geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
To All My Followers
PLEASE ADD MY NEW ACCOUNT! The link is in my blog as a post and I could really appreciate it! And if people tag me in things, tag my other account! 😃
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
Oh fuck no! WWE are fucking psychopathic jackasses
Im hearing that from Wrestlezone that WWE maybe trying to waste AJ time so she could quit the WWE just like Punk
ajleenation99 lovebiteswithamoonwalk poisonharleyy thewidowsedge dean-colin-ambrose blakesbellahmy geekgoddessx3 cmxpunk
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
Follow @givedivasachancex3 its my new account!
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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#GiveDivasAChance - because these women don’t train every day to be given 30 second matches. Because these women deserve more than ONE title to fight for. Because these women are WRESTLERS, not eye candy. 
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
I'm more than likely going to make a new Tumblr and my title is going to be GiveDivasAChance. It's going to be a blog completely dedicated to the divas of the WWE and the GiveDivasAChance Movement. It will be the only account I check and use so when I make it everyone who follows me, follow that account!!
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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GUYS I think this was Paige’s way of buying into the #givedivasachance movement. I also think she used a screenshot of a gifset that was made by someone on tumblr to do so!
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
Dear WWE, I am writing as a female fan of WWE, and have been so for over a decade particularly of the WWE Divas. I look up to these women as role models, but I am finding your portrayal of them on RAW, Smackdown and pay per views to be insulting to what a 21st century woman is. You treat them like they’re nothing more than a side show by giving them less than 5 minutes to compete. Meanwhile, you waste time on a 3 hour broadcast (RAW) recapping the 20min+ opening segment of the show like you think we’re idiots and forgot what happened. The fact you are a major company and you choose to give women such a minuscule role on your biggest weekly show is insulting. The fact that whenever things do not run according to time, you immediately look to the women to take time from to make up for it. Whether you like it or not, the WWE Divas have a big fanbase who have had enough of your misogynistic ways and want to see them ALL succeed. There’s a lot of talk about sexism in the workplace, and even though we all have our favourite Divas (Bellas, Paige…and yes, even Naomi has fans who want to see her succeed but you don’t seem to think that), we are all happy to come together to expose WWE for what it truly is- a sexist company who doesn’t want any woman to be seen as a major attraction to their company. We’ll be happy to make this mainstream knowledge (you know, like how you leak Hall of Fame announcements to try and make yourself look good on the back of public outrage towards you). Vince McMahon said in an earnings call earlier this month that he doesn’t pay attention to hashtags and social media ramblings since it doesn’t impact his earnings. I think it’s time to change that… Sincerely, Every WWE Diva fan across the world who’s had enough of sexist pigs holding the women of WWE back.
this isn’t my petition - only signal boosting
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
I love her so much! Lol
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
f we get given the time (on the main roster)… a lot of us could be better than the guys, I feel like, if we get given the time. The guys get all the time to showcase what they can do. So, of course people say ‘the guys are better than the girls.’ We do a couple minutes and that’s it. We don’t really get to showcase what we do… In NXT you do. I feel like a lot of people tune into NXT just to watch the women because they literally kick ass. They have all this time and they’re just incredible.
Paige (via orton-dancing-queen)
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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Please don’t stop trending this. 
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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Lmao😂 emmalutionoftomorrow ajleenation99 geekgoddessx3 dean-colin-ambrose
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
#GiveDivasAChance is still trending worldwide (I think it’s still #1). Please, keep it that way! Make as many posts as you can on twitter about it. Use that hashtag. I know we all don’t want to get our hopes up, but change only happens when you make your voice heard.
Make your voice heard! Direct…
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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On February 26, the FCC is going to decide if the internet should stay free and fair, or if it should be handed over to the cable companies.
You don’t want them to pick the cable companies. 
Join everybody on the internet to help the FCC do the right thing.
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geekgoddessx3 · 10 years
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