gangsterchick-blog1 · 7 years
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Nutrition Month Nutrition Month is one of the events that celebrate in Senior High School in Carmen. In the year of 2017, together with the theme of "Healthy diet, gawing habbit for life". This program expresses to one another to do their healthy lifestyle. There's a lot of competition that made of this program. One of those are; nutrijinggle competition, nutriquiz,feeding program, poster making contest and ect. I bit everybody love this program because they are enjoyed and feeling comportable for this event. For me, its a memorable moment in my Senior high school life. Me and my classmates work as a team and we got lots of bonding moment. Finally, we also got the most winning competition. Its fun and worth it.
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gangsterchick-blog1 · 7 years
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Acquaintance Party Acquaintance Party? In every year of high school life there is always have a party. Where everybody guest know each other,and Make a new friends. Everyone likes party. This year 2017,in senior high school in carmen was conducted an acquaintance party with the team "Color me pink". Its beautiful,Most of the students where the color pink dresses. This Night was A memorable One And I can say That It really Make Me Forget The Tirediness When it comes to studies. This Night I felt Joy . I can Even Say That This Must Be the best Night of my life.
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gangsterchick-blog1 · 7 years
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Earthquake Drill Earthquake Drill is one way of prevention of damage,the Way of safetiness of each individual.The Government had implement to everyone for us to conduct it enable for us to be aware. Anytime and Anywhere. That may occur in unexpected times. This Year of Senior High School In carmen had Conducted Earthquake Drill for all the Students Here,and for those who doesn't know much preparedness About the particular situation.The Student Of Senior High School In carmen Had Cooperate of This activity. The Student in Carmen Senior High School Already know this Earthquake Drill.Then, They Are ready Whenever It happens. Therefore,all student,other People must have known more information and knowledge about Earthquake Drill. To keep us Safe,Inform,Ready As Always. To help others enable For them to be Aware indeed.
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