gamblingrimsley ยท 16 minutes
// hough the post surgery fatigue is sinkin in.... don't mind me if I'm off it's probably bc i'm conkin out
Slowly regaining the motivation for drawing art and the writing should follow soon after
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gamblingrimsley ยท 52 minutes
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// This is the worst shit I have ever made.
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gamblingrimsley ยท 1 hour
[ Tried to go to therapy. ]
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[ Ended up flirting with the therapist. ]
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gamblingrimsley ยท 4 hours
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[Double Splat.]
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gamblingrimsley ยท 5 hours
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// Woke up just in time to post a Grimsley sketch I made earlier
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gamblingrimsley ยท 17 hours
[ He's a bit surprised as to Ree's sudden excited reaction to him going. More so bewildered, but he's not going to complain. Grimsley still isn't entirely used to people being elated about his presence. ]
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[ The gambler's nose subtly scrunches at the ketchup being wiped off with their hand. ]
"Right right. Glad to hear it. I promise I'll go if you take a shower, please."
[ Guess he has to go, now. ]
itโ€™s โ€ฆ itโ€™s probably fine. The ketchup at shady house doesnโ€™t have any fancy ingredients in it. Itโ€™s probably fine, at least a little bit.
โ€œ!!! Youโ€™re gonna go? Sweet!โ€
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Their whole face lights up. Ree beams, wiping at some of the katsup on their face with their hand. What happened to showering? Oh well.
โ€œNice! So Iโ€™ll see you there. Hopefully.โ€
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gamblingrimsley ยท 17 hours
[ See, what Grimsley's worried about is that a lot of different brands of ketchup aren't exactly very good for cats. Some may even be toxic due to having ingredients of onion or garlic powder. So once this conversation is over, Grimsley's going to immediately begin using the kitchen sink to wash it off of the Meowths. ]
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"...I was, yes...~"
[ It's a bit hard for him to explain, Grimsley doesn't truly see himself as being in that light anymore, and so when someone brings it up, he for the most part, either outwardly stays humble about it or flat out denies his importance. The gambler scratches the back of his head. ]
"Well, I suppose if Nanu's going."
[ Whether either of them like it or not, Grimsley's going to end up tagging along like a stray cat as he usually does. ]
the fun thing about being a kid โ€” especially a kid raised like Ree โ€” is that they donโ€™t think about the consequences. Besides. The cats like katsup. Maybe theyโ€™ll just lick it clean.
wishful thinking.
โ€œOh! Okay.
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I know the old man is proโ€™lly gonna go, so I wasnโ€™t sure if you were or not. Youโ€™re a big hotshot, right? In Unova.โ€
Seems like someone did their research. They asked Hilda about it.
โ€œMakes sense. Old man Nanu is pretty strong too. It was tough beatinโ€™ him for my trials.โ€
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gamblingrimsley ยท 18 hours
[ ...It's true, and due to Nanu's constant tiredness, someone is going to have to clean it up. ]
[ He sighs. That someone is likely going to be him. Hey, he bums out in this place doesn't he? The gambler has to do at least some chores to make up for it. ]
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"...Hot water certainly is always the best~"
[ Grimsley nods in agreement. Hot water is a precious source. ]
"Hmm... The conference...~?"
[ He may have heard something about it in passing, though he's still a little bit out of the loop, despite the fact that he was somewhat involved in the initial development of Alola's League. ...Mainly due to the fact that he was asked for some pointers and his own experience with working in an Elite Four. ]
[ The gambler doesn't see a need to go. Unless Ree apparently wants him to? Maybe as a stand-in for Nanu? ]
Ree is banking on Nanu looking at everything and thinking โ€˜well, this might as well happenโ€™ and be too tired to deal with it. Besides, itโ€™s not Reeโ€™s fault theyโ€™re covered in katsup.
maybe it is a little.
โ€œsick! Awesome. Nanuโ€™s house always has hot water too.โ€
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A pause. They look up at Grimsley.
โ€œAre you goin to the conference? For champion?โ€
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gamblingrimsley ยท 18 hours
[ No elaboration as to why Grimsley knows the smell of blood either. ]
"Yes yes, it was very funny~"
[ He was humored, he will admit. ]
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"Hm but... Ah."
[ So uh. Does Ree have a plan to get this cleaned up and avoid both of their asses getting punished by Nanu or? He tiredly rubs his face. The gambler was not banking on having to deal with this mess today. ]
"...Yes, he does."
[ Old man's gotta have his non-scented soap too. ]
See, the joke is lost on Ree because they donโ€™t think he looks like a vampire at all. He doesnโ€™t even sparkle.
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โ€œI know what blood smells like. I was yankinโ€™ your chain.โ€ No elaboration as to why they know what blood smells like though. โ€œAnd anywayโ€ฆ
the cats already got to me. This is whatโ€™s left over.โ€
They point. The cats have indeed already gotten to Ree โ€” because there are tomato splattered paw prints. Everywhere. Even on the ceiling; how in the worldโ€ฆ?
โ€œDoes Nanu have good soap? Iโ€™m hyperโ€ฆ hypeโ€ฆ scented shit makes me itchy.โ€
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gamblingrimsley ยท 18 hours
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[ A squint. Har har. The irony of telling that to a person who has been commonly mistaken for a vampire for most of his life is not lost on him. ]
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[ If the sickly sweet tomato smell wasn't telling enough, the small cat-like lick to his finger proves that it is indeed, ketchup. ]
"You would be smelling way worse if it were blood. The metallic smell is quite foul. I know Nanu would not be pleased if you got his Meowths fur smeared with ketchup. The bathroom is over there, you can use the shower."
[ He states the obvious, pointing across the room towards the door to the bathroom. ]
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gamblingrimsley ยท 19 hours
Appears out of nowhere behind him
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โ€œHi Iโ€™m here to play with Nanuโ€™s cats.โ€
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[ Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. ]
"...What on Earth is on your face, Ree~?"
[ He carefully pokes the other's cheek, sniffing at the strange substance on his finger. Smells like... Tomatoes...? ]
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gamblingrimsley ยท 20 hours
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// This is the worst shit I have ever made.
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gamblingrimsley ยท 21 hours
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// I can't believe I forgot to include the Poker beer orz
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gamblingrimsley ยท 21 hours
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// I am once again nothing but a servant to the whims of the dash.
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gamblingrimsley ยท 21 hours
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gamblingrimsley ยท 22 hours
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// Finally getting around to actually stylizing this guy. @coeurlxss
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gamblingrimsley ยท 22 hours
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// I am once again nothing but a servant to the whims of the dash.
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