gd147 · 3 years
additives Silage additives Stimulantsinhibitors substrate suppliers anaerobic Inoculant enzymes sugars aerobicacids others Lactic acid cellulasemolasses propionic acidformic Sulphur dioxyde Bacteria amylasesucroses sulfatesmineral formaldehyde hemicellulasesglucoses caproic acidlactic Sodium bisph proteases sorbic acidacetic pectinases ammoniabenzoic acetic acidacrylic propionatescytric sorbic
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gd147 · 3 years
Corn Silage: Nitrate Caution % Nitrate (NO 3 ) in Dry Matter Feeding Instructions 0.0 – 0.44% Safe to feed – 0.88% Limit to 50% of total dry ration for pregnant animals – 1.50% Limit to 25% of total dry ration. Avoid feeding pregnant animals. Over 1.50% Toxic. Do not feed. At high enough concentrations, nitrates are poisonous to cattle. The ensiling process will decrease nitrates by 30 to 50%.
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