Regain Your Dreams Spell
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If you're like me, sometimes, dreaming just doesn't happen for you. And sometimes, you want your dreams back! Well, I've got a no fuss spell sachet for bringing your dreams back which takes only 4 ingredients.
'Dream' sigil
Pop them all in a bag, put it under your pillow, and over the next few days, you'll begin dreaming again! Once you're happy that dreaming has returned to you, you can change it out for a dream recall spell sachet, which may look like this:
Celestite and/or Aquamarine
'Recall' Sigil
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Advice for Learning Astrology
People are always asking me for a good source to learn astrology from, and I can't ever give a great answer for that, cuz I didn't learn from any single source myself. Most of my knowledge of astrology has just been an accumulation of informatiom from countless sources over several years. There is no one source I would ultimately recommend, cuz a lot of it is just simple pattern recognition compared against real people within my own life. My clients ask this a lot but the advice I give for learning the basics of astrology isn't rooted in sources but rather a method. It's easy to learn astrology in "chunks". Each "chunk" adds onto what you already know, and as long as you aren't working under false assumptioms, learning more "chunks" will never conflict with what you've already learned. Astrology looks daunting but its really simple if you learn it in this order:
1 The Elements
2 The Modalities
3 The Signs (including the mythologies and the metaphysical archetypes associated with them)
4 The Planets (including the mythologies and the metaphysical archetypes associated with them)
>>> by here, astrology becomes super easy to know and any learning curve should've leveled out by now
5 The Houses
6 Misc placements (such as the nodes, ASC and DSC, metaphysical placements like Lilith, and less significant things like astroids and smaller planets, etc. There are so many of these little things tho, so feel free to come back to this step. You will time and time again, there is just so much extra stuff here. Don't get overwhelmed!)
7 Decans (this relates back to the signs, but it's a tad bit more advanced. It's also commonly ignored and i think that's a damn shame cuz its a very valuable concept for interpretating astrology. Cusps are fake, and only used by idiots who don't understand basic math. Decans replace cusping with a much more efficient and actually accurate system)
8 Aspects (arguably the most important key for reading a chart, but requires a confident understanding of the previous "chunks")
>>> by here, you should be very confident with astrology, being able to read a chart and interpret the highlights of it within minutes. Detailed interpretations will take longer but shouldn't be daunting
9 Application (moving past the psychological interpretations of astrology and beginning to apply them to events, objects, locations, and divinatory purposes)
10 Other Charts (learning to read other charts, such as dragonic charts, synastry charts, esoteric charts, etc. This stuff typically reads the same mechanically but are cast via specific methods and have alternative interpretations and purposes)
As for sources to learn this stuff? Just start with Google and read articles from different sources. Compare conflicting info yourself. There is no one ultimate source, so you really are studying and digging around yourself.
If you really need one place to start tho, id recommend "the only astrology book you'll ever need" by Joanne Martine Woolfolk. It is by no means the only book you'll ever need, but it's a good start imo
Id also recommend using astro.com to generate and store charts. A lot of people use Cosigns and Time Passages (both apps) and they're good but lacking imo. Cosigns is good for casual astrology fans tho, a lot of my friends use it. But they still ask me for interpretations and readings so its not a good substitute for personal knowledge. Personally I prefer Time Passages but it has a paywall for the full features, and has no cloud saving.
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Prayer & Prayer Beads
Some of us pray as part of our spiritual practices, and our reasons for doing so are as varied and numerous as the gods we pray to. We may pray for help, for guidance, for favor, in devotion, in greeting, in thanks, to feel closer to our gods, or just to talk. Prayer is our direct link to the divine - no tools are needed, and anyone can do it. I’m a prayer bead maker, and prayer beads are a tool, but they are not at all necessary to pray. All you need are your words, or even your thoughts and feelings. If they’re directed toward the divine in communication, to me that’s prayer. 
So, what are prayer beads for? While they aren’t necessary to pray, and I say many quick prayers without them, in my experience they can be helpful. Prayer can be quick and easy and frequent, but I think prayer beads have a place too - when you want your prayers to be deliberate, to set apart time for them, to be rituals in themselves.
Unless you’re part of a specific tradition that uses prayer beads, there are no absolute “rules” for how to use them. Here are some ways I’ve personally found them to be helpful:
Prayer beads can be an immediate, physical and visual, connection to a god. When I pick up my prayer beads, I physically feel them vibrating with energy. The moment I pick them up, I’m in a different head-space. Touching the beads can act as a cue to shift you into a prayerful mindset. When you pick them up, you are ready for communion with your god/s.
The use of beads with repeated prayers can induce a trance or trance-like state. I’ve personally experienced states of rapture and trance while using prayer beads. Holding them and speaking simple, repetitive prayers can carry you away. The time can slip away, too. If nothing else, it’s relaxing.
Prayer beads can be used to meditate on specific aspects of your god/s. With the use of colors and symbols that are meaningful, you can focus on aspects of your gods that you love and want to feel connected to, or aspects that you don’t fully understand and want to know better.
Okay, so you have a set of beads. How exactly do you use them? Again, there are no absolute “rules,” though different religions use them in different ways. If you are not part of one of those traditions, here are some ideas to get started:
You can simply hold them while praying spontaneously.
You can assign to each type of bead a different prayer, speak the prayer while holding the first bead, then hold the next bead and repeat. I have a different prayer for each “element” of my beads, with the majority black bone being a simple repeating 2-line chant; the flowers, skull and pomegranate being longer written prayers; and the garnet being a cue to speak spontaneously.
You can designate different sections of beads to focus on different aspects of your god, holding that entire section as you pray.
You can wear them to feel closer to your god/s.
Example - of-the-eucalypts’s prayer beads 
Example - amethystbonesblackheart’s prayer beads (Hope you guys don’t mind me linking to you, I just really loved both of your processes.)
Anything else you can think of - be creative!
In closing…I’ve always been amazed by how prayer works. I can’t count the number of times that the perfect answer to a problem has come to me mid-prayer, and how many times I’ve left prayer newly energized, happy, feeling connected to my god and knowing I’ve deepened my relationship with Her.
I wrote this post because I’ve had many people ask questions on prayer and on using prayer beads. Again, they are not necessary for prayer - but if you are interested in using or making them, I hope this has been helpful, or given you ideas.
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🕯️Imbolc - Feb. 1st🕯️
Halfway between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox (Ostara), Imbolc is the marking of spring coming.
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Food & Drinks
Butter, Cream & Milk
Braided Bread
Poppy Seeds
Ways to Celebrate
Light White Candle
Declutter, Clean, &Cleanse
Donate to Charity
Plan Gardening for the Year
Make a Brighid's Cross
Make a Corn Doll
Make Butter
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“Why Don’t Women Just Leave?”
Women are 70 times more likely to be killed in the two weeks after leaving than at any other time during the relationship. When leaving is more fatal than staying, the choice to leave becomes an act of bravery in the face of grave danger.
24-40% of police officers are domestic abusers. This is 2.4 to 4 times the rate in the general population. When a large portion of the police force are abusers themselves, it’s unlikely survivors will be taken serious by the authorities
On average, a victim attempts to leave 7 times before finally leaving for good. Women do “just leave” but abusers have no problem making that as difficult as possible.
Domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children. For many, leaving can “seal their fate” due to the total financial dependency fostered by the abuser.
If you or someone you know is currently experiencing domestic abuse or is a survivor of domestic violence, the following resources are available:
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Living with chronic pain be like
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Giant Water Lily
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Magical Associations
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7 Habits of Highly Effective Witches
(In no particular order)
Record your craft
Learn about yourself
Learn about the world
Learn to listen to your gut instinct
Regular Spell work
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A motivation spell jar for my university work 🧡
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Basil for Luck
Cinnamon for Motivation
Rosemary for Clear thinking and Concentration
Coffee for Energy
and Lavender for Anxiety Relief
I drew my own sigil on the lid of the jar and sealed it with orange candle wax for Creativity, Inspiration, Attention, Good Luck and Positivity 🧡
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Hellenic Polytheism Start Pack
Pillars of Hellenismos
Hellenismos in Application Post #1
Veiling & Binding
Giving Offerings to Cthonic Theoi
Giving Offerings to the Ouranic Theoi
Offering Ideas
How I Deal With Being a Secret Hellenist Post #1
How I Deal With Being a Secret Hellenist Post #2
How I Deal With Being a Secret Hellenist Post #3
Festivals and How to Start
Hekate’s Deipnon, Noumenia, and Agathos Daimon
How to Make a Kathiskos
Hestia in Hellenismos
How to Pray, Praise, and Worship the Theoi
The Titanomachy Post #1
The Titanomachy Post #2
The Ages of Mankind
How to Make a Shrine { @modernhellenismos }
Ritual in Hellenismos { @mythologyrules }
Pillars of Hellenismos   { @mythologyrules }
Pillars of Hellenismos { @soloontherocks }
Finding Your Ritual Calendar { @hearthfirehandworks }
Hellenic Terminology Page { baringtheaegis }
What Even is Hellenic Polytheism? What are Some Good Links to Read When First Getting Started? { Royalautumnfrost }
Building Your Worship { @pomegranateandivy }
Pomegranateandivy’s Hellenic FAQ { @pomegranateandivy }
What’s Miasma? { Royalautumnfrost }
Household Shrines { @baringtheaegis }
Household Gods {@hearthfirehandworks } 
Difference Between Hellenic and Hellenistic { @soloontherocks }
Delphic Maxims (Printable PDF) { Hellenicgods.org }
Example of Daily Rituals { baringtheaegis }
Ritual Formula { @mythologyrules }
Relationships with the Theoi { @baringtheaegis }
How to Pray and Praise (Hymn and Prayer Formula) { @baringtheaegis }
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Hestia is one of the Twelve main Goddess in Hellenism. She is Goddess of Hearth, Home and the Altar. She is customarily honored with every offering. 
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Hymns to Hestia:
Orphic Hymn #84
Queen Hestia, daughter of mighty Kronos, Mistress of ever burning  and peerless fire, you dwell in the house center. May you hallow the initiates of these rites and grant them unwithering youth, Riches, prudence and  purity. You are the home of the blessed gods and men’s mighty buttress, Eternal, many-shaped, beloved and grass-yellow. Smile, O blessed one, and kindly accept these offerings, Wafting upon us prosperity and gentle-handed health.
Homeric Hymn #24
Hestia, you who tend the holy house of the lord Apollo, the Far-shooter at goodly Pytho, with soft oil dripping ever from your locks, come now into this house, come, having one mind with Zeus the all-wise – draw near, and withal bestow grace upon my song.
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Sacred Animals of the Gods
Aphroditê: Hare, Turtle-Dove, Sparrow and Goose 
Apollôn: Wolf, Locust, Raven, Swan, Dolphin and Mouse
Arês: Barn Owl, Woodpecker, Vulture, Dog and Serpent
Artemis: Deer, Boar, Bear, Fresh-Water Fish, Guinea-Fowl, Partridge, Quail and Buzzard-Hawk
Athênê: Rooster and Owl
Dêmêtêr: Serpent, Swine, Turtle-Dove, Red Mullet and Gecko
Dionysos: Leopard, Goat, Donkey, Lion, Serpent and Wild Bull
Hêphaistos: Donkey, Guard-Dog and Crane
Hêrê: Heifer, Lion, Cuckoo, Peacock, Hawk and Crane
Hermês: Tortoise, Ram, Hare and Hawk
Poseidôn: Dolphin, Bull and Horse
Zeus: Eagle, Bull, Ram and Hawk
Hestia: Cow and Swine
Haidês: Screech-Owl, Black Sheep and Black Bull
Hekatê: Polecat and Dog
Nyx: Shrew Mouse
Hêlios: Rooster and Wolf
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Curses vs. Hexes: What’s the Difference?
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If you were to look up the definition of both of the words on a search engine (hello, Google!) they are defined as follows:
Curse: (aside from meaning vulgar words) is “casting the evil eye or an evil spell upon someone.”
Hex: to curse someone.
Oh, dear sweet Google, you have tried your best but in this instance, every witch will tell you that you are wrong.
The general consensus is that ultimately, curses are worse than hexes; the target tends to suffer more at the hands of a curse than they do at the hands of a hex. 
Usually more serious than hexes.
Can live on through generations if that is what the caster intended.
Tend to be long-term in nature.
Usually, curses are borne of anger; of hatred and even a need for justice.
They can usually be reversed or undone; reversals can be done by the caster, and undoings may be done by the caster, target or a third party.
Often cast as a “one-off” piece of magick.
Their effects are apparent very quickly, but they are not long-term - seen sometimes as an instantaneous form of malevolent magick.
Hexes are borne of revenge and/or annoyance, and they usually cause irritation and subsequent annoyance to the target - hexes are a way for the caster make their target feel what they have been made to feel for a short time.
Due to their nature, hexes are usually over and done with quickly and do not require a reversal or undoing.
Both of these forms of magick, are forms of malevolent magick that is used for many reasons. Some people curse their abusers, or people who have hurt them and some people hex their ex-partners, or someone who has brushed them up the wrong way. Like all magick, what you do is circumstantial and no one can tell you whether you should or should not perform magick of this kind (I am pro-curse and hex, but not everyone is).
Common Cursing & Hexing Components:
Bodily fluids (blood, spit, semen, menstrual blood, tears, urine, etc.)
Personal possessions.
Cayenne Pepper
Black Pepper
Other items:
Nails (rusted for potency)
Razor blades
Cemetery Dirt
War Water
Mirror (broken or whole)
Broken glass
Dead Wasps
You’ll notice that I’ve bunched the common ingredients for curses and hexes in one list - that is because these two are simply lesser and greater forms of the same kind of magick, so you must bear in mind what your intent is when you choose your spell/ritual ingredients.
Do you want to frustrate, annoy and irritate your target? Do you want to bring them bad luck? Do you want to bring them untold misery? Consider this carefully.
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Something to think about!
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