When To Take A Break From Affiliate Marketing (2021)
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How Do You Know When Its Time To Take A Break
I have been an affiliate marketer for a few years now and I thought I had most thing figured out but just when it was getting too comfortable I seemed to hit a wall, I was struggling to come up with ideas for new articles on my website and I couldn’t find products that I wanted to promote.
This was a big problem for me because I have always worked on the theory that consistency is key to success. When I first started my website I was writing three articles a week every Monday Wednesday and Friday, then after six months I cut it down to two articles a week and then eventually one article a week after about a year or so.
I was only writing one article a week but I was still at my laptop every day researching products and working on my YouTube channels and Facebook pages and groups, I have three YouTube channels and four Facebook pages and three Facebook groups so it takes a lot of time and effort to keep on top of them all.
I got to the point where I was feeling drained by it all and I made the decision to take a step back and just have a break, I didn’t set myself a time frame on how long to take away from it I just knew I would know when the time was right to return to it.
So I switched my laptop off and put it away in the cupboard and that’s where it stayed for seven weeks until today, I woke up this morning and I just felt like I wanted to write an article.
I turned my laptop on and checked on my website and I am still getting the same number of visitors today as I was getting seven weeks ago, I may not have been working for the last seven weeks but I have still been making money from my website and YouTube channel.
I have taken this as a learning experience and made the decision that I don’t have to write x amount of articles every week and make x amount of YouTube videos every week, I am going to work on the principle of quality over quantity.
So for those of you who are out there feeling the pressure it’s OK to take a break, have some time away from your laptop and relax for a while.
I would like to say to those of you who are new to affiliate marketing consistency is important in that first year or two but don’t feel like you have to go crazy writing articles every day, two or three a week is more than enough.
If you are new to affiliate marketing or maybe you don’t have a website yet check out my article on Wealthy Affiliate, this is where I learnt how to build my own website and its free to join.
I hope this has been helpful to you and please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
0 notes
How To Be Successful At Affiliate Marketing
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Find A Mentor
Trying to go it alone in the affiliate marketing business is very difficult, if you can find a good mentor to guide you then you have a much better chance of being successful.
A mentor can be someone you already know or someone you meet online or even a training program like Wealthy Affiliate, the key is that they have been where you are now and they know what works and what doesn’t work so they can pass that knowledge on to you then you can avoid the mistakes that they made along the way.
I myself have had several mentors over the years and I can say that without them I wouldn’t have had the success I have had as an affiliate marketer.
I also mentor several students within the Wealthy Affiliate platform, if you would like to be mentored by myself you can sign up for a free Wealthy Affiliate membership. Just click here to read my Wealthy Affiliate Review and claim your free membership.
Be Persistent
Success doesn’t come overnight it takes a lot of time and effort, researching products – writing reviews – making YouTube videos.
You will find that you trip and fall but it’s important to pick yourself up and keep going because in this game your always learning.
I was trying and failing for the first two years but I never quit because I knew I would get there eventually, it tuck a lot of trial and error but I found what works for me and I am consistent with it.
In any walk of life it takes time to learn and master these things and affiliate marketing is no different, it’s very important that you take the time to learn before you jump in with both feet.
Believe In Yourself
If you don’t believe in yourself then no one else is going to either, you must be confident to be successful in this business and confidence comes with self belief.
When I told my family I was trying to make a living online so that I could leave my 9-5 and spend my time at home with my family they all told me I was crazy to even try, they said you can’t make money online it’s a stupid idea and you can only make money by going to work every day.
I can’t blame them for thinking like this because this is what modern society brainwash people with because they need people to go work these horrible jobs in factories and warehouses for minimum wage, they don’t want people to know there’s another way a better way that there doesn’t have to be a set wage for each day because you can earn as much as you want to.
If I had listened to all my friends and family I would still be working in a foundry breaking my back every day for £10 an hour, thankfully I had the belief in myself that I could make it as an affiliate marketer and work from the comfort of my own home so I can see my children grow and spend my time with them.
My belief paid off because know I have that life that I was chasing, I get to spend my time with my family and all those people who told me I was being foolish are now asking me how I did it, asking me to mentor them so they to can leave there 9-5 and spend there time with there family.
I would like to end this article by telling you I know how it feels to go to work every day hating what you do because I did it for 20 years but you don’t have to live life like that, just have the belief in yourself and get started today because tomorrow never comes in business.
I know your probably sat there reading this thinking to yourself that you can’t do this because you don’t know how to write an article, well neither did I when I started but you learn as you go and the key to writing is to write as if your talking to a friend don’t try to over complicate it because it’s easier to read if you just write like your talking to a friend, I hope that makes sense to you.
I hope this has been helpful to you and please feel free to leave any questions you might have in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
0 notes
CEO Movement Scam
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Is CEO Movement A Scam
I was a member of ceo movement for over a year and I think the best way for me to tell you about ceo movement is to simply tell you about my time with them.
It was 2016 and I had just left my job of 15 years and moved to Dubai to be with my partner because she was working out there, I had worked every hour going and saved up for 6 months before going there but Dubai is a very expensive city to live in so I was running out of money fast.
I was struggling to find a job there because all the companies want people with degrees and I don’t have a degree, my 15 years of experience didn’t seem to matter so I was trying to think how I can make a living when nobody will hire me.
After a while I had set my mind to trying to make a living online, I just wasn’t sure how to do this so I started to research how to make money online.
I came across a lot of opportunities but most of them just seemed like scams then I read an advert about a guy called Steven who like me was trying to make a living online and he was doing so with ceo movement.
I spent weeks talking to Steven about ceo movement and he made it sound like a dream opportunity, unfortunately I ran out of money in this time and had to return to England leaving my partner in Dubai.
Once I had found a job and could afford it I joined ceo movement and started my training with them, I did learn how to set up an ad’s manager on Facebook and how to create an ad but that was about as far as there training went.
Between my joining fee and my advert fees I spent thousands of pounds but I never made a penny in over 12 months.
At the time I was new to all this online stuff so I didn’t see anything dodgy about my coach being in control of all the email addresses I collected through my ad’s, he explained that once we had there email address I had done my bit and he would send them emails to try and sign them up and I would get the commissions when they did sign up.
After a while I started to notice new members in the group that apparently my coach had signed up yet they were there on my email list so basically he was stealing my sign up and my commissions.
So is ceo movement a scam? absolutely it is, basically the people at the top get rich because the people at the bottom pay for all there adverts and then they steal your commissions.
ceo movement was created by Nate Wells and run by him along with Rob Brautigam and Ryan Felix, my coach was Adam Gateley, all these men plus a few more are very good at convincing people to part with there money and there all getting rich in the process.
As I write this I am not sure if ceo movement is still going or if they have finally been shut down but I do know some of these men named above have started another group on Facebook called “conversions for coaches and client businesses marketing sales and scale” all I can say is stay away.
Now if you would like to learn about making your own online business with a legit training program that offers free memberships I recommend you read my review of Wealthy Affiliate were I am a member and have been for more than two years now.
I hope this has been helpful to you and please feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments section below.
Gary David
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How Difficult Is Affiliate Marketing
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Affiliate marketing is no different to any other business, if you try to go at it alone you will struggle but if you learn about your chosen business then you will be successful with the right attitude and determination.
So how do you learn about affiliate marketing? well it’s the same way you learn about any business, you take a course.
The best way to learn anything in life is to find someone who has been where you are now and are where you want to get to, learn from them what worked and what didn’t work.
If you can find a mentor then that’s great but if not there are many courses out there you can take, most of them are reasonably priced. You just need to be careful that you sign up to a proper course because there are a lot of scams out there just after your money.
I didn’t learn how to be a successful affiliate marketer alone, I tried for a long time to do it alone and failed time after time. It was only when I started to take courses that I learnt how to be successful in affiliate marketing.
I have taken many courses over the past few years and I always learn something new which helps my business.
As I mentioned earlier there are many scams out there but I have written reviews on all the best courses available which you can read below….
Wealthy Affiliate
When you become an affiliate marketer you get your own personal link to the product that your trying to sell but you need people to click that link which means you have to advertise it. The most common forms of advertising are paid adverts on Facebook or google and other similar platforms but this can be very expensive.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to advertise for free by building your own website. The training is done by video tutorials which talk you through every aspect from creating your website to setting it up for seo to how to research keywords and even how to right an article or review.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
ClickBank University 2.0
If your like I was and new to affiliate marketing then this is a great place to learn, basically you will learn everything you need to know about affiliate marketing from Facebook adverts to building landing pages and building email lists.
The training is done through video tutorials and there is also a community so you can ask other members any questions you might have, the community is very helpful especially for the new members.
When I started with ClickBank University 2.0 I had been working with other affiliate programs for the previous two years and hadn’t made a single sale but within the first month of being a member I made half a dozen sales which paid for my first years membership.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Commission Hero
Commision Hero is an affiliate training program which teaches you how to make money without having your own product email list or even a website, instead you learn how to make sales using Facebook.
Robby Blanchard is the number one affiliate on clickbank which basically means he’s the best affiliate marketer on the planet right now so there’s no one better to learn from and he gives you his three top secrets in the free webinar so its definitely worth a watch.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Super Affiliate System
Super Affiliate System is a training platform that shows people how to make successful affiliate marketing campaigns.
People (ADS) They teach you how to make successful ads and also give you ready made ads that you can just copy and paste, They also give $895 in FREE AD CREDITS to everyone who signs up so you can get started risk free.
Place (Presell) They give you working downloadable presell page templates, they also have click and clone clickfunnels templates which make it easy for new affiliate marketers to get started.
Product (Offers) They guide their students to the highest converting offers and the best networks, They also give students access to high-ticket affiliate offers that produce recurring revenues.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
12 Minute Affiliate
12 Minute Affiliate is a done for you program meaning once you have set it up which only takes an hour or two it basically runs on auto pilot and you can sit back and relax why it does the work for you.
It uses landing pages to build your email list using www.aweber.com and then sends out multiple offers to that list and when people buy those offers you get the commission.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Perpetual Income 365
What is perpetual income 365 about? It’s a plug and play system for newbie’s to affiliate marketing, basically it’s email marketing done for you. It help’s ordinary people with no experience earn a full time income online through affiliate marketing.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
So to the best of my knowledge these are the best courses available today, I am enrolled in two of them myself being Wealthy Affiliate and ClickBank University 2.0.
It is thanks to these two platforms that I am where I am in my business today so I recommend them to anyone interested in affiliate marketing, that being said I have heard very good things about the other programs I’ve mentioned here.
Affiliate marketing isn’t easy but if you educate yourself then it doesn’t have to be all that difficult either, in my experience success comes down to education yes but also to work ethic and determination to be successful in your business.
If you really want to be an affiliate marketer to get away from your 9-5 and be your own boss then you will make it happen as I have and countless others have.
I hope this article has been helpful to you and please feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
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Q & A Series / Can I Run An Affiliate Marketing Business From My Mobile?
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People ask me all the time if they can run an affiliate marketing business from their mobile phone because they don’t have a laptop or tablet, the simple answer is yes of course you can as long as you have a smart phone and internet connection you can run your business from your phone.
I would suggest once your business is up and running and making money that you invest that money into a laptop because its much easier to run your business from a laptop.
If you would like to learn how to start your own online business I suggest you give my review of Wealthy Affiliate a read and sign up for a free membership.
If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
Gary David
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How To Earn Easy Money Online
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If you’re reading this then you must of asked yourself “how to earn easy money online” so congratulations because you just made that all important first step towards building your own online business.
In todays modern world there’s no need to break your back in a factory every day for minimum wage when you can earn a good living online.
Many people consider working online at some point in there life and for most they don’t even bother to try because they don’t know how to, then of the one’s that do try most will fail and give up within six months to a year. The one’s that succeed are those who educate themselves in working online.
What ever your business is (online / offline) you need to learn how to make it a success and the best way to do that is to learn from those who have already done what your trying to do so you can learn from there success and avoid the mistakes that they and others have made.
Now the title of this article is “How To Earn Easy Money Online” and in my opinion the easiest way to earn a living online or offline is through affiliate marketing.
So for those that don’t know what affiliate marketing is it’s basically when you advertise a product for someone else and when you make a sale that person pays you a commission, now there are many different methods you can use to advertise those products but I find the best way is through my website.
If your interested in learning how to build your own website and monetize it read my review of Wealthy Affiliate which is a free to join training program which I have been a member of for more than 2 years now and I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today in my online journey without them.
There are other training platforms out there but most of them are a bit expensive, I have written reviews on some of the better ones which you can read below.
12 Minute Affiliate
Perpetual Income 365
Commission Hero
Super Affiliate System
ClickBank University 2.0
Whilst these are all very good training programs I do recommend Wealthy Affiliate but I will leave it up to you to read the reviews and decide for yourself which one is best suited to your needs.
I have been working online for the past three or four years now and it’s without a doubt the best decision I’ve made, my life has completely changed since I gave up my 9-5 and went full time online.
I have the joy of being there at home to watch my kids grow up and spend my time with them and there mother rather than being at work 50 hours a week like I used to do.
I hope this helps you on your online journey and please feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
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Best Free Traffic Methods
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I know many new affiliate marketers can’t afford to pay for adverts to get traffic to their offers so I thought I would write this article and give you some free traffic methods which I use personally on a daily basis.
Create Your Own Website
A website is a great traffic source if your willing to put the time and effort into it, in my experience it takes about six months of consistently creating articles (3-4 a week) to gain a good traffic flow.
The great thing about creating content for your website is once you have published your article it is their live on the internet forever for free unlike paid ads which only remain online as long as you’re paying for them.
Now if you’re thinking you don’t know anything about creating a website you can get a free membership to Wealthy Affiliate which teach you how to create your own website and use it to make a living online whether that’s through affiliate marketing or selling your own products.
Click Here To Read My Review Of Wealthy Affiliate
Pinterest is a search engine so creating your own board and pins is a great free traffic method. I like to create pins which link to my website articles, all you have to do is upload a photo and come up with an interesting title then write a short description to capture your readers attention.
It really is that simple I get thousands of website visitors just through my Pinterest pins alone so it really is worth giving it a go.
Personally I really enjoy making videos for my YouTube Channel but I know their are people who don’t enjoy being in front of the camera and that’s OK because you can create videos through websites for free that will show your content in writing on a white board and play some music in the back ground, I use one called Renderforest which is free to use.
There are a couple of really good apps you can use to help find the best titles and tags for your videos and grow your channel called VidIQ and TubeBuddy, I actually use both because I like different features on each of them.
Click Here To Read My Review Of VidIQ
Click Here To Read My Review Of TubeBuddy
Free Blogging Sites
There are literally hundreds of websites that allow you to blog on them for free some even pay you. I use them by basically copy and paste my own website articles on to them but you can use them however you please to get traffic to your offers.
My favorite sites are Bored Panda, Medium, LiveJournal, Linkedin and Tumblr and of course you can share on your FaceBook too.
I’m sure their are many other free traffic methods out their but these are the ones that I use myself and they work well for me.
I hope this has been helpful to you and please feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
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What Is The Best Affiliate Program To Make Money
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People keep asking me “what is the best affiliate program to make money” so I thought I would write a quick article to try to answer the question as best as I can.
There are many affiliate programs available to join today, some are free and some you have to pay a membership fee. Personally I have spent years researching the best affiliate programs and I have found some very good ones and some not so good ones.
First I would like to mention Amazon Associates program because people ask me about it all the time, they think because it’s Amazon it’s going to be easy to sell but I’m sorry to tell you most people will go direct to Amazon website rather than click your link and even if they do buy through your link Amazon commissions are very poor as low as 3% on some products.
The main site I use to find my affiliate programs are ClickBank and JVZoo, with these sites you can find affiliate programs in any niche you like and most of them pay good commissions from 50% to 75% even 100% on some products. Now your probably thinking why would they pay 100% they won’t make any money but the fact is they make money on the up sells.
So now you know where to find the best affiliate programs but how are you planing on getting traffic to them? You can pay to run adverts on Facebook or Google, you can build an email list or maybe you can build a website.
Running adverts and building email lists can be costly but if that’s the path you want to take here are some great training courses to learn how to do so. (click any of the links to read my review of that program)
Running Adverts
Commission Hero
Super Affiliate System
Build An Email List
12 Minute Affiliate
Perpetual Income 365
Running Ads & Building Email List’s
ClickBank University 2.0
So ClickBank University 2.0 is kind of an all in one program where they teach multiple methods of advertising your products.
Now if you would like to build your own website then the only place I would recommend is Wealthy Affiliate which is free to join and not only do they teach you how to build a website but they teach you how to write an article and how to research keywords and set up for seo plus they teach you all about affiliate marketing and give you 2 free websites.
OK so we have covered the 3 main methods there all of which I use myself and there is one other method I use but not everyone likes it, Making YouTube Video’s is a great way to advertise and it’s fun to do plus it’s free.
All the link’s in this post go to reviews of those products’s not sale’s pages.
I hope this has been helpful to you and please feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comment’s section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
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How Do I Start An Online Business At Home
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If you’re thinking about starting your own online business then you have probably asked yourself these two questions
How do I start an online business at home
why should I start a online business
well the truth is everyone who works online today probably asked those questions, I know I did. So I will answer them for you as best as I can. I can’t give you any magic recipe for success like those self-proclaimed guru’s do, I can just tell you what work’s for me.
How do I start an online business at home
Well the answer to this is straight forward enough, find a training program that suits your needs. There are lots of training programs out there varying in price from free to thousands of dollars so make sure you know what you’re signing up to.
The best free program I know of is Wealthy Affiliate which I am a member of myself, not only do you learn all about building your own online business but they also give you two free websites.
There are a few good programs priced at around $50 a month such as ( click the link to read my review on the program )
12 Minute Affiliate
Perpetual Income 365
ClickBank University 2.0
then you’re getting to the more expensive programs that are around $1000 ( one of payment ) such as
Commission Hero
Super Affiliate System
Now all the above programs are excellent training programs but I suggest you stick to one that’s within your budget. I personally am a member of two of those programs being Wealthy Affiliate and ClickBank University so I can personally vouch for both of them being great programs but I also know people who use the others and they all give positive feedback about those programs.
There are other training programs out there but like I said before most of them are self-proclaimed guru’s who will charge you a fortune and teach you next to nothing so do your research before joining any of them.
why should I start a online business
Benefits Of Having Your Own Online Business
Your the boss
Time Freedom
Earn more money than you did working a 9-5
Travel the world
OK so there just some of the benefits of an online business, I can’t tell you why you should start an online business only you can do that but I can tell you why I started an online business.
My Story
It was 4 years ago my partner was working abroad in Dubai and I wanted to be with her so I saved £10,000 over 6 months then I bought myself a one way plane ticket from Manchester to Dubai with the plan of finding a job when I get there.
What I didn’t know was that you can’t get a job in Dubai unless you have a degree, even stacking shelves in a supermarket or working in a KFC you need a degree.
So I got to thinking how am I going to earn a living so I can stay in Dubai with my partner and after doing some research I landed on the idea of starting my own online business.
Now this is the bit where I did exactly what I warned you not to do earlier and fell for a self-proclaimed guru which ended up costing me thousands of pounds and forced me to leave my partner in Dubai and return to England alone and wasted a year of my life.
Thankfully after I parted ways with the so called guru I joined ClickBank University 2.0 and Wealthy Affiliate and by combining the two I know make a good living online, I should point out this doesn’t happen overnight it takes time to build a business but if your dedicated then you should be getting a decent return within 12 months.
I would like to mention also that there was a happy ending for myself and my partner as we know live together here in England and have 2 beautiful children.
I hope this has been helpful for you and please feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
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What Is The Best Way To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business
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So what is the best way to start an affiliate marketing business? The answer is pretty simple, join an affiliate marketing training program / platform. The main thing to do is not get suckered into one of these so called guru’s training programs because I guarantee you will spend a fortune and learn next to nothing.
The good news is that there are legitimate affiliate training programs out there if you know where to look. Lucky for you I know which are the legitimate programs and which are bogus.
Which program is best for you really depends on how you want to run your business, with affiliate marketing there is 3 different methods you can use
Build A Website
Email Marketing
Run Paid Adverts
There are other ways but those 3 are by far the best methods, I have used all 3 methods myself and they all work well. I tend to stick with my website these days but everyone has their own personal preference.
I have already written reviews on the best affiliate training programs so I will give you an excerpt from each with a link to the reviews so you can read them in full. Some of the programs are free to join and others are paid but i have included the price of each program in the reviews.
Wealthy Affiliate
What You Will Learn From Wealthy Affiliate
When you become an affiliate marketer you get your own personal link to the product that your trying to sell but you need people to click that link which means you have to advertise it. The most common forms of advertising are paid adverts on Facebook or google and other similar platforms but this can be very expensive.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to advertise for free by building your own website. The training is done by video tutorials which talk you through every aspect from creating your website to setting it up for seo to how to research keywords and even how to write an article or review.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
12 Minute Affiliate12 Minute Affiliate, Product Overview
12 Minute Affiliate is a done for you program meaning once you have set it up which only takes an hour or two it basically runs on auto pilot and you can sit back and relax why it does the work for you.
It uses landing pages to build your email list using www.aweber.com and then sends out multiple offers to that list and when people buy those offers you get the commission.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Perpetual Income 365Perpetual Income 365, Product Overview
What is perpetual income 365 about? It’s a plug and play system for newbie’s to affiliate marketing, basically it’s email marketing done for you. It help’s ordinary people with no experience earn a full time income online through affiliate marketing.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
My Online Startup
Free Course
Our Free Course is the only course you’ll ever need to build your own 6-Figure Online Business from scratch. So don’t waste your money on junk / courses/ products that simply don’t work. Here at My Online Startup, the best course is already 100% free. And if this doesn’t work, nothing will.
Free Community
Our Community consists of our Forum, our Hangout and so much more. At My Online Startup, we know how important a 2nd family is to you for your online success. People who have the same goal as you and just understand what you’re going through. It’s just so much easier when people ‘get it’.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
ClickBank University 2.0What You Will Learn From ClickBank University 2.0
If your like I was and new to affiliate marketing then this is a great place to learn, basically you will learn everything you need to know about affiliate marketing from Facebook adverts to building landing pages and building email lists.
The training is done through video tutorials and there is also a community so you can ask other members any questions you might have, the community is very helpful especially for the new members.
When I started with ClickBank University 2.0 I had been working with other affiliate programs for the previous two years and hadn’t made a single sale but within the first month of being a member I made half a dozen sales which paid for my first years membership.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Commission HeroCommission Hero, Product Overview
Commision Hero is an affiliate training program which teaches you how to make money without having your own product email list or even a website, instead you learn how to make sales using Facebook.
Robby Blanchard is the number one affiliate on clickbank which basically means he’s the best affiliate marketer on the planet write now so there’s no one better to learn from and he gives you his three top secrets in the free webinar so its definitely worth a watch.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
Super Affiliate System
Super Affiliate System, Product Overview
Super Affiliate System is a training platform that shows people how to make successful affiliate marketing campaigns.
People (ADS) They teach you how to make successful ads and also give you ready made ads that you can just copy and paste, They also give $895 in FREE AD CREDITS to everyone who signs up so you can get started risk free.
Place (Presell) They give you working downloadable presell page templates, they also have click and clone clickfunnels templates which make it easy for new affiliate marketers to get started.
Product (Offers) They guide their students to the highest converting offers and the best networks, They also give students access to high-ticket affiliate offers that produce recurring revenues.
The Skills They Focus On
Data Analysis
These skills are the backbone of their teaching for how to effectively market products online, They also focus on mindset exercises, visualization exercises, goal-setting exercises and much more.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
OK so they are all legitimate affiliate training programs, I am a member of 2 of them myself being Wealthy Affiliate and ClickBank University 2.0.
I suggest having a read through them to see which best match your needs but which ever you choose you will learn how to become a successful affiliate marketer.
I hope this has been helpful and please feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
0 notes
How to Work From Home Without Investment
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In today’s modern world working from home is becoming more popular than ever, for a lot of people myself included working a 9-5 just doesn’t balance out well, you feel like you don’t get to spend enough time at home with your partner or kids.
The problem is most people how no idea how to start a business working from home. Most people will ask themselves one of two questions
How to work from home without investment
How to work from home and earn money
Well the good news is they both have the same answer, Affiliate Marketing is the most popular home business and probably the easiest way to make money from home.
The biggest problem for newbies is learning how to become a successful affiliate marketer, there are many affiliate training platforms all over the internet today but many of them are nothing but scams or people just bragging about how much money they earn but can’t actually teach you anything.
The good news is there are good legitimate affiliate training programs out there, you just need to know which ones they are. Lucky for you i’m going to tell you which are the best affiliate training programs around today.
There are many different ways to work as an affiliate marketer, these include running adverts on the likes of Facebook, YouTube and google and many other places. Many affiliate marketers like to build an email list through funnels, typically they will offer a free ebook and to retrieve it you have to enter your email address so then once they have your email they can market other others to you.
Now you’re reading this because it says how to work from home without investment and the answer to that is building your very own website.
I know that might sound a bit scary if you’ve never done that before but with the right training its very easy and fast to get a website up and running, If you started now you could have a website up and running within a couple of hours for free.
OK so now your thinking well what are these training programs, well i have written reviews on them all for you to have a read of the individual programs and see which one suits your needs best and don’t worry there not long-drawn-out reviews i like to keep them short and sweet so not to bore the reader.
OK so the programs that work using Facebook are
Commission Hero
Super Affiliate System
Clickbank University
There are others out there but these are by far the best ones.
If you want to try build email list then i would suggest
If you want to build your own website then you can join this program for free
Wealthy Affiliate
I suggest you take your time and have a read through each of the reviews ( just click the link ) before making up your mind.
I hope this has been useful for you and if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below and i will get back to you
Gary David
0 notes
How to Find Keywords for Blogging
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Being a blogger is not an easy task and if you don’t use the correct keywords then your just wasting your time and effort.
If like most bloggers you’re making your income through affiliate programs or at least trying to make an income then google keywords just isn’t going to work for you because it isn’t an affiliate tool.
Jaaxy is a keyword tool designed for affiliates by affiliates and its by far the best keyword tool I have used as an affiliate marketer and blogger.
Jaaxy comes with a free starter membership so its risk free to give it a try. Jaaxy is not just for keywords it has many other beneficial features including
SITE RANK – Track historical rankings. Monitor your website Authority
MY KEYWORDS LIST – Create and manage powerful lists of keywords
SEARCH ANALYSIS – Analyze your competition, discover SEO trends
ALPHABET SOUP – Uncover millions of niches and keywords
BRAINSTORM HQ – Find trending, popular and lucrative ideas
AFFILIATE PROGRAM – Search and find relevant affiliate programs in your niche
If you would like to find out how to build a successful website as a blogger or affiliate marketer check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate where you can learn everything about building websites and blogging successfully for free.
Please feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions and I will get back to you.
I hope this has been helpful and thanks for reading
Gary David
0 notes
Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020 – Best Affiliate Marketing Program For Beginners
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Wealthy Affiliate – The Info
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Owners: Kyle & Carson
Website URL: www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Price: Starter Member (free), Premium Membership ($49/mth)
GaryDavidAffiliatePro.com Rating: 98 out of 100
What You Will Learn From Wealthy Affiliate
When you become an affiliate marketer you get your own personal link to the product that your trying to sell but you need people to click that link which means you have to advertise it. The most common forms of advertising are paid adverts on Facebook or google and other similar platforms but this can be very expensive.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to advertise for free by building your own website. The training is done by video tutorials which talk you through every aspect from creating your website to setting it up for seo to how to research keywords and even how to right an article or review.
What You Get With The Program
Training: This is done through video tutorials in which there are hundreds of covering every topic
Websites: you can build 2 websites on the free membership or 10 as a premium member
Live Events: This is live training so your able to ask any questions you may have
Research: You have access to the best key word finder available plus much more
Affiliate Program: You get a commission on every member you refer who goes premium
Live Chat: You have access to the Wealthy Affiliate community who are very helpful
Help Center: There’s always someone to guide you if you get stuck with anything
Plus a lot more…
My Opinion on Wealthy Affiliate
I started out as an affiliate marketer 4 years ago and I have been involved with a number of different affiliate programs. The first program I was with basically convinced me that I would get very rich if I worked with them but after a year I had spent thousands to join them and on Facebook adverts but never made any money so eventually I decided to part ways with them.
I spent the next couple of years jumping from program to program where they all made the same claims of making you rich but there was never any training they just give you a link and tell you to plaster it all over Facebook.
I eventually decided to give Wealthy Affiliate a go and it was the best decision I have made in my online journey. They don’t make any promises about making you rich but they give you all the training and tools to make it happen if your willing to put the effort in.
I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone looking to get involved in affiliate marketing or maybe your already involved and just a little lost like I was.
You have nothing to lose on a free membership which gives you plenty to get started and decide if Wealthy Affiliate is for you or not.
If you have any questions at all please feel free to leave them in the comments section and I will get back to you.
Click Here to get a FREE membership
How to Claim Your Bonus…
When you join your FREE Starter Account, I am going to offer you a bonus if you do decide to become a PREMIUM member in the first 7 days (including a 59% discount). When you create your account at Wealthy Affiliate, I will be personally contacting you on your profile with my “hello” and some more information about WA, how to get help from me, and how to claim your bonus. Trust me, this is going to be some AWESOME stuff. You will never know what you have been missing all of these years until you step foot inside of Wealthy Affiliate.
Gary David
0 notes
How Can I Make Money Online
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Everyone who works online today started by asking themselves how can I make money online. I am no exception, I asked myself how can I make money online four years ago and I am so very glad I did. I will start by listing some ways of making money online and then I will tell you my story of how I make money online.
Ways To Make Money Online
Affiliate Marketing
Online Market Trading
No Risk Matched Betting
Online Surveys
Start Your Own Website
Write And Publish A Kindle Book
Freelance Work
Buy And Sell On Ebay
YouTube Videos
Network Marketing
OK so there are just ten ways to make money online but believe me there are many more. I combine two of these ways to make my living online which are affiliate marketing and having my own website.
My Online Journey
I started researching how to make money online four years ago because my girlfriend was working abroad in Dubai and I wanted to live there with her, unfortunately I couldn’t find a job there so I thought maybe I can make money online.
I started talking to a man who was a member of a group called ceo movement and he made it sound like a great group to work with, so after talking to some other members and watching a webinar I decided to join.
The community within ceo movement was very friendly and they had a good training platform but it was based around Facebook adverts so it was very costly. I ended up spending thousands firstly to join and then on running adverts but I never made any money at all in my time with them.
I should point out that there are many successful people within ceo movement but it is a specialized niche and a very expensive one. They only have one product which is a water purifier that cost seven thousand pounds but they advertise as an online business and to join the business you have to buy the water machine. Many people call it a pyramid scheme and maybe it is but whatever it is it wasn’t for me so I left.
After leaving ceo movement I joined a few other groups on Facebook none worth mentioning before I found Clickbank university 2.0. For me this was a great find its reasonably priced and you learn so much about marketing through video tutorials such as Facebook adverts and building email lists and landing pages, you also have access to the Clickbank affiliate program which in my opinion is the best place to be if your an affiliate marketer.
At this point I had learnt a lot about paid adverts but I wanted to learn how to advertise for free and the answer to that is building your own website.
I knew nothing about building a website so after doing my research I found a program called Wealthy Affiliate which through video tutorials and live classes which you can ask questions in and also the community within Wealthy Affiliate you learn every thing about building a successful website from building the website to setting it up for seo to researching keywords and even how to write articles and reviews.
So by combining ClickBank and Wealthy Affiliate I am able to make a good living online. I hope this has been helpful for you and if you have any questions at all please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
To learn more about ClickBank University CLICK HERE
To check out my Wealthy Affiliate review CLICK HERE
Gary David
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Legit Affiliate Programs
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The problem with trying to get into affiliate marketing today is that there are so many affiliate programs out there you don’t know which one is best for you or even which ones are legit and which ones are scams.
If you find yourself in this position believe me when I say your not the only one, we have all been there in our online journeys.
The problem with joining the wrong program is that your not just wasting money and your time sometimes months or even years but your not making money either and if your promoting a scam then you’re damaging your reputation right from the start.
So a couple of things to look out for when getting into affiliate marketing
Get Rich Quick Schemes
If it’s a program that’s promising to make you a millionaire then it’s a pretty good bet it’s a scam, most of these are done on Facebook by people just sharing links in groups. There is no training with them your just told to share links and you’ll earn x amount of money for everyone you sign up.
The problem is no one is going to sign up because there is nothing to these programs so your wasting your money and time on them.
Fake Affiliate Marketing Training
There are literally hundreds of guys out there trying to sell you their own unique affiliate training programs. Most of these are garbage and a complete waste of time and money.
They all offer you a course or webinar or maybe an ebook but most are just a rip off, make sure you do your research before joining any of them.
You won’t actually learn anything from these your just wasting money on lessons that don’t action anything. You should always join a well-known and respected program.
Tried And Trusted Affiliate Training Programs
So like I said earlier we have all been there and that includes me, I wasted the first twelve months of my online journey with a program that sounded legit because the guys running it were so good at talking and they really sell the idea to you but in the end it turned out to be a pyramid scam, only the guys at the top make the money.
After spending a fortune with them I joined a few different programs trying to find one that fit me, a lot of them were nothing more than scams but I did find some gems as well which i’m still a member of to this day.
So there are two programs that I am using and between them they cover all aspects of affiliate marketing.
The first one and also in my opinion the best one is Wealthy Affiliate which is for affiliates of all levels whether a complete newbie or a seasoned pro. Here you learn how to build a successful website which is great because your not spending money to advertise. They also have a great community there that really look after each other especially the newer members.
The second program also a very good one is Clickbank University which teaches you how to run successful Facebook ads and how to build email lists even how to run YouTube ads and they too have a great community that look after each other.
Both of these programs have live Q&A sessions so you can ask your questions and get your answers right then and there.
There is one more affiliate training program that I would like to mention to you, Commission Hero is run by Robby Blanchard who is the number one affiliate on clickbank.
Commission Hero is all about using Facebook to make your sales which can be very lucrative when done right, and Let’s face it Robby is the number one guy at this so you couldn’t ask for a better teacher.
You can read my reviews on each of these programs by clicking the links below
Wealthy Affiliate Review
Clickbank University Review
Commission Hero Review
I hope this has been of some help to you all and please feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions and I will get back to you.
Thanks for reading
Gary David
0 notes
Create a Website FREE Online
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Having your very own website is great for any business whether you’re selling physical products or digital, the problem is that most people have no idea where to even start to build a website.
If you have never built a website before the idea of trying to do so can be a scary thought but it shouldn’t be because its actually very straight forward.
Build a Website for FREE Online
OK so how does it sound if I tell you not only can you build your very own website for free but you can follow step by step video tutorials that walk you through every aspect of doing just that.
If you get started now you can have your own website live on the internet within the hour completely FREE.
How to Begin
Get your FREE Wealthy Affiliate Membership
Build your website
Enjoy the training and the community
Make sales
That’s really all there is to it, there’s no secret method to doing this. The website you’re reading this on right now I built with Wealthy Affiliate by watching the step by step training videos. If you want to build your own website then I highly recommend doing it with Wealthy Affiliate, the training is top class and so is the community and the support.
I hope this has been helpful and please feel free to leave a comment or question and I will get back to you.
Gary David
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How To Work Online At Home For Free
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How To Work Online At Home
There are many ways to work online from the comfort of your own home in todays modern world, but for me I feel the best and easiest way to work online from home is affiliate marketing.
If you don’t know what affiliate marketing is then basically you are advertising someone else’s product and when you make a sale you get paid a commission, I like this model of business because you don’t have to handle any product or make the sale or handle any after care that’s all done by the product owner.
The key to affiliate marketing is to find a good product that people want to buy but also a product that pays a good commission rate, some affiliate programs such as amazon only pay as little as 3% commission while other’s out there pay 75% or in some cases even 100%.
The problem with affiliate marketing is that people think it’s a simple case of getting your personal link to a product and then plastering it all over Facebook, if you do this not only are you not going to make any money but you will probably get your Facebook account shut down too.
Running a business online is no different to running a physical business, you need to learn everything about the model of business you choose which we do through taking courses.
There are no shortages of courses for affiliate marketing it seems every man and his dog is an expert today and they all have their own training course to offer, you have to be careful not to get one of these courses because I guarantee you won’t learn anything and you will spend a small fortune.
There are however half a dozen legit courses out there that offer real quality training, some of which I have taken my self. Below I will leave you links to reviews I have written on these half dozen legit courses.
ClickBank University 2.0
Commission Hero
Super Affiliate System
12 Minute Affiliate
Perpetual Income
OK so those 5 are the best paid affiliate training programs available today, some more expensive than other’s. Now I know what you’re thinking, the title of this article said “How To Work Online At Home For Free” and I won’t disappoint you because I have a program for you that is completely free to join that will teach you absolutely everything you need to know about affiliate marketing so that you can give up that 9-5 and work from the comfort of your own home.
Read My Review Here Of Wealthy Affiliate.
I really hope this helps you to begin your own online business and please feel free to leave any questions you might have in the comments section below and I will get back to you.
Gary David
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