gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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wheesa being gay.
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
{During an argument}
Dahyun: BITE ME!
Sana: [Smirking] where?
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
How many Americans do you figure have even heard, for example, that black youth arrested for drug possession for the first time are incarcerated at a rate that is forty-eight times greater than the rate for white youth, even when all other factors surrounding the crime are identical (4)? How many have heard that persons with “white sounding names,” according to a massive national study, are fifty percent more likely to be called back for a job interview than those with “black sounding” names, even when all other credentials are the same (5)? How many know that white men with a criminal record are slightly more likely to be called back for a job interview than black men without one, even when the men are equally qualified, and present themselves to potential employers in an identical fashion (6)? How many have heard that according to the Justice Department, Black and Latino males are three times more likely than white males to have their vehicles stopped and searched by police, even though white males are over four times more likely to have illegal contraband in our cars on the occasions when we are searched (7)? How many are aware that black and Latino students are about half as likely as whites to be placed in advanced or honors classes in school, and twice as likely to be placed in remedial classes? Or that even when test scores and prior performance would justify higher placement, students of color are far less likely to be placed in honors classes (8)? Or that students of color are 2-3 times more likely than whites to be suspended or expelled from school, even though rates of serious school rule infractions do not differ to any significant degree between racial groups (9)?
What Kind of Card is Race - Hot Topics - Danielle Belton’s The Black Snob (via robot-heart-politics)
EDIT:  Note, the actual article is extremely good.  Here’s a link to the article on counterpunch.  [link]
(via queerinsurrection)
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
Since people are so fucking hard-headed......
ENGLISH MUSIC FROM KPOP IDOLS IS A PRIVILEGE NOT  A REQUIREMENT POINT. BLANK. PERIOD. I was scrolling through my dashboard and someone said something about the WDTA pt2 and how “Finally making international fans feel appreciated and apart of something.” I understand where you’re coming from completely they’re grateful for the music they’re not being greedy. It was the comments that were pissing me off “(inserts kpop group) doesn’t appreciate internationals because they never come out with english music…………
 First of all BTS has CONFIRMED they will not  be making a American debut so anybody getting hype can settle down right now. Second, my thing is SOOOOOO MANY American artists have fans all over the world and make #1s in their countries but YET THEY DONT MAKE MUSIC IN THEIR LANGUAGES. Stop acting like you’re the only fans who have to go through language barriers not only that y’all ignore the fact that it could be non-english speakers listening to kpop yet they don’t get music in their languages either. As an American I feel for Europe at first I was like “Stop all the fucking complaining” but looking at it now you can clearly see where the line is divided between fans who speak english and then non-english fans. I’m forever seeing English speaking fans complain about not being appreciated or feeling unwanted about not getting english music but when they do get covers, full blown interviews WHAT ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE!!!! Y’all stay silent about non-english speakers but act like the world is about to end if your ‘oppa’ doesnt fucking talk in english. 
Let me give you some examples….
Kim Namjoon self taught himself English and is able to interact with english fans. 
Ariana Grande learned some Japanese for her Japanese fans so she could interact with them.
Plenty of native speakers in english
Mark Tuan
Joshua hong
Here’s my favorite example my friend is from Germany she likes the singer Madison beer so she learned an entire language by watching Pretty little liars and not only was she able to understand Madison she got to personally skype her. (bustinghateonmb) on instagram
Why tf cant yall do that??????
“Korean is too hard”
“It’s easier to learn english”
Why do people expect idols to learn entire languages for them if they cant even attempt to do the same. Not only that why would KPOP IDOLS whose intentions were to sing and rap in KOREAN adapt to your standards just because you decided to listen to kpop when nobody forced you to.
Here’s my favorite part “(Insert ‘american’ artist/rapper) is trash1!!1!1 they don’t ever sing/rap about anything meaningful.” “I only listen to Kpop now” “Dont compare my 'oppas’ to American trash” First off about 70% of you don’t understand those meaningful lyrics until someone translates it. (For the dumbasses that forgot 'hip-hop’ in kpop got a lot of inspiration from Western rappers ) Second why do you want your favs to get Western attention even though you claim to hate Western music???? Because it benefits you….. I don’t listen non Kpop music as much as I used to but if one of my old favs drops an album Im going to listen. I just don’t understand why you want kpop to be recognized in America if you had the music industry so damn much. “Because it’ll help their careers!!” So are you saying they couldn’t be successful without it? Are you implying that everyone needs to Americanize things to stay relevant??? I just don’t understand, at this point its not about making their careers 'big’ because maybe America isn’t the most important thing in the world to them but it is to you because it’ll benefit you seeing them speak and sing in English. Goodbye
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
{While sitting at the dinner table}
Dahyun: My food is too hot, I can’t eat it.
Sana: Well, you’re too hot and I still eat you.
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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where is she blizzard
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
Sirius: Nice hands, Moony.
Remus: Uh...thank you?
Sirius: I bet they'd look better wrapped around my-
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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So, here is the wheesa I promised years ago and never got to publish it in here :‘v
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
Solar: Moonbyul, I'm so happy I could kiss you
Moonbyul: *nervous gay laughter* Umm... Neat!
Moonbyul: *lying face down on her bed* I can't believe I said "Neat", Wheein. "Neat." Nobody says neat anymore! It's the goddamn 21st century! It's not neat to say neat, but I said it anyway because I'm a huge loser!
Wheein: *idly turns magazine page* Hey, don't beat yourself up. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what happened when Hwasa confessed to me?
Moonbyul: Didn't you like, thank her?
Wheein: *closes magazine to stare into the distance* I thanked her.
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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kisses for everyone! ♡
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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170917 Moonbyul & Seulgi’s comments for YooA on OH MY GIRL V Live Broadcast (trans) → video of OH MY GIRL reactions when they found the comments
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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Before vs After Adoption
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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[2/6] LGBTQ Films: The Color Purple (1985) dir Steven Spielberg
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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[1/6] Transgender Characters: Alexandra Mya Taylor
Tangerine (2015) dir Sean Baker
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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[3/6] Transgender Characters: Laurence Melvil Poupaud
Laurence Anyways (2012) dir Xavier Dolan
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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Racism is real
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gayiconhyejin · 7 years
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No, you did not just read about a racist protest that took place in the 1950s. THIS HAPPENED RIGHT HERE IN 2017……   Dozens of white supremacists gathered around with literal fucking torches while chanting nazi ideologies as an intimidation tactic… you wanna know the scariest part? they’re not wearing hoods or any other form of “protection”, which means they don’t even care about being exposed anymore…. I’m telling ya’ll white supremacy is one of the biggest threats to america. we cannot allow history to repeat itself by allowing this terrorism to continue 
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