gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
The true deadly sins
Not a sin- feeling sexual attraction, sex with consenting partners, masturbation, consuming pornographic media, having several sexual partners, sex before mariage. IT’S A SIN WHEN- the person projects lust onto an unwilling recipient person and does not take into account their wants or consent. Rape, harassment, sexual assault, catcalling, dick pics.
Not a sin- food, enjoying food, cooking, eating sweets, eating meat. In the larger sense, accumulating material things you enjoy, like books or collectibles or whatever.  IT’S A SIN WHEN- It deprives other people of what they need.
Not a sin: Wanting things you see other people have, like money, power, fame. IT’S A SIN WHEN: This is how you define people, and stop respecting them as humans. It’s a sin when you use them for what they have and what they can bring you.
Not a sin: Wanting financial security, working hard for the things you want.  IT’S A SIN WHEN: Your own financial growth depends on keeping other people impoverished and suffering.
Not a sin: Being proud of your accomplishments, liking your looks, dressing up IT’S A SIN WHEN: It stops you from accepting your faults and seeing how you can be wrong, not admitting that you can better yourself. 
Not a sin: Righteous anger at situations, being mistreated, seeing other people suffer, at the injustice of the world. Self-defense. Revolution.  IT’S A SIN WHEN: Violence towards defenceless people, hitting your partner or your kids,.  Violence fuelled by intolerance and bigotry. 
Not a sin: Resting. Sleeping. Taking a day or a year off. Being unproductive. Playing videogames. IT’S A SIN WHEN: You stay inactive when action is required. When people need you and you’d rather do nothing.
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
Warning to writers
While you are worrying about whether beta readers will steal your ideas, there is a more genuine threat on the horizon.
When offered a publishing contract, please do all your research before you sign. There are a number of fakes and scammers out there, as well as good-intentioned amateurs that don’t know how to get your work to a wide audience. I won’t tell the heartbreaking stories here - there are too many.
Being published badly is worse than being never published.
It can destroy your career and your dreams.
The quick check is to google the publishing house name + scam or warning.
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But, to be sure, check with these places first. They aren’t infallible (nothing is) but they can help you protect yourself. They are written and maintained by expereinced writers, editors, publishers and legal folks.
Absolute Write: Bewares and Background Checks
Preditors and editors
Writer Beware
and the WRITER BEWARE blog
Keep yourself and your work safe.
This is really important, so if you are a writer or have writer friends, or you are a writing blog, please reblog it.
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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National Geographic October 1984
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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female doctors of the church, illustrated by kreg yingst
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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1 Peter 4:16
Don't be Ashamed to suffer for Being a Christian. Praise GOD that you belong to Him.
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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Angel Casts:Seraphim/Cherubim/Ophanim
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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Bryan Larsen - Study for Triumph of Icarus
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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387 notes ¡ View notes
gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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57K notes ¡ View notes
gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed
- 1 Corinthians 15-51
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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Gabrielle Ray as Joan of Arc in 1909
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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Penshurst Church, Kent, England.
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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357 notes ¡ View notes
gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
Being called an ‘angel’ is actually a nice compliment if you interpret it as ‘you divine tool of righteous vengeance and wrath.’
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gangsterprayer ¡ 4 years
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Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18
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