gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Why are Cyber Crimes Increasing? Gaurav Upadhyay Answers
The number of cyber crimes are increasing every now and then. While it is essential to focus on the number of these, it is more important to identify why the cyber crimes are increasing. Well-learned in cyber security and cyber crimes, Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer has identified 5 surprising reasons why these attacks are on a rise.
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So, let us go ahead and find out what these 5 reasons are.
1. Not installing Security Softwares in Systems
Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer puts that a security software has become essential. Many users use their systems without installing a reliable security software. Online attackers can use an endless number of ways to access your system when the software is not in place.
2. Responding to Fraudulent Emails
It has been observed by Gaurav Upadhyay officer that fraudulent emails are being received increasingly. The problem is not in receiving these emails. The problem occurs when you reply to these emails. Seeking your interest, the person will request your information to make you an offer. Once you have shared your information, you become a victim.
3. Sharing Confidential Information on Calls
It is hard to deny that many of you get unknown calls. Sometimes in the name of a credit card and at other times in the hope of an exciting offer, the caller will demand access to your personal information. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam officer puts it that sharing even a bit of confidential information with the caller is enough to fall in the cyber crime trap.
4. Sharing Personal Information on Social Media Platforms
Social media platforms influence many, especially the younger generation. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer says that it is easy to know your whereabouts, what you do, where you live and work via these platforms. The people who are not careful in sharing their information are the most likely to be a victim of online harassment.
5. Clicking on Bogus Links
Have you ever surfed through websites that open a chain of bogus links? These links could very well be a scam. Gaurav Upadhyay officer informs that those who click on these links can easily invite viruses to their systems.
So, stay informed with Gaurav Upadhyay Pocso officer! Don’t fall victim to cyber crimes.
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
How can I Protect Myself from Cyber Crimes?
Cyber crimes are becoming a hotly debated issue in recent times. More and more people are becoming aware of cyber crimes. The people are turning to cyber security for protecting themselves against these attacks. Are you too protected against these? Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer’s cyber security tips will effectively protect you from such crimes.
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Read further to know what these cyber security tips are. 1. Create Strong Passwords for Your Accounts You all use different types of accounts these days. These accounts require a password for accessing. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam officer says that you should create strong passwords so that hacking your account becomes impossible. Also, ensure that you don’t use the same password for all your accounts. In case a hacker is able to crack an accounts password, he can access all your accounts if your password is the same for them. 2. Update Your System’s Software In the words of Gaurav Upadhyay officer, most of you use a computer or laptop. Keeping the software of your system is highly recommended by him. As and when a new software update is released, the security features improve. So the chances of a cyber attack reduce too. 3. Check Your Social Media Settings The next crucial tip by Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer is that you should always check the settings of your social media accounts. Ensure that your information on the social media platforms stays private. If not, the people you don’t know will be able to learn about you with ease. 4. Do not Share Your Identity Proof The chances of identity thefts increase considerably when you are not careful with your identity proofs like your voter ID card, Aadhaar card, etc. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer is of the opinion that you should keep such cards safely. Keeping a copy of these on your systems can also be risky at times. Following these 4 crucial cyber security tips by Gaurav Upadhyay Pocso officer can greatly secure you. With these, you can protect your accounts and information from falling into the wrong hands.
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Cyber Crimes You Need to be Aware of
Cyber crimes have been on a rise and can happen in many forms. Well-known Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer says that whether you are an employee, a business owner, a student, or a contractor, a cyber crime can attack you in several forms. For this reason, it becomes important to know the types of cyber crimes that are happening these days.
In this post, you will find the 4 most common cyber crimes.
1. Acquiring Confidential Information through Illegal Identities
One of the most common types of cyber crime is the obtaining of your confidential information. This is done through identities that seem real and legal but are not. Using your confidential information, the attacker will be able to use your accounts and credit card, says Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer. This cyber crime usually happens through fraud emails and bogus websites.
2. Robbing Money via Identity Thefts
Gaurav Upadhyay officer has shared that often when you are not careful, a person can use your identity. The person will then pretend to be you and easily withdraw money from your bank account. This is known as an identity theft.
3. Online Harassment by Cyberstalking
Social media is one of the means through which cyberstalking takes place. In cyberstalking, a person knows you through the information you share on social media. Using that information, the person will harass you online. For the sake of your safety and reputation, you will give in to what that person wants. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam officer opines that the younger generation, in particular, needs to be aware of how they are using their social media profiles.
4. Social Engineering to Access Account Information
In social engineering, the attacker will directly connect with you via calls or emails. Pretending to be genuine, the attacker will ask you for necessary information. Using that information he/she will find out everything possible and then access your account information. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS  informs that you should be very careful about such calls.
Being highly informed, Gaurav Upadhyay Pocso officer alerts everyone about cyber crimes. We hope this informative post was helpful to you!
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Be it in any part of the world, the probability is likely that your business is at the risk of a cyber attack especially when you have not secured it. Since your business means so much to you, you should just not sacrifice with its security. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam, an influential IPS officer, says that it is important for every business owner to grasp knowledge about cyber crimes and know the ways to prevent it.
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In this post, we will be sharing with you an overview of cyber crimes and their impact on your business.
How does a Cyber Attack Happen?
Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer, having an expert knowledge of cyber crimes and cyber security, says that cyber crimes can be carried out with your company’s internet and computers easily. Cyber attacks can also happen via your company’s hardware, data, and the personal devices of your employees connected to your systems. Surprisingly, cyber attacks can occur even when you use the same password for all our accounts.
What Happens When there is a Cyber Attack on Your Business?
In the event that a cyber attack is attempted on your business and is successful, you can lose your customer data. And when that happens, you may lose the trust of your customers and business contracts as well, as is put forward by Gaurav Upadhyay IPS officer.
Furthermore, Your corporate information will fall into unsafe hands. Your financial information like your credit card and bank account details will be misused. There may even be huge financial losses. According to Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam officer, the reputation of your business will begin to suffer. As a result, your profits and sales will reduce too.
How can You Secure Your Business from Cyber Crimes?
In the words of Gaurav Upadhyay IPS, cyber security is one great way to skip the cyber attacks. Using the approach of cyber security, you can get security softwares to ensure the protection of your office computers. You can encrypt your wi-fi and secure your important data.
All in all, you can limit cyber attacks from harming your business. For more information, Check Gaurav Upadhyay Pocso
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
There have been various instances where the spy cameras and other listening devices were used for privacy for unsuspected individuals.
Mr. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Officer, has explained it even more effectively:
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There are many hotel owners that compromise on privacy and try to invade customer’s secrecy by filming them through cameras and microphones. Another example is when the landlord photographs the girls via hidden or even mini devices such as spy cameras to infringe on privacy.
There is a pool of instances that come up to the surface. There are varied prisms of cyber-related laws for the same that most people need to woke for. India has the Information Technology Act, 2000 which works as the primary law to deal with cyberspace. It was amended in 2008, as per IT Act, 2000. It says;
Section 2: Definitions: (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
Section 2 (i): Any electronic gadget such as a computer, laptop, microphone, or any high-speed data that has the ability to process the arithmetic or other memory functions by manipulating magnetic, electronic, or optical impulses. However, this also includes communication facilities or any computer network.
It may even include any kind of digital camera (yes, that consists of the spy camera, as well) or any mobile device which comes under the huge umbrella of “electronic device” as stated above.
Section 2 (o): Any kind of data which is a depiction of knowledge, facts, concepts, instructions, information, etc. is prepared in a formal manner. When processed later ina computer system or computer network or in any form, which comprises of the computer printouts magnetic or optical storage media, punched cards, punched tapes, etc. Or even what is stored in the internal memory of the computer.
Section 2 (v): There is a multitude of information that may include data, codes, computer programmes, software, images, sound, voice, and databases or micro film or computer-generated microfiche.
However, there has been no act made so far to deal with the use of digital cameras.
Are Spy Cameras and Micro-phones an Offence under the Indian Laws?
The Section 66 E of the Information Technology Act, 2000 says;
“The punishment will be given against the violation of the policy. Thus, whoever knowingly tries to capture, publish, or transmit the image of a private body part of any individual without the consent shall be punished with imprisonment that may increase up to three years and including the fine of two lakh rupees, or both.
Make sure that you adapt to the standard procedure that we have described above. This will help you in detecting such devices. It may take up to a few minutes, but it will save you and ensure privacy for the latter. Protect yourself and your family and friends with Spy and Hidden Cameras.
For more info, follow us on Crunchbase
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Top 5 Emerging Cyber Areas by Gaurav Upadhyay
All the cyber security teams are struggling across the globe to make an impact.
How does it feel to live in a dangerous world? Mr. Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Officer explains the top 5 emerging cyber areas that are doing rounds now a day. Let’s have a look.
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It refers to online cyber protest that most people indulge in by having a social or political end. Yes, it uses the latest technologies in the market such as, NFC which refers to the near field communication. Yes, it also includes mobile applications, end to end encryption decentralized with social media, etc. It is done via Saj devices and applications in order to promote the political or social agenda or any changes. Let’s help you make it understand better through an example;
Spring Uprising in which there were a series of anti-government protests in North Africa and the Middle East. Usually, hactivism is Relatives to free speech, environmental concerns, human rights, migration issues, etc.
Spear phishing:
This is in charge of contrast with the bulk phishing. There are many specific and titties such as blue-chip corporate or many other individuals that indulge in spear phishing. Generally, it is accompanied by social and engineering techniques that help in intensifying the effectiveness. To make it simpler, we have tried to cover an example for you;
Fancy Bear group used spear-phishing For targeting email accounts that were linked to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in the year, 2016.
Just storm, wailing, refers to somewhat similar to the previous point is spear phishing only. It helps in attacking specific high-profile targets such as CEOs, senior executives, etc. One of the ultimate goals is to find out if it is true or not is financial direct extortion. This will help in executing competitive partners to ruin the reputation of other people.
Juice Jacking:
This is one of the cyber attack techniques that is used in free public smartphone charging kiosks. Yes, it installs on malware software with the help of a USB charging port. For the going, all the malware copies of the data collected from the phone or any electronic devices are forwarded and lead. The technology that is required in compromising a public USB charging port has been made available in the industry. It has been one of the greatest threats to society. Juice jacking has been a troublesome issue that has been faced by many people over the last few years!
AI Fuzzing:
It is one of the sophisticated techniques that is used by cybersecurity experts. Yes, it is used in a controlled environment like any lab to discover multiple vulnerabilities in software or hardware interfaces and other applications. Oh, and they accomplish all of this by injecting an invalid and unexpected import to the interface what is the program that they are using. It helps in monitoring all the events that consist of all the buffer overflows and all the crashes followed later. After some time, the vulnerabilities are patched to stop themselves from breaching any kind of data.
It is important to keep the information on what is going around you when it comes to the cyber crime. Because the increasing use of digital assets now a days is leading to increase in cyber crimes.
Stay safe, stay woke! For more infor, check Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
COVID-19 and Cyber Crimes Against Women
Let’s go back to the time where Indian mythology used to tell us that women were treated with great dignity and name. All the Vedas and greek mythology are addressed by women as ‘Goddess’ or ‘Devi’. If there was any mistreatment done or seen it was treated as a derogatory term for the entire society she belonged to. But later in those years after a few millennia, the case didn’t see likewise.
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There are so many perpetrators that are hidden behind the screens of mobile phones. There is no stringent solution to deal with cyber crimes against women effectively. Here are some of the cyber crimes explained by Mr. Gaurav Updhayay IPS Officer that are faced against women. Please have a look! Cyber Stalking: It refers to when a man starts following a woman or attempts to contact her through the internet or initiate personal interaction even after she has clearly shown no interest towards him. The man also monitors a woman’s use of the internet, in some cases. Cyber Pornography: It refers to publishing, creating, editing, distributing, and sharing sexually explicit content with other people or over the internet. Morphing: When a perpetrator tries to edit a victim‘s picture, it can be into numerous compromising positions. These pictures are referred as morphed. Morphing is later followed by blackmailing the victim and asking for unwanted sexual favors.
Online Harassment: Many times there is a pool of cybercrimes that happen on a daily basis in the form of threats, defamatory content, derogatory comment, message bombing, unwanted favors, etc.
Voyeurism: When a video or a picture of a woman is recorded while she is engaging in a private act under the impression that she is not been observed by any other third person. This process is known as voyeurism. Online Defamation: Defamation in any statement falls. When people may differ and post negative or derogatory statements, posts, comments, pictures, etc. on any of the online platforms. All of this falls under the category and the huge umbrella of online defamation.
Yes, it can be hard to segregate different types of cybercrimes as there are a dozen of acts that involve under one type. Although, this can be overlapped with multiple other acts.
Our suggestions
Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam says, that there should be following suggestions prevalent in prevention of the cybercrime against women. You can follow these: * Creating awareness through varied campaigns and programs, offline as well as online can be a remedy for the cybercrime victims. * These processes should cover a great security practice with the understanding of all the existing laws possible. * Formulation and implementation of the policies that can identify such cases and help the victims. * Try contacting quantitative and qualitative research in understanding the issues that are faced by these victims. One needs to understand that cybercrime is a serious threat to society. Therefore, stringent laws should be made and taken against these criminals. It is not the time to ignore these blocks and should be reported immediately. For more info, check Gaurav Upadhyay Pocso
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Protect your webcam from hackers with these 5 tips
The spying eyes are everywhere and we cannot deny that either for the listening years!
Perhaps, it can be a nightmare for somebody who thinks that it can be in vision to their privacy. Home is the place where an individual feels safe and lives with utmost care with his/her loved ones.
Gaurav Upadhayay IPS explains how can you protect your Webcam from hackers and share a few tips and tricks. Read further to know more!
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5 tips to a safer webcam
· Make sure that you are keeping control of all the connected lenses inside and outside of your home. Take a notch up, and try for strong security as a strong tip.
· understand how a security option works for every kind of device. Try reviewing each and every default setting. Whenever you set up the new devices, you can employ the protection coverage from start to end. Try using that as your initial point. Certainly, if you find that it is restricting your device from the usage, you can always dial back the security to a comfortable setting.
· Always use the firmware and the software of the relative device and try updating the same immediately. One of the common reasons for all such updates is security improvement.
· There are so many strong and unique passwords that are used for all kinds of accounts. However, it will help in an especially changing the passwords for the devices that will come along with the router and the other WebCam. This might sound tempting to use but make sure that you do not use the same password across different accounts. You can always take help from a password manager to remember all your login credentials. They shall keep the security top-notch at the same time. Always make sure that you are enabling the two-factor authentication before you get started.
· One should know all the tell-tale signs of fishing is that you should know all the scams that you can avoid at all times. If a hacker tries to assume, take control of the WebCam, he or she can take the remote access Trojan. It comes under the TL: DR of the phishing defense. Make sure that you are considerate enough of all the links and the downloads that you email text anybody.
Bonus tip:
It is always a great idea to keep a check on the database like Avast Hack Check, every once in a while. Always be cancelled rate that no information has been breached from your account. Keep changing your passwords frequently and make a note of the same.
It can become axiomatic. The more devices that are connected to your home, it becomes more easy for the carrier hackers to crack likewise! For more info, check Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Types of Cyber Crimes in India 2020
This goes without a doubt that the cyber world has been treacherous than ever! We have seen a multiple numbers of cyber crimes emerging on a daily basis. After COVID-19, it has been seen a rise in the cyber crime rate.
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Gaurav Upadhyay IPS, one of the well-known IPS officer explains how the documentation stands out and what all cyber crimes have been continued since the last few decades. Read further to know more about these crimes that are still prevalent in India.
We have classified cyber crimes in 3 types:
Type 1: Email related crimes
It has the ease of speedy emails that can be sent out. Fraudsters have a potent weapon in their hands. Let’s describe more about such email related cyber crimes in detail!
Email spoofing:
Email spoofing refers to the forgery of the email headers such that the message that appears seems to be plagiarised from the actual source. Yes, it can be used in phishing attacks.
Phishing/ Vishing:
This is yet another attempt of disclosing more sensitive information such as passwords, usernames, credit or debit card details, etc. by recognizing oneself as a trustworthy commodity or entity. It includes spoofing of the personal information and the attackers achieve their OTP, PIN, UPI, and other details.
Unfortunately, our country still does not have any anti-spamming law until the date. This process includes repeated messages through Various communication channels such as SMSes, blogs, social media, etc.
Type 2: Financial Frauds
Ever heard of unauthorized financial transactions? This comes under financial fraud. In most of the cases, these fraudsters try to impersonate authority figures such as the company or the bank manager, army official, etc. Few of the examples quoted are:
* UPI based frauds
* OLX frauds
* OTP frauds
* Vishing Frauds
* QR Code Frauds
* COVID-19 Frauds
* FASTag Frauds etc
Data Leakage:
Data spilling is also known as a data breach. It simply refers to the sharing of the unauthorized distribution of the information to other sources or the third-party provider. This leakage may consist of the passwords, financial information, name, card details, etc.
It refers to the stealing of commodities through electronic stores such as the e-commerce market. Many hackers try to exploit the website through e-shoplifting. These consist of:
* Inappropriate session or state tracking.
* Improper utilization of cookies.
* Weakness in client side scripting.
* Poor database integration
* Poor input validation.
Online Gambling:
Online gambling is illegal in India. Yet, as sad it is to hear many citizens violate the laws and try to bind with illegal practises. Gambling has taken a technology curve and has started to flourish through many lesser-known messenger apps.
Type 3: Others Cyber Crimes
Cyber defamation:
The defamation of section 499 of the IPC comes under the cyber crime, cyber defamation. It is considered as one of the worst forms of defamation as it has an electronic angle associated alongside. Some of the elements that we found out in such defamation are:
* Statement must be false and defamatory.
* Statement must be published.
* Statement must have a reference of the victim in it.
Cyber bullying:
Many people feel like social media is the best space to harass or bully somebody. This may include physical threats or the defamation of the products or services as well. Threatening, humiliating, harassing the victim and to make them angry and depressed is their only goal. It results in lower self-esteem and even more suicidal thoughts. Cyber bullying is most common among teenagers.
Cyber pornography:
In the eyes of law, pornography is equivalent to obscenity. As the greek roots state “Porne and graphos” which includes the illegal and sexually explicit pictures, movies, and videos. Indeed, this is banned in our country and is considered as indecent amongst the public. Cyber pornography comes under the crime section of 67 A and 67 B of the IT Act 2000.
The above are few of the cyber crimes; there is no doubt that every opportunity comes with its limitations which goes with the cyber world also. So it is important for us to save ourselves from these crimes by upgrading ourselves.
For more info, check Gaurav Upadhyay IPS Assam
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Breaching of data is not under our control. So, we can pity and yet, we have to accept as it comes. It is beyond the authority. As Per Mr. Gaurav Upadhyay (An IPS Officer) data breaches are very common these days because of increasing use of internet. Although it is very tough to control on these breaches and the only solution is to make ourselves aware on how can we avoid these breaches and secure our important and private information.
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How do Data Breaches happen?
Many users provide their sensitive data such as email addresses, phone number, credit card details, permanent addresses, etc. When we share this data online, we are ghosted with a belief that the entities will keep it confidential and our shared information will be secured from any third-party vendor or individual. In such ways, a vast amount of confidential data is illegally accessed by zillions of hackers across the globe.
In the worst-case scenario, it is also sold on various websites and underground forums.
Other reasons for data breaches include:
Multiple entry points: Various companies try to access the data from multiple locations and potential devices.
High volume of malicious activity: Did You Know? There are more than a million malicious software that are published every day. It makes it twice the difficulty level that it gives threats at a new dimension.
How Can You Prevent Data Breaches from Happening?
This happens even at huge corporations or even the government is not protected against these illegal hackers that can access all the information. Since we do not have any control over these resources, you can simply safeguard the data shared by asking them to take necessary steps.
Recent Examples of Data Breaches:
Some of the few common examples are reported every time. We have created a list of a few of the common data breaches. Please have a look!
Marriott International
Let’s delve deeper and understand how the entities are responsible for the same various huge companies such as eBay, and LinkedIn and many others have got their information exposed with a list of more than 150 million users signed up with them.
Once the fallout happens, they take strict measures with encrypted passwords and ask the customers to change the passwords immediately.
After all of this, there can be scams, corporate espionage, identity thefts, etc. All these cybercriminals gather minute details and prospects through various technologies. The result comes as a fraudulent practice of withdrawing the money.
Make sure that you are living completely off the grid to save yourself from the breaching of the data. You can also consult with the IPS officers like Gaurav Upadhay IPS. If you take all the steps that are mentioned above, it will certainly help you to minimize the risk.
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
We all heard about rapes and much more voice news on an everyday basis. Following was one such case and was breakthrough by the KarbiAnglong. For more info, Visit us at: http://gauravupadhyay.com/
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
We all heard about rapes and much more voice news on an everyday basis. Following was one such case and was breakthrough by the KarbiAnglong. Basically, there was a gang rape incident that happened in the region of Diphu. The name of these culprits was as follows ChesongIngti, Tenison Ingti, and Birsing Bey.
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
We all heard about rapes and much more voice news on an everyday basis. Following was one such case and was breakthrough by the KarbiAnglong. For more info, Visit us at: http://gauravupadhyay.com/
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Gaurav Upadhyay as one of the resourceful individuals who took an interest in such cases. Gaurav Upadhyay and the team ended up getting connected and helped her to get reunited with her beloved family.
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Gaurav Upadhyay as one of the resourceful individuals who took an interest in such cases. Gaurav Upadhyay and the team ended up getting connected and helped her to get reunited with her beloved family.
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
Gaurav Upadhyay as one of the resourceful individuals who took an interest in such cases. Gaurav Upadhyay and the team ended up getting connected and helped her to get reunited with her beloved family.
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gauravupadhayips · 4 years
In the words of Mr. Gaurav Upadhyay, “I never dreamt of success, I worked for it!”
Gaurav Upadhyay IPS explains how risks are an essential factor to reach one step closer to success.
This IPS officer has worked for perfection and hustled its way in order to persuade fearlessness and all the missions that he has aborted until now. Be it the forensic crimes or rapes, criminology, etc. Upadhyay believes that one should vouch for quality work whatever he/she has been assigned by the authorities. The individual shouldn’t be liable to the expectations of the society but work for it eventually to stay ahead in the game and be responsible as a leader.
He simply explained,
“If you wish to create history, you need to do something different than others. make sure that you are speaking up for yourself even if everybody is against your viewpoint. Put your points and one should never speak against injustice in order to tolerate everything that life has in store. The cyclic theories should not remain the same, it should constantly be updated with time and again!
You have to create your own mark!
Life will throw multiple challenges at you. Be it your workplace, or working for the country or state like me. One should know how to deal with the gender bias or any societal pressure. He/She should be able to manage the working hours. At the position of an IPS officer, it is important to give priority to the nation but is said that it is equally important to give time to your family. So, you need to create a balance between your personal and professional life. Gaurav Upadhyay sends out an inspiring and an excellent message for all the millennials out there or the aspirants – ‘Never give up on your dreams! Always remember why have you started.’ Work hard every day to make your dreams come true and achieve your goals at the right place.
He also imbibes young children to pursue their passion. He suggests do not let the fear take over the objective of achieving your dreams. There is no limit to what can you achieve.
It takes patience to resolve projects that come on board. Gaurav tries to make the most of the challenges whatever comes at any given point of time. And he says,
‘One should always be prepared to take risks. Making mistakes is humane! That’s how you foster in your life. Except for your flaws and get ready for new challenges by being strong-headed on a daily basis. The outside world has cutthroat competition. But it doesn’t mean that you will stop ever!’
So, what’s stopping you today?
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