gaycorner101 · 10 months
Speak now (or forever hold your peace) ❤️🤍💙
Summary: just as Henry and Alex were finally figuring out their relationship and what it meant for both of them, Henry was forced to engage in a fake marriage with a girl chosen by the king to uphold their reputation and legacy. What will this mean for the two of them and will the wedding go on or will Alex have the courage to stop it and save their love?
Warnings: cussing, angst, mentions of smut, arguing/fighting
I had so much fun writing this. My friend and I wrote and read through each paragraph together. Some of this isn’t proofread so ignore any grammatical mistakes lol. But I hope y’all love it as much as I did. And please send me requests. I do Alex and Henry, Charlie and nick, Simon and willie.
PART 2 COMING SOON! (The wedding)
I am not the kind of boy who should be rudely barging on a white-veil occasion. But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl.
August 5th, 2015
Curtains closed, slight sun-slight shining through the cracks of the velvet material just enough to light up the darkness of the room but also enough to conceal their privacy. Alex and Henry were on Henry’s bed in England, just shortly after Alex’s mom won her second 4 year term as president of the United states.
They had all celebrated and Alex had brought Henry to his childhood home in Austin where Ellen had gone to give her speech to try to win over Texas, their hometown. He had shown Henry all the photos, height indentures in the wall, awards he had won while he lived as a middle class citizen, and especially his bedroom where they had made love, which was probably the most meaningful place they had ever done so.
It had been a beautiful night of laughing, cuddling, and deep conversations where they really opened up and shared things that had made them even closer somehow. Alex showing Henry something as sentimental as his home growing up had really broke another part of Henry’s wall down, making it easier for Alex to slip through.
Now they lay there in London , in the comfort of silk sheets and warm skin, fingers slightly grazing over one another, tired eyes meeting and kisses being placed over and over again. Henry deeply sighed but not one of uncomfortableness or stress, but a sigh of content and satisfaction. Alex who had his legs intertwined with Henry’s, looked up at him and smiled slightly. “What?” He said, voice gruff and deep. Henry bit his lip and shook his head, shifting his body a little to face towards him. “I’m just-I’ve accepted this. Not that I haven’t already before but truly accepted this is my life. This is who I am and you’re apart of that.” Alex smirked and placed a kiss on his neck. “Henry being lovey? Who even are you?”
Henry scoffed and feigned hurt, hand going over his heart. “I’m offended that you think I’m not lovey…I happen to be a hopeless romantic so screw you, darling.” Alex’s laughter filled the room and he wrapped his arms around Henry and pulled him closer. “I’m just messing with you baby. You’re very romantic and also good in bed.” Henry raised his eyebrows and absent mindedly drew circles into Alex’s back. “Good in bed huh? And here I thought that you loved me for more than my body.” Alex scoffed and shoved him lightly before pulling him in for a soft kiss. “Don’t you even go there. You know I love you, all of you.” He said after pulling away from him.
Henry raised his lips into a genuine smile and went back into the kiss, this time a deeper, sensual kiss. One that left both of them humming for more. The moment was pulled from them when they heard a knock at the door and the rattling of a door knob. Phillips obnoxious voice rung through the hardwood sending both of them into a panic. “Why in the world is your door locked, Henry?” Alex shot up and pulled on his clothes before throwing himself onto a chair a couple feet away from the bed. Henry quickly put on sweatshirt before yelling back. “Uh-coming. One second!” He stood up and walked towards the door, giving one quick glance at Alex before unlocking it and opening it up seeing Phillip stand there all proper and professional, so basically an asshole.
They still hadn’t come out to anyone. The only people who knew was bea, June, zhara, and Ellen. They were both scared of what coming out would bring them considering they were both in high levels of power in two different countries. The press, friends, family, citizens, fans….it would all be so chaotic. And as much as Alex was worried about it all, Henry was more terrified of the situation given his royal status. So they decided to keep quiet and stay in their own little world just for a while longer.
“What’s up?” Henry said, hoping that Philip would say what he needed to say and move on, leaving them alone for the night. Phillip cleared his throat and shot his eyes over to Alex who was sitting in the chair, arms crossed and focused on the conversation. Alex shifted uncomfortably noticing the daggers coming his way. Henry cleared his throat which brought back his attention and Phillip nodded once. “The king has requested both you and Alex in his office, now. Said it was a pressing matter.” Henry scrunched his eyebrows, nerves already starting to bunch up at the ominous sentence as alex stood up from the chair and made his way over to the two brothers. “Why Alex?”
Phillip rolled his eyes, clear annoyance at the question presented. “I’m not at liberty to say. I was given instructions and I’m simply following them. So I would suggest you do the same, Henry.” He walked away, hands at his sides.
Henry’s breathing had faltered and hand curled up into a ball. Alex shut the door and grabbed his balled up fist, prying his fingers apart to replace them with his own. “Hey I’m sure everything is fine. Just breathe. Phillip is an ass and probably making it sound worse than it is.” Henry pulled away and walked across the room to his closet. “If it wasn’t serious, he wouldn’t have asked for you too, Alex. Something is wrong and I’m sure he knows and we’re going to be royally fucked and no I’m not trying to make a joke about any of this and-“ Alex cut him off by standing in front of him and placing both hands on either sides of his face. “Hey hey…baby.” He said softly, eyes searching Henry’s face for any sign of nerves or fear which was evident in all his features.
Henry’s eyes had filled with tears, hands starting to shake. “Hey whatever it is…we will handle it. We always do. I love you. I love you.” He emphasized the phrase. Henry hugged him tightly, gripping his shirt. Alex held his head to his chest and kissed his shoulder. “It’ll be okay. Get dressed and we’ll go and figure this out.” Henry nodded and after pulling away, collected himself and put on the first suit he had hanging up.
Henry and Alex reached the kings office. The door was closed shut, leaving room for more nerve wracking thoughts. As much as Alex wanted to reach for his boyfriends hand, he knew the gesture would be a waste of effort. So he stood there and looked over at Alex, waiting for him to make a call on what to do. Just as he was about to ask, Henry reached forwards and knocked on the door then stepped back and placed both hands behind his back. Something Alex noticed was a royal movement.
Both doors were opened and there stood Phillip once again, looking like he knew what was coming and couldn’t wait to be apart of the reveal. Thankfully, bea was also in the room which eased some of Henry’s discomfort but only a little. The king stood by the open windows, not even a sliver of darkness covered the room which was ironic given the circumstances of everything happening at the moment.
“You know. When I was young,” the king started to say. “I used to sneak around with this girl. She was a citizen while I was just learning how to be a prince. I thought it would make me feel normal and maybe a little bit rebellious. I did think at the time I would be with her for the rest of my life. But it was just a dumb teenagers brain talking. A stupid phase in life. Until I learned the lessons of being a prince and changed my life around.” He looked over at Henry, no real expression on his face, just focus. Like he was hinting at what he was really wanting to say. “What are you getting at, sir?”
King James gestured towards the couch that was placed in the middle of the room, surrounded by a couple other chairs and couches. “Have a seat. We have a lot to discuss.” Everyone in the room sat down. Henry and Alex on one couch, king James on the opposite facing them, bea and Phillip in chairs that also sat opposite of the other. “Is there a reason Phillip and bea are here?” Henry stated. “Yes, Henry. This is a family matter and they deserve to apart of the conversation that is being discussed.”
Alex could see a slight smirk from Phillip out of the corner of his eye and wanted nothing more than to cross the room and punch it off his face. How could a person have this much disdain and hatred for his own brother that he would find joy in his pain and fear?
“And what exactly is being discussed? Why were we- why was I pulled away from my room just to beat around the bush? What is going on?” The king cleared his throat and gave a very pointed look at his grandson, a look that would terrify anyone who didn’t know him, one that said ‘you won’t interrupt me or speak to me that way.’ Although Henry wasn’t afraid, he still clamped his mouth shut and let him continue.
“I received a very concerning and unexpected email today and to say I’m surprised and disappointed would be an understatement.” Henry’s anxiety started creeping up once again, hands shaking slightly but not enough for anyone to notice. He had a feeling he knew where this going and had no way to prepare for it. Alex noticed Henry’s mannerisms and his heart broke at not being able to console him but he also wanted his own comfort at the way this interaction was heading.
“The emails consisted of pictures with the two of you….together in a way that was clear that there was more than friendship. I will not go into detail because quite frankly I’m disturbed and concerned for the well-being of this country.” Henry gulped and cleared his throat. “I-I can explain. I can- there’s a-a logical reasoning for-“ Phillip laughed sharply and stood up. “Logical reasoning? Really Henry? You’re going to come up with some magical way to explain being a homo?” Bea gasped and raised her hand up to cut him off, hand slicing through the tension almost. “Watch yourself Phillip.”
Alex clenched his fists at his sides, sitting in silence because he knew he could not speak unless spoken to especially in presence of the king. So he kept his mouth shut and just waited until they were alone in their own darkness again.
King James raised his own hand up to silence the room which clearly had an affect because everyone went quiet and Phillip sat down again. “You have to understand the seriousness of it all. I am not trying to make you feel unwelcome or hated but this will affect our Legacy tremendously if actions aren’t taken immediately.” Henry gaped, eyes wide in disbelief. “Not trying to make me feel hated yet starting off with ‘disgusted’ and ‘disturbed’. Is this why you told me your story about the girl you snuck around with? To tell me I’m making a mistake. Except replace a girl with a guy and then tell me I’m sinning, correct? Well sorry to tell you, your royal highness but I’m in love with Alex and I will not have you tell me what I feel or how I should act.”
“Henry! I will not have you disrespect me in any way, especially in my own home. I could not care less how you feel in this situation. This is me protecting the royal status and the country. So as of next week a news article will be released headlining your engagement to lady Delilah. A very respecting and presentable young woman.” Henry could very much at that moment hear his heart beating loudly in his chest and it was as if everything in him was shattering.
Bea stood up immediately and raised her voice, not caring how rude she sounded. “No. You can’t do that! That’s so wrong and cruel. They’re in love grandpa. Can’t you see that!? Can’t you see past the legacy and look at how much you’re hurting Henry?” King James looked up at bea with disbelief but before he could respond, Phillip opened his mouth once again. “Can’t you see how selfish Henry is being towards this country? Don’t you see if Henry, the prince of wales came out as gay, how badly that would affect all of us? Open your fucking eyes, Beatrice.” She scoffed and licked her lips which is what she did when she was about shut someone down with her compelling arguments.
“No you open yours, you twat! How is he being selfish? By being in love with a man? If it was a woman, no one would even think about this conversation. In fact they would congratulate him and ask him how he was gonna propose it if it was even serious.” He rolled his eyes and chuckled, zero humor in his tone. “Yeah because our legacy is a guy or girl marrying the opposite sex to continue the line of royalty. To have children and keep it going because that’s what has happened for centuries and I’ll be damned if he ruins that just to have a sliver of whatever the fuck this even is.”
“Silence!” The kings voice boomed throughout the wide room, echoing off the walls. Everyone looked at him, waiting for his next words. “No matter what anyone says about this…situation. My words are final and this discussion is over. Henry and Alex, I’m giving you one last night to say goodbye and then Alex,” Alex looked up after staring at his lap the entire time, heart beating and an overwhelming feeling taking over his entire body. “You will be escorted back to America on the first plane back to Washington tomorrow morning. Your family will be invited to the wedding to keep the peace aligned but as of tomorrow, your communication will cut off. So spend your last night however you please, truthfully I don’t care.” Phillip gawked at him and shook his head. “You can’t be serious. You’re gonna let them-“
“I do not remember speaking to you. It is my decision and final say of the matter. All of you are dismissed. And Henry, I will see you tomorrow to discuss the more prominent details in private.”
Henry’s eyes welled up with tears and he rushed out of the room, Alex quickly on his heels. “Henry. Henry slow down. Baby please.” He grabbed his arm and yanked him towards him but Henry shoved him away. “Stop Alex! You heard what he said! I can’t-I can’t do this. I can’t live without you. I-I. You’re my boyfriend. You’re my life. My happiness and now I’m going to be forced to marry someone I don’t even know. I won’t be able to see you for we-weeks.” He choked on the last word and grasped his chest. “I can’t-I can’t breathe.” His breathing became erratic and heavy, knees buckling. “Woah hey.” Alex caught him in the moment he was falling to the ground and just held him in the middle of the gigantic hallway, not a soul to be found. “Sweetheart you’ve having a panic attack. Listen to my voice, focus on your breathing, my love. I’ve got you. I always have. Just me and you. Me and you baby.” Although his own heart was breaking and he was on the verge of breaking down, he needed to be there for Henry.
Henry just sobbed into Alex’s shirt and held into him but started to take deep breaths and calm himself down slowly. “There you go. Just breathe.”
After a couple of minutes, Henry went silent and just laid their in Alex’s lap. The silence was needed even for just a moment to truly process everything that happened. “Alex I can’t lose you. You’re the only person who’s made me feel real.” Alex played with his hair and sniffled, a few tears of his own dropping. “I know…I feel the same about you. But I promise we will figure this out. I’ll talk to my mom and-and zhara tomorrow. We’ll fix this.” Henry sat up and wiped at his eyes before making eye contact with Alex. “How? How are you gonna fix this? This isn’t even your country.” Alex shrugged and looked away from him, not wanting Henry to see his red rimmed eyes. “I-I don’t know but I will.”
Henry placed his hand on Alex’s chin and forced him to look at him. “Oh darling.” He hugged him and they just held each other in silence. It was like that for a long time again before Henry spoke up again, this time a different tone overtook his voice. “If this is our last night together before we come up with a plan, can I ask one thing?” Alex pulled back to look at him and nodded. “Anything.” Henry shifted his eyes back and fourth across his face and placed a hand on his leg. “Make love to me.”
Alex stood up as soon as Henry finished the sentence and grabbed his hand to help him up. “I thought you’d never ask.” They practically ran back to Henry’s room and as soon as the door was locked and closed, their lips smashed together and hands moving all across each other. They backed up towards the bed and as soon as their clothes were off, alex pushed Henry onto to the bed and began lavishing his neck.
Moans and grunts filled the room as they made the most sensual love, knowing that tomorrow they wouldn’t be able to see or contact each other for weeks and possibly ever again. It was a blissful night and after going several rounds, they eventually fell next to each other, breathing heavily and skin glistening with sweat. “God that was amazing.” Alex said, intertwining their bodies together not caring how hot they were in the bed together, under the sheets. “Yeah it was.” Henry said in an almost whisper as if he was too afraid to even speak.
Alex looked over and saw tears streaming from his eyes. “Henry….” He shook his head and sobbed. “Don’t. Just please hold me. Don’t say anything.” Alex’s lip quivered and immediately he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him as close as possible, refusing to let go for even a moment. “Okay.” He said softly. Not another word was spoken for the rest of the night as they fell asleep crying and holding each other.
As the sun rose and shined through the velvet curtains once again, Henry and Alex were wrapped up in each other. Both awake but silent. They were just staring at each other, no a word to be spoken. There were no words needed as they knew what was going to happen soon. Alex would be put onto a plane and yanked away from henry, forced to stay on the sidelines while he watched his lover being forcefully wedded to a different person, from a different country.
None of it was fair and it was clear in the air the animosity that was building up as they waited. Small touches, soft kisses, and yet never any words. For there are many ways to say I love you to someone without so much as a peep. Love wasn’t always something that had to be said out loud. The best type of love was one that was obvious and never needing to be proven or talked about. It was just there. And that’s what they felt in that moment even though their lives were about to be turned upside down, ruined.
The knock on the door cause them to both jerk. Not out of being startled but because they both knew what that meant. The only thing they didn’t know is who would be standing on the other side. It could either be Phillip with a smirk on his face just ecstatic to send Alex back off to America and to torture and bully his brother into submission and into a life he never wanted. Or it would be bea, a sad look on her face not wanting this for either of them and not wanting to be the one to escort her brothers only source of true happiness of the premises. Thankfully when Henry went up to answer the door, it was bea. And although it didn’t make him feel better about any of it, she would at least show compassion and kindness throughout the whole process and for that he was thankful.
“Hey.” She said softly, a sadness in her voice that made him feel bad for her when he was the one who was hurting. “The plane is waiting. The king says it’s time to go…he insists that Alex leaves now so he can make plans with you. I’m so sorry Henry. None of this is fair. I tried to talk to him after you guys left but he wouldn’t hear it. I really tried.” He smiled a sad smile and hugged her tightly. “Thank you bea. I really appreciate that but it isn’t your fault. We’re gonna do everything we can to stop this. There has to be a way. I can’t lose him. Not now. Not after we just figured everything out.” Beatrice pulled back and rested her hands on his shoulders. “My dear brother, I swear on everything I will do everything to help you stop this. You’re not going to lose him. I know it’s gonna be hard to not see him or talk to him but it’ll all be worth it in the end.”
He nodded and sighed when he felt a pair of strong arms envelope him. Alex rested his head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “She’s right baby. We will get through this.” Henry grabbed Alex’s hands that were crossed over his chest and brought them up to his lips to place a kiss. “I know.” He turned around to face Alex and bea stepped out to give them privacy.
“I love you.” Henry said, grazing his thumb over Alex’s cheek. Alex leaned into his touch and closed his eyes. “I love you so much.” When Alex opened his eyes again, Henry pulled away and with tears in his eyes, stepped out of the way of the doorway. “If you don’t leave now, I won’t be able to let you go.” Alex wanted to just post on his instagram right now but he knew he couldn’t, not without Henry being ready. He just wish he was because this could be solved but he understood the fear he felt and would never betray that.
He bit his lip to stop himself from crying and left the room, following bea out to where they had their private plane, of course they did. It was better than a public plane though, much safer without all those people. The loud engine was making it all too real and his nerves were screaming at him and he wanted to puke right in front of everybody but he composed himself. Before he reached the steps of the plane, he hugged bea and whispered in her ear. “Thank you for everything. Tell Henry not to give up and that I’m coming up with a plan. Tell him to wait for me and I’ll be here as soon as I can.” He felt bea nod and grip him tightly, a strength he didn’t know she had. “I will. I promise.” He pulled away and wiped a tear off of her face and smiled before he kissed her cheek and walked into the plane. He turned around to see if Henry was there but he wasn’t. He didn’t blame him though. It was hard enough to say goodbye already, watching him leave would be too hard.
He disappeared and sat at the back of plane, farthest away from prying ears and picked up his phone. He dialed the one person who he knew could fix any problem he had no matter how long it could. As it rang he thought of how he was going to go about explaining everything and how important this was to him that it be done as soon as possible. He heard the click of someone answering, a shuffle, a curse word, and then “alex? You okay?” He sighed and looked out the window as the plane took off back to America. “Zhara. I need your help.”
11 notes · View notes
gaycorner101 · 10 months
Speak now (or forever hold your peace) ❤️🤍💙
Summary: just as Henry and Alex were finally figuring out their relationship and what it meant for both of them, Henry was forced to engage in a fake marriage with a girl chosen by the king to uphold their reputation and legacy. What will this mean for the two of them and will the wedding go on or will Alex have the courage to stop it and save their love?
Warnings: cussing, angst, mentions of smut, arguing/fighting
I had so much fun writing this. My friend and I wrote and read through each paragraph together. Some of this isn’t proofread so ignore any grammatical mistakes lol. But I hope y’all love it as much as I did. And please send me requests. I do Alex and Henry, Charlie and nick, Simon and willie.
PART 2 COMING SOON! (The wedding)
I am not the kind of boy who should be rudely barging on a white-veil occasion. But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl.
August 5th, 2015
Curtains closed, slight sun-slight shining through the cracks of the velvet material just enough to light up the darkness of the room but also enough to conceal their privacy. Alex and Henry were on Henry’s bed in England, just shortly after Alex’s mom won her second 4 year term as president of the United states.
They had all celebrated and Alex had brought Henry to his childhood home in Austin where Ellen had gone to give her speech to try to win over Texas, their hometown. He had shown Henry all the photos, height indentures in the wall, awards he had won while he lived as a middle class citizen, and especially his bedroom where they had made love, which was probably the most meaningful place they had ever done so.
It had been a beautiful night of laughing, cuddling, and deep conversations where they really opened up and shared things that had made them even closer somehow. Alex showing Henry something as sentimental as his home growing up had really broke another part of Henry’s wall down, making it easier for Alex to slip through.
Now they lay there in London , in the comfort of silk sheets and warm skin, fingers slightly grazing over one another, tired eyes meeting and kisses being placed over and over again. Henry deeply sighed but not one of uncomfortableness or stress, but a sigh of content and satisfaction. Alex who had his legs intertwined with Henry’s, looked up at him and smiled slightly. “What?” He said, voice gruff and deep. Henry bit his lip and shook his head, shifting his body a little to face towards him. “I’m just-I’ve accepted this. Not that I haven’t already before but truly accepted this is my life. This is who I am and you’re apart of that.” Alex smirked and placed a kiss on his neck. “Henry being lovey? Who even are you?”
Henry scoffed and feigned hurt, hand going over his heart. “I’m offended that you think I’m not lovey…I happen to be a hopeless romantic so screw you, darling.” Alex’s laughter filled the room and he wrapped his arms around Henry and pulled him closer. “I’m just messing with you baby. You’re very romantic and also good in bed.” Henry raised his eyebrows and absent mindedly drew circles into Alex’s back. “Good in bed huh? And here I thought that you loved me for more than my body.” Alex scoffed and shoved him lightly before pulling him in for a soft kiss. “Don’t you even go there. You know I love you, all of you.” He said after pulling away from him.
Henry raised his lips into a genuine smile and went back into the kiss, this time a deeper, sensual kiss. One that left both of them humming for more. The moment was pulled from them when they heard a knock at the door and the rattling of a door knob. Phillips obnoxious voice rung through the hardwood sending both of them into a panic. “Why in the world is your door locked, Henry?” Alex shot up and pulled on his clothes before throwing himself onto a chair a couple feet away from the bed. Henry quickly put on sweatshirt before yelling back. “Uh-coming. One second!” He stood up and walked towards the door, giving one quick glance at Alex before unlocking it and opening it up seeing Phillip stand there all proper and professional, so basically an asshole.
They still hadn’t come out to anyone. The only people who knew was bea, June, zhara, and Ellen. They were both scared of what coming out would bring them considering they were both in high levels of power in two different countries. The press, friends, family, citizens, fans….it would all be so chaotic. And as much as Alex was worried about it all, Henry was more terrified of the situation given his royal status. So they decided to keep quiet and stay in their own little world just for a while longer.
“What’s up?” Henry said, hoping that Philip would say what he needed to say and move on, leaving them alone for the night. Phillip cleared his throat and shot his eyes over to Alex who was sitting in the chair, arms crossed and focused on the conversation. Alex shifted uncomfortably noticing the daggers coming his way. Henry cleared his throat which brought back his attention and Phillip nodded once. “The king has requested both you and Alex in his office, now. Said it was a pressing matter.” Henry scrunched his eyebrows, nerves already starting to bunch up at the ominous sentence as alex stood up from the chair and made his way over to the two brothers. “Why Alex?”
Phillip rolled his eyes, clear annoyance at the question presented. “I’m not at liberty to say. I was given instructions and I’m simply following them. So I would suggest you do the same, Henry.” He walked away, hands at his sides.
Henry’s breathing had faltered and hand curled up into a ball. Alex shut the door and grabbed his balled up fist, prying his fingers apart to replace them with his own. “Hey I’m sure everything is fine. Just breathe. Phillip is an ass and probably making it sound worse than it is.” Henry pulled away and walked across the room to his closet. “If it wasn’t serious, he wouldn’t have asked for you too, Alex. Something is wrong and I’m sure he knows and we’re going to be royally fucked and no I’m not trying to make a joke about any of this and-“ Alex cut him off by standing in front of him and placing both hands on either sides of his face. “Hey hey…baby.” He said softly, eyes searching Henry’s face for any sign of nerves or fear which was evident in all his features.
Henry’s eyes had filled with tears, hands starting to shake. “Hey whatever it is…we will handle it. We always do. I love you. I love you.” He emphasized the phrase. Henry hugged him tightly, gripping his shirt. Alex held his head to his chest and kissed his shoulder. “It’ll be okay. Get dressed and we’ll go and figure this out.” Henry nodded and after pulling away, collected himself and put on the first suit he had hanging up.
Henry and Alex reached the kings office. The door was closed shut, leaving room for more nerve wracking thoughts. As much as Alex wanted to reach for his boyfriends hand, he knew the gesture would be a waste of effort. So he stood there and looked over at Alex, waiting for him to make a call on what to do. Just as he was about to ask, Henry reached forwards and knocked on the door then stepped back and placed both hands behind his back. Something Alex noticed was a royal movement.
Both doors were opened and there stood Phillip once again, looking like he knew what was coming and couldn’t wait to be apart of the reveal. Thankfully, bea was also in the room which eased some of Henry’s discomfort but only a little. The king stood by the open windows, not even a sliver of darkness covered the room which was ironic given the circumstances of everything happening at the moment.
“You know. When I was young,” the king started to say. “I used to sneak around with this girl. She was a citizen while I was just learning how to be a prince. I thought it would make me feel normal and maybe a little bit rebellious. I did think at the time I would be with her for the rest of my life. But it was just a dumb teenagers brain talking. A stupid phase in life. Until I learned the lessons of being a prince and changed my life around.” He looked over at Henry, no real expression on his face, just focus. Like he was hinting at what he was really wanting to say. “What are you getting at, sir?”
King James gestured towards the couch that was placed in the middle of the room, surrounded by a couple other chairs and couches. “Have a seat. We have a lot to discuss.” Everyone in the room sat down. Henry and Alex on one couch, king James on the opposite facing them, bea and Phillip in chairs that also sat opposite of the other. “Is there a reason Phillip and bea are here?” Henry stated. “Yes, Henry. This is a family matter and they deserve to apart of the conversation that is being discussed.”
Alex could see a slight smirk from Phillip out of the corner of his eye and wanted nothing more than to cross the room and punch it off his face. How could a person have this much disdain and hatred for his own brother that he would find joy in his pain and fear?
“And what exactly is being discussed? Why were we- why was I pulled away from my room just to beat around the bush? What is going on?” The king cleared his throat and gave a very pointed look at his grandson, a look that would terrify anyone who didn’t know him, one that said ‘you won’t interrupt me or speak to me that way.’ Although Henry wasn’t afraid, he still clamped his mouth shut and let him continue.
“I received a very concerning and unexpected email today and to say I’m surprised and disappointed would be an understatement.” Henry’s anxiety started creeping up once again, hands shaking slightly but not enough for anyone to notice. He had a feeling he knew where this going and had no way to prepare for it. Alex noticed Henry’s mannerisms and his heart broke at not being able to console him but he also wanted his own comfort at the way this interaction was heading.
“The emails consisted of pictures with the two of you….together in a way that was clear that there was more than friendship. I will not go into detail because quite frankly I’m disturbed and concerned for the well-being of this country.” Henry gulped and cleared his throat. “I-I can explain. I can- there’s a-a logical reasoning for-“ Phillip laughed sharply and stood up. “Logical reasoning? Really Henry? You’re going to come up with some magical way to explain being a homo?” Bea gasped and raised her hand up to cut him off, hand slicing through the tension almost. “Watch yourself Phillip.”
Alex clenched his fists at his sides, sitting in silence because he knew he could not speak unless spoken to especially in presence of the king. So he kept his mouth shut and just waited until they were alone in their own darkness again.
King James raised his own hand up to silence the room which clearly had an affect because everyone went quiet and Phillip sat down again. “You have to understand the seriousness of it all. I am not trying to make you feel unwelcome or hated but this will affect our Legacy tremendously if actions aren’t taken immediately.” Henry gaped, eyes wide in disbelief. “Not trying to make me feel hated yet starting off with ‘disgusted’ and ‘disturbed’. Is this why you told me your story about the girl you snuck around with? To tell me I’m making a mistake. Except replace a girl with a guy and then tell me I’m sinning, correct? Well sorry to tell you, your royal highness but I’m in love with Alex and I will not have you tell me what I feel or how I should act.”
“Henry! I will not have you disrespect me in any way, especially in my own home. I could not care less how you feel in this situation. This is me protecting the royal status and the country. So as of next week a news article will be released headlining your engagement to lady Delilah. A very respecting and presentable young woman.” Henry could very much at that moment hear his heart beating loudly in his chest and it was as if everything in him was shattering.
Bea stood up immediately and raised her voice, not caring how rude she sounded. “No. You can’t do that! That’s so wrong and cruel. They’re in love grandpa. Can’t you see that!? Can’t you see past the legacy and look at how much you’re hurting Henry?” King James looked up at bea with disbelief but before he could respond, Phillip opened his mouth once again. “Can’t you see how selfish Henry is being towards this country? Don’t you see if Henry, the prince of wales came out as gay, how badly that would affect all of us? Open your fucking eyes, Beatrice.” She scoffed and licked her lips which is what she did when she was about shut someone down with her compelling arguments.
“No you open yours, you twat! How is he being selfish? By being in love with a man? If it was a woman, no one would even think about this conversation. In fact they would congratulate him and ask him how he was gonna propose it if it was even serious.” He rolled his eyes and chuckled, zero humor in his tone. “Yeah because our legacy is a guy or girl marrying the opposite sex to continue the line of royalty. To have children and keep it going because that’s what has happened for centuries and I’ll be damned if he ruins that just to have a sliver of whatever the fuck this even is.”
“Silence!” The kings voice boomed throughout the wide room, echoing off the walls. Everyone looked at him, waiting for his next words. “No matter what anyone says about this…situation. My words are final and this discussion is over. Henry and Alex, I’m giving you one last night to say goodbye and then Alex,” Alex looked up after staring at his lap the entire time, heart beating and an overwhelming feeling taking over his entire body. “You will be escorted back to America on the first plane back to Washington tomorrow morning. Your family will be invited to the wedding to keep the peace aligned but as of tomorrow, your communication will cut off. So spend your last night however you please, truthfully I don’t care.” Phillip gawked at him and shook his head. “You can’t be serious. You’re gonna let them-“
“I do not remember speaking to you. It is my decision and final say of the matter. All of you are dismissed. And Henry, I will see you tomorrow to discuss the more prominent details in private.”
Henry’s eyes welled up with tears and he rushed out of the room, Alex quickly on his heels. “Henry. Henry slow down. Baby please.” He grabbed his arm and yanked him towards him but Henry shoved him away. “Stop Alex! You heard what he said! I can’t-I can’t do this. I can’t live without you. I-I. You’re my boyfriend. You’re my life. My happiness and now I’m going to be forced to marry someone I don’t even know. I won’t be able to see you for we-weeks.” He choked on the last word and grasped his chest. “I can’t-I can’t breathe.” His breathing became erratic and heavy, knees buckling. “Woah hey.” Alex caught him in the moment he was falling to the ground and just held him in the middle of the gigantic hallway, not a soul to be found. “Sweetheart you’ve having a panic attack. Listen to my voice, focus on your breathing, my love. I’ve got you. I always have. Just me and you. Me and you baby.” Although his own heart was breaking and he was on the verge of breaking down, he needed to be there for Henry.
Henry just sobbed into Alex’s shirt and held into him but started to take deep breaths and calm himself down slowly. “There you go. Just breathe.”
After a couple of minutes, Henry went silent and just laid their in Alex’s lap. The silence was needed even for just a moment to truly process everything that happened. “Alex I can’t lose you. You’re the only person who’s made me feel real.” Alex played with his hair and sniffled, a few tears of his own dropping. “I know…I feel the same about you. But I promise we will figure this out. I’ll talk to my mom and-and zhara tomorrow. We’ll fix this.” Henry sat up and wiped at his eyes before making eye contact with Alex. “How? How are you gonna fix this? This isn’t even your country.” Alex shrugged and looked away from him, not wanting Henry to see his red rimmed eyes. “I-I don’t know but I will.”
Henry placed his hand on Alex’s chin and forced him to look at him. “Oh darling.” He hugged him and they just held each other in silence. It was like that for a long time again before Henry spoke up again, this time a different tone overtook his voice. “If this is our last night together before we come up with a plan, can I ask one thing?” Alex pulled back to look at him and nodded. “Anything.” Henry shifted his eyes back and fourth across his face and placed a hand on his leg. “Make love to me.”
Alex stood up as soon as Henry finished the sentence and grabbed his hand to help him up. “I thought you’d never ask.” They practically ran back to Henry’s room and as soon as the door was locked and closed, their lips smashed together and hands moving all across each other. They backed up towards the bed and as soon as their clothes were off, alex pushed Henry onto to the bed and began lavishing his neck.
Moans and grunts filled the room as they made the most sensual love, knowing that tomorrow they wouldn’t be able to see or contact each other for weeks and possibly ever again. It was a blissful night and after going several rounds, they eventually fell next to each other, breathing heavily and skin glistening with sweat. “God that was amazing.” Alex said, intertwining their bodies together not caring how hot they were in the bed together, under the sheets. “Yeah it was.” Henry said in an almost whisper as if he was too afraid to even speak.
Alex looked over and saw tears streaming from his eyes. “Henry….” He shook his head and sobbed. “Don’t. Just please hold me. Don’t say anything.” Alex’s lip quivered and immediately he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him as close as possible, refusing to let go for even a moment. “Okay.” He said softly. Not another word was spoken for the rest of the night as they fell asleep crying and holding each other.
As the sun rose and shined through the velvet curtains once again, Henry and Alex were wrapped up in each other. Both awake but silent. They were just staring at each other, no a word to be spoken. There were no words needed as they knew what was going to happen soon. Alex would be put onto a plane and yanked away from henry, forced to stay on the sidelines while he watched his lover being forcefully wedded to a different person, from a different country.
None of it was fair and it was clear in the air the animosity that was building up as they waited. Small touches, soft kisses, and yet never any words. For there are many ways to say I love you to someone without so much as a peep. Love wasn’t always something that had to be said out loud. The best type of love was one that was obvious and never needing to be proven or talked about. It was just there. And that’s what they felt in that moment even though their lives were about to be turned upside down, ruined.
The knock on the door cause them to both jerk. Not out of being startled but because they both knew what that meant. The only thing they didn’t know is who would be standing on the other side. It could either be Phillip with a smirk on his face just ecstatic to send Alex back off to America and to torture and bully his brother into submission and into a life he never wanted. Or it would be bea, a sad look on her face not wanting this for either of them and not wanting to be the one to escort her brothers only source of true happiness of the premises. Thankfully when Henry went up to answer the door, it was bea. And although it didn’t make him feel better about any of it, she would at least show compassion and kindness throughout the whole process and for that he was thankful.
“Hey.” She said softly, a sadness in her voice that made him feel bad for her when he was the one who was hurting. “The plane is waiting. The king says it’s time to go…he insists that Alex leaves now so he can make plans with you. I’m so sorry Henry. None of this is fair. I tried to talk to him after you guys left but he wouldn’t hear it. I really tried.” He smiled a sad smile and hugged her tightly. “Thank you bea. I really appreciate that but it isn’t your fault. We’re gonna do everything we can to stop this. There has to be a way. I can’t lose him. Not now. Not after we just figured everything out.” Beatrice pulled back and rested her hands on his shoulders. “My dear brother, I swear on everything I will do everything to help you stop this. You’re not going to lose him. I know it’s gonna be hard to not see him or talk to him but it’ll all be worth it in the end.”
He nodded and sighed when he felt a pair of strong arms envelope him. Alex rested his head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “She’s right baby. We will get through this.” Henry grabbed Alex’s hands that were crossed over his chest and brought them up to his lips to place a kiss. “I know.” He turned around to face Alex and bea stepped out to give them privacy.
“I love you.” Henry said, grazing his thumb over Alex’s cheek. Alex leaned into his touch and closed his eyes. “I love you so much.” When Alex opened his eyes again, Henry pulled away and with tears in his eyes, stepped out of the way of the doorway. “If you don’t leave now, I won’t be able to let you go.” Alex wanted to just post on his instagram right now but he knew he couldn’t, not without Henry being ready. He just wish he was because this could be solved but he understood the fear he felt and would never betray that.
He bit his lip to stop himself from crying and left the room, following bea out to where they had their private plane, of course they did. It was better than a public plane though, much safer without all those people. The loud engine was making it all too real and his nerves were screaming at him and he wanted to puke right in front of everybody but he composed himself. Before he reached the steps of the plane, he hugged bea and whispered in her ear. “Thank you for everything. Tell Henry not to give up and that I’m coming up with a plan. Tell him to wait for me and I’ll be here as soon as I can.” He felt bea nod and grip him tightly, a strength he didn’t know she had. “I will. I promise.” He pulled away and wiped a tear off of her face and smiled before he kissed her cheek and walked into the plane. He turned around to see if Henry was there but he wasn’t. He didn’t blame him though. It was hard enough to say goodbye already, watching him leave would be too hard.
He disappeared and sat at the back of plane, farthest away from prying ears and picked up his phone. He dialed the one person who he knew could fix any problem he had no matter how long it could. As it rang he thought of how he was going to go about explaining everything and how important this was to him that it be done as soon as possible. He heard the click of someone answering, a shuffle, a curse word, and then “alex? You okay?” He sighed and looked out the window as the plane took off back to America. “Zhara. I need your help.”
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