gem-anonymous · 4 months
I feel like being a goblin today and cause mayhem but I don't wanna have to clean my own mess up so instead of that I've settled for hand paintings like a child and throwing glitter glue on some paper to call it art
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gem-anonymous · 4 months
I'm jealous of his hair.... like why you looking good and got beautiful hair!!! I WANT TO MAKE MY HAIR LIKE THAT BUT NOOOOO I GET HAY HAIR IF I DONT USE ENOUGH STUFF IN MY HEAD!!!! IM JEALOUS OF MEN FOR THAT REASON ONLY!!!! thanks for my Ted talk
Say, I've got a blond guy over here, answers to "Kennedy" (and claims he's best friends with the sitting president?) Who is ranting about some umbrella themed company dabbling in demon summoning and combining them with affronts to biology. Does that sound like something you'd be willing to cross over (to the next city over) for?
Hmmm...maybe. But i gotta take care of James, so ask that blonde guy to come over to devil may cry.
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gem-anonymous · 4 months
Perhaps beating up the blue devil himself for leaving without warning as usual! Dante might be crying cause he never said goodbye before he left so I kinda need to "talk" maybe then I'll hunt a few demons
*appears outta nowhere with a demonic piece* can you make these into claws? I have to "talk" to someone later
Depends... Who ya "talkin'" to?
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gem-anonymous · 4 months
Yes it is I the real gem Anon and I like creating chaos and confusion but I love my moments of peace too. Please no NSFW I will turn you into crystal and not a pretty one
@cheese-anon-real le cheese
@anonymousqueenofrandom queen of random (its in her title)
Devil May Cry
@pizzalover8969 dante (wacky woo hoo pizza man)
@thebestsonofsparda vergil (dark slayer)
@thebluerose nero (the babysitter to his uncle and father)
@theladyarsenal Lady (best girl ever!)
@bewitching-betrishing Trish (second best girl) ((her and Lady are a package deal))
@romannumeralv V (Shakespeare 2.0)
@the-thunder-chicken Griffin (birb)
@lethal-artisan Nico (third best girl) ((She's your gal if ya need a weapon or in neros case prosthetic limbs))
@meetyournewclient Morisson (GET your jobs to him!!!!)
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