gannythegrey · 5 years
Do you ever catch your pet in a photo that makes them look like there’s nothing going on in their brain
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absolutely zero cognitive function
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a rare biological specimen of dumbass
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gannythegrey · 5 years
Why Maureen?
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gannythegrey · 5 years
How and why?
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gannythegrey · 5 years
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(Bunnies and Sunshine)
Easter is coming up! And it’s a terrible time for pet store bunnies!
Rabbits are marketed as “easy”, short-lived, starter pets, especially during the Easter holidays, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth! A healthy, well cared for bunny can live just as long as the average cat or dog- 10-12 years!
What’s more, they have more complex needs than a cat or a dog. Rabbits are prey animals and do not behave or show affection in the same way as predators like cats and dogs; they don’t deal well with being outside-only animals; they can get sad if they’re on their own and don’t receive enough attention; and if they’re bought as a male and female couple, they can start reproducing from as early as 5-6 months of age, and they can carry multiple litters at the same time!
They have a specialised diet (NOT carrots!), need a specialised living area (unless you want all your things to get chewed up!), and they need specialised vets! Caring for them costs as much as caring for a dog!
They’re a big responsibility!
This Easter, Make Yours Chocolate!
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gannythegrey · 5 years
Some foraging/puzzle enrichment for the buns!
Maureen has been v down in the dumps since our dog passed away and we've been trying different things to engage and entertain her again
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gannythegrey · 6 years
She comes!
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gannythegrey · 6 years
My biggest bunny
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gannythegrey · 6 years
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gannythegrey · 6 years
Bun land has been updated
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gannythegrey · 6 years
She comes!
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gannythegrey · 6 years
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Ganny must get all the attention
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gannythegrey · 6 years
Stay hydrated kids
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gannythegrey · 6 years
That's fine,
Thank you!
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gannythegrey · 6 years
Er no, Via my phone camera directly on to Tumblr.
Remove the caption please.
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gannythegrey · 6 years
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Sleepy bb
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gannythegrey · 6 years
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He knows how cute he is
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gannythegrey · 6 years
You want a vegan cat? Get a house rabbit.
Yesterday the RSPCA said cats could become seriously ill if given exclusively plant-based diets and owners could run the risk of getting a criminal record.
They pointed out: “Under the Animal Welfare Act, the law requires an owner to take reasonable steps to ensure that all the pet’s needs are met.
“This includes a healthy diet, as well as providing suitable living conditions, ability to behave normally, appropriate company and protection from pain, suffering, injury and disease.”
The spokesman for the RSPCA added: “Cats are strict carnivores and depend on some very specific nutrients that are found in meat including taurine, vitamin A and arachidonic acid so can become seriously ill if they are fed a vegetarian or vegan diet.“ 
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