geekdomsassemble · 8 years
I worry that Alan Tudyk is this generation's Dick Van Duke.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
Wow. Strongest reaction I've had in a while. Binge watching kids movies and enter Wreck It Ralph. I actually burst into terrible sobs at seeing Qbert with a help sign. I hate america right now
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
I literally wept tonight and haven't stopped. To think our nation, the one that is supposed to embody diversity, has done this. To ourselves. We are exactly what the world thinks we are, despite our self proclaimed "melting pot"- bigoted, xenophobic, racist, misogynistic, zealot, science illiterate assholes. Nothing can ever excuse this. Nothing can ever redeem this. America has lost.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
This holiday season I will of course be saying "happy holidays" unless of course you say "merry christmas" and then in that case I will wish you a "happy hanukkah" or "happy saturnalia" depending on what I think might irritate you more you.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
If you're gonna be an asshole be a pornstar asshole: open to new things.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
I never really thought about this too much but we really are in a rape culture. In 7th grade my teacher yelled at me and said it's my fault that someone took my pencil box because I provoked them. In 5th grade I was slapped in the face by a boy because I didn't do what he said. The teacher said I should have done what he said. This is bullshit.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
I am honestly at a loss of what to do. Someone in my courtyard is yelling "f*** you oj simpson n*****" over and over again. I can't see him and I'm in my underwear in my apartment. If I yell back, I'm afraid his drunk ass will figure out where I am and bust through the window. Kinda scared.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
I'm a scientist, atheist, and bi. I can't say any of that around my husband's Catholic family though.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
If I knew in high school what I know now, I'm pretty sure more people would have been punched in the face.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
A sign of a good author is one who can sink your ship but make you feel it was for the best.
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
Men's dicks like Dug... "Squirrel?"
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geekdomsassemble · 8 years
When movies like Pleasantville remind you of the present and Idocracy scare you about the future; It's time for a change. #FeelTheBern
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geekdomsassemble · 9 years
Best business idea ever: Gun shop called "Pros and Cons"
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geekdomsassemble · 9 years
So why is it that alcohol makes me feel like I'm in high school again? Free to be as weird and fun as I once was as "Spaz"? And yet, to outsiders, I'm "fucked up" and "really drunk"? I show myself to people and I'm only that way because I have alcohol in me. I'll have you know that I've always been like this. You just never see me this way due to my guard wall being up. I'm not "work me". I'm real.
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geekdomsassemble · 9 years
I was driving by Edible Arrangements and in my head I thought Oedipal Arrangements and long story short, I totaled my car.
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geekdomsassemble · 9 years
Is there anti-shipping? Like, the opposite. Like, oh god, they need to stay as far away from each other as possible! Just asking
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