gauribhalekar · 4 years
American Business Association,Inc builds innovative phenomena to encash exorbitant money online
The group is promoted by a seasoned ex techno banker Anim Akhtar Ali Khan with work experience of around 20 years in Banking , Professional Consulting, Core Management & International Strategy in more than 5 countries. Indian business magnate, technology specialist, banker, and philanthropist Anim is best known as the founder of PerPayment.com, Fundacle.com,  HireKhan.com & ABACert.com.
During his career at major banks in India & Middle East he was heading technology department, Anim has vision for socio economic tech products, which would create jobs & enable access to funding for businesses worldwide.
Anim owns 100 % Ownership of PerPayment, HireKhan, Fundacle & ABACert.
With past working experience at management level in major banking technology players like BVQI, IndusInd Bank, Emirates NBD Bank Dubai, Masraf Al Rayan Bank Qatar, Neogrowth Credit NBFC India.
Anim with his team started this socio economic technology product journey around 10 years ago in feb’2010 the team identified for next two years from 2010 – 2012 gaps in the fintech ,outsourcing and business trust ecosystem.
We undertake to innovate and introduce new research based products and services. The goal is typically to take new products and services to market with global impact to fill the untapped market.
Based on 2 years research from 2013 to 2020, three products were complete with international level acceptance Fundacle -Fintech , HireKhan – HR Tech & ABAcert – Business Trust. The launch pad for all three products would be PerPayment.com
Our Business Model is through Country Level License Sale of Joint Venture Partnerships, Financial Consortium & Global Stake Sale in major countries across the world. We provide Framework and Operational Support to our JV partners and they Execute and Market it.
On sale of the Stake, we would accept directors from the investors and provide international audit of the company.
American Business Association, Inc.  registered in United States undertakes to Innovate and Introduce new Research Based Tech Products and Services with Global Impact to fill the untapped market.
American Business Association is a conglomerate with businesses in HRTech, Fintech, Credit Rating and Business Consulting with separate companies.
With a new-age digital business model, ABA plans to expand in 180+ countries. The digital native has already developed platform cater to:
PerPayment is a launch pad for satellite products Fundacle, HireKhan, ABACert.
PerPayment is an advertisement program run by American Business Association Inc through which website publishers display text, images, video advertisements on their Website or Social Media Channels and generate revenue on a per conversion basis.
It enables small websites and businesses that do not have sufficient resources or other major sources of revenue to generate advertising revenue.
The Simplest Way to Make Money Online through Website / App Monetization, Social Media Influencer Marketing & Ads Trading Platform.
Now Grow Your Money Online & Get Paid up to $ 299Per Conversion
So, How does it work?
§  PerPayment provides Ads for three major platforms
§  HireKhan.com , the AI based HR & Technology Outsourcing Platform
§  Fundacle.com, the Financial Networking Platform for FundSeekers & Investors
§  ABACERT.com , the Business Trust & Verification Platform
It’s Free. PerPayment AdSell Network as an alternate to Google AdSense provides avenue to advertisers to earn an extra income
You can give Text Ads, Image Ads & Video Ads on your website / apps. For every monetary deal on any of the three AdSell Network products by clicking on the Ads displayed on your website, App or social media channels, you will earn up to $ 299.
For Website Publishers:
     Choose the Ad type that best suit you (Flash the names of the Ad Types on screen – Text ads, Image ads, Video Ads)
o   Select the platform you wish to show Ads on your website / app & Click download code
o   Copy the code on your server
o   Deal Done
o   Earn per Conversion
Earn up to $ 299on Per Payment Basis
It’s Free. PerPayment AdSell Network as a Social Media Influencer provides avenue to share on Social Media to earn extra income
For Social Media Influencers:
•          Select the platform you wish to become influencer on social media
·             Copy Paste the Code on all your social networking accounts like facebook, twitter…
•          That All
•          Earn per Conversion
Earn up to $ 299on Per Payment Basis
Investment in PerPayment AdNetwork Trading Platform to earn extra income
§  Display HireKhan, Fundacle or ABACert Ads on global AdNetworks
§  Select the platform you wish give paid Ads on Global AdNetworks like Google, Facebook, Twitter Ad
§  Hire Dedicated PerPayment Account Manager who will configure your ads & be your point of contact
§  Once Ads are configured, Recharge the Global AdNetworks yourself based on your budget
§  Earn per Conversion
You can track every impression & payment in View Income Analytics in PerPayment Dashboard
Earn up to $ 299on Per Payment Basis
Make Money & Create Social Avenues on Job, Funding & Business Trust.
PerPayment is an opportunity for Website / Apps rejected by Google AdSense and Not happy with the income so made, Philanthropists, Government, Semi Government, Corporates, Mutual Funds, SME, MSME to monetize
For further information please view PerPayment Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtZFPftFKac
For PerPayment Revenue Model please view PerPayment Revenue Model Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFw6mpRw_fo
PerPayment Advantages
-       An Alternate to Google Adsense
-       An Ads Trading Platform which can be collaborated with Top 10 Ad Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads etc.
-       Avenue for Advertisers to generate more revenue
-       Opportunity for Investors for diversification of Funds
-       Tool for Jobs & Funding avenue creation in Covid-19
-       Tool for Covid-19 Bulk Supplier Verification and Legitimate Businesses and Websites
Per Payment Ads Products
In fact as a CIO of a bank in Anim’s past experience, he faced certain issues with service delivery by major IT Vendors which at that point he wanted someone to fix. And Like they say that Solutions come from Problems – Innovations are born out of Gaps in the existing scenario and hence the Birth of HireKhan took place giving a vent into 850 Job Industries worldwide WITH A BIGGER AIM TO MAKE A PRODUCT THAT HAVE A SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT ON THE SOCIETY.
HireKhan is a complete package for all Outsourcing and HR Requirements, available in 12 International Languages.
Today everything is available online from a needle to an apartment and the reason online platforms are booming is because of their accessibility 24/7, convenience of logistics and flexible hassle-free buying. So same customer satisfaction and convenience in collaboration with the latest AI Powered technology, we are trying to incorporate with respect to outsourcing of Manpower, BPO and IT Projects.
Then we have created the Online Platform for Candidate background verification called the HK CV wherein, a unique customized weblink is created per candidate and on just a click of a button, a complete authentic background report will be out for a person. And the kind of disruptive pricing plans we are coming up with, it will be a breakthrough in the employee verification segment.
Thirdly, we have the Job Portal for Employers where Employers can do a very refined Candidate Search and Job Postings which is integrated with the HireKhan Job seeker mobile App – Live on Android and iOS.
Now here again, we are bringing the world a lot closer. This is going to be a global platform for employers and job seekers. So anybody looking for a job anywhere in the world  - right from a Security Guard to a CEO and vice versa,  - HireKhan Job Portal and Job Seeker App will be a one stop shop. The App is going to be in 12 major international languages and Plus Hindi with special categories for women to work from home, ex Defence and Retired personnel and differently abled people.
HireKhan is the only DOT COM gateway to India for its highly efficient and cost effective availability of talent which is also an untapped market for many countries where quality IT Services have not yet reached.
The HireKhan.com Package is designed to create jobs locally in the country of JV launch and provides gateway to world's best technology data bank -­‐ India, Ukraine, Malaysia etc. Besides, this will also bring foreign investments.
HireKhan Manpower Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dClYjursp48
HireKhan BPO Product Video          - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I_ZuTWGLeY
HireKhan Projects Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhk1Ee4DaIY
Welcome to Fundacle, World’s No.1 Investment & Funding Marketplace
A Financial Networking Platform With Unlimited Opportunities, Creating the best environment ever for new business ventures to kick off
and existing business to expand and grow which would enhance the global financial ecosystem by helping innovators and businessmen to arrange money for new ventures or for business expansion and investors to find the right business proposals for funding
Now fundseekers can put the first proposal for free and Realize their dreams at no cost while Investors access up to Four logins per day at zero registration fee
With the introduction of Global Business Plan Account Number (BPAN) System, standardized business proposals are available for the investors or banks to view at just a click of a button.
With such a platform like facebook for financial networking, entrepreneurs and investors across the globe could connect to each other and create endless opportunities
This was the idea behind Fundacle.com
World’s No.1 Investment & Funding Marketplace which will bring Innovators, Businessmen, Business sellers,  Fundacle agents and Investors on a single financial Networking Platform
So, How does it works?
People who want to start a new venture, grow their businesses or even sell their business can post well planned business proposals and showcase to investors from One hundred and Ninety Five Countries and Eight hundred and fifty verticals across the world and will stand a better chance to get funded
Investors can find better business proposals options from eight hundred and fifty plus Business verticals
Our Fundacle agents would help people in creating business proposals or arranging funds
Companies can make money by distributing Fundacle.com coupon codes to their existing Ad campaigns, Products or social media
Fundacle is available world-wide through website and global app
Now everyone across the globe get to be a part of mainstream Global Financial Ecosystem. Realize your dream venture with access to local and international investors and get the right business proposals to make better decision on funding
Fundacle – our tribute to this great spirit of humanity
Fundaclce Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEI6Gz6-yug
Welcome to ABACERT.COM The Business Trust & Verification Platform
A Global Business & Website Verification Agency that validates the Legitimacy of an Individual, a Business or a Website.
ABACERT - Your Partner in Building Brand & Trust
Business ABA Number, is a recognized Standard for Business Identification. Widely used by Business Customers, Vendors and Suppliers to review a Company’s Business Credit Profile.
ABA Number provide unique 9 Digit Number assigned to a business post verification of all company documents.
With ABA Number for Business Verification, get your Company’s Unique International Identity Validate Company Credentials @ABACERT and Instill Confidence in your Business Partners/Investors with Business ABA Number
Validate your Individual Credibility with Individual ABA number, A Unique Identifier for Proprietors
Also, if you want to find out the current operational status of your suppliers or business partners, get in touch with us for a Bulk Supplier Verification.
Now Abolish Fraud or Blacklisted Suppliers Safeguard your Payments with Bulk Supplier Verification @ABACERT
Not only this, now you can also increase your Website Conversions with the ABACERT Site Trust Seal Validate your Website & Convert Visitors into Buyers.
Establish Website Credibility & Grow Your Business Online
Get your company’s unique international identity with ABACERT – Your Partner in Building Brand & Trust
ABACert Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BldUaS4ahZg
Group Business Model
Our Business model is to operate world-wide through country level Joint Venture Partnership. The joint venture license sale could be a 5years, 10 years on(or) lifetime validity, wherein we provide a complete hand holding, operational support and framework to our JV Partners while our JV partners execute and market it.
The ABA Joint Venture Partner will take the complete ownership of the ABA’s various Tech Product verticals viz a viz the fundacle.com - A Fintech Platform for Fund Raising, HireKhan.com - HR Tech Platform for Outsourcing, abacert.com – a Business Credit Rating and Certification Platform.
PerPayment Revenue Model Product Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFw6mpRw_fo&t=6s
Stake Sale
PerPayment / Fundacle / HireKhan / ABACert company stake can be purchased by any Corporate / Government / Philanthropist.
We are looking to sell maximum 25 % Stake in below products with stake sale price mentioned in US Dollars
Legal Entity Name - Product
Stake Sale Price
American Business Association Inc – AdSell Network
25 % Global Stake for $ 140 Million
Fundacle Inc – Fintech Platform
25 % Global Stake for $ 100 Million
HireKhan Inc – HR Tech Platform
25 % Global Stake for $ 80 Million
ABACert Inc – Business Trust Platform
25 % Global Stake for $ 65 Million
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