gcntlesouled · 4 years
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creeps up behind her, breath on her neck, smirk on his face - he squeezes her backside briefly and leans over her frame to pick up the book he was wanting to finish. “Hah, you’re in the way, ‘hime.” @gcntlesouled​
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the breath on her neck made her pause, so did the squeeze at her backside. it did manage to get a small, joyful giggle out of her, though. the warmth against her back spreading throughout her body as he leaned over her considerably smaller frame.
“ can’t you see i’m cleaning here, ichi ? i’ll be out of your way in just a minute. “
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
sneaks in henlo
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
Reblog this if you roleplay or are willing to roleplay on Discord
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
am i back? not really, not fully at least. but i did want to take the time to remind yall you're loved. drink water, eat enough, sleep enough. i love u.
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
taking a break.
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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love was a bit of a difficult subject for her, she believes in it since she’s seen enough people in love, she just doesn’t think someone could have those strong feelings for her. does she want to have that one relationship that makes her feel like she could handle the world just by laying in that person’s arms and give that in return? absolutely, she just wasn’t going to put her hopes on it ever being a thing.
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
I love chill roleplay partners that don’t mind when you go mia for a while and totally understand that some weeks you’re just busy and some days you’re not even busy you just don’t want to deal with the world in general/don’t want to do a thing and who don’t think that just bc you haven’t talked in a week or two that means the plot is dead and who don’t need to be in daily contact with you to enjoy writing/talking/plotting with you and I love that when we finally have so time time to talk/rp we just pick up right where we left off and it’s never weird or awkward God bless u guys
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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the war had changed ichigo, he had became more comfortable in the dominating side that he had always pushed to the side. tried to fool himself into believing that his messiah complex was nothing short of common decency. but after nearly losing his friends, his now wife. it was almost like a switch had flicked, he was who he was, it was only time to relish in it.
as orihime joins him back on the sofa following a some sarcastic comment on the previous time they had left … with the stove on, he cannot help but chuckle louder. as she settles next to her, ichigo lifts the cup of tea and takes a large sip. setting it down to then draw focus to ‘hime. “ we’ve all made mistakes… yours just about burned down our house. “ it took all his will-power to not break out in full frontal laughter, but it wasn’t the right moment. not with the pending problem at hand. wrapping his arm around her curvaceous figure, he pulls her close and hums softly. he gives her a sense of false hope, that is until he turns to look at her. his facial expression a lot more stern. “ now… are you not going to apologise for that stunt you pulled in the restaurant? “
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as she was about to sit upright to grab her own cup, the strong arm around her body held her in place. instantly, the previously low simmering heat returned to high, making her bite her lip and turn her head to look him in the eyes. the sight that greeted her made her swallow audibly. had you told her years ago that ichigo had this side to him, she would have started laughing, but over time she had seen him change. to be fair, it wasn’t really expected of her to be into a lot of the same things as well. with both of them going through significant trauma from when they were young, to fighting in actual wars, going through things a normal teenager shouldn’t, had definitely left marks on both of them.
she loved feeling like this, though. like a prey hunted by a predator, the gentle simmer of danger ichigo carried around himself sometimes. obviously things changed as soon as they both had had their fill and he turned back to his usual, goofy and relaxed self, but right now she knew she had to listen. not that she would even consider doing anything else.
“ i’m sorry..- “ she whispered in a meek voice, not being able to meet his eyes as she turned her head back. she felt the overwhelming urge to submit - and that was what she did. the familiar haze settled in her mind as a blanket on a cold day, making her posture sink into him a little more.
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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“…!” PLOPS ONTO IT. Pillow deity.
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“ .. i hope that’s comfortable enough ? “
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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“Definitely, yes…”
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.... slowly pushes his pillow forward. just going to... leave that here. just in case.
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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“ i wonder.. would a pillow be more comfortable for a marble to roll on... “
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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kei is a bit of a notorious daydreamer, especially when her mind isn’t being stimulated enough. this is exactly why she makes sure the gardens that belong to the 6th squad barracks are looked after well. taking care of all the plants and flowers gives her something to do when she has too much downtime.
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
Want to ship? Feel free to tell me straight off!
Yes, shipping does need chemistry between the two muses, but if you look at my muse and think ‘You know what, I’d like to ship my muse with theirs!’, feel free to tell me, even before we start threads!
I love having a direction/goal to work the characters towards – when I write fiction on my own, I like having goals and plot points, like romances, family and friend relationships, rivals and enemies.. why wouldn’t I like having the same with RP? RP is just collaborative fiction writing!
There’s no shame in liking ships, or even RPing for ships. There’s tons of people in the world who love to read romance novels, and no one tries to tell them that’s wrong or worse than liking mysteries, or fantasy adventure. Neither preference is wrong, it’s just that – a preference!
So please – if you want to ship, or work towards of ship, in any capacity : romance, family, friends, rivals, and everything in between – TELL ME! I’d love to see what we can come up with together!
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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tag dump !
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gcntlesouled · 4 years
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   he can’t help but match her excitable giggle with a hearty chuckle, if she hadn’t pulled that stunt in the restaurant then maybe he would approach her differently, but ichigo wanted to have her simmer, not knowing what was coming next. to keep her on her toes was to keep a spark. he clears his throat before speaking, “Thank you, ‘hime. Just make sure you don’t burn yourself.”
as his wife skips into the kitchen, he takes his blazer off, hanging it up at the door; whilst also loosening his tie & collar to set it to the side. it had been a long dinner with other doctors ( proposals of new treatment plans, different equipment to buy, really boring stuff ) and ‘hime had really tested his patience and will power. as she shuffles around the kitchen, ichigo sits down on their love sofa, one hand finding the remote to put some on mindless TV as he waited for his wife to come through.
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as she put the kettle on the stove, she finally took a deep breath to make her shoulders relax again. as much as she absolutely loved her husband, she still hasn’t gotten used to the absolute intensity he brought to her life. it wasn’t a bad thing, it just was something she’s always noticed and made him all the more attractive to her. it was one of the reasons she fell in love with him, after all.
the signal of the kettle brought her out of her thoughts and she quickly but carefully prepared their cups before taking them to the living room. seeing him sit on the couch the way he did made her face light up just a little bit more. she still couldn’t believe it sometimes, that the man she had crushed on for so long and had saved her life multiple times was hers.
putting their cups down on the coffee table, she quickly sat down next to him with a hum. “ before you ask, i did turn off the stove this time... “
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