I was getting ready to attend a Reception when my cell rang. My hubby urged me to get ready as he was on his way to pick me up.It was his cousins wedding and so we had to be on time to avoid wagging tongues “ Why do u want to attend the function at all ” the mini me inside me started whining. Oh shut up I am the bahu and have to attend all the family functions without fail I replied.But what if people ask u about the additions in your family and how long have u been postponing a baby as if it is our wish not to have one. We have been frantically trying to have one and have undergone innumerable tests and of course endless prayers and vendudals of both our parents. But gods wish is otherwise or why even after 6 years of marraige with no clinical disabilities we were not blessed with issues we were not able to comprehend. My husband is very cool about it and asks me not to worry much and even avoids the issue if arises with friends or relatives. But the society is very cruel to the female gender and grills them with inquisitive questions regardless of their feelings. I was startled by the sound of the door bell and got ready to face the gallows with my husband. just then my cook Sharada entered my flat with tears rolling down her eyes . I asked her what was the matter when she said that her daughter preeti was running a high fever and was admitted in a small hospital nearby and needed some money to pay for the bills and medicines. As I was working in a bank and would come back late from office I had appointed Sharada to cook for me. Sharada had a daughter and was widowed at an early age. She was very sincere and honest person . Her only ambition in life was to educate her only daughter so that she could get a good job and settle down succesfully. Sharada also wanted to study well and become a teacher but her parents were very poor and got her married at an early age. So we decided to pay the school fees and books and other expenses like uniform notebooks etc for Preeti for which they were very thankful. I called Preeti home and spoke to her in length about the importance of education and how she can excel in her studies therby taking good care of her mom who was working endlessly to make the ends meet. Preeti heard me with rapt attention and has been coming first in her class and now she has entered 12 th standard with second group with biology as her majors. It is her ambition to become a doctor and serve the nation especially the rural areas where medical facilities are very scarce and doctors are few. She believes that her father could have lived more years only if he had been treated properly This much for the flashback and I saw my husband giving her the money she needed. Sharada left and we also proceeded to the function. As expected our relatives poured questions on us and gave tonnes of free advise as to the importance of children and vamsa vridhi and blah blah. I came back home fully depressed and with a drumming headache . I started cribbing my incompetance to be a mom to my husband who as usual was cool and asked me to ignore all their bickerings and take life as it comes. So life doesnt wait for anyone and as the days flew Preethi got ready for her board exams. More than her mom Sharada I was praying god frantically to shower his compassion on the poor kid and help her to come out in flying colours. As the fate turned lucky for Preethi she scored very high marks due to her hard work and great determination and had an edge over her cut off for the Stanley medical college. But Sharada was getting nervous as to how she could meet out the fees and other expenses related to her college. I discussed this matter to my husband and told him that we would have spent on the education if we had a daughter like Preethi and maybe god has appointed us as the guardian of this poor girl. My hubby was very much moved and promised to take care of her education till she became a doctor. Sharada and Preethi were overwhelmed and I ushered Preethi to RMKV stores to get some good chooridars for her college. So 4 years fled by with Preethi doing very well in her studies and I even stopped worrying about getting a kid. My husband went a step further and started paying the school fees of the children of our driver carpenter and everyone who really needed the help. His argument was it was ok if we had no children of our own and we could help the other kids to come up in life. Life was meant to be unselfish and helping others and god has selected us for this job. The d day came at last and we attended the convocation of our Preethi with great pride and joy When preethis name was called out and she was a gold medalist and was asked to say a few words she called out our name in the mike and asked us to come to the stage. I climbed the stage with tears rolling down my eyes and hugged Preethi tightly. Then to my astonishment she said to all that We were her parents who wanted their daughter to excel in studies and have paid fees and other expenses and helped her to reach this goal. I would not have been so happy even if I had a kid of my own. My motto was and is and always will be SARVO JANA SUKINO BHVANTHU
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geethusblog-blog-blog · 10 years
It was a bright Friday evening and the convocation hall at madras university was full of relatives and friends waiting to cheer students receiving their PHDs. Radhas name was called out and a young beautiful woman walked to the dias with a beaming smile to receive her doctorate degree. Radha ran to her husband Gopal with her degree in her hand with tears running down her cheeks and rushed into his embrace. He was also emotionally moved and patted her back gently. Her children ran upto her and cuddled her joyfully. It was such a lovely family union. Radha felt as if it was only yesterday that she had passed her 12 th grade exams with soaring marks and got into a very good college with her favourite subject "physics". She was always the class topper and won lots of prizes and trophies in the inter collegiate academical competitions. All went on well until she entered her final year when she got a "love letter" from her classmate Shravan. He had described her in detail and wrote he would die if Radha did not love him back.. Taken aback by this sudden event, she was not mature enough to think that this was a teen crush and should be ignored. She gave the letter to her parents in a foolish gesture thinking that they would guide her in a proper path. Radhas parents got infuraiated reading the letter and even asked her to drop out of the college as their "family prestige" would be hampered. However, after a lot of persuation and promises, they allowed Radha to persue her studies. So, she finished her BSC with top rank and was eagerly looking forward to do her postgraduation as her main aim was to do PHD and peove her worth. As fate would be, Radhas parents refused to let her study further and she was rushed into marraige with Gopal.Radha was nervous in her first night room and was waiting to tell her story to him. Gopal listened patiently and patted her shoulders and asked her not to worry and said she could persue her post graduation. On hearing this, Radha was moved to tears and felt very grateful to her husband for being so understanding. True to his word, Gopal encouraged her and cooperated with the household chores and saw to it that Radha had enough time to study her lessons. Afterwards, Radha also enrolled into the PHD programme and she was pregnant too. She had her hands full with her studies, household work, and her pregnancy but she took it all cheerfully due to the full support she got from her husband. Radha had gotten two children by the time she completed her thesis and finished her doctorate degree. Now, she is Dr Radha and is very proudof her sucess. Thanks to her husband who helped her whole heartedly to realise her life ambition, Radha thought that the saying goes that behind every man there is a woman but she had her whole family behind her!!!
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geethusblog-blog-blog · 10 years
My mom called out " Suchi, come and eat your breakfast. It is time to leave to office and I have packed your lunchbox too". Oh my god, can't these moms think of anything else other than snacks, tiffin, lunch etc etc. My mom's kitchen is her world and she would not let anyone to intrude upon her "domain". Her cooking is awesome and you cannot eat without asking for a second serving. I keep telling her to open her blog in the net and post her mouth watering recipies. But she would ward me off telling me that she has her hands full cooking, cleaning, and taking care of my dad and me. As I was their only kid, I got pampered all these years and can u imagine, I weigh 100 kgs and I am 23 years old. I had joined the gym and tried to work out regularly. But, how much ever I try to involve in physical exercise, I was not able to control my tongue (as my gym instructor advised me) eating my mom's delicious food and so, slowly the gym thing weaned out and I have ended up being so obese and clumsy. My parents started looking out for a prospective bridegroom for me and described my appearance as "slim and beautiful" in the matrimonial ads. They took a long shot picture of me and posted the photo in the ad and it definitely looked like a camera trick to me. My mom like all moms was confident that any guy would fall for me as I was so intelligent and earned a handful at tnis age. The obesity is due to the genes (that too my fathers side) she believed. Finally, on one sunday evening, the groom mr Srinivas came to our house with a batallion of what he called his family to "see me". I was asked to serve snacks and coffee which I did while having a glance of the groom. He was slim, tall and of course, handsome too. I would consider myself lucky if this proposal clicks and I kept my fingers crossed. Srinivas looked at me a little baffled and whispered something to his mom. His mother wore a sullen face and they left soon without talking much and said that they would soon ring us up and communicate their opinion. I was a little worried about what their "opinion" would be. As I expected, the next day, they rang up and told my dad that they were fooled thoroughly as they expected to see the slim girl who was in the photo in the ad, but were shocked to see such a fat person and asked us to drop the proposal. My mom was infuriated and started howling abuses on them saying that their son was "weak and fragile" and unhealthy. However,this incident poked my ego and was an eye opener. I decided to go on a serious diet schedule combined with physical exercise. I told my mom strictly not to include me in her cooking menu and not to proceed with her "varan vettai" till I gave her the green signal. I started exercising regularly and reduced my intake to a great extent. I was strictly on a fruits and vegetables diet with absolutely NO RICE. I used to feel the fatigue in the beginning but slowly, I got used to the diet menu and followed it scrupulously. And lol, after 6 months of vigorous excercise and strict dieting, I had lost 30 kgs and was looking slimmer and glamorous. Even though I am over weighed even now, I at least look decent and healthy and most of all, my confidence level has boosted up. I posted some of my recently taken photos in the matrimonial ad and I felt proud of seeing myself fit and beautiful in them. Can you believe, my mom got a phone call from Srinivas asking for my hand as he had seen my recent photo and had loved the way I was transformed to a beautiful woman. My mother was a litle anxious that I would consider his proposal. But, I turned him down on the grounds that what would happen if I become fat again after maraige. I am now waiting patiently for my right man who would accept me as I am and would see my inner soul instead of my outer physical appearance. I am sure my prince would come along soon and I am still continuing my strict diet and am going to gym regularly. Only my mom is worried and keeps complaining that I dont eat her food. But, finally she has started posting her recipies in her blog and has a lot of followers. She is now very busy trying out and posting new recipies for her blog friends and has left meout of her delicious cooking. So readers, please keep praying that I should meet up with a right man and settle down.
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geethusblog-blog-blog · 10 years
I was a bank employee and was leading a very normal and routine life with husband and two children. I used to often find fault with the silliest excuses and cribb about everything around me. Even my children were fed of my complaints and used to comment "even god cannot satisfy you." Life was going on when I got transferred to Chennai, my hometown. I joined in a medium sized branch that had about 50 staff members. I got to be friendly with many of my colleagues. But, I developed a special liking for a colleague called Pooja maybe because she was physically handicapped. I saw her entering into the branch with crutches and was wondering how she was able to walk like the rest of us. She used to dress up so beautifully that one cannot see her handicap across the other side of the counter and would think that she was very normal. I have noticed her jump to sit upon the high chair that was meant for the cashiers and discharge her duties with a happy blissful face.I have never seen her complaining about the tough and tiring cashier job that was thrusted on her and she used to work in other sections too bravely and challengingly. I got to know that Pooja was married but had no children. When Pooja did not turn up to the office for more than ten days and we heard that she was down with fever, I went to her house to see her. When I knocked the front door, I heard Poojas voice from inside "coming please wait". After waiting for a little while, I heard the door crack open and I almost fainted to see Pooja crawling on the floor without her legs. She asked me to excuse her and went inside crawling to put her artificial legs on. Pooja came out to the hall with a beaming smile and offered me coffee on a tray. I was surprised beyond words and tears sprang up to my eyes. Then Pooja spoke, " please dont look at me with sympathy as I dont like the negative feeling it gives me.you know, I was born without both my legs and my parents used to carry me to and back from school till I was in the 5th grade. Then our doctor told them about the artificial limbs manufactured at Jaipur and they took me there even though they were hard pressed for money. It was then I got my artificial limbs and was able to walk like others with the help of crutches. I even got into this bank job out of pure merit and did not apply under physically handicapped quota.I feel I am very blessed to have parents who were so thoughtful and practical and did their best to support me. I am even luckier to have a husband who loves me and dotes on me. He married me in spite of knowing that I cannot bear children. However,we have decided to adopt a girl baby and are on the process right now. When you come to my house next time, you will hear the crying sound of a girl baby. I thank god for bestowing on me such a wonderful life". After I left her home, I felt that god had struck me with the realisation that life is fullof ups and downs and it is how we take it and enjoy despite the hardships. I thanked god for blessing me with healthy limbs and I realised that it is very silly to keep on cribbing for trivial matters. After all life is so short and we should make it sweet. I started looking at life in a different perspective with full of positive thoughts. Thanks to my dear friend Pooja who has made a drastic change in my attitude towards life!!
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geethusblog-blog-blog · 10 years
I am a red maruthi car. I was manufactured about 20 years ago in a factory at Noida, India. I was looking so new with shining exteriors and of course new interiors like a princess! I was kept at the showroom as an exhibit for sale. I kept wondering who would buy me and start driving me. My hands and foot felt very limp standing lazily under the sun and I very much wanted to be driven madly around. After days of patient waiting, finally, a young doctor picked me and bought me. I was so happy to be in the hands of a doctor who would surely drive safe and keep me healthy always. As I expected, the doctor and his wife were very kind with me and treated me like their own kith and kin. They would be regular in taking me for servicing my parts and would also change the worn out parts then and there. I was very happy in their hands for about 10 years when they suddenly decided to sell me away. They thought that I had become old and obsolete and there were many other fashionable and spacious cars on which they had set their eyes on. So, on one sunday morning, I was bought again by a TEACHER this time. I was quite happy as I would be serving a very useful person in the society. The teacher was very kind and he used to give lift to many of his students to school and I felt very elated to have many kids sitting on me and talking boistorously. My life went on very smooth forabout 6 years. One fateful morning, the teacher came running out of the house twirling my keys nervously. I was wondering where he was going to take me as it was raining cats and dogs and the streets were all flodded. However, the teacher opened me hurriedly and was in a great tension when he drove me. He was quite reckless in his driving which was unusual of him. I thought maybe he is rushing to see his close relatives or seeing someone in the hospital. Everything was going smoothly, when suddenly, I heard a big bang and I was standing pathetically having hit and run into a tree. I was worried about my owner, the teacher when after some time I heard an ambulance pulling up beside me. I also heard the talking sound of the doctors and nurses who were pulling the teacher out of the driver seat and taking him carefully to the ambulance. I was relieved to see my owner alive and thanked god. But,I was badly hurt and most of my exterior parts were damaged beyond repair. I stood there in the rains for almost a week and finally people from the tinkering store came and towed me away. I was brought to the tinkering yard and thrown with other cars and vehicles that were damaged and awaiting their turn to be recycled. It thenstruck me that though I am only a car, my parts that are made up of iron and steel can be REUSED to make another vehicle. But, think of the HUMAN BEINGS --what a sheer waste -- they go into the mud and cannot be reused -- what an irony!
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geethusblog-blog-blog · 10 years
I am or rather was a govt servant and lol I am getting retired today. Iam wondering how could I get old at 58 years so quickly. I am living with my son and his family at a cute little apartment which my son bought after his marraige. My grandson Vishnu is a cute little 8 year old boy and it gives me immense pleasure playing with him. As I lost my wife a few years back, my Vishnu is my only soulmate and I consider myself lucky to have him. After I came home from the last day ofmy office, looking sad, Vishnu came running home and said tome, "Thatha we are all going to Australia to live there." I was wondering if he may be playing with me when my son entered the room and said "Papa, I am transferred to Australia and I have to leave by next week". I was taken aback by this sudden turn of events and asked him whether I had to live alone in this house. To this, my son remarked that he would try to get my passport and visa soon and in the meantime he had discussed with hiswife andthey had decided to put me in an oldage home for the timebeing as they could not leave me alone in this house with nobody around. I thought it to be a good idea as I could have more company of oldies like me but I was feeling bad about not being able tobe with my grandson. Justthen, Vishnu started crying out loudly as,ing meto accompanyhim to Australia. However life has to move on andI was sent to "SHANTHI "old age home and I have been living here for the past20 years. I have lot of friends here who are alone like me. My son used to phone me up regularly in the first few years after he left to Australia and used to say that he kept trying for my visa. But as years sped by, the communication dwindled and almost stopped. But I sometimes wonder Vishnu would have grown up to be a young smart man and would have even got married by now. On one sunday morning, I was called to the office as I had some guests to see me. Wondering who they could be, I spotted a young guy standing at the office entrance looking at me. I went upto him and shook hands waiting to be introduced. Just then, he hugged me tightly and calledme THATHA. It was then I realised he snould be Vishnu my grandson. I was so overwhelmed to see him after so many years and my eyes were sheding tears shamelessly. We exchanged a lot of pleasantaries and Vishnu took me inside holding my hand and tomy uttermost shock, I saw my SON sitting on the couch. Vishnu spoke "Thatha, I am admitting my father in this old agehome as he is single as I lost my mother few years back. I got married and I have settled down at Australia. As he did not have much time to be with you and look after you in his younger days, I thougt it would be apt of me to bring him here so that he can be with you till your lifetime and make up for the loss. I hope you will catch up with him and have agood time together." I noticed that my son was sobbing and he clutched my hands and apologised for his callous deed. But I raisedmy head and said proudly that I havenever for once regretted coming here and I have been living my life with dignity and doing service to others as much as possible. I invited my son into our fold and the two of us walked into our new life with more renewed energy and happiness.
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geethusblog-blog-blog · 10 years
Andolika came back from the office with high spirits and asked her mom to get her some coffee.Her mom gaveher the hot filter coffee and asked her to take a day off the next day as a boy was coming to "see her "with his parents.Andolika was shell shocked to hear this and tried to avoid the programme. There was a valid reason for her behaviour as she was deeply in love with Rahul, her colleague and she was contemplating to tell her parents about Rahul at the oppertune time. Just then, Avanthika, her identical twin sister came rushing into the house and circled around Andolica planning about what her sister should wear for the next days occasion.Andolica dragged her sister inside andpoured put her heart to her.She came upon a brillant plan and asked Avanthika to take her place andmake the bridegroom believe that she was the eligible girl as they were identical and nobody would doubt it. later on Avanthika can turn down the marraige proposal stating that she didnt like the boy.After a lot of discussion, Avanthika agreed to the plan and they were secretly planning how to decieve the bridegroom. The fateful day dawned and the twins got ready to face the occassion.Appa cameout and they both greeted the bridegrooms family warmly. After they were all seated and comfortable, amma came inside and sent Andolica with the coffee tray. As they had planned, Avanthika took the tray and stepped into the hall and came back very soon. When Andolica sawthe bridebroom from the bedroom window, she almost fainted as she never expected Rahul tobe the bridegroom.Rahul also almost swooned as he never expected Andolica tobethe bride.He was not aware that Andolica had an identical twin sister although he knew that she had a sister. When Rahuls parents compelled him only that morning to "see the girl" they had selected,he had refused to come in many ways.But as his parents begged him to come with them as they had given their word, he came reluctantly and did not even see the brides photo.Rahulwas extremely happy and delighted and immediately agreed for the marraige. Andolica was in tears and poured out the truth to Avanthika. But, Avanthika came upon a bright plan then and they switched the saree they were wearing and Andolica came back to the hall as the bride. Rahul and Andolica got married eventually and when they were leaving to his house, Avanthika winked at Andolica and warned her to look after HER BRIDEGROOM and only both the sisters understood the joke and started laughing impishly.
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geethusblog-blog-blog · 10 years
It was a cool saturday morning and I had just finished cooking lunch and was relaxing when my only daughter Pooja ran into the house threw her hands around me in a tight hug and started dancing with me.I was wonderstruck at the beautiful news she told me:-)mommy, I have secured the 10th rank in the IIT entrance exam.I almost fainted on the couch and I started rewinding my life path 20 years back. I was just 17 years old and had passed the 12 th exam with great scores and dreamt of a college life when my parents dropped a bombshell of MARRAIGE on me.They were adamant in getting me into wedlock as we belonged to a small village in Madurai where higher studies were denied to girls.So I got married and when I first entered my inlaws house, I was blessed by them with thewords "MAY YOU HAVE MANY SONS TO CONTINUE OUR HERITAGE AND DONT U EVER THINK OF GIVING BIRTH TO YOUR DAUGHTER IN YOUR LIFE."I was shocked and prayed god to give me enough strength to bear all the hardships. As the fate would be, I gave birth to a GIRL BABY on a sunny day. I was teribly afraid of what my inlaws would say.As i imagined they were very angry and refused to look at Pooja even once. We came back to our house crest fallen and tnere was not a single soul to rejoice my daughters birth.However, only my 70 year old servant Rani who was living with us consoled me.To my shock, next day Rani came running to me and told me to run away with my child as they were planning to kill Pooja by feeding her the poisonous milk (kalli pal). This was the practise those days near Madurai when the parents did not want a girl child. I immediately packed our stuff and took some money and jewels and without looking back even once,I ran to the railway station and got into a train without even knowing its destination.The train landed us at Chennai and I began my life with little Pooja.Since I had passed my 12 th grad, I got to teach at kindergarten schol.Slowly, I enrolled into the distance learning courses and I finished my degree in English and did a post graduation too.I was slowly going up the ladder and became a 12 th grade teacher. I did not have much means to give extra tuitions to Pooja who was doing very well at school.However my daugter had good friends who would help her with their books and extra notes they took from their tuitions.Finally she has come out in flying colours in the IIT entrance and would be sure to have a secured and brilliant future. When I started crying out loudly, Pooja was confused and asked me why I was not happy with her results.Then I hugged her and told her proudly that these were the tears of joy, hardwork and belief in her success. When our photos were published in the dailies, I am sure my husband and inlaws(if they were alive) would have seen and may be felt proud.I tremble sometimes to think of what if they had killed my daugter. i feel very proud to be a mother of my darling daughter Pooja and pray god to always bless me with DAUGHTERS in everybirth.
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