gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
Something about how all social media is in the realm of extremistan. Thanks Taleb
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
Yeah nah I’m just jealous LMAO
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
Unpopular opinion; people fuck too much.
Why yes, I am a virgin, and yes I am touch deprived. How could you tell?
Both are my true, unfiltered, perhaps shitty take.
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
Kudos if anyone gave a shit enough. Anyways, just saw a post about listening to music. Yeah, I’ve cut down. Listening to music is great for when you want to drown out your thoughts or do some tedious task for a long ass time, and it’s not like I don’t absolutely love making music, but shit, your mind has to have some semblance of freedom from content created by others.
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
Yeah, if you’re thinking this type of rubbish, you need more human connection. You won’t get care from anything but others.
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
Does anyone unironically use tumblr live? If so, WHY? LMAO
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.”
— Ijeoma Umebinyuo
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
What of when you no longer feel guilty, just a tired disappointment?
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
What does it mean when we are addicted to making the same mistake over and over?
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
In order to forgive ourselves of our past mistakes, we gotta learn from em’. That means same stimulus, different response. Same input, different output. Same trigger, different reaction.
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
When your tulpa comes up with a solution to the problem that you would’ve never thought of, like “oh, that’s right, you’re another person. You can do that.” lol. 🤧
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
There is something profound to be said about the demiurge and the internet. The God Disk is not a grifter, but rather a man so wise he appears foolish. Because he is a fool, to love this world, to live a life of whimsy and wonder.
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
YEAH, this sums it up pretty damn well.
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gatsbyshinkawa · 10 months
The real secret to happiness is good human connection. Good relationships, whether it be friends or family. Even introverts need 1 or 2 friends.
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