gamiljermainejoie · 5 years
Nature Writing: “Driven Away”
Have you ever experienced the feeling of moving away from a certain thing in the same way as there is a force of gravity that pulls you away from it? And eventually, finding yourself in a new direction feeling like everything around you is new and you have no choice but to conform with it for there is nothing that could help you return anymore from where you’ve been.
As you sit on top of the cliff of a mountain you climbed during the morning where the sun slowly rises in your east, you feel the cool air blow on your face as you gracefully sway your body with the phase of the wind. Closing your eyes, you hear the birds chirping, the leaves falling from the trees, and the sound of the waves from the sea beneath your feet. The way the water from the sea meet the sand and the way the waves splashing from each other, it is the moment you knew, all is well. But as you observe the waves and the sea ripples, you wonder, why do they flow in the same straight direction but end up splashing on a different place? Why don’t it just simply dash in the same place all over again?
The ocean is never still. Whether observing from the beach or a boat, we expect to see waves on the horizon. Waves are created by energy passing through water, causing it to move in a circular motion. However, water does not actually travel in waves. Waves transmit energy, not water, across the ocean and if not obstructed by anything, they have the potential to travel across an entire ocean basin. Waves are most caused by wind. Wind-driven waves, or surface waves, are created by the friction between wind and surface water. As wind blows across the surface of the ocean or a lake, the continual disturbance creates a wave crest.
When I was a child, I’ve always wanted to go to beaches and stay under the sun not until my mother would say, “Tama na ‘yan ‘nak, ang itim mo na!”. As a young girl, I’ve always wondered, where does these oceans end? Up until to where extent that the sea waves flow from the point where I’m standing? Now that I’m older, everything went more complicated for me. Imagining that I stand on top of a mountain, watching the waves from the horizon, I put myself in the stance of the wave currents; being driven by different circumstances in life, may it be the struggles or the good things that I’ve experienced in life—it would always bring and drift me in a different path to create new memories and meet new people. Within the coast, wherein the land meets the sea or ocean, composed of an area of sandy, stony, or rocky land bordering the sea; I realized that my life was never still as well. Everything is in constant change in the way that while I’m being driven by various situations to another chapter of my life, full of obstacles that you must go through until we encounter the good things ahead and attain accomplishment.
There are really times that in a certain situation, you will be pushed away from the things you once liked or loved not knowing the sole reason and will be left undecided from all the things that surround you. Patience is an integral part of our life that we all should apply in our character for this is the element that will bring us in a better placement in life. Just like the waves, our life will always be in a continuous flow and throughout our life, we will be brought in different places and situations that will help us learn and discover new things. One way or around, you’ll just be surprised you already find yourself passionate towards something, may it be about your talent, career, or finding your true love. We may be driven away from the things we get used to and get attached from, but that doesn’t mean that the universe is keeping us away from our happiness, it just indicates that we are far more deserving of a better placement in life in order to obtain the success we want for ourselves and for our loved ones. Now, as you stand on top of a mountain, watching the waves from the seashore meet the surface, it brings you calmness and peace. Why does it make you feel that way?  Maybe because you’ve reached the top and all the struggles you experienced in life brought you tranquility today.
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gamiljermainejoie · 5 years
“Sino may birthday?”, this is a usual phrase we hear in a setting wherein whenever we see a spaghetti served on a table, we would always ask for the occasion, looking out for the celebrant thinking that he/she may have brought or cooked the food to tell everybody that there is going to be a celebration. Spaghetti has been the common food preparation when there is an event, may it be a birthday celebration, fiestas, reunions, or even weddings. With this, as you look through the Filipino setting, spaghetti is not a common dish for everyone, that’s why whenever someone sees some spaghetti served on their plates, their eyes suddenly form a heart shape as they become delighted.
In the first place, why would Filipinos like us suddenly feel delighted whenever we are going to eat spaghetti? C’mon, who would not feel delightful when you have smelled that sweet tomato sauce poured on the noodles? Although the original taste of usual spaghetti is sour for it originated in Italy, Filipinos like it sweet. Sugar itself is an addictive substance. When consumed in large amounts, it exerts a powerful effect on the centers of the brain and thus causing people to consume more of it to get the same amount of pleasure each time.  Spaghetti with meat sauce isn’t a luxury dish, but it’s not cheap enough for most people’s daily consumption either and its foreign origins gave it added gloss as a party centerpiece. The addition of sweet banana ketchup (or in some cases, condensed milk) to the tomato sauce, and that of sliced red hotdogs into the ground beef mixture have always satisfied guest appetites (and the birthday child’s sweet tooth) and the household budget, resulting in the ultimate nostalgia evoking birthday dish-slash-comfort food on this side of the globe.
As you’ve satisfied your appetite with the flavorsome meaty tomato sauce of spaghetti, your tongue would always seek to find sweeter (well, it’s much better if you do have a sweet tooth), but this is just usually to lessen the “fed-up” feeling because you were too full of satisfying yourself with spaghetti. There are varieties of dessert especially in the Philippine context. But the one that would always catch our attention, is considered ‘trendy’ nowadays and that its every stall has a long queue of people waiting; making it look like a blockbuster is what we all know called as Milktea. Iced tea with tapioca pearls that are sucked from a large straw are perhaps what Filipinos would most likely to drink nowadays right after they had their lunch or dinner. These bouncy, chewy balls are fun to munch on, much like chewing gum. The teas may be milky or not, sweetened or not, and flavored with any number of additional powders or infusions, like wintermelon. Milkteas come in different flavors and recipes that every person has their preference of their own milktea beverage. There are such that you can tell just by the looks of it — the brown swirls or the cheesecake spread enveloping the insides of the cup — you can already tell how indulgent it is. The ice crunches from the inside and the way it sweats out the cup looking how it can calmly quench your thirst in just a snap.
After school hours, we have decided to make our way to the literal next door Beanbox beside our school. It was awkward at first, as filming ourselves in front of the shop to the waitress who welcomed us with her Korean greeting with a slight off accent. As we entered the place, we could already hear the brewing of coffee and the stingy smell of the spicy ramen sitting on top of the counter. We were pushing each other, being shy to make the first move in talking to the waitress and asking her where to head straight. She must have noticed our uneasiness for she told us to follow her. We sat on one of the opened booths and waited for each other to make the first order. Funny thing is that no one was initiating as we felt the hesitation rise up on our bones as we stare at the bourgeoisie- like prices of the food they offer. Until then, we have decided to order separate drinks such as the sweetened milktea and mouthwatering spaghetti. While indulging ourselves with our high priced foods, we have decided to play a little game of Never Had I Ever as we continued eating. This simple bond of ours is truly one of those we have to cherish the most. Just simply sitting there and conversing with each other mean so much.
These foods are just one of the appetizing crave-enders that would complete your day. Although these foods may come a bit pricey, but when it comes to satisfying your cravings, we all know that nothing will beat you from getting that last coin from your wallet. Filipinos would always be up to hanging out with friends, family, or loved ones, and food would always involve in that. As our generation today becomes more modern, trends would always be present. As we have this intimate closeness of friendship that we established throughout our senior high school days, it is very meaningful for us friends that we are able to spend time with each other and these foods are one of the factors that helped us to build the trust we have in each other right now and the reason of the happiness we feel whenever we are together.
Members: DENILA, Je-ann Kyrel DE VELA, Mary Emilene GAMIL, Jermaine Joie LLONA, Rhene VIBAR, Sophia Kyla
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gamiljermainejoie · 5 years
Journal #3: Fireworks of Stress
Firecrackers exploding, the sound of those annoying loud horns, cars beeping, and that non-stop “Tala” song by Sarah Geronimo that kept playing on the streets. Guess what? They also played repeatedly in my head when it was the first day of classes after the Christmas vacation. Not that I drank too much from the holidays but as I entered our classroom, dang, it felt like I had a hangover. 
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While I was sitting on my chair and as I stare at our white board, I was just thinking that I wish it was Christmas vacation all over again because I was really left hanging. I’m not satisfied with the vacation I spent, and then there we go again, back to reality, sitting uncomfortably in your own chair, trying to write some lectures but what is really true is that you can’t concentrate effectively with the teacher in front of you who keeps on babbling about religion and other stuff. 
It was in the middle of a tough and a light week I should say. There are already a lot to accomplish in the first week right after your vacation and it’s sending me pressure and a lot of stress. But then, I think it was balanced enough because I was able to see and spend time with my friends after a few weeks of not being together.  
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To cope up with all the stress that kept on coming to us during this week, we’ve found our own coping mechanism, and not brag but, we’re coming for you online influencers, we already know how Tiktok works. (Lol). We did a lot of (shameful) videos inside the room to kill time and entertain ourselves in the middle of chaos the stressful week. I wasn’t complaining though, I learned a lot of from Tiktok during that time, it made me realize that these are the simplest things that our section could ever enjoy doing. 
Along with this, there are still a lot to accomplish. We have to furnish the plans for the entrepreneurship and foundation week for the next few weeks so the time that we have right now is limited and we have to make the most out of it. There are still researches, projects, and other school works we need to finish, so we must really be serious of what we’re doing right now, or else, we’re doomed.
My mind was exploding and so am I. Well, happy new year then.
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gamiljermainejoie · 5 years
Memoir: “Fulfilled”
It was my 5th birthday, June 30, 2007. As I woke up that day, I felt the excitement that flowed through my veins for I was already imagining how my family would be surprising me with food, a birthday song, and my favorite part--gifts!
It was Saturday so I had to wait up until afternoon for my parents to be at home. The memory wasn’t clear enough to me but before my parents arrive, my aunties who take good care of me when my parents are not around are having a hard time in making me look like a “usual pretty kid”, for in that time, I don’t really like it when they let me do girly things or even make me look like a girl (lol).
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Behind those cameras are my aunties who keeps on mumbling at me, “Jem, mag-smile ka!”, “Posing ka ‘yung parang model! Lagay mo yung kamay mo sa tuhod mo!”, “Smile ka para maganda ka!”. And as you can see on that third picture, that was my real expression before they even command me the poses they want me to be captured, (looks tired, eh?), and I’m not even complaining. 
Later that time, my parents finally arrived, greeting me immediately with a thousand of kisses, tight hugs, and a loud happy birthday greeting. After that, they prepared the table for the food and my blowing of candles, but before we proceeded to that, my mom gave me a gift that I’ve been wanting to play in my whole life--and it’s the third barbie doll I’ve owned! My mom knows how I badly want to collect a bunch of barbie dolls when I was a child, so she bought the one that I’ve been eyeing on since then. With that, a big smile marked on my face as I make a wish and blew the candle with satisfaction.
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As the day passed, everything went back to normal, the difference is that I was already playing with three of my barbie dolls! On July 2, 2007, it was Monday, I have classes that day and before I even wear my school uniform, my mom gave me a dress to wear. What I didn’t know is that I will also celebrate my birthday in our school! My parents were the ones who prepared this celebration for me because they know that I want to celebrate my birthday with my friends and it feels like a dream come true for me because all that I feel was just happiness. 
Like a typical kids party it would be, there were a lot of games, activities, and prizes to win, even though I’m the celebrant, I still joined the games because I don’t want to be just sitting there in front while my classmates are at it, enjoying a bunch of games. Not going to brag but... my crush during that time greeted me several times and we even ate together in a separate table (thanks to my mom). But jinx on me, we don’t even know each other anymore today. 
It felt like this was the best childhood memory I have because the genuine happiness I had in those days are incomparable. The love and support that I receive from my family and friends are exceptional. This may not be grand as it seems, but the simple gestures and efforts that my loved ones are showing me are one of the reasons what I’ve become today. 
Life is not always an easy-flowing river, there will always be struggles or obstacles that you have to go through to be able to get to your dream destination. And up until now, I may be encountering problems that makes me feel down at times, I still strive to be a better person, who wants to find genuine happiness again and achieve my goals in life. Our lives will not always be full of cakes, candies, and gifts. Sometimes, what we don’t get in our present is already in reservation for our future. So no matter what we have right now, the things that we own and the loved ones that we have, we have to learn how to be contented and thankful for them. We should refrain from complaining every time we don’t get everything that we want, because after all, if we work hard on something and we do it with passion, we can always have our dreams fulfilled.
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gamiljermainejoie · 5 years
Journal Entry #2: Bright Lights and Sleepless Nights
I started the week with a positive attitude and a bright smile,  hoping that it would bring me better days compared to what I’ve experienced the previous week. Fortunately, I think my week started out really good, even though it was our exam week.
Truth be told, it was one heck of a stressful week. AGAIN. for me. But I think it was a lighter one for me because even though I had to spend late at night to make reviewers for our exam (and not even review them at all), it’s all because I’m just thinking of how I am going to spend my Christmas break and what gifts I’m going to give for my friends and family. Although it’s a bit irrelevant to think about this stuff in the middle of the hell exam week, it somehow helps me to have a lighter and happier feeling.
This week was full of nerve-racking experiences--physically, emotionally, and mentally. One of the reasons of these are the mind blowing exams we have taken. I knew I tried my best to (at least) review and recall all the lessons that we had but they were all too powerful too handle and it made feel like I was the most dimwit person in the world. But then, I just hope and pray that the results will all be fine, because after all, I don’t want to disappoint myself and my family.
To end this week, I don’t want it to be dreary and be all heavy because of the stress I’ve felt, so what we did is that we planned on what we are going to do and what we are going to have on our upcoming Christmas Party on December 18. We all come up to an idea of conducting our own games, having a contribution for our raffles and prizes, and of course, the one thing that would complete the day, FOOD! For us to at least break away from all the stress and pressure that we are feeling due to school works and performance tasks, we want the last day of our year to be memorable and fun, for I know that this will be one of the memories we will treasure and remember as we step onto another chapter of our lives.
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gamiljermainejoie · 5 years
Journal Entry #1: Nothing will work unless you do!
Last Sunday, the 1st of December, I took the UST Entrance Test or commonly known as USTET, and I have to be brutally honest, it felt like all the brain cells and nerves I had in that day suddenly exploded. As soon as I opened the test booklet on the Mathematics portion, I already had the feeling that I wouldn’t be able to answer them confidently and it made me felt gloomy throughout the week.
I didn’t want to waste this week to be all dreary because of that so I tried my best to be productive and jolly as I am. But then, as jolly as I wanted to be, there are really circumstances that blocks your way to be positive as you can be. 
There have been a lot of rants, eye rolls, swear words (oops), sighs, and tears that I have shared within this week. It was a tough week I have to say, come hell or high water, I survived it because I don’t want to spend my week with full of grief, so I replaced it with full delight despite of how cloudy I feel. 
I can compare the week I’ve spent to a weather where there is a heavy rainfall in a particular place but then while there is rain, the sunlight continues to strike, making you feel all warm as the rain touches your skin. As our Filipino relatives would say, “may kinakasal na tikbalang!”
I really am not good with cheering myself up because of how distressing this week was for me, but there’s one video that made me change my mood for the whole week. Not be over dramatic or whatever you want to think of right now, but I think this was the highlight of my week that made me feel emotions in many ways I never expected. I’m not saying that I’m an avid fan of this boy group, but s u r e. 
Still then, I could say that I did well in the past few days.
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gamiljermainejoie · 5 years
A City Full of Dreams
In the busy streets, polluted air, and raucous residents of Sampaloc, Manila or is usually referred to as the University Belt; there lives  a teenage girl who aims to have a successful life in the future despite of going through such negativities in her life and it is I, Jermaine Joie Baltazar Gamil. Ever since then, I have lived in Manila for such a long time now, I already know the tactics of that guy who follows me in the middle of the night and even that woman who pretends that she was lost so she asks for directions but then demands me to give her money afterwards. I was born in Sampaloc and I have lived the life of a typical Manila girl.
Granting that I have lived in Manila for so many years, I still love going back to our province in Porac, Pampanga. There was one time that I begged my mother to let me continue my education in Pampanga for I find Manila such a rowdy place and I just wanted to get amity. But since my parents love me so much, of course, they won’t let me, for they think it would be more difficult for me there to conform and that I will be too far away from them, not being able to see me every day.
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Living in Manila granted me a lot of opportunities, not just of education prospects, but it helped me excel my confidence, developed my talents, and improved my personality as I encounter different people in my life. With this, I joined my school’s official dance team, wherein I never expected that I would improve in such way in this talent—dancing. Our team joined a lot of inter-school competitions and had the opportunity to perform in various events. Being a part of this team developed my leadership, talent skills, self-esteem, and the way I treat people that lead me today with people who surrounds me with positivity and happiness.
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Since I was little, I have always dreamt to be a teacher.  But then, as time passes by and as I mature, I have already realized what I really want to pursue in life. In the beginning, I’ve thought of using my talents to achieve success, but then, I didn’t want my talents to be the only foundation of my future, I wanted to be something, I wanted to be flexible, I want my loved ones to be beyond proud of me, and so, I wanted to pursue a career—I wanted to be a psychologist. As a person who encountered a lot of people who have different perspectives in life, may it be positive or negative; I wanted to be the helping hand—that in the simplest ways, I’ll be able to help them to reach success and make good decisions in life; similar to what I want to truly fulfill in life.
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