing he had never actually played cards, since he never had any friends…this could be an issue. But, he wasn’t going to tell Celes that…not yet anyway.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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"I'm well, Oogami-san. Though, I was about to snap at Kuwata-kun the other day when he said that our homework was bogus."
gamblingmaiden has entered the ring.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
})ï({ Offline
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Well, it’s time for me to hit the sack. Goodnight everyone.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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"I have nothing in particular, Hanamura-kun. So, whatever you wish to come up with will suffice."
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"well, uh, thank ye. Tell me, is there anything you would like specifically. i’ll be honest, I’m not one for fancy dishes…but I can make gyoza like it’s no one’s business."
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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"Greetings, Mioda-san. My name is Celestia Ludenberg. Though, you may call me Celes."
"The name is Ibuki Mioda! Ohayorkshire terrier, stranger-chan with wicked hair."
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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"I see that you’re as stubborn as ever. Would you like living the rest of your life knowing people will call you a failure since you were held back at Hope’s Peak, Kuwata-kun? That is, if you never do your homework of course and fail a class." Celestia explained to Leon, hoping that it would get through his stubbornness. The gambler knew that the rocker wasn’t a fan of doing homework, or even schoolwork for that matter. Though, she did want to see him graduate with their class and not be held back.
3 home runs!
"Y’know what I heard? Blah blah blah blah, blah blah, graduation. S’ when I don’t have to do any more dumb homework.”
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Of course, he knows Celes means well when she assures him about the importance of all of this tedious work, but he’s too stubborn to let it get to him. His eyebrows lower and his mouth bends into a frown at this rather serene remark to show his disapproval.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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"Good evening, Oogami-san. How are you doing?"
gamblingmaiden has entered the ring.
"Good evening, Miss Celestia!"
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
Celestia brought her hands up to her chest as she looked down and away from Gundam. “Sadly, I do not carry a deck of cards with me, Tanaka-kun,” the gambler informed the breeder as she continued to look down. Of course that was the truth and not a lie. Celestia thought it would be a hassle carrying a deck of playing cards with her at all times and even the possibility of losing them. “Though, I do happen to have one at my place of residence.” The gambler brought her hands up under her chin with intertwined fingers, smiling at Gundam.
Gundam thought for a few moments, giving a nod. “I shall take you up on that offer and lose to you right now.” He chuckled. It was strange for him to acknowledge a flaw or something he was not good at, but in the eyes of doing something that someone was known for, he may as well. “Do you happen to have a deck with you?” He asked, curious as to if she actually carried around a packet of playing cards.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
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Time to get to replies before I go to bed.
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gamblingmaiden · 11 years
Celestia let out a soft giggle, placing fingertips to her lips. “Would you like to go now, Tanaka-kun? Or would you prefer a later date?” The gambler questioned the breeder. She had to admit, it would be interesting to play against the male, as well as have tea with him. “You don’t even have to pay me back, Tanaka-kun. The company is enough.” Celestia smiled at Gundam, bringing her hands under her chin with intertwined fingers, and even let out a soft giggle.
Gundam nodded, rather liking that idea. “Yes, I would much prefer to do that.” He smiled lightly, thinking over how much he would lose while playing her. Though, he did let out a small chuckle at her last sentence. “Well, I thank you for understanding it all. Some people do not understand as such and it irritates me…” He sighed lightly, before snapping out of it. “But yes, I would love to gamble and drink tea with you one day. It sounds rather interesting.”
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