gbbg2000-blog · 8 years
“I’m 18. I’m an adult.” You turned 18 like a minute ago Brandon
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gbbg2000-blog · 8 years
the fosters writers: what should we do this season? the fosters writers: let’s have excessive amounts of brallie love & angst and make it seem like they’re actually going to end up together cause I mean, at this point, what the fuck are we doing if they’re not …. but instead it leads up to nothing. the fosters writers: didn’t we do that last year? and the year before that? the fosters writers:
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gbbg2000-blog · 8 years
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the fosters 3x20 (x)
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
Just want to watch it already
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
So the writers said that what started in the pilot continues in NYE.
What is the continuation was from the whole:
‘Hi I’m Maya, you’re really cute, we should hang out sometime, you make me happy, you don’t pay enough attention to me, this isn’t working out, it’s not me it’s you, we can still be friends, not really’ and then she pushes Riley to him.
Think about it, most of what she said is happening right now.
They met.
She thought he’s cute from the beginning
‘I want Maya to be happy’
‘Me now’ ‘you have every right’
Lucas still doesn’t know Riley still likes him and we still are not sure if he is actually over her or not + he spent most of Texas 3 telling her that he can’t be her brother and Riley telling him that he has to accept it.
And finally comes the whole it’s not working out in NYE, after Farkle tells everyone that Riley still loves him, she’ll say its just not working out and say that they’re better off as friends and she’ll tell Riley to be with Lucas.
It’s a continuation, but we all know that things between them will not be resolved because there will always be that unfinished business between them, that’s why they can’t really be friends.
They’ll be ‘friends’ for namesake and since its a Disney show, they’ll still be friendly around each other but later in the show those unresolved feelings will come back up but by then Riley and Lucas would have already tried out being together as more mature people and this time they would have a real shot.
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
Lucas Friar
reblog if you agree
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
I 10/10 do not recommend Girl Meets Texas Part 3 it solves nothing! 
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
Auggie: Whatever happens, don't. hurt. my sister. Now get out of my room I'm doing my podcast.
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
So pleased honestly with Girl Meets Texas Part 3
Farkle knows what’s up…Riley and Lucas are meant to be and there’s no denying it. Lucas and Maya looked so awkward and not into each other at all. Plus Lucas telling Riley he can’t be her brother and that it was awkward to talk about Charlie…jee wonder why xD Cause you’re in love with her you doofus!! Honestly I have a strong feeling Rucas is gonna be together officially at the end of the season. This gave me such hope now, plus Lucas and Auggie are already starting their brother-in-law relationship if you know what I mean xD 
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
Girl Meets Texas pt. III
THIS IS CRAP. That is all
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
Does anyone else...
Feel like Riley has aged like 5 years in this episode? 
She’s not her typical stuck in Rileytown self in this episode. 
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
I actually hope girl meets Texas ends with rucas because I think maya and josh are going to happen and that is when Lucas will realize how he truly feels and then they will be endgame. Lucas needs time to understand his feelings bc he never knew he had other options than just Riley
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
YAS I LOVE GIRL MEETS WORLD AND RILEY AND LUCAS. I just can't see maya and Lucas together for some reason. I'm just visualizing something weird but like they might go in that direction because everyone likes them together. But ah the thing is that I doubt Riley likes Lucas as a brother she's only saying that because she's Riley and cares about her bffs feelings before her own and that's just so cute and you can see how she's matured throughout the episodes in this season and ahh fav show
Yay someone to talk to!!!
Okay so here’s the thing, I watched Girl Meets Texas part 2 already (even though it doesn’t air until tonight) and it’s so obvious that Riley stepped back to let Maya explore her feelings. Everyone talks about Maya’s and Riley’s feelings for Lucas. But what about Lucas and how he feels? He made it obvious that he doesn’t see Riley as a sister. He looked devastated when Riley said he was her brother. He doesn’t want that.
Lucaya shippers are happy but why? Lucas still likes Riley. Riley still likes Lucas. She’s stepping back, even though she really likes him. I just ugh. I just want Rucas to be together again.
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gbbg2000-blog · 9 years
If rucas isn’t endgame I will be so pissed enough with this sibling stuff
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