gayboy9904-blog · 6 years
Red Leaf Clover   December 19th, 2009, My mom thinks it's a good idea to “write my emotions down on paper.” I think she’s full of crap but it's better than telling her about them. I have therapy every week on Tuesday where all I have to do is sit and talk about “how I feel,“ or “how my day was,” and other stuff she probably does not care about unless she gets paid. My job is better - I still hate my boss - but other than that I get paid five more dollars an hour so that's good. I have depression, anxiety, and signs of being suicidal so whenever she can my mom checks up on me saying “you okay?” or “wanna snack?” I’m tired of people asking me how my day was or if I’m okay. I just want to be normal. December 23rd, 2009, Today is my birthday, I’m fifteen today and as always I hate today. My dad was caught selling  drugs and was sent to prison for about 20 years and I just played video games and ate cake. An hour of playing Grand Theft Auto 4 and eating cake someone knocked on my door, it was three hard knocks like they ran all the way here. “Hello is this Rich’s house?” The boy’s voice had a sweet flavour to it, it was strange. “Yeah who is it?” I said hoping they left. “Can I come it?” He said with passion. “Sure?” I said as the door opened, and the boy was... I don’t know, he was something. “So why are you here?” I asked as he tried to get comfortable on my couch. “I wanted to come down and say hi, and ask if you wanted to be friends .” confused I keep moving in my seat feeling a little uneasy aground him but not in a bad way.”sure” I say “yeah” trying not to look happy about it.  he sits next to me and for some reason…….my heart start picking up speed….my face was burning and I was nervous talking to him, so I put in mortal kombat 9 and play it with him so we don’t talk about anything but the game. By 15 minutes of me beating him to a pulp in the game he says he has to go, “sorry man I gotta go me and my mom just moved here so we got some stuff to  unpack.” he makes a smile which makes me smile, and then…….my heart starts to speed up again. He walks out the door and I watch him disappear into the night like a plane disappears into the clouds when it gets off the ground. My mom walks in and says “how was your birthday?” I look at her and say “it was alright.” and then she leaves the room, but that boy…...I never felt like that's before around…...anyone……..he’s cute…….I like him. January 15th, 2010, It's really early and I’m making my mom breakfast, I finish to see the time it’s 7:30 am I put my backpack on and shoes and leave a note to tell my mom that I made her breakfast and leaves to go to school. I take my bike and ride it to school, than out of nowhere I see him…...I’m so focused on him I crash into a tree and scratch my leg, he hears the noise and runs to see if I’m okay. “Are you okay?” he says worried “yeah i’m fine.” ~no I’m not~“I’m gonna go to school want to walk with me?” his hair white hair blows in the cold air “yes” ~I would love to being honest~ “ how’s your day?” he says “it’s okay” ~better now~ where walking and all I do is look at him sometimes look to where i’m walking so I won’t die but I like looking at him. Where at the school and he’s asking me something but I can’t hear what he’s saying I just see his breathing and say yes. “Perfect see you at your house after school.” he walks away,  I walk in to my classes and work on tests and assignments but….all I can really think about is him sometimes the teachers would tell me to pay attention and shouting. “Mr. clover please pay attention!” I zoom up “yes sir.”  he nodes his head as he….falls asleep. As I walk out of the school he walks behind me and screams in my ear. “HELLO BRO!” it felt like it busted my ear drums but no matter what his voice was calming, “sup” he smiles a pretty smile “you okay?” I ask about to laugh but holding it in. “I have army of two for you” my face lights up as I grab the game from his hands screaming “ OH MY GOD THIS GAME IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES I HAVEN’T PLAYED IT IN 3 YEARS!!!!” he just starts laughing and walks ahead “hey”  he turns back at me “yeah?” “What’s your name?” he turns and  says “my name is ghost” I ask why he’s  named ghost he replies “it’s just a name I gave myself.” and he walks away disappearing once again. January 29th, 2010, “How are you Richard?” Mis.Ruby says I say good and she asked about my month and I say “pretty good, better than last.” she smiles and says good than I say “my birthday was….better.” Mis.Ruby looks at me with a face that says explain, “This kid…...came to my house and played video games with me.” I say face turning red “boy or girl?” I say boy while my face feels like it’s on fire. She smiles and writes it down, than erasses it. “That's good.” she says with a smile “what about your thoughts?” my face stops burning as soon as she said that. “I have…..done it…..” she puts her notebook down and says to me. “Look if you keep doing this I’m gonna have to turn you in.” I look up at her and basically scream  “NO!!!” I pull my arms to my chest and tear up. “I’m sorry but I have to but this is the last chance to stop this if not its the 3 moths to a year in green waters psychic housing I’m sorry.” I look at her and say okay i’ll try and leave, before I could go she gives me a button and a drink “you're a good kid I known you can do this.” I open the bottle of coke and take a sip while walking to my mom’s car, I get in and my mom looks at me with a concerned face. “Let me see?” I pull up my sleeves and red marks up and down my arm shine off my pale skin. “Get out..” my mom says about to cry. “What?” I say with confusion “GET OUT OF MY CAR NOW!” I step out of the car rolling down my sleeves and my mom’s car speeds away.   February 2nd, 2010 I’ve walked inside to see my mom on the floor….drunk , “mom?” she pops up with a look of disgust, “what do YOU want?” she looks at a half empty bottle of beer next to my feet, “nothing.” I leave the room to go to bed. The next morning I wake up too the smell of bacon, I put on my jacket because I can’t find a shirt and walk down stairs. “You want toast?” my mom tries to smile and not cry, “I’m sorry rich, is there anything I can do for you?” I look at her trying not to yell at her for what she did  yesterday but I smile and say “you can hand me a pancake?”  we both laugh. February 5th, 2010 Ghost pushes me to join a club, to be honest the only reason why I’m doing this is to get away from my mom and to be with ghost. “Hey, you okay?” he asked me and I jump “ye..yeah I’m fine.” he looks at me with his frozen blue eyes and my heart melts ( he just doesn't know it) he walked in a room and pointed to a bunch of people that I’ve seen in the hallways but never talked to. “This is max, philip, and jessie.” he smiles at me and yells “WELCOME TO THE SUPERNATURAL CLUB!!”  I say hi like the anti-social person I am and for the rest of the day I just sit there and watch people and they stare at me, than ghost says “you know what the club has a meeting tomorrow wanna come?” his face looks concerned for a bit then he smiles really quickly too cover up he’s sad I know because I do it. “Okay, I guess I can come.” he smiles and pull me to the group and we just start talking about ghost sightings, legunds, and huntings and for the first time in a while….I was happy and if never meet ghost than my life would be worse. After the meeting me a ghost raced to my house and ghost won, “hey what are you doing tomorrow?”  he asks me and I start to feel...warm “uhhh a movie?” his face looks surprised and turns red a little “like a date?” my face burns “m...maybe” he stepped closer to me with a smile “ you're gay?” my face burns and I step a little closer “I...I guess?” he puts his hand on my face and steps closer to me “well than why not.” ~his hand is so warm~ he comes closer to my face kissing me. My face melts off, “did I invade your personal space?” I look at him smirking, “shut up cute boy.” March 1st, 2010, I’ve been sleeping a ghost’s house for the passed month, it’s way better than at my mom’s because I have a real reason to wake up in the morning. He wake me up  with a huge smile. “How was your sleep?” he says smile growing wider “really good cute boy” I say as he blushes and turns to get some clothes to wear down stairs. “You looked peaceful, which is cute because you always look on edge.” he says as he puts on pants and a shirt. “Yeah I guess?” I replay as I  set up and get to the bathroom to take my meds and make sure that ghost doesn’t see me, after I get out and turn on ghosts ps3 and play fear than I put on a hoodie and go too my house too get some more clothes. As I walk in I see over 5 beer bottles on the floor and a note on the kitchen table and read it. “Dear waste of space of a son, your so pathetic you think that EVERYONE hates you well they do most of all I HATE YOU goodbye you, From no longer your mother.”  I crumble the paper up and throw it outside because I left the door open, and then break a beer bottle. At first I just picked up the piece of glass, then  i rolled up my sleeve and added a new mark……..”rich?” I look remembering that the door is open seeing ghost walk back and run, I run after him pulling my sleeve down but his house is an hour away from mine and by the time I got there  the police was there with my therapist. “Ghost?” I say as my face is overcome with tears and so is ghost. “Let’s go Richard.” I start to run and before I could get too the corner the police catch me. “NO PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO GO!!!!!” the tranklize me and as my world got black ghost ran up to me and said with his sweet sounding voice “sorry ri…” I blacked out. March 2nd, 2010, “How are you feeling?” mis.ruby asks, “you haven’t talked to anyone, it’s worrying me.” ~of course I’m not okay my boyfriend turned me in and my mom left me on top of that I’m in a mental hospital, so yeah I’m fine~ “I’m okay.” she puts her hand on my shoulder as if trying to say she cares about me. “ no you're not….you need help.” I say nothing “that's all for today Richard goodbye.” the two staff workers take me back to the cafeteria and out ide the window  of the waiting room for guests I see him….standing there with a smile, the staff worker says go outside he’ll be waiting. I walk outside and he’s standing there. “Hey ho….” I hug him as soon as he starts talking, “I’m so so so sorry please don’t hate me…….” he pats my back  and I here is heart race, “i don’t” I start crying and he hugs me tighter. “Me and my mom are gonna to take care of you from now on oaky?” I say that's fine and we watch the sun set. “My name is ross by the way...my real mane.” I smile “last name?” he blushes “my full name is ross redleaf.” I hug him “I like it ross.” he puts his hand on my head. “But at school you call me ghost okay?” I laugh “okay ghost, and my full name is Richard clover.” he starts to laugh and say “ put our last names together you get red leaf clover.” I hug him and say with a smile that I can only do in that moment with him alone. “Love you cute boy.”
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gayboy9904-blog · 6 years
whomperslooth  プロローグ (Prolog) Until yesterday I never heard of the word  whomperslooth. Hi my name is rikku amino I am 14 and I live in japan, this is the story of me and my friends Chapter 1 : 凝視 (the Stare) It was around 6am and me and my gang of friends wanted to play outside, it was supposed to snow and me and my friends wanted to get see the snow, so I stopped my friend Sara’s  (さら) house to get a tent and some cooking stuff so we can eat. “ So what are  you guys doing?” she said with confussen “ what? Do you want to come help?” I don’t known but ever since I started going to school, I could always read people. From the smallest detail I could tell if you're parents are hitting you, you're getting bullied, or you have depression. “Yeah of course, is your friend coming?” “ Britt?” Britt  (ブリット) is my best friend and we’ve been friends since kindergarten, but the fact that she asked that lets me read her for the day. “ so you want to known if Britt is coming?” I said getting ready for a surprise attack. “Yeah? Why you asking?” she said stopping to think of something in every word to make sure she doesn't let her pages spill from her mind. “So why do you want to know?” she turns away blushing. “WHY DO YOU CARE!?!” her screaming and blushing but somehow still saying it respectfully “You know why, do you have a crush on britt?” I asked as I look him in the eye. “No I don’t!” she says as she blushes. Than I give her a look that said. “Yes you do.” than she finally after what felt like an hour of a staring contest she said. “Yes!” then she turned around blushing and whispering. “I hate when you're right.” Chapter 2: 冷たいもの (what's Cold) “So do we have everything.” britt said After yawning. “Yeah that's everything, let's go to the spot.” winking a britt. “What’s the spot?” sara said  questioningly. Than britt hit me in the arm and pulled me over to him. “Dude now we have to show her.” he whispered in my ear, but there was breathing on my neck like someone just ate a bag of hot chips. “What you guys doing huddled up?” “AHHHHH!?!?!” me and britt screamed at the same time, I turned to see my other friend mattea who was american. “Who hi mattea.” she slapped me in the face. “ I told you to call me matt.” with the coldest look after slapping me, and than britt said. “Okay are we ready?” I turned to him and said. “Yeah let's go to the spot.” after I said that me and the others started walking their, and I turned to sara and said. “So sara have anything to tell britt?” she looked at me and said blushing. “I don’t know what you're talking about.” still blushing and than smiled and said. “What about you and matt?” I turned to make sure that the others didn’t hear her. “It's complicated.” I said looking down at my feet. “Hey rikku where here stop walking?” I looked up to see we were here and started setting things up. Chapter 3: 少し白い (A little white) An hour later we got everything set up and I was making food. “ does everyone want ramon or something else?” I asked but everyone else was outside waiting for the snow, so I feel asleep and didn’t wake up for awhile until matt woke me up. “Is the food done yet?” I sprung up to see everyone eating it already. “I’m gonna to go take a walk be right back.” matt stood up and said. “I’m gonna go with you.” I said okay and we walked out together. “It’s strange some person that you met a year ago and you're already know me better than anyone.”  she said as she was looking at the ground. “Ever since I started school I could read people really easy, that's how I knew that you hate this and that so it's really easy to make friends.” she was staring at me before she said what I knew she would say. “What about girlfriend?” I looked at her with a dark look, and said with a even darker tone. “I hate dating.” I realized how I said it and tried to change the subject really fast. “Sorry I didn’t mean to say it like that I meant that I don’t have the time to date and I’ve tried it once it didn’t work out.” she looked down and said with sadness. “Let’s go back.” I said okay and walked back with her. Chapter 4:   私があなたを愛する理由   (the reasons I love you) “So are we ready?” matt said after we got back from our walk, she was very sad after I turned her down. I feel warm when I look at her, matt has short hair that's a sea blue with white streaks in it, blue green eyes, and pale skin. She is pretty but I don’t want to date anyone. “Hey matt want to talk later?” she looked at me smiling. “Yeah sure.”  she was getting some ramon in a boll and I followed and sara and britt after me. “ rikku can we talk?” I turned around and britt was walking outside so I followed and he said. “ I wanna ask sara out, but since you have a gift to read people very well does she like me back?” he said with a concerned look. “ yeah she does.” he sprang up and we went back into the tent. “You guys ever heard of the whomperslooth.” we looked at her stupidly and we said no and she was beginning to tell the story. “ this boy would go to a waterfall and fish every saturday named  Kaito (かいと) and one day he didn’t go fishing and got sick, he realized that's his body was so comfortable with this fisherman's lifestyle that he would die if he didn’t fish. He asked his mother to let him fish if I don’t fish i’ll die, the mother said no you need rest. He asked his father saying that I need to fish if I don’t fish i’ll die. But before his father could say anything kaito died and his parents forgot about him. Legend says he went into another person's body making a family tree for generations.” I looked at britt and than matt who said. “ the story’s fake.” and than sara giggled and said “ if you were born here you would known that the story I told you is a legend from this town.” she wasn’t wrong, as soon as you go to school you learn about this legend and I heard it so many times I know it by heart. An hour later and we were ready for bed and matt was cold so I gave her my blanket and I was gonna to use my jacket as a blanket and she said. “Why don’t you sleep with me.” I started to blush and said. “okay?” so I laid with her and she feel asleep really fast. She was warm with a cinnamon sent to her that's made me want to go to a bakery and steal a sweet roll.  Why do I feel like I heard that story before? Why do I feel like I heard that name? Whatever I was too tired to think I just got to sleep, tomorrow is gonna be a better day.   エピローグ (Epilogue) I had a dream were I was in an old village and seen people who were buying fish I was selling, I heard someone say. “Hey keito what are you selling?” the smell of wet grass, clogged my nose more the cigarette smoke and the air was warm and salty.  at the same time but more like a sea smell with the wet grass,  and salty fish but more or less still  they called me keito.   終わり (the end)
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