gaysundaddy · 7 years
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Norman || Mother
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gaysundaddy · 7 years
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
Languages are made up can you believe that? it’s just a bunch of phonetic sounds gibberish none of it actually means anything. this post??? i could smash my hand on the keyboard and it could mean the same thing, it only doesn’t because we say so. Nothing is real 
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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This game is a mess and you know it
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
yoosung: what if after you die you get stats like
yoosung: words said total: 21,390,459
yoosung: pushups done: 1.3
yoosung: hours spent crying: 238
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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bless this precious pair
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
There is legitimately a petition on Change.org that is demanding Cheritz get rid of the ban for the people who cheated with the time change. I am going to say this right now: you if are one of those people who signed it or are planning to sign it please unfollow me right now. I have no respect or time for people who are going to whine about something they clearly deserve. You cheated. Did you think you were clever enough to trick Cheritz? You created an account to play this game. That account is probably stored in a database that tracks how often you log in, save, load, and other things. Get real, of course Cheritz was going to realize that people could change the time on their phone. Thinking that you were smart enough to get around their system was your first mistake.
Cheritz is literally one of the most generous otome companies. They listen to their fan base all the time (and even treat their overseas fans equally). They respond quick to e-mails regarding any issues you may have. When it was first released on Android and was EXTREMELY buggy to the point the game was almost unplayable, they have 800 HOURGLASSES as compensation. When they release for iOS was delayed for weeks, they gave 200 hourglasses for every week it was delayed. Every time they update the game they give out at least 10 hourglasses, sometimes even more. It really shocks me how there are still people who complain about not being able to get any free hourglasses. There are also the heart to hourglass exchange and tapping on the party guests in the game. And if that’s not enough for you then I’m sorry but you’re just going to have to buy it with real money. There are a lot of people who have spent their money on this game. What makes you think it’s fair for you to be cheating through the game while other people spend money to get through it? It’s not.
If you honestly from the bottom of your heart truly believe that what you were doing wasn’t wrong in any way then please educate yourself. Cheritz is a business and they need the money. Otherwise they won’t be able to create any of these wonderful games that they have given us. This game was always meant to be a freemium game where you would have to use real money to buy hourglasses if you wanted to get through the game faster or miss any chatrooms. And still Cheritz chooses to be generous and give free hourglasses quite often. Please do yourself a favor and realize that you indeed cheated, your account has been banned and there’s no reason for you to complain or whine because you brought that upon yourself. Signatures on a petition regarding a stupid purpose will not do anything for you. 
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
me: *honestly thinks college is a scam and a huge waste of money and what is the point*
me also: *registers for 18 units, panics with a B, tries Really Hard*
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
Just because two people aren’t romantically involved doesn’t mean they can’t be super important to one another.
Just because two people are super important to one another doesn’t mean they have to be romantically involved.
It is okay to love people deeply without wanting to be with them romantically and people should not make your friendship uncomfortable by consistently nagging you to date.
Let’s appreciate and support friendships and stop demanding people to have feelings they don’t have.
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
if a guy is hitting on u and he is clearly the alpha in his group of guys.. go for the third in command and undermine their whole power structure
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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160409 Top Chinese Music Awards Roughly translated excerpt from Han Geng’s acceptance speech:
Today I heard that Mr. Lee Soo Man is also here (at this event), as well as [he lists a couple of SM staff and Kangta], are all here. Therefore, I hereby especially thank Mr. Lee Soo Man, because I believe he allowed me to be on this stage, allowed me to become a singer, become an actor. Without him, I don’t think I would be able to come on this stage today. Therefore, at this place, ‘thank you, Mr. Lee Soo Man’ (Han Geng bows).
Note: Han Geng won three awards today: “Best Male Singer,” “Best All-Around Artist,” and one for “I Don’t Give a Shit.” Lee Soo Man was there with Kangta, EXO, and NCT, and had been on that same stage earlier in the night to receive an award for “Best Producer in Asia.” The SM manager who was one of the people who helped select Han Geng to join the company, helped him out a lot during his early years with SM, and who was the only person Han Geng had publicly mentioned as someone he regretted not being able to let know beforehand about filing the lawsuit and leaving South Korea, was also there.
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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volunteering as models: no harm trying
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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onstyle TTS + taengoo’s adorable english  // D-4    
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gaysundaddy · 8 years
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