ganachian · 4 years
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First impressions✨are everything. Case in point: less is more
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ganachian · 5 years
I haven't been around for a while so I'm late to the party but had to reblog this gold.
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ganachian · 5 years
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This is heartbreaking and horrific. This shouldn’t be happening in a country as wealthy as America. Profitized healthcare needs to die, and greedy insurance companies need to be stopped. People are literally dying so that greedy, private, for-profit insurance companies can save a few dollars and make a profit for shareholders. 
All this unnecessary pain and suffering is preventable and it needs to stop. We don’t need to be “pragmatic” about Medicare For All; we do not need to “incrementally” phase it in over years and years. Those are Republican talking points meant to stall and delay progress, and some of us aren’t wealthy enough to wait for a better time. Look, if other countries have figured out how to do universal healthcare, then so can we.
We need Medicare For All, and we need it right now.
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ganachian · 5 years
I find this one of the more telling things she has done, and proof that she covers up/rewrites her own history because of ambition. It's also probably why she started wearing granny dresses a few years ago, nothing sexy for me please. I don't believe a word out of her mouth. I think her public image is hyper-curated at this point, which is why she looks like a poster child for depression in nearly every public appearance . How can you be happy if you are inauthentic?
I watched the Kelly and Ryan interview and I noticed Cait is trying to erase her modeling career. This is the second talk show, first was w/ James Corden where she's been asked about what she did before acting and she's basically says nothing for 10 yrs. She thinks modeling is below her standards, I guess. I think she's doing the same as T changing job titles.
Meh.. who cares...glad I skipped it
Fake people selling fake images
I've been saying for forever that Cait has a specific image of herself she wants to sell and all the promo is geared towards that image - a serious actress
NOT a former model turned actress who fell in love with her hot costar like all the shallow horny grannies
But YES a serious actress married to a regular, shy, guy who is a normal finance guy/music producer/artist manager/whatever cause she is "Jenny from the block" and fame doesn't really appeal to her...🙄🙄
She's all fake...just FYI for those who think she is telling you the whole truth about her real life bts and her marriage
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ganachian · 5 years
Haha, I thought I was the only one. I can't even believe they made a season 5.... Embarrassing!
Have you seen the latest viewership figures for S5 E1? Looks like they've lost almost 50% of their premium female viewers.
You are kidding right? Don't be a troll teasing with serious matters such as their shitty figures...
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ganachian · 5 years
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“Sam and I are such good friends and my husband has known him since we started dating. I think he understands ~the situation~ very well.”
As requested by @melaniechas
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ganachian · 5 years
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A Surprise Pride and Prejudice Engagement
(Note: This isn’t me)
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ganachian · 5 years
What an asshole. Seriously. The well-im-not divorced-yet answer? Come.on. he is troll ing every single shipper in this fandom. Just be quiet and buy their liquor is all I'm getting from this promo. They're both sociopaths. 🤮
Sam Heughan in 10 headlines | Esquire Spain
1- At first I didn’t want to be an actor because it’s a very difficult world … until I got hooked
2- Outlander is an intense job, but I learn a lot.
3- I’ve been with Jamie Fraser for six years and we get along. He is a good, vulnerable man.
4- When I make a political comment on the networks, they tell me to shut up. I think they are wrong: it is impossible for a human being not to have an opinion.
5- I was against Scotland becoming independent from the UK, but after brexit change of opinion: it is better to separate to continue in the EU.
6- We have to make changes and to save the planet, we are late. I love Greta Thunberg, you have to follow her.
7 - The middle-aged white man has many problems: we never talk about feelings or our health.
8- All right with women … I have not yet divorced.
9- Ideal son-in-law? I try to be a good man, but I am sure that I have ever pissed someone off.
10- I am very competitive, in sports and with myself. Last year I ran two marathons in a month to challenge me. Now that I turn 40 I try to stay healthy … I want to do many things before it’s too late.
Full interview in the March issue of Esquire.
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ganachian · 5 years
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Something special is about to be gin
#moneyformypimpdaddy #forgetMEMEMEMEMEMEEEEnot
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ganachian · 5 years
Reblogging for comments. 💕😘
Pity and disdain in equal measures
I know you all think I lost it, that I lost my mind here ever since she got engaged but I fear I'm pretty much sane and that's exactly why I can't go with narratives or TPTB theories anymore, or poor them in hiding being forced to do stuff... I mean of all the fucked up scenarios I'm trying to go, as a sane person, with whatever feels more realistic in terms of it being possible... what I'm trying to say is with all due respect you can all call me crazy or a bitch all you want but it still isn't me pretending to date people or pretend to marry them or playing hide and seek with your own real partner claiming he is shy while parading him around, or humiliating my real husband as you put it by letting other guy take his place in public ... or cutting my own bangs and hair and entering a pretty clear autodestructive mode trying to make myself as unattractive and unsexy as possible... or using beards to attend public events or staging pap walks or investing millions buying apartments as covers or lying in order to get away from a con I had signed for....
My point is as messed up as I am I'm still not anywhere near as fucked up these two are, separate and together.
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ganachian · 5 years
"C says one thing and does the opposite" - that's really all it boils down to. She wants to be private, but then announces her engagement in People magazine?? Her people paid to make that happen, no way she is widely known enough for that to happen organically. She goes on "private vacations" like to Australia, but leaves SM breadcrumbs for ppl to follow her every move? That trip and all the leaks were carefully curated. She is deranged. That's where I've landed. She enjoys fucking with her fans or at the very least has extreme paranoia. Poor girl wants to be famous and unknown at the same time. She wants everyone to look at her ridiculous and hideous clothing, but not look at the person wearing them. Unfortunately she appears to be a head case, not an enigma. She is truly one of the most unlikeable and problematic celebs. /Rant. And Sam is not much better- has no spine, can't say no to anyone, obsessed with being loved and his own image. What a pair! They should never have become semi-famous. Let's all hope they aren't for much longer, for everyone's sake.
Only a few fans giving her crap? You must be new here. :-D The attacks on them and others post IFH were relentless and prompted them to change how they interacted with fans because of the 'ones who just want to ruin it for everyone' (paraphrasing). As for the 'shy and private' comment, which has been misunderstood and blown out of proportion, imo, there's a difference between appearing in public and a 'tell all' about your private life. The fandom has changed them, of that I am certain.
I was not around during IFH but read and saw the interview. Each person interprets things differently. Regarding the shy and private comment. To me you are either private or you are not. C says one thing and does the opposite. I agree that some fans have crossed the line but that doesn’t take the responsibility for how they have acted away from them. Their PR stinks and this could have stopped a long time ago and it didn’t. Why is that? I’m not going to rehash all the crap that has gone on. You obviously have a different opinion and that is fine.
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ganachian · 5 years
This touched my heart and spoke to my soul 😆
“The show should strive to be a mirror, not a megaphone.” 🎯🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Signal boost to the egomaniacs in charge who won’t take an ounce of constructive feedback. They’ve ruined J&C, and Cait has especially destroyed Claire. I’m literally turned off when I see her onscreen anymore. When I look at Claire, all I see now is bitter, self-righteous Cait.
Lucky you! All I see is Tony.
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ganachian · 5 years
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via pinterest
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ganachian · 5 years
Thought provoking. We are in interesting times.
How do you think would be a speech about Sam and Cait by Rick Gervais? I would pay for it 😂
Uh, that speech was about, for, to, Sam and Caitriona. Every. Word.
Since you’re here and I’m here and I’m finally alone for the first time in weeks! Let’s talk about the plague of ignorance that has befallen our species. Grab yerself a coffee and sit.🔪 Also, beware any text messages from Kevin with Bernie 2020.
Back to the routine today.
Early to rise, awakened by my iPhone alarm.
Make a lunch, featuring sliced bread I didn’t bake and antibacterial handwipes.
Drink a coffee, made with potable water from my kitchen tap provided by a somewhat trustworthy and reliable intact water works.
Deposit kid at school, guarded daily by two armed and uniformed real actual city police officers with dogs.
Shower, again with safe potable hot water from the tap via 2 shower heads and salon quality color sage shampoo.
Cat to the vet, for a blood sugar check because she’s newly diabetic and to me diabetes isn’t an offense that warrents death... yet.
Give cat insulin.
Cuss Kevin with Bernie 2020 out via text for interrupting the peace and serenity of my morning shit.
Drive mindlessly to the grocery store, on paved road in safe car full of gas with seat heat turned all the way up.
Leave reusable bags at the house as a fuck u to Bernie and Kevin.
Stroll through clean and pristine store, I buy sliced bread, air freshener, scented laundry beads, scented toilet paper, frozen gluten free pie crusts, a pineapple, la-ti-da item after la-it-da item.
I decline help taking my loot to the car from James the special needs bagger, he seems not all that disappointed by my refusal today. It’s early and cold I guess.
As I exit the store I pass a lady buying water from the fill your own water machine. 6 5 gallon containers, she’s filling. As I pass her she turns abruptly and looks me in the eye. She’s Muslim. She seemed startled. Like I’d walked in on her taking a piss. I smile. Nod.
Walk away into the bright sunshine. No clouds in the sky. I breathe deeply.
I drive home, American Idiot by Greenday is on the radio.
Unload the la-ti-da groceries and accompany Fern out for a shit. The day is glorious. The perfect breeze. Gentle windchimes play from across the street. Birds chirping. The sun warming my bones. The peace is palpable, but uneasy. Unnerving.
I did not buy water. I never do. My tap water is safe. Cheap. Doesn’t even taste funny.
But she bought water. Lots of it. The first errand of her day, this Muslim housewife in Alabama, was to stockpile water.
Hers or mine?
Time will tell I supppse.
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ganachian · 5 years
The lives lost- so hard to comprehend. Animal life in general is estimated to have losses over 1 billion. So much suffering. 💔
Let’s talk about what’s happening in Australia, which is suffering its worst bushfire season in recorded history.
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This almost unimaginable catastrophe has killed half a billion animals with more than 14.5 million acres burned and released over 250 million tonnes of CO2 so far.
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More than 5 million hectares have been burnt, and this number continues to climb – that’s the equivalent of one fifth of the entire UK // equivalent to twice size of Belgium.
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Half a billion mammals, birds and reptiles have been affected, including an estimated 30% of the entire koala population in this area.
Lives and homes have been lost. Our thoughts are with the tens of thousands of people who are affected by these fires.
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We HAVE to help... we have to do something before it’s too late. Pray For Australia 🐨and
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This is climate change.
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ganachian · 5 years
Exactly @cherishloveadore - but when your public persona is nothing but lies built on more lies with a large helping of stuff for sale, you get the Sam Heughan shit lasagna. Whatever, he lost me forever on the tuna boat. No coming back from that for me, especially the way he dug his heels in and acted like a heartless fool in the aftermath.
I guess when you pay enough money you can do anything. good to know.
Apparently… but doing innocent meme on IG is forbidden and it’s objectification..smh. but his explanation is ridiculous. If you watch the whole video they haven’t even started the game yet. the woman is just going on stage and wasn’t even introduced to Sam yet. Trying to grab his ass is the first thing she did on stage. classy.
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“Nothing happened”, “it was in jest”, “it was for fun” is not a good excuse and it minimizes the gesture. contact or not it’s inappropriate.
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I agree Lynette shity article was ridiculous and it took some big proportion but that kind of behavior shouldn’t be excused. if it was a male fan doing this to cait people would crucify him… double standard.
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ganachian · 5 years
Yeah, I'm sorry, but anytime Just Jared is involved, it means Sam called in a favor. Embarrassing indeed.
No one but Sam cares about the JJ fan awards. If he indeed won the (shitty) award, good for him because this would be the highlight of his career as an actor. But I bet he paid JJ and they together put on a PR show. Sam’s got lots of things to sell as always. But honestly if he could stay away from SM, he would be less a joke.
Looking at the competition there is no doubt in my mind that his team (and her team) paid for them to win. Embarrassing!
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