geckokiss · 10 months
am I listening to my f/os voice before going to sleep? Yes ofc I do
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geckokiss · 10 months
hii ★ made a uquiz for selfshippers: answer 10 questions and i’ll give you a date with your f/o!
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geckokiss · 1 year
these selfship tierlists are so fun if you have one hmu so I can fill it out 😳
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geckokiss · 1 year
ok but who else here has been selfshipping literally their whole lives? i mean, the way ive interacted w fiction has always been selfshipping ever since i was a little kid. ive always had crushes on characters and selfshipped w them... who else?? o3o
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geckokiss · 1 year
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🌸Promo hour!🌸
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🌚Howdy to y’all! 🌝
✨My nickname is Shiny!
✨I’ve been self shipping since 2019
✨I’m an artist/ animator
✨Im fine with sharing f/os and if we share a media source please talk to me!
✨Love smoochin my f/os
✨Self insert lore always too complex for my own good but my brain won’t stop
✨My dms are always open, and I’m a little shy but please interact with me!! I’m lonely
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geckokiss · 1 year
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made her a little valentine’s day card <3
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geckokiss · 1 year
its been a hard day for everyone so i want to start a lil tag game.. this is kinda selfship specific but rb this and tell the person you reblogged from what your favorite selfship of theirs is. you dont have to say why if youre not up to it (though you're ofc welcome to!), its just for fun to encourage and let the person before you know that you like seeing them gush/etc abt their ships
c.om/pr.oshi.ppers etc are not encouraged by this post thank u
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geckokiss · 1 year
do NOT imagine your f/os voice just after they wake up. do NOT imagine their voice dropping low because they are so very tired, and the cute little things they mumble to you while half asleep. I REPEAT: DO NOT! UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!! imagine them rolling over and snuggling into you, pulling you close and sighing gently because they sleep better with you in their arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pr*ship/c*mship dni.
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geckokiss · 1 year
feb self ship promo time!
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♡ hi im rio or heavenly! im a 22 year old gay trans masc self shipper. i like silly little stoic men.
♡ i would prefer 18+ to follow only! no proshippers, nasty people, etc.
♡ my carrd with more info is here! thank you
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geckokiss · 1 year
Selfship Journal Ideas!
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I’ve been having a lot of fun with a journal dedicated to selfshipping, and I saw a couple people saying they wouldn’t know what to do with their own version, so here are some ideas for a selfship journal and what you could include!
write down how you met your fictional other
sticker page of things that remind you of your f/o! (you can start them mostly blank and add to them in the future if you don’t have a big sticker collection)
collage of images of your f/o
if you enjoy art, draw your f/o and doodle some things that you associate with them
playlists for your f/o: if one song is especially meaningful, you could write it out in full
make a list of things you love about your f/o
make a list of things you would like to do with your f/o
poetry or quotes that remind you of your selfship
print out a shipping template, glue it in and fill it out!
list of favourite quotes/moments from your f/o
collect a colour palette for your f/o
use the notebook as a journal, but write from the perspective of your self-insert in their universe
design some fankids and what they would be like
brainstorm what relationships you have with other characters in your f/o’s universe (friends, enemies, family members)
if you have dreams about your f/os, write them down! or you can write down what you would like to dream about, and try to manifest it
letters to your f/o (or from your f/o)
use an OC template to write details about your self-inserts
wedding plans, if applicable
use the journal to explore some AUs for your ship
review the media your f/o is from (do you like it? do you recommend it? what do you think are the themes and how well are they explored?)
collect photos of fashion you think your f/o or your s/is would wear
use the journal to vent to your f/os and write down what you think they would say to comfort you
list the things that remind you of your f/o: smells, sounds, activities, locations, colours, foods, anything at all
if you ever gets stuck, you can always use a selfship ask game and fill out all your answers in the journal as well!
I hope this helps! Go forth and love your f/os and yourself as well!
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geckokiss · 1 year
Omg f/o community question time cuz Sanrio is on the brain.. RB AND TELL ME WHAT SANRIO CHARACTERS YOU ASSOCIATE WITH YOUR F/OS!!!!!!! I wanna know/see :))
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geckokiss · 1 year
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she is so proud to have an autismal wife husband
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geckokiss · 1 year
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Tagging: @wyvernwife, @rose-wine-selfships, @dark-eyes-under-the-golden-sky, @camdyntherashoumon-selfships, @wretchedpunk, @alexlovebug, @geckokiss, @junipers-dreamscape, @rebeccaselfships​, @ghirahims-trophyhusband​
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geckokiss · 1 year
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soo.. while I was gone I drew this and had it manufactured 😳
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geckokiss · 1 year
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he's trying his best 💔💔💔💔
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geckokiss · 1 year
Here's an idea that's been plaguing me.
Person A and B are trying to get away from a group chasing them for whatever reason
So Person A pulls B into and alley, says a quick "sorry", and then kisses them
The group runs right by because no one is gonna pay attention to the couple making out in an alleyway
(Bonus points if Person A and B aren't a couple yet, but everyone can tell they're into each other)
Cool, now imagine that with your f/o
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geckokiss · 1 year
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I’m crushing so hard y’all
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