gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
I’m taking a break from Tumblr for awhile. For the last few months I’ve been on a crappy internet connection, which means 90% of the content on my dash doesn’t show up. This is the main reason I haven’t been as active on here lately and I can’t see it changing anytime soon. I’m also trying to transition into using the internet as a tool rather than a distraction. Not that I really chat with anyone on here, but if anyone’s looking for me, I do check my AO3 account every now and then. Cheers
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
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There, fixed it.
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
Sansa “took the black” on her heart side
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
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“Ned Stark’s daughter will speak for them. She’s the best they could ask for.”
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
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queen of the north
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
How GoT should have ended:
-they lose the battle at Winterfell and flee south with the dead in pursuit
-NK follows picking up the dead from all the wars along the way
-Dany can still nuke King’s Landing because Cersei won’t let them in/ it’s full of the army of the dead (either or both)
-Jaime strangles Cersei for letting the people of Westeros who are fleeing die outside her gates
-Sam finds some lore about killing the NK
-the final battle is one they can’t possibly win because of the size of the dead army so it’s imperitave that someone gets to the NK and kills him (using the info sam dug up)
-Arya can still do this but she does it while wearing a white walker’s face while Jon is battling him and in mortal danger
-after the battle Dany happily has the throne
-the bittersweet part comes because Dany can’t have children but still wants to continue the Targaryen line so she grants Jon the north and marries him to Sansa and names his future children her heirs
-it’s also bittersweet that Westeros is utterly destroyed through this war
-Jaime and Brienne marry because fuck you
-Arya and Gendry have an unconventional marriage and all the sex
-the Starks are together
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
GoT: The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.
GoT Season 8: tHe loNe WoLf DiEs bUt tHe PaCk sUrVivEs
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
“There are many times when we’re planning a season that you kind of have to avoid giving the audience exactly what they want because things start to become predictable…” Dave Benioff
Honestly fuck this storytelling style. 
Fuck this style of storytelling that puts authorial masturbation over a satisfying conclusion to a story. Fuck this obsession with “swerves” and “subverting expectations.” 
Fuck this mentality that you have to outsmart the audience in order to make a good product. 
Fuck the idea that “predictable” is automatically boring. Fuck the idea that people who have been paying attention to long-running story arcs should be punished for giving a shit and expecting a cohesive conclusion to a long running story. 
Fuck this idea that disappointing endings are okay if they’re “unexpected.” Fuck this auteur mentality where writers have to prove that they’re the cleverest boys in the whole wide world. 
Tell a goddamned story; nobody tunes in for twists. 
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
Having character arcs that don't conclude in a logical manner doesn't make you original or shocking. IT MAKES YOU A SHITTY WRITER.
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
If this is how the books end then I hope GRRM never finishes them.
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
Say what you want about the rest of it, but they DID do an incredible job at capturing the utter horror of Dany’s actions. Like, holy shit.
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
I think what I hate the most is that these episodes were rushed and badly written and so dany/aegony stans are using that to excuse mad queen!daenerys. Like, no, season 8 has been badly written, but daenerys’ character has been heading towards this endgame for a long time. Both can be true.
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
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Sandor convinces Arya to live
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
I think overall the plot of GoT does make sense, but it being rushed and having bad writers is the problem. Imagine if it had all happened over a longer period of time: Dany’s descent into madness, the failure of Jaime’s arc, all of it would have made WAY more sense if it happened over a longer period of time and had been done properly by GRRM.
That, and they should have made Political!Jon more obvious from the start, because half the fandom didn’t get it. That too will be way better if the books ever come out, because you’ll be inside Jon’s head for it.
And imo Dany was always suppoed to be a threat to Westeros. A conqueror always will be. Ice and fire. Two threats.
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
I’ve thought this entire time that GRRM’s basic premise for Game of Thrones is just asshole characters doing the most asshole-y thing possible every single time something happens. Think about it.
Why did your fave get hurt? Why are they acting out of character? Why did they do that?
Everyone is Westeros is just an asshole, that’s all. The end.
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
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gandalfcalrissian · 5 years
If this show doesn’t end with a big ass apology and flowers from Jaime to Brienne and Gendry and Arya sailing off into the sunset we riot
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